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  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,351 Member
    Saving my place.

    Amanda - I am sorry your siblings are so non-supportive. They sound beastly. I am also sorry you need surgery. Hope you heal quickly. Take care.

    Lin in Central Iow
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone - a new page for June, seems like a good place to pick up where I left off.

    We made it through DSS's graduation, my niece's wedding shower, whirlwind visit with DD and DGD, a not-so-whirlwind visit with my mom and in-laws, and now things appear to be settling in. Thank goodness. We had so much party food in the house - honestly I lived on cake and chips for three days. It's all gone and the pantry is stocked with healthy foods again. Plus DH leaves on Sunday for his vacation with DSS, so I can concentrate on me for a few minutes :smile:.

    Other than being busy as all get-out, not much has changed. My weight's still in the same range, although it's been creeping up a couple of pounds over the past week or so - it had stayed stable but I suspect a combo of not enough working out and too many "treats" is taking its toll. Sound familiar? I had continued working out, but not every day, and some days I would start and think "why bother" and just stop. Meh. That was then. Now I'm back to working out hard every morning, starting my day as I intend to go, and keeping it clean. Thankfully it's nothing a little hard work won't fix - and I have the added motivation of a size six dress that I bought for the wedding in August that I can.not grow out of!

    Kiddos have been in Hawaii since the day after graduation for their mother's wedding and vacation - lucky ducks! I'll have to wait until August for vacation, although I am going to bug out towards the end of next week to go meet DH in NC for the long weekend. I've never been and am looking forward to it. We'll spend several days in the White Mountains in NH for DH's parent's 50th, then we head to Cali for the wedding . . . and then in September I believe I am going to be hiking part of the Appalachian Trail with a friend of mine. A lot to look forward to!

    I hope everyone is well. I'll go back and catch up as I can. For today, I will say, Amanda, I hope your surgery is a success and you are a saint for treating your dad so well. It's frustrating when other people won't see how a little help isn't a burden - but I'm glad you're being kind and helpful to him.

    Cheers, all -

    M, who is most definitely starting to see webs between my toes from all the rain!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: Good luck with the surgery:flowerforyou: !

    Robin:smile: Congrats on the interview going well, looking forward to hearing when you start your new job (stay positive!:bigsmile: )!

    Heather:smile: You look lovely in that dress:smokin: !

    Meg:smile: Good luck on the weigh in today:drinker: !

    Michele:smile: I bet the riverrock is looking good! Looking forward to seeing pics!

    Barbie:smile: I need to get my passport renewed too, like you I don`t have plans to travel right now, but you never know when a fabulous trip might pop up!

    Lin:smile: Good to see you again! How is maintaining your weight coming along? I just wish I could get the dreaded scale to move in the right direction for me:sad: .

    Welcome to everyone new! Come in chat often!

    I don`t remember who posted the pic of the cute dog on the porch, thank you for that, got my chuckle in for the day:laugh: . Actually that`s the way I`ve been feeling lately:frown: !

    Out of time once again....have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in cloudy steamy NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,588 Member
    Hello all, want to mark my place on the new thread.:bigsmile:

    Had a bit of a coup today. There is a woman at yoga that I like who is on one side of me, but I hadn't felt I could make overtures to her as the woman on the other side I have been talking to for a long time, but never taken it further. Sounds like schoolgirls doesn't it? ! Anyway today I didn't have the car so she said she would drive me home. I invited her in for tea and plucked up my courage to ask her out on a local shopping expedition next week. I hope it will come off. It seems ridiculous that it should be so difficult! :embarassed:

    Back to healthy eating and less alcohol. I usually have one unit at 6 pm every day. I love it so I am not going to deprive myself completely. Then it's Monkfish Tandoori. Yum! :tongue:

    Then I must get in my hair washing etc for our early trip to London tomorrow. Looking forward to breakfast at the Wolseley with my old schoolfriend and Fenton House in the afternoon with DH' s twin sister. They were both adopted and did not know about each other until they were in their 40s. She is coming down from Yorkshire.

    So will catch up with you all tomorrow evening. I am going to make Walnut Choc Chip Brownies this pm for DDIL when they visit. My brownies were mentioned by the Vicar at their wedding as the reason for them marrying and later in the bride's speech! ! ! :laugh: I have got to keep my reputation up! :wink:

    Love Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    Good morning, good morning, good morning. I am loving the early morning walks I am getting this week. Now that I've had my coffee and a little breakfast, I'm going to tackle the yard - mowing the grass and trimming the hedges. Surely I will burn tons of calories today.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Good Morning Ladies –

    We went from monsoon season to the height of summer in a matter of days. We are not in our 2nd official heat wave, but I don’t mind. I’m one of those crazy people who loves the heat. My garden is coming along nicely, I had read some posts that some of you are already getting tomatoes. I have flowers on my tomato and cucumber plants so hope to have some veggies in a few weeks.

