
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    People who are too focused on what other people are doing at the gym rather than just working out and minding their own business.

    I know where you are coming from however some things like hygiene can impair someone else.
    Right. For the most part, I don't have pet peeves because I'm focusing on my own workout, but the ones I do have don't involve me being "too focused on what other people are doing at the gym".

    I can't stand when people don't re-rack. It's fine for pulley machines because you just pull the little piece out and stick it in a different weight so that doesn't matter, but when you leave 60+ lbs on each side of a barbell, I have the right to be annoyed. There's a guy that uses the only squat rack at my gym, and he'll just leave the room for a few minutes with the bar still racked up so I have to ask people if anyone is using it, and everyone says they don't think so, but then after I start using it, he comes back and stands there waiting. Hey, if you're doing your sets, why the hell are you leaving the room every time? If you're done with your sets, take the damn plates off the bar!

    Also smelly people, but sometimes when I'm working out really hard and pouring sweat, I get nervous that I'm one of them. :frown:
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Am I the only one that seems to have noticed it tends to be only women that have a list of gym pet peeves?
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member
    I avoid the gym. The potential minefield of disturbing everybody else by breaking unwritten and vague social norms or inadvertently being offensive with improper techniques makes me want to hyperventilate.
  • rachy867
    rachy867 Posts: 32
    I don't really have any pet peeves, but this one time I was on a bench using dumbbells, when a guy decided to do his press ups on medicine balls right next to me, he was so close I couldn't put weights down to the side as there was no room. He had the whole gym to do this in, why choose that close to me. I do like to have a little bit of space to move in when at gym!
  • People who are too focused on what other people are doing at the gym rather than just working out and minding their own business.

    So agree!
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    The only things that bother me are things that directly affect my workouts. If you want to come in, wear makeup and barely workout, I really do not care, and I don't understand why anyone would. BUT, if you take like 5 different sets of weights and set them on the floor near you just so you have them when you need them, I will want to rip your hair out. Take what you need when you need it and put it back when you're not using it. GRRRR.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    1- block the machines
    2- do not rerack the weights
    3- speak very loud to get attention
    4- the "fitness trainer" that will come up to you while you are deadlifting and start talking about some whack plan and that I should not be lifting so heavy blah blah blah

    5- girls who don't want to sweat and or mess up there hair so will crawl on the treadmill for 5min and then lift 2lbs weights for another 10min not wipe down anything and then leave. (also, they will perk their tush out as far as possible to "show it off" in their lulu lemon see through pants that I can tell you are only wearing a thong!)
  • FlippinNora
    FlippinNora Posts: 41 Member
    I have ended my contract at my local gym - it was just...gross.

    The last time I went there it honestly looked like someone had melted, in their entirety, over the treadmill.. All over the belt, handles, dials, buttons, display, frame etc. It was absolutely covered in sweat or spit or both.

    I got off and got on the next one to find that the buttons to adjust were all sticky.

    Walked out and never been back. This was after I had been trying to ignore all the other dirt in the gym for months and months - the equipment, the floor - and it wasn't exactly a cheap gym.

    So pet peeve - filthy dirty gyms.
  • davanpelt
    davanpelt Posts: 2
    I got two new ones to add:
    1. The dude who consistently slings his arms to get the sweat off. If I'm on an eliptical and see him coming to the one next to me, I'm outta there. I usually don't bring my umbrella into the gym.
    2. Another dude who, upon finishing his set on a weight machine, will repin the weightstack at a higher weight making it appear to the next user that he was doing a heavier set. And no he's not doing it for any other reason.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    *the people who not only don't use deodorant, but who (i think) never shower or change their clothing. eww eww eww.
    *the backstrokers in the pool - who just swim and don't care if anyone else is swimming in their vicinty.
    *the swimmers who cannot /will not grasp the concept of lanes and laps (swim on your right, damn it! how difficult is that?) and end up swimming back and forth in the same side of the lane so invariably will end up

    All the other stuff I can live with - i just stick on my headphones and plug away

    ugh! I HATE sharing a lane - 99% of people don't know how to properly share a lane (even the ones that know how to circle swim have issues with passing/not getting out of the way at the wall/not understanding that if they are going much slower they need to get out of the way if someone touches their feet :explode:

    and even if someone knows how to share a lane it just doesn't work very well if you are not doing the same sets

    I try to hit the pool during a quiet time so I don't have to share a lane :happy:

    also nothing wrong with backstroke if you know what you are doing :wink:
  • goombasmom
    goombasmom Posts: 70 Member
    People who FART when they are running on the treadmill. Enough to know you over and kill you.

