

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    jb- So sorry about the report. My prayers are with you and your family.

    Robin- We had a dog that always dug holes to help him stay cool. He was the smartest dog I have ever encountered! We have so many fond memories of his antics and still miss him many years after we lost him.

    I am praying for your interview to go well for you. I have recently gone through unbelievable stress at work. I am not sure if I want to return in the fall, but retiring early would cost me too much. We are going to set up an appointment with a retirement specialist from the union to see if we are looking at it correctly. No one deserves what you have been through at work. Best of luck.

    DeeDee- It sounds like you may finally get to slow down a little! Enjoy!!

    Meg- I hope all goes well with Benny. Keep us updated.

    Although I haven't been posting, I have been reading all of your posts. It does help me to stay motivated. I have not been logging every day. The stress at work really got to me. I didn't revert to my old bad stress eating habits, but I just wasn't as careful as I should be. I have also ended up with a sinus infection and bronchitis, so exercise has not been happening either. Today was my last day of work until the end of August. I will need to do a lot of planning for next year as I am teaching all new courses. One of my coworkers is going to work with me because she is going to teach some of the classes I have been teaching and I will be teaching some of the ones she has been teaching. Working together will be a tremendous help to both of us! Meanwhile, my vacation will officially kick off tomorrow after my niece's graduation from high school. She, my sister and I will be driving to Maine to spend a week with more family members at a lovely apartment on the ocean. We have been doing this for several years now and it is the best way to lose the stress from the year! I will return with renewed strength and motivation to complete the next step in this journey to a healthier life. This summer my goal is to tone up and build more muscle. I want the exercise to become an ingrained part of my routine so that I can continue it during the next school year.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all who are experiencing challenges. Congrats to all with successes!! Thank you all for being as positive and supporting as you are.

    Deb A in CNY where it has looked beautiful outside for a few days(although I have been too busy and sick to get out there)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    jodios - we had the beer can chicken. I was able to find budweiser in 8 packs. I was pleasantly surprised at how juicy the chicken was! The skin was crunchy (I didn't eat much of it)

    Let's see, it's Friday. Jessica came here late last night with her boyfriend (like 2a.m.). This morning did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill. Usually I did 2 minutes at 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 3% etc. but today I did 3 min at each incline. It really did make the time go by faster. Came home and we did more riverrock, then Kris got up and we fixed the slide. It would leak so we got a new gasket. We knew it would take at least 3 people to do it, so we had 4. Of course, Jessica & Kris's reward for doing it was to go down the slide. They went every way the manufacturer says you shouldn't go down it....lol Ahh...to be so young. I floated int he pool for an hour, made the beer can chicken for dinner. Also made a few hamburgers that we had, along with sweet and white potatoes, corn (for Jess and Vince) and broccoli, cauliflower and carrot medley for Kris and myself. Cut up cukes and had tomatoes. Made a key lime pie for dessert, which we didn't have. Well, I know Vince likes key lime pie. And if we don't have any, I'll give some to Kris and Jessica to take home.

    Tomorrow I'll go to the farmer's market but first do some yoga at home. Hopefully, I'll be able to get home early and we can work outside, then Jessica and Kris want to go shooting and Kris wants to take us to dinner at Golden Corral.

    Kathy - good luck in your new endeavors

    grandmalle - I never knew gout had anything to do with the kidney! I know Vince was told to watch his protein intake and he's had to go for a creatinine clearance test. What do the kidney and gout have in common? Happy early birthday

    In one sense, I can't wait until Bryan's wedding is over. then I can get back on track. Right now, I know that I'm stress eating.

    Kathy - happy anniversary!

    We get back from Spain on the 21st and Jessica has an interview at a U of Tenn in Knoxville on the 22nd. The next time they had any openings was in October, and that's too late, the decision has to be made. she also has an interview at NCState in August. I'm really proud that she's doing something with her life. We're thinking that we might drive back from Washington on the 21st only so Jessica an sleep in the car, she can then rent a car in Hickory, take it to Knoxville, then on the 24th she and Kris are ogoing to Maine to see his parents so she'll have the rental car. At least all those miles won't be on her car!

    bj - you've been missed. Nice to see ya back

    yanniejannie - it's always so nice to get things on sale

    Lucy in DE - hope you find your pedometer

    brooke - I'm so sorry about FIL

    barbie - that's wonderful that that lady came back!

