Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Tuesday Goal - to make it through the next two weeks and at least get my 30DS in. Baseball four nights, the reunion starts Friday, Emma's birthday is on Sunday, Jacob's birthday is next Friday and I'll be travelling for business and pleasure hte 26-30th. Busy, busy, busy. Luckily, I don't have too many plans for July.

    This week, the only open night I have is Thursday and that will need to be used for buying Emma's fish tank, hard boiling 6 dozen eggs for the reunion and making her a fish shaped cake. I've at least looked up ideas and will be making a final decision. It's my favorite part of their birthdays...I decorate a cake. My goal is to have it at least recognizable and I generally look at pictures on line and punt. :laugh: Over the years, some of my favorites include a Pokemon cake, Zhu Zhu pet, basketball, box of crayons, roller coaster and baseball glove with baseball cupcakes. My mom always says, "Oh, don't make it so difficult on yourself." My response is it's not...LOVE IT!! :heart: :heart: Someday I'm actually going to take a cake decorating class from the Community Ed program. I'm hoping they have it offered this fall.

    Monday - Aqua Fit == DONE & 30DS == DONE
    Tuesday - 30DS = DONE, Gym & Weights == NOT DONE
    Wednesday - Aqua Power & 30DS
    Thursday - 30DS & Zumba
    Friday - 30DS
    Saturday - rest
    Sunday - 30DS

    @ Helena -- yea!!! great NSV

    @Laurie -- good for you on the 5K. I would like to do one, but after attemptin the C25K, I've decided to wait until a few more pounds come off. That triatholon sounds intriguing.

    @Robin -- I've only bought one pair of tennis shoes through the mail and I hate them. :angry: I've tried for a long time and I still get shin splints from walking, running, Zumba. After trying them for a full month, I've gone back to my old shoes. They are Ryka brand and actually on the cheaper side. I have fallen arches so I need quite a bit of support (although I do buy Dansko and Birkenstock on line since I know they work well for me.

    @Tina -- Good luck! Can't wait to hear about Level 2 -- 3 more days on Level 1 for me

    @Tom -- I don't think the shoes look weird at all

    @Charlie's Angel -- I have about 115 pounds from my SW to GW. That got frustrating for me like someone said. I've changed it now to a goal weight of 235 (that's about the size I was when I had my son). Then I'll do increments. I feel like it's do-able now.

    @Karen -- Good luck on your 30 day purge. I am cleaning my fridge and freezer today. Someone (I won't name the 11 year old boy that did it :laugh: ) left the door cracked open of the freezer when he got his snack today and everything was crystalized by the time I noticed.

    Sleep. I've only been getting 5-6 hours of sleep a night lately but I'm going to try to really be better about it. I've heard that your body holds onto excess fat when you don't get enough sleep. I know I work best when I get between 7-8. More than 8 and its bad too.

    Alright, kids are in their separate bedrooms -- off to clean the kitchen, fridge, freezer and then do the 30DS. Have a great night!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Ooof! Tuesday fitness! I'm sweating my backside off! I decided to try a little home improvement project. I wanted a 10" deep shelf across my entire window about midway up. I want to do that in both the living room and dining room (they are open to each other). The cats loving being on the window sills but I want somewhere to put some plants. I want to turn my little tangerine seedlings into Bonsai, plant some herbs, and when I'm laid off in August I'll have to bring home Gloria (My golden Pothos) and all her babies (5 pots packed with little ones clipped off of her over the past two years) PLUS James (My Aloe) is tired of being in an office with crappy lighting.

    Today it was off to Home Depot for lumber (white pine) for the shelves. One window is 5 feet wide and the other is 6 feet wide so they were pretty big boards PLUS I have the little extra pieces they cut off the 8' board to make little shelves for the cats. One will lead up to the other one hung a bit higher so they have some vertical space. I whipped out my little pink tool kit and charged my little pink drill/screwdriver :laugh:

    Of course I forgot drywall anchors (no way it'll hold my fatties without anchors) and I need metal screws not wood screws for by he window. It's wrapped in metal and I can't get the screw through it. So back to home depot tomorrow to get the last of the stuff. I DID get the smallest shelf up since it happened to hit on studs.

    Then I repotted my tangerines into 6" pots and used my little 4" pots to plant Chives, Sage, Parsley, Thyme, and Oregano. There is also a long narrow pot with cat grass started for the boys.

    Now, how to log that... 'cause I worked some freaking calories off tonight....
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kris--that's quite a project! I used to love doing stuff like that when I 1st moved into my house--somehow the novelty of it wore off after a couple of years. :ohwell: Oh, and I love that you name your plants. :laugh: DH bought a rhododendron a few years ago and named it Rodan, but we lost it last year after trying to transplant it.

    @tracy--sounds like you have a busy week coming up! I ended up skipping cleaning my freezer b/c it's really my husband's domain. Also, we don't tend to pack it full of stuff, so things get rotated out regularly. Other than a couple of frozen daiquiri mixers, I don't think there's anything in there over 3 months old.