    I have had a bit of movement on the scale and my pants are fitting more comfortably without too much muffin top on top. I have done well in my cardio and logging of food, but on Sunday I was super lazy and only got 6k steps in.

    :smile: Dimples67us – my fitbit continues to motivate me each day, I’ve had it for over a year and find it a great incentive to get up and move around.
    :smile: Amanda – hope all goes well with your surgery and your family helps out as needed.
    :smile: Lucy – glad you enjoyed the Blue Hens, they are always a fun team to watch.
    :smile: Robin – good luck in your job, hope you get a call back.
    :smile: MsKari – I think you are eating too few calories, your body needs fuel, maybe bump up to 1200-1400. Also, if your able to you might try adding another day of walking.

    Be Well,
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good morning one and all!!

    Amanda - I hope thing work peacefully and easily for you. I dealt with similar siblings and my mom years ago. we are still indifferent to each other. I'm at peace with it.

    Meg - It feels great to be back and making myself be accountable again.

    Everyone else - give me time.. I'll get there again with everyone's names and goings ons LOL

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!!Another warm one here.
    Our Black hawks won the stanley cup last night.How exciting.
    Amanda,good luck with the surgery.Your Dad is so blessed to have you.
    It`s a shame the rest of the family can`t be bothered.
    Have a good day all.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    Another new thread…it’s so great to come and read about everyone’s lives. Makes you not feel so alone in this weight loss journey

    Heather – wow, you look fantastic in your dress :drinker:

    Amanda – sorry to hear that you have to have surgery, I hope it goes well. Sorry that your siblings aren’t supportive in helping with your Dad. What a great responsibility you carry esp while you will be recovering. I think you are entitled to moan :flowerforyou:

    mwheatcraft – sounds like you have a busy summer ahead of you. Sounds like so much fun. :bigsmile:

    Every saturday I have a cheat day. I am usually still pretty good about staying under but that's the day that sodium just does me in. I was craving some ice cream so I took my DD to Baskin & Robbins...what a mistake :tongue: I got the Reese's peanut butter sundae. It was sooooooooooo good but boy did I feel sick aftewards and most of Sunday too. I don't do dairy well at all as I have Crohn's. I am not in a hurray to do that again. It was a great lesson for me. I was able to get right back on track on Sunday.

    My boss is out doing deliveries all day today so I'm all alone in the office. I'll be dancing, squatting & doing pushups off my desk today :laugh: It is a slow office so I do tend to have quite a bit of down time during the day.

    I started last week making decaf green ice tea with a 1/4 of a lemon in a 32 ounce bottle every night then I bring it to work with me. I drink that in the mornings and then switch to water for the afternoon...hmmmm no wonder I'm in the bathroom so much :wink:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    Sandy in rainy humid ON
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Sunny here; but WAY too hot and humid for me today. Love summer and all the fresh fruits.........had raspberries with breakfast and the best nectarine ever last night. I had a male indigo bunting on one of my feeders last night---what a treat; these are the most gorgeous blue birds......a very rare sighting.

    To whoever is reading the Hunger Games series.........absolutely could NOT put those books down.

    Heather.......glad to hear you are home safe (and shortly on the go again by the sound of it); you looked stunning in your dress

    Amanda...........sorry your sibs are so self-absorbed; you do deserve some help

    Meg............Straight No Chaser...........my tastes are pretty eclectic.......these are all guys, probably late 30's by now---a youtube sensation, as they say, sang together as a group in college (Indiana) acappella.......look them up on youtube---their 12 Days of Christmas is an absolute hoot; have done specials on PBS.......could not have been nicer after the show; signed every piece of merch bought, and every last one of them conversed with everyone in the line..........I was with my friend and her daughter who has Downs and they all could not have been more gracious or lovely toward her........if I wasn't a fan before (and I was), I would be now!!!

    Have a bunch of paperwork for the police group I volunteer with to get on today and I'm still bugging the antique dealer to deliver my (paid for!!!!) china cabinet..........so, off to the races!

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Bumping again. Have a wonderful day!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    I'm new to this thread. I've seen it in the past, but, felt overwhelmed. I decided to just jump in and see where I land, lol. Even though I've been on MFP since November, it doesn't seem there is a process for seeing new replies. I am 50, and have been in maintenance over a year now. Every day is an EFFORT to keep the weight off. My dh retired last November, so we walk daily, 3-7 miles. We have fitbit's and it is a great motivator for us. I am fortunate that we are making this healthy lifestyle change together. It wasn't always that way. His came about a year after mine.

    in Oklahoma
  • debjunebug
    debjunebug Posts: 12
    Hi everyone. I hope you don't mind, but I feel more like a "lurker." I pop in from time to time while I am at work. I love to read about all the adventures and pray for the struggles. Well I won't have met my goal for my birthday tomorrow, but I still plan to buy a new top. But that is because my daughter and I are buying BLACKHAWKS championship T-shirts today.

