

  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi all, I just joined the forum tonight... I have to admit that I'm not quite 50, but will be in 6 weeks... so does that qualify me? If not, I'll go elsewhere...

    I'm having issues with getting toned up and losing weight, with this menopause thing...and it's so frustrating...! But I've also not been at this for real long... I had started a boot camp at the school where I teach, and had to quit due to my husband and his lack of support (long story) and needing to get to my daughter's house (43 miles away) to babysit the grandson. So after a week of not doing anything, I start back with my workout regimine this morning.... I no longer have anyone to workout with, and my husband when he gets up and I'm still working out has to make fun of me... Really good for keeping a person motivated...NOT!!!!

    I look forward to getting to know you all!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: bump!! Where have I been all this month?? Busy, busy, busy.

  • lulu4thewin
    Test post to see if I can join this thread--here's hoping! yay! Thank you, barbiecat!

    Hi! I'm new to MFP. I'm 56, and "retired" from the practice of law due to my fibromyalgia and arthritis. Over the years I've been changing my diet as much to try to regain my health as to lose weight. So far I've just gotten fatter and older. :huh:

    But that's all about to change--right?! Keeping journals, counting calories, and checking in with the scales are not who I am, but if that's what it takes, then here we go!

    I'm also expecting my positivity to cause the fat to fly off into the galaxy and be sucked into a black hole, never to be seen again.

    In the meantime, I'm still looking for my yoga dvd. Alternatively, I may totter out into the road for 10 minutes (that's 5 minutes out and 5 back, right?)

    Looking for friends in this community! Please feel free to add me.

    Now I need to have some sweet dreams! No calorie sweet. :tongue:

    Until tomorrow,

    Carolyn (Louise)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome MusicTeacher4 and lulu4thewin(Louise)!

    I've been up about an hour or so....Oh, the joys of menopause and hot flashes, LOL! We have some friends that are suppose to be passing through town today as they move from MO to New Mexico. Unfortunately, they've had some car problems along the way, so if they make it at all, it will be a short visit. I spent 3.5 hours at the beauty college yesterday getting my hair done. I've been going there a few years now and they do a pretty good job. I use to go to a salon, but, it became cost prohibitive. Unfortunately, I have to go back on Friday because my grey did not get covered on the sides/roots. They should have stuffed it and they did not. I decided to make a color change, and I don't like it very much. I will have them add more blonde in it also. I was afraid it was TOO blonde previously(almost white), but, everyone seemed to like it. We are making a trip to CA in August, and family pics will be taken so I decided now may be a time to give it a change. I still have another appointment before we leave to sort it all out.

    We'll do a bit of grocery shopping today. Aldi has some good fruit prices this week. If you have an Aldi in your area it is worth checking out! Does anyone else keep hardboiled eggs on hand for a quick snack? We find it really helps if we are needing a little something before getting a meal prepared. We rarely eat out. The calories are just too high.

  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning!

    Just checking in while i have my morning coffee. I hope it's a good day for everyone; we've had some storms here and expect more throughout the day.

    I've been in kind of a funk about exercise lately. I walk with a friend for 30 minutes each morning at work - that's about 1.5 miles - but I really need to do something in the evenings as well. Haven't been able to walk then, mostly due to weather issues. I have some exercise videos but am bored with them. Soooooo, I finally did something I've been thinking about for awhile..... I ordered a set of Zumba Fitness videos last weekend and they should be here any day. I've never tried Zumba but have friends who love it so am hoping I will, too. Just need something new and hoping this fits the bill.

    Guess I'd better go get ready for the day. I'm sending prayers for those who need them!

    Sandy in Central Ohio
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    "I'm also expecting my positivity to cause the fat to fly off into the galaxy and be sucked into a black hole, never to be seen again."

    Louise-I think that is hysterical! Wouldn't that be wonderful for everyone, lol!

    Still hot as the devil here. I'm being good and trotting off to work out before it gets too horrible. The gym does have A/C, but after ten minutes it doesn't feel it!

    Hoping it's a good day for all!

    Critter Sue
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    M :smile: So nice to see you again! Sounds like you are one busy lady!

    Katiebug :smile: Did you get all your yard work done yesterday:huh: ?

    Suzy :smile: Congrats on the scale moving and your pants fitting better!

    Jan :smile: Great to see you again!!!

    Jane Martin :smile: It was hot here yesterday too, 88 degrees plus lots of humidity!