    I don't know if I shared this tidbit about sleep, but recently someone told me that you should sleep in increments divisible by 1.5--so 3 hrs, 4.5 hrs, etc. I guess it has something to do with the sleep cycle--that it takes 1.5 hours to complete the cycle and if you wake up at a different increment, you risk coming out of a deeper level of sleep. Therefore, if you can only sleep for 5 hours, you should cut it to 4.5; if you have 8 hrs to sleep, you should cut it to 7.5; etc.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Sleep is so important for our bodies to recover. I tend to sleep between 7-8 hours a night during the school year, sometimes a little longer on the weekends. It is strange that I have noticed a change in my weight with just a couple of hours of extra sleep on weekend. Especially if I wake up then go back to bed.

    CharlieAngel's- I also broke my goals for weight loss down into manageable chunks. It still provides me with motivation. Welcome to the group.

    Mommylamb- welcome to the group. What do you teach? I teach middle school science and understand how personal health gets put on the back burner.

    Kah-I will need to remember the protein shake for dinner instead of trying to eat food. Usually it is not a problem but the workout on Monday was different than the normal workouts. I will see what happens this week.

    MyMowMow- Good luck with your project. Hope it goes well. The cats will love the new climbing area.

    Members of my singles group went climbing tonight and everyone made it to the top of at least one of the walls. I think one of the guys will actually go to Earth Treks with me to climb- he was really into it. I like introducing people to rock climbing since they learn how to challenge themselves in a different way.

    Goals- to complete the second day of 5K training tomorrow on my own.

    Does anyone know any good recipes for low carb/sugar or buttercreams frostings/icing? chocolate cake made with pumpkin needs icing. I may decorate with fruit -strawberries or blueberries around the edges.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Did the fridge and freezer purge and attemptin to post pictures for the first time :smile: My fridge door has had two shelves break or it would look even better.


  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    @Laurie- I teach 3rd grade (all subjects) and I love it!
    I've decided that since I'm off for the summer it's "my job" to start losing this weight and get some healthy habits started that I can continue into the school year and beyond. I've definitely noticed a pattern of weight stability through the whole year until about March-May and then it goes up about 5 or so pounds. I'm determined to beat the pattern!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~You are right about the sleep cycles, I read about that a while back and out of curiosity even put a sleep cycle app on my phone. It’s a cool app that uses the accelerometer in your phone to determine your movements – you set a specific wake-up time and the alarm (tranquil sound of your choosing) goes off when you are at a stage in your sleep cycle that is better for waking – this way you wake up more awake and less groggy. It works pretty well. I read last year that it’s better to wake to more tranquil sounds than a blaring alarm so I don’t use an alarm clock anymore. Now I mostly wake to the harp sound on my phone. Sleep cycles have always fascinated me, I think because I was diagnosed with a sleep disorder in my 20s. I rarely reached deep sleep and didn’t go through sleep cycles like the average person, it often resulted in sleep paralysis – which is really freaky! So, I take a sleep aid which gives me much more restful sleep and I rarely have those episodes anymore.

    For anyone that is interested in sleep and sleep cycles there is a device called a Zeo that tracks your sleep cycle via brain waves. They sell these at my gym and you can find them on Amazon – retail for around $100. Of course the Fitbit, while not as accurate, gives you a pretty good indication of your quality of sleep – it measures your movement using the accelerometer inside so you know how often you are waking up throughout the night.

    @Kris~Wow, what a project. The boys will sure appreciate the extra climbing space – I definitely need to add some climbing areas for Zoe, she loves high places (especially my shoulder).

    @tlh~Fantastic job with the fridge/freezer purge! It sounds like you try to make birthday’s special for your kids. My mom had cake talent and always made us special cakes – I think my favorite was the Pink Panther cake she made one year, my sister and I also loved the 3-D Barbie cakes she made us. My sister tries to do it for her boys too – did a basketball for my nephew this year and for his 2nd birthday a few years ago my BIL got involved by making a Bison cake. So much fun! So, I say enjoy your cake decorating. :wink:

    Wednesday Wish~That everyone’s wishes come true!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Wednesday wish - That I was a bit handier, this project would be done by now if I was. The extra bits of shelving for them are a bribe. I'm HOPING it helps keep them off the shelf with the plants on it. Then I had another thought, if these work out then perhaps I'll put one across the sparebedroom window and plant some large flat planter trays with grass (MowMow used to have one of those in my old apartment out on the balcony) across the shelf so they have a tiny little yard. They love chewing on grass and rolling around in it. That window gets lots of sun so I think they'd enjoy it there and the 10" shelves are wide enough that they could sprawl out a little. With the old one I would bring it inside once a week and 'cut the grass' with scissors to keep it short and tidy. MowMow loved his little grass patch.

    Sleep.... I USED to be able to exist pretty well on 6 hours but 8 hours was better. Since the stroke I REQUIRE 9 hours if I want to function. 10 is actually just perfect and gets me up before the alarm feeling refreshed and raring to go. Not sure what happened but I need a LOT more sleep now or I just can't get out of bed.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    tlh0407 & skinny---today was day 2 of level 2. And i remember from the first time I did the whole 30 DS--level 2 is the worse level, for me. Level 3 is easier in my opinion. Only 8 days left and I will be onto level 3! I am counting down the days!! It's just rough with the shoulders and a lot of plank exercises. I hate planks...and I dont think I do them right because i never feel anything in my stomach area. Either way 8 more days!