    Sorry, it snuck out. :blushing: I don't always have control of where I "fluff."
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    1) the people that go on one weight machine for like 20 minutes with like a solid 3 minutes in between each pull they do. It's like hunny you just sitting there on the machine does not mean you're exercising
    2) the teeny weeny little girls who go on the elliptical/ treadmill for like 10 minutes at like resistance level 20 or whatever. It's like yeah sweetie we know you're skinny and you don't necessarily need to be there, but you don't need to show off/ rub it in.
    3) Girls who go in full hair and makeup- Where do you think you are? It used to happen all the time at my old gym, but i'm at Lucille Roberts now so no one cares bc it's all women.

    :noway: Geeze? Really?? whats wrong with doing ten minutes of high intensity cardio? That's what I do before//after I lift weights..I'm sure there are people who would call me "little." Never once did occur to me that someone could be watching and thinking I was RUBBING MY FITNESS IN THEIR FACE!!?? LOL!

    Also, You are judging me because I drove straight from the office to the gym without washing off my makeup?!? Sooo sorry to be careless and offend you with my lack of lack of makeup :laugh: :laugh:

    I love the gym, I love working out, and I always assumed everyone else was just focused on doing the best they could in the time they had...apparently after reading this thread I have been clueless. Or I belong to really good serious gym. I dont know...

    Next time I'm on the elliptical for my "showing off" 10 minute run I will be paranoid that everyone is worried about what I'm doing...:grumble:
  • jamfan
    jamfan Posts: 124 Member
    1) using the squat rack to do sit-ups when people are clearly waiting to use them for their intended purpose. WTF?

    2) A water bottle & light weights left on or by the only open bench w/ no-one in sight & nobody in the area who know's if the bench is being used.

    3) Dropping Dumbbells, I lift heavier than 90% of the guys that do this & it's uncalled for.

    4) Exercising at the dumbbell rack in the way of the weights
  • At my gym there are these guys that come in and one will be on the treadmill while another does weights and they HOLLER to each other across the room. I want to throw a weight at their heads to get them to shut up, they are SO LOUD.

    Girls who wear makeup and strong perfume.

    Guys that think they can just walk around and fart and nobody will notice it.
  • 2vayla
    2vayla Posts: 26 Member
    Grunting and dropping it necessary??? UM...No.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    Not wiping down the equipment when you're done with it.

    that is my BIGGEST pet peeve. *those* people always get the stink eye from moi.

    Ditto and love the background on your ticker!
  • wendyking1979
    wendyking1979 Posts: 71 Member
    These type of posts are exactly why I am afraid to start resistance training. I have no idea what I'm doing, and even if I try, I'll have some of you people waiting to crucify me for doing it wrong. Mind your own business, or step in and help someone who obviously needs it.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Grunting and dropping it necessary??? UM...No.

    That's a joke, right?
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    These type of posts are exactly why I am afraid to start resistance training. I have no idea what I'm doing, and even if I try, I'll have some of you people waiting to crucify me for doing it wrong. Mind your own business, or step in and help someone who obviously needs it.
    A lot of people get crucified, as you put it, for stepping in to offer help if someone didn't ask. Don't be scared. I was afraid of the gym rats when I started, but I learned to focus on my workout and don't usually notice who else is even there. If you don't know how to do something, just ask someone. People won't judge you for asking for help like they might for doing something wrong. :flowerforyou:
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    Grunting and dropping it necessary??? UM...No.

    That's a joke, right?