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well tomorrow is MIL birthday party at the NH, just a simple thing, cupcakes and fellowship. I am crossing my fingers that everyone gets there. SIL has a daughter that has a bay by her 2nd cousin and is severely challenged. I always hate seeing her. She is exactly the same age as my youngest grand daughter and I know what kind of wonderful child Ellie is. This little girl can't walk, talk, eyes roll all the time, is fed through a feeding tube. They also have a 3 year old boy who is perfectly normal. But they have no discipline in their home and he is a wild thing! The 3 and 6 year old are the same height and the girl weighs less. So even though I am hoping everyone is there I also know it gives my MIL a lot of grief to see this little girl.

    I am going to bed with another headache tonight so I hope tomorrow won't be a rpeat of yesterday. I hope it's just a regular headache.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Hello everyone from a rainy Devon! :laugh:

    Jb - we are thinking of you and your family. I am sure Mariah will get the best possible treatment.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Last night was a hoot, with lots of champagne and laughter. And that wasn't even the real party, which is tonight. I didn't eat too much, but had a few drinks, so went over by 150. Not a disaster. DH, who isn't used to seeing me a bit merry was a bit concerned when I went round giving all the female relatives kisses and decided he wanted to leave! !!!!:embarassed: It was nearly 1 am by then! I had a great time anyway! :laugh: Wont be drinking so much tonight with restaurant prices!

    The relatives who hadn't seen me for a while professed themselves AMAZED at my new figure. I'm pretty amazed myself! :bigsmile:
    I got a few OMGs etc. :happy: We are delaying meeting up this morning because the weather is blowy and wet, but we will set off soon. They are about a 15 minute walk away. But it's given me a chance to get in touch with you folks!

    Had a tiny bit of stewed fruit and two poached eggs and smoked salmon for breakfast. I calculate that at 400. I always add 100 for milk with tea, coffee etc, so I am up to 500. Hope we get some walking in!

    So my lovelies, I am feeling a bit queasy, but nothing I don't deserve. Healing thoughts to all those with aches and pains and worse.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Heather in rainy, glorious, beautiful Devon, UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    morning my friends,
    I am up early gonna hop in the shower and get dressed for work...as usual we are going over to my FIL to bring him some lunch and visit.. then we go out to dinner on Saterday night's we shall see what happen's with that..
    that is so troubling to hear about Mariah... I am praying they got every last bit and she lives a long and healthy life..
    I try not to complain alot because I have been blessed with pretty good health and so have my children..
    exermom-it is just because my kidney's are not working properly.. I am stage 3 of 5 with 5 being transplant or dialyisis,,but have been like this 5-6 yrs,another reason to shed the weight. the more weight I get off the less taxing it will be on the kidneys..
    I see my kidney dr twice a year and get bloodwork done twice a year.. dont have to be on any special diet, but I do try and stay away from alot of beef, ill have it once every couple of weeks
    well off to the showers and start my day..
    the weather today is going to start getting hot.
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning All;
    This has been a quiet week..have been sick thru it all..medicated up and took my sister to have some tests..they want to check the lump in her breast before they discuss whether there will be any more treatments...she is doing well..she lost a bit more weight which she hasn't got to lose...but I thank God for everyday that I have with her...

    ....found out that one of my DF has cancer also...it is running rapid around here...a young man we knew passed away this week..he had brain cancer...only made it thru a few months...
    I haven't been doing much exercising with not feeling well enough but I will do what I can..most of it is light weight but I enjoy doing them
    DH wants me to buy a few new clothes but I am not until I get some of this weight off me..which looks like it won't happen till fall ( I hope :sad: ) I am not much of a clothes shopper...prefer the value stores to shop..you can get some nice clothes for very little..more my style :smile:
    I have read the posts and it looks like you all are having a busy summer..enjoying the weather when it co-operates...I imagine the furbabys are liking the walks in finer weather.....
    I wish for you all a fun and healthy week :flowerforyou:

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well, so much for my "me time", yesterday morning; never happened. :frown: But that's ok. I actually got a lot accomplished between testing for school, working on re-fi for the house, catching up with phone calls and even getting an ice cream come from McDonald's to reward myself for not eating any goodies at the meeting the night before. :smile: Water Zumba never happened either, but it will this am! My DH shocked me this morning (we are both up so early because he's going to work for a bit) by asking where his dress pants are. He wants to get all gussied up with shirt, pants and maybe even a tie for our anniversary dinner out tonight. :happy: He's a keeper! :heart:

    Robin - I can so relate to beasties getting one's last nerve! My Yorkie, Benji, decided yesterday to sneak past the baby gate and go upstairs undetected and poop in one bedroom and pee on a bag in another bedroom! And then come back down, look at my DD from the wrong side of the gate, as if to say, "That's what you happens when I'm not the center of attention!" :noway: Then late last night when I couldn't figure out why I had no internet, come to find out the cat got behind the computer desk and my DH knocked the plug out for the power strip, trying to shoo him out! Now you know why my name here is kathyszoo! My DD and I were actually crazy enough to stop at the shelter yesterday and debated about giving another needy animal a home but DH vetoed this (probably for the best).

    YannieJannie- Doing the happy dance with you for the compliments and skinny jeans! Great deal on the chickens too!

    Barbie-The tiny kittens at the shelter were sooo adorable! It took so much willpower not to leave with one but it is making me consider volunteering there again!

    JB- Continued prayers for Mariah and all around her!

    Brooke-My thoughts and prayers are with your in-laws too! Love your quote!

    Meg-Our water aerobics we work with weights and sometimes noodles too and you wouldn't think it's that much of a workout but it can get pretty intense. At least Benny got some rest. :laugh: Did you find the plumeria at your Bath and Body Works? Forgot to mention I love the Wexler skincare line from there even though it's a bit pricey. I try to stock up with sales. Not all Bath and Body Works even carry this line. Thanks for the encouragement! :flowerforyou:

    Michele-Thanks for the anniversary wishes! I know what you mean about wanting the wedding to be over in the respect of stress eating! Originally I tried to lose weight a few years back for my sons wedding but didn't succeed at all!! It was only after that when I finally was able to focus on me and get to where I am now weight and health-wise!

    Heather- So glad you're having such a great time!

    Liz-I'm glad you're sister is doing well. I'm hopefully going to see my sister(the one who is living with MS) for her birthday next week. My brother and I are hoping to get her out of the nursing home and maybe do a little party at Outback Steakhouse for her.

    Once again, I included all you in my blessings last night before sleep! :heart: :heart:

    Kathy in very, very rainy IL
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jb:smile: Continued prayers for Mariah and the entire family:flowerforyou: .

    Brooke:smile: Continued prayers for your FIL, MIL, and the entire family too:flowerforyou: .

    LizPlus:smile: Hope you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: ! Prayers for you and your sister:flowerforyou: !

    Robin:smile: Love the story about Bodi`s digging:laugh: ! Good luck on the interview!

    YannieJannie:smile: Congrats on the NSVs!

    DebA :smile: So nice to see you post again. The vacation sounds just lovely!

    Heather:smile: Kissing everyone:smooched: :laugh: , sounds like a fun time!

    Barbie:smile: Bernie looks like a very happy cat, he`s beautiful:love: !

    Meg:smile: Hope Benny feels better! Enjoy your fun day and night:happy: ! The humidity is returning today:frown: !

    I`m meeting a friend for coffee this morning and then I think we will indulge in a little retail therapy:tongue: , that might make me feel a bit better:laugh: . My allergies are giving me a fit right now and I`m not sure why, stuffed up head, runny nose, sneezing and big headaches:sick: :grumble:, and I`m tired:huh: :yawn: , I actually think I could sleep most of the day and still not be rested:angry: . According to my FitBit I`m not waking up much during the night, 2 or 3 times at the most, so I think my sleep is okay, maybe I just need more than 5 hours a night:blushing: :ohwell: .

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in slightly foggy and cloudy NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    LucyT: If I ever find my “safe” place it will be amazing. There is a beautiful and irreplaceable necklace in DH’s “safe place” because he just wouldn’t let me keep it in my jewelry box. I miss it.:cry:

    Brooke: I’m so sorry to hear your FIL is facing a cancer ordeal. Sending prayers for your whole family.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: In my early teaching career I was a TAG specialist and had the same kids for 3 to 5 years during elementary years, but I only saw them once a week. The kind of connections you built in your community are very rare these days. :heart: I’d like the pizza recipe. DH can eat gluten but it makes him feel awful. We don’t get much pizza any more, which is probably good for weight loss and blood pressure.:flowerforyou:

    Barbiie: Something tells me you won’t be completely out of teaching line dance. You have passion and joy for it.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Good wishes for your MIL’s party. I hope the headaches go away and stay gone.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DD works again today and expects to be gone 10-12 hours. DGD and I will find ways to enjoy our time together. :bigsmile: Tomorrow we’re planning to go to the Renaissance Fair. I hope we have moderate weather for it. I don’t really do well in too much heat. After that I head home. DH says he’s had enough visiting with his sister and is ready to go home asap. I think he misses me, the dog, and home.:wink:

    Katla in Sunny Colorado for a few more days

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good morning wonderfully busy ladies

    jb – so sorry about Mariah. My continued prayers for you & your family.

