Your most humiliating "fat" experience.



  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    walking thru the mall and this guy with all of his friends said "DAAAAAMMMNNN that girl is thick!"
  • misstammy123
    misstammy123 Posts: 53 Member
    sure looks matter in a relationship...but I know, hands down... that my husband can probably get a new girl in a minute, but she will not be me. He will be miserable and then he would think, he chose a petty thing to give me up over. So I think to myself when I am feeling blue over my weight, noone is perfect, and you can choose to choose someone upon their looks and have great arm candy...or you can choose on personality and substance and be happy.

    well said!
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    I just thought of another one.

    My husband and I were at a big family reunion. It was a few years ago, and we were both at our heaviest. After gathering up some delicious food, we came back to the picnic table and sat down. Well...we were too much for the poor old table. As soon as we sat down, the seat part cracked in half, throwing both of us backward. Needless to say, our food went everywhere and our legs were in the air, and everyone got a great, big laugh at our expense.

    For hours afterwards, every person in his family came up to us and did some variation of the ever-so-hilarious joke, "Time to hit the gym, eh!" It was effing humiliating. People still bring it up to this day...
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I've always been chunky I guess, not fat. My mother made me start dieting when I was around 12, my entire family was super skinny and could eat whatever. I always had a salad at my seat at the table while they had a real supper. I wasn't allowed to have soda, while they did. She would buy snacks for my brother and let EVERYONE know that I couldn't have them. They always made fun of me, I would just laugh with them not knowing the damage I was allowing them to do to me. When I was in FFA we got jackets with the animal we were showing on the back, mine was a hog. She said "You're going to walk around with a pig on your back? Save yourself the embarrasment" When I got married and had my son I gained A LOT of weight, I'm guessing because I could eat whatever. My son is 10 years old and 5'0 and weighs 81 pounds. My mother made a comment about him and I went off! I don't want her to do to him what was done to me.
  • dognamedpig
    dognamedpig Posts: 38 Member
    before I was 10yrs old my father told me that I would have to starve myself to be skinny. After that I never heard fat comments but I was always afraid that I might hear them.

    I was in my mid-20s and walking down the street with my younger brother and sister. I had lost 50 lbs and at 210 was more attractive and confident than I had been. A college kid (we lived in a college town) leaned out of his friend's truck and yelled through a bullhorn "You are the fattest person I have ever seen!).

    If I had not been on a bicycle I would have chased him down and given him an earful.
  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    When I was an ultra obese teenager with long hair, I once got asked if I was a boy or a girl.
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    I've had so many.... people are cruel.

    I had one a few months ago...while out running I got yelled at by a passing car. "Keep Running Fat *kitten*" I still feel horrible inside when I think about this situation.

    OMG thats effed up... anytime i see someone running (especially if they are overweight) it makes me want to go give them a huge or a high five or something!! Love to see people really do something about their fitness.
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    People kept mistaking me for being pregnant. I carry all my weight on my belly area I guess.
  • Laroka
    Laroka Posts: 60 Member
    1. Another time I was swinging on a porch swing while my sister was filming me. I was between 13 and 16 years old. The chains broke! Luckily my sister filming me was over weight too! So she didn't laugh. Ever since then I wont sit on a porch swing with more than just me. If I sit on one by myself I can't relax.

    2. One time I was running down my moms wheel chair ramp, and fell through it. On of my uncles called me a 49er haha. He was saying I was big and tough because I just go back up and kept running. I was a kid though hahah.
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    I used to go on nights out all the time, but decided to cut down on them as they were a contributing factor in my weight gain. I lost a bit of weight, felt better about myself, so decided to 'reward' myself with a night out. Was happily minding my own business when I walked past a group of guys and one started singing 'who let the dogs out' and laughing at me. I felt so humiliated, spent most of the night crying quietly into my vodka..

    I've also had someone shout out a car window 'run fatboy, run' when I was out jogging one night. I kept going, but I felt so deflated and worthless.
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    While at Walmart my daughter saw a SpongeBob book and said, "Daddy is like Squidward because he's tall and you're like Patrick Star Mommy, because you're pink and fat." I busted out laughing with her of course, but still it wasn't something I was happy to hear lol.
  • DuckieSteph
    DuckieSteph Posts: 43 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    Thinking the exact same thing. I hope you smacked him!!
  • horses7777
    horses7777 Posts: 165
    bumping for later
  • soxx226
    soxx226 Posts: 89 Member
    About 4 years ago I went to Kings Island to have a fun day with girlfriend and a couple friends and ride roller coasters all day. Never really thought about anything bad happening that day. First ride of the day after an hour waiting in line got in and the bar wouldn't latch and they told me I was to big and couldn't ride. I was so embarrassed as I got up and had to sit out. :(

    Next summer I will finally get the courage to actually go back and have the fun filled day I was hoping for!!
  • autumny70
    autumny70 Posts: 127 Member
    I've always been chunky I guess, not fat. My mother made me start dieting when I was around 12, my entire family was super skinny and could eat whatever. I always had a salad at my seat at the table while they had a real supper. I wasn't allowed to have soda, while they did. She would buy snacks for my brother and let EVERYONE know that I couldn't have them. They always made fun of me, I would just laugh with them not knowing the damage I was allowing them to do to me. When I was in FFA we got jackets with the animal we were showing on the back, mine was a hog. She said "You're going to walk around with a pig on your back? Save yourself the embarrasment" When I got married and had my son I gained A LOT of weight, I'm guessing because I could eat whatever. My son is 10 years old and 5'0 and weighs 81 pounds. My mother made a comment about him and I went off! I don't want her to do to him what was done to me.

    Good gracious, with a mother like that you never needed enemies. I am so sorry that you had to live like this. I wish I could give you a hug.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Seeing my ex boyfriend's mom several months after we broke up. She starts laughing, then exclaims "you got fat!" I guess It's an Indian thing. I think I was 130-135 at the time of this alleged "fatness" so I might have put on 4-9 lbs since the last time she'd seen me at around 126. I hadn't even noticed a difference in my appearance. Lol.
  • andreamontes30
    andreamontes30 Posts: 16 Member
    My sister used to babysit this 4 year old boy. One day as we are all hanging out he asks me, "Have you been eating junk food lately?" and I replied "No, why?" and he replies "Because you look so fat" Kids are always honest to a fault and that's when I finally stopped denying to myself that the weight gain wasn't noticeable.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Your boyfriend/husband doesn't exactly sound like a keeper...

    My little sister is beautiful and super tiny. She can wear whatever she wants. We went to Italy on a family trip, and we were getting ready for dinner. My sister kept talking about how nothing she tried on looked good, and she kept switching through all these adorable outfits that I would kill to wear. Forever 21, Hollister, A&F, clothes I could never fit into. All I had was a bulky gypsy skirt and an oversized black shirt. I held it together for half an hour or so, but I broke down in the middle of the street on our way to dinner. It bothered me so badly that I couldn't look like my sister. It may be petty, but ever since then, I've been striving to look better.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    and you married him???
  • CierraEstelle
    CierraEstelle Posts: 30 Member
    My parents have been divorced since I was 5. When I was about 9 or 10 I started gaining weight. I was on a weekend visit with my dad once, and he was so ashamed of my weight gain that he screamed at me in the car, "Cierra, you're turning into a whale!!" I have never been so humiliated in my life. When I got back from the weekend trip I told my mom what he had said, she was very hurt (she had struggled with her own weight since having kids) and she ripped him a new one.