    Wednesday Wish: That I would actually start losing again. I haven't weighed myself , but I dont really feel a difference in myself. Before when I was losing I could feel it. I'm not feeling anything and it's frustrating. BUT I am just continuing to push through it and keep doing what I am doing eventually I will start losing again!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Wednesday Wish--have a productive day at work!:drinker:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    T hinking lots about GrandmaKaye this morning. HOpe all is going well with her!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone!

    @caramel--you usually wish to see your BF, so I hope today's wish means you've been able to spend some time with him recently. :wink: That vacation is coming soon, isn't it?

    @tina--I have been weighing myself and am not losing anything--just fluctuating up and down in the high 180's. :grumble: I know people say you don't lose lbs, but lose inches on 30 DS, but I'm also doing other cardio, so I was hoping for both--wishful thinking, I guess. :ohwell: I am the opposite, I find the planks much easier on my shoulders than the push ups--then again, I haven't actually started level 2 yet, so we'll see.

    @kelley--As an insomniac and someone who tends to sleep on her back, I've suffered my share of sleep paralysis episodes. You're right, they are really freaky! I especially hate it when they happen repetitively in the same night--it's like I'm trapped in a dream and can't escape. Fortunately, that is a rare occurrence.

    @mommyslamb--I'm also a teacher and know exactly what you mean about the yearly gain. Before I started MFP, I would gain about 10 lbs each school year and then spend the summer trying to take it back off. It was turning into a losing battle with my overall weight creeping up and up until I finally decided to take control. In the 2+ years that I've been losing weight, it's still been most difficult to balance taking care of all of the schoolwork and taking care of myself, but it's doable. At the very least, I've been able to maintain during the most stressful times of my school-year. A big part of it is making the decision to put yourself first--way harder than it sounds! Stick with us and when the school year begins, we can help you maintain your motivation to stay healthy.

    @tracy--your fridge/freezer look great! Today, I am tackling my cupboards and spending at least 15 minutes de-cluttering the dining table.

    @laurie--I think it's great that you took your singles group climbing! What are you doing to train for your 5k? Did your trainer set up a schedule for you--like a c25k kind of thing?

    Wednesday Wish:
    To be super-productive while my DH is at work. He's been home the past 2 days and although I ran a bunch of errands and got some yard work done, I've done little inside my house. Continuing my kitchen purge today--will check back later.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + run NOT DONE + 30 DS NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE + run DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE + 30 DS DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + run + 30 DS
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member

    @tina--I have been weighing myself and am not losing anything--just fluctuating up and down in the high 180's. :grumble: I know people say you don't lose lbs, but lose inches on 30 DS, but I'm also doing other cardio, so I was hoping for both--wishful thinking, I guess. :ohwell: I am the opposite, I find the planks much easier on my shoulders than the push ups--then again, I haven't actually started level 2 yet, so we'll see.

    Well I haven't even measured myself in a long time. I should have when I started this but oh well. Maybe the next DVD I do which will most likely be Ripped in 30, I will take my measurements. Well push-ups and planks either way I dislike them both very much lol Just have to keep pushing through and doing the best I can!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
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  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    tih - your birthday cakes sound delightful - I'll bet the kids remember them for their lifetime. I have only made one cake as a prank for my firsherman brother. I took a cereal box, laid it on its side, frosted it with white icing, and laid two salted, preserved, dead fish on top, with birthday candles. I totally convinced my family it was a Swedish custom (salt and sweet) and my brother bravely attempted to cut the cake. When he had trouble, his wife took the knife away from him and she tried to cut the cake. That's when they discovered it was fake. :laugh: :wink: What a hoot! And your refrig looks swell!

    MowMow - I LOVE the shelf idea for your plants and kitties. You are one BOSS for doing it yourself. I love the pink drill you have, and all the sweat equity you earned. Bet the kids and your plants will love it. I dote on my house plants too, although I don't name mine, they do get special treatment.

    Mommylamb - stick with this group for great support. Looking at 5 lbs at a time is a great way to control your weight. You can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Kah - the sleep info is so interesting. I tend to fall asleep in my recliner and sometimes spend all night there. If I do make it to my bed, I find I sleep in one position all night long. I take lots of meds at night so its possible I am so drugged thats why I don't toss about, and I often wonder if that's harmful, not tossing and turning. Do you know anything about that subject? I've often read that we toss and turn quite frequently and I wonder if there is something wrong in not doing that.

    tina - I'm so impressed with your success - you are going to lose lots of inches on 30DS, so don't worry about the weight. You're gaining muscles!

    caramel - vacation soon come, mon!

    skinney - good luck on that dining room table!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
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  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
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    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
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    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
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  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :

    Welcome to our Thread!

    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    Here’s the JUNE CHALLENGE:

    1. Lose 4 lbs. for the Month. Or,
    2. Try a new outdoor activity