    Robin – gotta love our furbabies. Good luck with the interview. :flowerforyou:

    Meg – I love Benny. He looks so much like my last cat. :heart: I know have 2 sister cats that are 16 yrs old now. They have been with us since they were old enough to leave their mother. as well. Each belong to each of my kids. But guess who takes care of them and pays for everything :noway: yup, that's me.

    Barbie – line dancing sounds like so much fun. I can see why your friend coming back would be a bitter sweet moment for you. 24,000 steps? WOW :flowerforyou:

    Deb – I hope you feel better soon, sinus infections & bronchitis are no fun. That's great that you have a coworker to help each other. I hope that helps with the stress at work.

    Brooke – I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL, you & your family are in my prayers

    Michele – you are one busy lady, your trip sounds amazing. I hope that whatever happens with Bryan doesn't stop you from enjoying the rest of your trip. He will come around.

    Joyce – hope you have a great time at the birthday party. Another headache? I feel your pain. Take gentle care of yourself

    Heather – what a great NSV having the comments from people haven't seen for a bit. Enjoy your day

    Liz – sorry that you have been sick, I hope you feel better soon. I'm praying that your sister's outcome is a good one.

    Kathy – happy anniversary, your DH does sound like a keeper :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee – have fun with your retail therapy. I hope you can find some relief for your allergeies

    Katla – have fun with your DGD

    Well today I jumped on the scales and lost 5.6 lbs this week. WOW, I'm shocked. I have been paying extra attention to my sodium this week and I've added more exercise. I've been trying to add in small things during the work day too. I work in a very small office, there are only 3 of use at our locations, 1 in the shop, my boss & me. I run the office and the square footage of the office is very tiny so getting in extra steps is almost impossible. I do things like pushups off my desk and squats in the bathroom. I'm sure if someone were watching me they would get quite the chuckle.

    My DD is working today so I have the apartment to myself. I want to get some reorganizing done. We are expecting thunderstorms later today.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker:

    Sandy in sunny ON (for now) :flowerforyou:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Saturday morning friends,

    It's just beautiful here, the clouds have finally disappeared and I can see blue sky forever and ever :love::glasses::love: There's a full day of gardening ahead for me, lots of watering to do, deadheading perennials, weeding, and planting my kale and Brussels sprouts seedlings. I'll get going on a couple of cleaning projects, too, less than a week until company arrives. Window washing time. :bigsmile: I was a good girl this week and hit the track each day - consequently I've lost just over a pound. Two to go to get back to the 67 on my ticker. :huh:

    :flowerforyou: Wanted to share a little ray of hope this morning, Mariah had an extensive MRI yesterday afternoon and they found no more cancer in her brain which is encouraging news! She's finally gotten her appetite back, too. Thank you all for your concern and prayers - I will keep you informed. I don't know the date for the spinal tap.

    Enjoy your day, I'm headed outside to gobble up as much sunshine as humanly possible.

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Just a quick hello lost to do today @Kathy Happy Anniversary hope you both have a great day

    Thoughts and Prayers going out to all in need Congrats to all the losses and nsv's

    have a great weekend and take care everyone

    Juanita in sudbury
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It's headache and nausea again this morning. I woke up during the night and took some Tylenol so it isn't as bad as it was during the night. And I will not let anything get in the way of MIL birthday this afternoon.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Ladies!
    I have been so busy with everything I have not had a chance to post.
    Been reading and just wish to say-you are all lovely positive strong women BRAVO! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Will be doing the catch up later this evening.
    Till then-wishing everyone a happy first day of summer !!

    Molly in WV
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sat!!
    jb-good news,praying everything goes good with the spinal tap.
    Hot and humid here.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all This will be just a short check in. We got up early and went downtown and had breakfast then went to the farmers market. It was cool and cloudy so it was nice for walking around. My friend who makes wooden toys gave me a batch of rhubarb and a recipe for rhubarb pancakes. We got some different types of lettuce, tomatoes, olive rosemary sourdough bread, and 2 baklavas which we ate when we got home. That put us into sugar comas and we both napped!

