What made you fat and how are you overcoming it?



  • sandieecakes
    In all honesty I made myself fat. I'd like to blame it on pregnany or jillion other things but the solid truth is I made myself fat by using eating as a passtime. I'm watching my food intake now and exercising 6 days a week.
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    I gained weight because I didn't care about my health. Now I do.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Emotional eating. Happy, sad, bored, mad, stressed? EAT. And I had LOTS of stress for a long time, so it became an 88-lb problem over the years.

    I'm becoming emotionally healthy enough that I don't need to turn to food in order to cope with strong emotions.
  • Suzy82
    Suzy82 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a great dessert cook! I realise now I need to watch my calorie intake daily and enjoy desserts on special occasions and as a special treat ???? sometimes.......
  • Ally_93
    Ally_93 Posts: 45 Member
    Honestly, I used to play online pc games all of the time during my adolescence, and never knew anything about calories or starvation so I used to eat whatever and whenever I wanted to without ANY exercise. I'm now 19 and only just realised what I'm oing to do and how I'm going to overcome it.... good diet and exercise
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Eating when I was bored and being in denial about how fat I was getting led to the weight loss (along with a broken metabolism from an earlier crash diet). I could sit down in front of a couple of tv shows, and go through several entire junk foods (a box of cheez its, a bag of skittles, a bag of combos and a soda) without paying any attention. When I reached the point where I was going to have to start shopping at a specialty store because I couldn't find pants in my size anymore, I decided to change my ways. I got help from a dietician to learn how to eat and haven't looked back since.
  • beckieboomoo
    beckieboomoo Posts: 590 Member
    Me and my bf moving in together. When we first got together i was 154 lb (11 stone and my height is 5"4) so always been a bigish girl. Couple of months into our relationship he had to move to a city a hour away. We only got to see each other at weekend so moat of time we never had much money other than for train fare so we would get junk food and watch movies, as this weren't all the time we didn't really put any weight on maybe 5 -7lb in 6 months after about 6 months my bf came to live with me as we had habit of movies and junk food , 2 years of living together and 56 lb later here i am :( so now am wanting to lose 63 lb and then maybe another 14lb. Already I've lost 20 lb (so only 43 to go) by exercising and eating 1310 calories a day. If i
    Weren't at college and if we both had jobs then we could afford to do something else other than stuff our faces :(
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Mindless eating and no exercise.

    This. So now I plan everything I eat (thank you MFP!) and I've stopped making excuses about why I can't work out.
  • Megadautilus
    I have been fat ever since I was little, I had to teach myself how much to eat and educate myself on what and when to eat. I really only cared once I got into MMA.
  • getfitcharles
    What made me fat recently was depression, because I'd overeat as a way to try and feel better. I'm more aware of it now, and the meds I'm taking seem to be helping me eat more sensibly.
  • caitlinjm74
    caitlinjm74 Posts: 12 Member
    Using chocolate as a (rubbish) emotional crutch; living abroad with a larger disposable income than I was used to and spending it all on food. Now trying to cut down and I've got back into running :)
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    late at night when I was sleeping little garden gnomes dressed as ninjas would slip into my room,and force feed me twinkes and big macs.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    CARBS. Also I didn't even know what a calorie was or that they existed. I thought you could only get fat if you were eating burgers and milkshakes all the time. I was eating pretty healthy just in MASSIVE quantities. I didn't believe that you could get heavy that way. Boy was I wrong....

    This, and denial. Being afraid to step on a scale, so never knowing how much I had gained. Not believing that I could lose weight. Wanting food more than wanting to be at a healthy weight.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    a ton of little reasons, three miscarriages close together, one beautiful healthy baby but very high needs so I ate what I could which was fast and bad for me.

    Before that I gained a ton after my mother's suicide when I was 21, I had gained some in university from poor food options and partying too much. But after my mother's death my whole world fell apart and I ate. Not a lot but the wrong food.

    Fast forward almost 20 years later and I have battled depression, years of therapy, celiac disease, 4 surgeries for other medical issues, 4 pregnancies and one child.

    About 2 years ago I looked in the mirror and hated what I had become and for the first time in my adult life I wanted more for me. So I did this for me.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I blame my parents and my wife and my sister in law and Hostess and Sugar Pops for being good, and Oreos and Chips Ahoy and Chester Cheetah, and all the marketing firms and McDonalds, and Pizza Hut, Dominoes, Same 'Ol Joe's Pizza (OMG the Pizza Pie there is to KILL for!!), and shells and cheese, and tv and comfy chairs and air conditioning and the internet and good cooking and family size lasagna and fried chicken and hot dogs and hamburger helper and pop tarts and coke and Sonic with their happy hour and commercials and restaurants allowing the smell of food waft down the street when I'm outside, Chinese food, buffets...just all the buffets, clothing manufactures for not cutting things off at XL, and science.

    LOL. This is my favorite! I say put all the people in jail and ban all the substances/restaurants!

    Seriously- I was a skinny kid and a slim adult, even after having DS, but somehow after marrying second DH (who does all the cooking and makes wonderful down-home stuff) I gained almost 20 lbs over 10 years. He eats minimally himself (age 74, normal weight, not very active) and has always been supportive of whatever I eat/don't eat. We also both watch cholesterol, so it wasn't that he was deep-frying every meal and topping it with cheese. It was my decision to enjoy too much of a good thing. I may also have had it in the back of my mind that these things happen after menopause.

    Two things worked. First, 5:2 fasting means I enjoy DH's good cooking only 5 days a week. The other is that about 4 years ago I got roped into a sprint triathlon for the local athletic competition. Yeah, I was 56 and the skinny 20-somethings were telling me, "you can do it!" I didn't want to collapse on the course (1/3 mile swim, 9 mile bike, 3K) so I went from 45 to 55 minutes of workouts every day, more on the weekends and worked harder. And yes, I could do it. I just did the same tri last week and cut 6.5 minutes off my bicycle time from 2 years ago because I use a HRM during exercise and now have more stamina.
    When I was a kid not being fed the right things and shamed out of trying in P.E from teacher and students.

    This is criminal. That teacher should have been fired. I was ignored in PE because I hated team sports, and was always terrified a ball would land near me and then I'd have to (a) catch it and (b) throw it to someone. A decent teacher would have shown me how to do that stuff because clearly I was clueless. PE teachers should be encouraging EVERYONE to do their best, whatever that is, and not enabling the other students to make fun of someone's efforts just because they're not superb athletes. I was fortunate- I had a bicycle and rode it a lot, and every summer we had a membership at the local pool, which was 1/2 mile away so Mom had no problem with us walking there and back whenever we wanted.
  • bgh707
    bgh707 Posts: 164 Member
    Killing my metabolism through starvation diets. Now I'm eating healthy and working out on the reg.
  • robinschwalb
    robinschwalb Posts: 58 Member
    My husband is from Louisiana too and loves to cook. I don't eat when I am depressed and it's been a long time since I was depressed. For a while we made eating out a hobby, we don't eat out anymore. We do have friends that love to drink, eat and party, I fall off the wagon when I go to their house. I am now drinking skinny girl and staying on the diet...eating lots of protein...
  • banana_milk
    I was never fat, but I did gain some weight due to eating too much and being lazy.. mainly caused by depression and a lack of self control.

    Overcoming it by eating less and lifting, of course.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Sperm I blame the sperm.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    In for all the excuses, for me it was over consumption of calories

    Any time i see this guy on the forums... I find it hard to believe there was every any fat on him. It is enough to drive me to over eat.