    It helps to read the advice I find on this thread, and I don't feel so alone. Thanks to all of you!

    Debbie in Chicago
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Feeling a bit tired today. :yawn: The Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup!!!! :drinker: You probably could hear my DH screaming in those last few minutes when they scored 2 back to back goals. So I was up late. Then we had very bad storms in the middle of the night. The dogs were frightened so we let them in our bedroom. Needless to say I didn’t get much sleep after that (the big one snores and the little one sneaks up on the bed and then hogs most of the space). It felt hard doing my workout this morning, but at least I did it. :angry:

    I’m still maintaining my weight (bouncing up and down a pound depending on sodium and water intake) so I’m starting to relax a bit about the whole “how to maintain” concern I’ve had. I just don’t want to gain back what I worked so hard to lose!

    Ketsgeckos – love the picture. I’m feeling that way today myself:laugh:

    Pat – hope you are feeling better and get some answers from the doctor:sick:

    Jane - sounds like a great way to spend the day:love:

    Lucy – glad you found your pedometer:wink:

    Joyce – you made me laugh – the car wasn’t even locked! Sounds like something I would do:laugh:

    Robin – go happy to hear your interview went well…please keep us posted. I have my fingers crossed for you:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie – s’mores…yummmmm :noway:

    Sue in TX – ughh. I had poison ivy once as a kid and still remember. Hope you feel better soon :sick:

    Heather – great job…no weight gain!:smile:

    Amanda – so sorry that your sibs are being so selfish.:explode: You need to take care of yourself so please listen to your doctors and try to allow yourself the time and caring you will need to recover. You are no good to your dad if you are ill. Sending you even more hugs!:heart:

    M – sounds like you are going to have a great summer. Good for you on the recommitted approach – you are so positive, I know you’ll succeed.:drinker:

    Marie – welcome! Congrats on maintaining. I am also taking this journey with my DH and it is wonderful to be doing this together. We are both in maintenance now and have helped keep each other in check (although he is often suggesting temptations…I’m the one who has to veto more often, but we are both usually glad I do):happy:

    Debbie – Happy B-day and got to love the Hawks! :bigsmile:

    Have a great day, Jodios in seems to be always stormy N. IL:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • cyndilie
    cyndilie Posts: 52
    Good morning ladies, finally getting back to the thread following my vacation in Cabo earlier in June. Wow, it was a fantastic vacation and I didn't want to come back to reality. However, I must pay the bills, so here I am back in Hockley, TX. Summer has arrived here in Texas and boy it is hot!!! We had a very pleasant May compared to years past, but we sure do need some rain now. My yard is fried!!!! Everyday when I drive up the driveway after work, I jump out of the car and start the watering process. I have automatic sprinklers set up in the yard, but they just aren't keeping up with the needs of my hanging baskets.

    Sorry to say that I gained four pounds on vacation. I feared it would happen because it's Mexico and the margaritas were flowing, but the day we returned I immediately got back on my routine of exercise and counting calories and voila, the four pounds are gone again!! The bad part is that I'm just now back to where I started on June 9, so I've lost some time, but I'm trying not to beat myself up about it. I have made significant lifestyle changes, but admit that's hard to keep up with on vacation with good friends in a beautiful location.

    Love reading all your stories and catching up with your news. Happy Tuesday to all and good luck with your weight loss/maintenance journey!!

    Cyndi from Hockley
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Good morning everyone. Sounds like most are enjoying summer. It is always nice to have the fresh fruits and veggies. We went to an organ concert last night sponsored by the AGO here in SD. It was at our church and by a young man from Aberdeen, SD who won the regional AGO competition for our area. He did an excellent job.

    Well tomorrow is my rotator cuff surgery and I am more than ready to get this over and done with and be on the road to recovery. Because of all the messing around with the insurance it will be eight weeks since the injury, way too long but the doctor says I am still in the three month window for this surgery so that they should not have to remove a lot of scar tissue. I am going to try to up my protein to 120 grams per day on the advice of my dietician to help promote healing. That is going to be a stretch as I usually fall into about 70+ grams per day.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day, stay within your calories and drink lots of water. Sue in SD
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Here I go sleeping again, and the pages pile up. Got out for my walk this morning, a little over 2 miles. My arms are sore from yesterday's strength training, so tomorrow is legs. I'll do arms again on Friday.

    Just a note to save my place.

    Tigress in GA.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sue-good luck with your surgery.It`s ashame how the insurance can screw up things that need to be done.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm trying to come back and stay consistent! Missed you all! Summer is here... must get in the pool

    Have a happy day!