    We are going out to dinner tonight at one of our favorite places, the Bonefish Grill. DH is busy fixing up the rust spots on his Jeep and I colored my hair, did my toenails, and basically am just lazing around.

    Barbie: sounds like a lovely day for you

    Deb: sounds like you have had it rough lately with illness; hoping it’s all gone now and that you can enjoy your summer vacation

    Michele; if you ever have too much key lime pie just hanging around, you can send it my way!

    Joyce: hope your headache goes away soon

    Heather; it sounds like you are having a grand time and eating some yummy things…smoked salmon

    Grandmallie: enjoy your visit

    Liz: so sorry you have been sick! I hope all the tests turn out well for your sister.

    Kathy: here’s a fur baby that would drive you crazy….we were at the farmers market this morning and saw a dog that would stick his head into people’s bags and eath their produce! I’m going to call the B&BW for the pumeria today. Happy anniversary!

    DeeDee: retail therapy! My favorite! Have a great time!

    Katla: hope you enjoy the faire. I haven’t been to one of those in years.

    Sandy: wow that’s quite a loss! Congratulations! I think the piture you are talking about is Bernie, Barbiecat’s cat. My Benny is a bark-less beagle! We joke that he was thrown out of the beagle club because he doesn’t bark

    Jb enjoy your day in the sunshine!!!

    Juanita: hope you get lots done today

    Molly: nice to see you again

    Well I’m going to search for some rhubarb recipes while my toes dry. Good excuse to let DH do the watering! Take care, Meg from hot and humid Omaha, home of the college world series for a few more days
  • jdlyng
    jdlyng Posts: 19 Member
    After skimming thru some of the post I think this is an absolutely lovely group of ladies... I would love to join in, if that's ok?:smile: Never done it, so not too sure what I'm doing.
  • nurse2022
    nurse2022 Posts: 18
    Good afternoon, everyone.
    My name is Debbie and I am new to MFP and saw this post. I like it alot due to everyone talking of their days and all that they do.

    I have been overweight most of my life (I'm mid-50's) except in my 20's where I was rather wild. I have a beautiful daughter, handsome son-in-law who puts up with me and 3 wonderful grandchildren.

    They have moved about 400 miles away and I am now an empty-nester, which is difficult some days. I realize I have got to get my own life and it scares me, I have been able to hide behind my daughter and responsibilities until now.

    On top of that, now I have all kinds of problems with joints, etc..... Forgive my rambling, just trying to introduce myself.

    I had lost about 16 pounds when I started this about 6 weeks ago, then suddenly went back into old habits and have put most of it back on. My daughter is doing this with me online and she is doing so well, I don't want to let her down; or me either for that matter.

    Any advice??? How have all of you kept going after the first month or so?
    Thanks for listening, Debbie
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    evening ladies,
    well im still trying to figure out how to charge the fitbit fast... it is so un nerving-plugged it in the morning at work, came home and plugged it in some more, then wore it for awhile, then just came home awhile ago and it still said the battery is low:mad:
    i did get home from early dinner with the DH (had cheese pizza) and walked 2 1/2 miles.
    but I am missing the fitbit, at least I had the pedometer.
    hopefully tomorrow I can just hang out for a little bit.. it is going to be up in the 90's tomorrow.so going to the gym at 7
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We had MIL birthday party this afternoon and as expected SIL and here family did not show. I felt so sorry for my MIL, she just kept on looking down the hall wondering if her long lost daughter was coming. She eventually just gave up. It was good to have the 3 sons and DIL there though. I don't know why they don't get together more often. They all get along very well, surprisingly have a lot in common even though the youngest one wasn't brought up with the older 2 for that long. He was pretty young when the the older ones graduated form high school and went off to the Navy. It was during that time that their Mom was committed to the State Hospital and their Dad remarried and he was just one in a household of many step sisters. Step Mom didn't like him and he was very unhappy. But SIL made her own choice not to be there and it hurt her and her Mom.

    Meg, my Grandma used to make Rhubarb custard pie which was so good. I didn't like the plain rhubarb pie but the rhubarb custard was to die for. Up in Minnesotta rhubarb would grow wild and easy to get. You didn't have to grow it.

    Joyce, Indiana