    I hope so... or SOMEBODY never lifted to failure.
    I was GROANING this morning as I pushed out my final bench press...God I thought I was going to puke...but I maintained form and pushed through it. But OMG I grunted....GASP :laugh:
  • 2vayla
    2vayla Posts: 26 Member
    Grunting and dropping it necessary??? UM...No.

    That's a joke, right?

    No, I'm serious...and its annoying...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Grunting and dropping it necessary??? UM...No.

    That's a joke, right?

    No, I'm serious...and its annoying...
    Let's see you deadlift 400+lbs without making a noise.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Grunting and dropping it necessary??? UM...No.

    Yeah....I'm not quiet when I'm squatting 230. And I don't give a rip what other people think about it either.
  • 2vayla
    2vayla Posts: 26 Member
    Grunting and dropping it necessary??? UM...No.

    That's a joke, right?

    No, I'm serious...and its annoying...
    Let's see you deadlift 400+lbs without making a noise.

    Well I suppose I'll work on it and get back to you...I thought I was entitled to my own opinion...I thought this post was gym pet peeves...its a pet peeve for offense...but I wont apologize either.
  • fanakar
    fanakar Posts: 23
    1. People that use the toilet and leave their sanitary napkins strewn around the restroom stall or leave splashes of urine on the toilet seat and floor because they are too high and mighty to let their cheeks touch the seat and like to hover instead. And when people leave doodoo streaks on the toilets/walls.

    2. People leaving trash on the treadmills.

    3. People that don't want to be bothered with headphones so they use their phones/MP3 player like it's a surround sound system and everybody wants to hear what they are listening to.

    4. People that think they are above the rules of the gym. There are signs in our gym that clearly state where the area for personal training is. It is free to use unless a trainer comes in with a client. You must vacate the premises if that happens, but people still feel like they can encroach upon the time that you spent money on and monopolize the space and equipment you paid to use with your trainer.

    5. And I don't like when people fart next to me either. Go to the bathroom, take a dump and come back when you're ready to work out without making the place smell like a sewer.
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 379 Member
    People who stays on the machine and start looking at their smartphone either texting or surfing the web. They might be in between sets but if they are going to take a few minutes they might as well get out and let someone use it. I've seen someone using their IPAD in between sets.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Grunting and dropping it necessary??? UM...No.

    Yeah....I'm not quiet when I'm squatting 230. And I don't give a rip what other people think about it either.

    I tend to "give a rip" when I squat heavy ...
  • lilgia
    lilgia Posts: 4
    This topic makes me really sad. The only thing this is seeming to do is to make people feel more self conscious at the gym. I have had more friends than random people at the gym judge me for wearing cute work out clothes. Yes I want to wear bright pink pants and rainbow shoes, and a bow to hold my hair back. It makes ME feel more motivated and look forward to working out. I'm not doing it for you.

    With the scent thing a lot of people cannot smell themselves. So if they just came from work and are wearing perfume/cologne they might not notice. Some people are more stinky/sweaty than others. It's a gym not a fine restaurant. You are supposed to get sweaty!

    The only thing that would annoy would be not cleaning the machine or basic taking care of the area around you. That is the only thing on this forum that will personally effect you!
  • wendyking1979
    wendyking1979 Posts: 71 Member
    These type of posts are exactly why I am afraid to start resistance training. I have no idea what I'm doing, and even if I try, I'll have some of you people waiting to crucify me for doing it wrong. Mind your own business, or step in and help someone who obviously needs it.
    A lot of people get crucified, as you put it, for stepping in to offer help if someone didn't ask. Don't be scared. I was afraid of the gym rats when I started, but I learned to focus on my workout and don't usually notice who else is even there. If you don't know how to do something, just ask someone. People won't judge you for asking for help like they might for doing something wrong. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you Crista. :bigsmile:
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Grunting and dropping it necessary??? UM...No.

    Yeah....I'm not quiet when I'm squatting 230. And I don't give a rip what other people think about it either.

    I tend to "give a rip" when I squat heavy ...

    Ha! Well you'd better be careful, some people get offended by gym farters.