The Side of Weight Loss No One Talks About



  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,217 Member
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    You look at people who you used to consider "skinny" and now they look pudgy. They haven't gained weight. It's just that now you are smaller than them and so you can no longer categorise them as skinny

    And you realise that your whole perception of normal has shifted. Before your weight loss, overweight people seemed to be "normal" but now they just look overweight. Even people with normal BMIs look a bit pudgy sometimes whereas, before, you thought they looked amazing

    Basically, most people look either a bit wobbly or just plain fat to you now :tongue:
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    Less surface area to shave

    Jeans stop cutting you in half at the waist

    I have hip bones, and its weird! They dig in when I lay on my side in bed

    Skin is marginally less greasy

    I can sit closer to my desk now, this throwing my arms out of sync with my keyboard
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,217 Member
    You look at people who you used to consider "skinny" and now they look pudgy. They haven't gained weight. It's just that now you are smaller than them and so you can no longer categorise them as skinny

    And you realise that your whole perception of normal has shifted. Before your weight loss, overweight people seemed to be "normal" but now they just look overweight. Even people with normal BMIs look a bit pudgy sometimes whereas, before, you thought they looked amazing

    Basically, most people look either a bit wobbly or just plain fat to you now :tongue:

    Yes, and I can't help an intake of breath when I see a really overweight person. It makes me wince. I just feel so SORRY for them and wish they knew what I know now. Also I have to really button my lip around friends/family members who are overweight. They do not want to hear it. TRUE. My fat family used to make me feel comfortable and not so bad myself, now I just think. - Oh dear!
  • TexNut
    TexNut Posts: 53
    Something no one talks about?

    WHY they got fat in the first place. Unfortunately, I know lots of women that began hiding behind their weight after some form of sexual abuse or assault. They feel like being less attractive makes them safer and is something to hide within. In working with these women to become healthier, there's always a point during the journey where they freak out because they're starting to get more attention and people comment on their physical changes (positively). This is the tough part - and seeing women overcome their deep-rooted fears and embracing the fact that they DESERVE to be healthier is an amazing thing to see. <3

    I can't stand the stigma that fat people are lazy. Lazy people exists in all shapes and sizes! And people become overweight through a variety of struggles and for different reasons. Similarly, people lose weight through a variety of ways physically and nutritionally. Every BODY is different. I appreciate anyone that can take the time to look into someone's eyes and try to learn the HOWs and WHYs for that individual. THAT'S what helps people!