    Sandy in ON :smile: It`s funny how our bodies get used to eating healthy foods and when we have a not so good for us treat, it rebels:sick: ! Good for you getting your exercise in while the boss is away!

    Yanniejannie :smile: You`ve been waiting for that delivery for awhile now:noway: , what in the world is taking them so long:huh: ?

    Marie in OK :smile: Congrats being in maintenance! I have a FitBit too:love: , it is a wonderful motivator! Hope you get your hair just the way you like it!

    Debbie in Chicago :smile: Pop in when you can and chat with us!

    Jodios :smile: Hope you`re feeling better today! I had a dog once that was scared of thunderstorms and if we happened to get one in the middle of the night, she would wake me up and I would have to hold her like a baby:noway: , she was a little 8 pound Shih Tzu:love: .

    Cyndi :smile: Sounds like you had a great vacation! Congrats on getting the vacation pounds back off!

    Sue in SD :smile: Wishing you the best of luck on your surgery today:flowerforyou: !

    Tigress :smile: The pages pile up fast here! I tend to get behind all the time:embarassed: .

    Tammy :smile: Good to you see you back! Hope you enjoyed the pool!

    Jackie(mynyddisamrs) :smile: Welcome back! The trip to Spain sounds fantastic!

    Rita :smile: Pop in when you can! Looks like you`re doing great on your goals!

    Joyce :smile: 5 inches of rain in 8 hrs:noway: …hope things are drying out!

    Helen :smile: Welcome! Come in often! Congrats on the 13 pounds gone!

    Critter Sue :smile: Congrats on 5 pounds gone!!! 4 dogs at the same time to the vet:noway: , when I take Noel in I`m always hoping it won`t be busy, she tends to like to bark at other dogs:frown: . I sometimes think she thinks she`s the only dog ever:laugh: . Hope they find out what`s causing your pain!

    Vicki :smile: Congrats on your weigh in!!! 5.6 down Yippee!!!! Sounds like you had a fun and busy weekend!

    Liz MFP :smile: Just pop in when you have some time!

    Debby(silvermammma) :smile: Welcome! Just jump right in and chat away with us!

    Grandmallie :smile: Woo hoo 13,000 steps! You`re doing awesome!

    Juanita :smile: Love your new profile pic!!! Are those your fur babies:love: ?

    Gail :smile: Uh oh….what`s going on:huh: :huh: :huh: :flowerforyou: ???

    Barbie :smile: Good music for your line dance class! I`m sure the audience loved every minute of it! I`m surprised with all your walking you don`t have to buy walking shoes more often!

    Sandy (ohiomomof2) :smile: Hope you`re in a better mood today:flowerforyou: ! I had an “out of sorts” day on Monday, so NOT fun:sad: !

    Michele :smile: Where did you find a bra for $4.00:huh: ???? Mice and snakes:noway: :noway: :noway: ……Nooooooo!!!!!

    Katla :smile: How neat to see an Antelope that close!!! Hope you`re feeling better!!!

    Kathy :smile: Congrats on the first assignment! Hope the MRI gives hubby some answers!

    Musicteacher4 :smile: Welcome!!! Of course your welcome to join here, you join just by posting! Come in often and chat with us!

    Renny :smile: Busy, busy, busy, I`ve missed your posts!

    Carolyn (Louise) :smile: Welcome! I like the idea about fat flying off into the galaxy and being sucked into a black hole:laugh: . Think I`ll have to borrow that vision too! Come in often and chat with us!

    Time to get myself busy now. I hurt my back somehow yesterday….I decided that I needed a new pair of pant:happy: (I really don`t need anymore clothes:noway: ) , while I was walking around the store my lower back on the left side started hurting, the more I walked the more it hurt:huh: . It`s feeling a bit better this morning. I found out it actually feels better sitting up than it does laying down, it took me forever to get comfortable last night:sad: :yawn: . Hopefully when I really start moving around today it will be better!

    Have a great day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in steamy sunny NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    "I'm also expecting my positivity to cause the fat to fly off into the galaxy and be sucked into a black hole, never to be seen again."

    At first I read only those first three words, causing a doubletake! Welcome!

    Welcome to all the newbies, hugs for those struggling and prayers as needed...

    So I've been in a funk, which I know is only a mental block and lack of acceptance. Over the past 1 1/2 years, despite losing 40% of body weight and doing a good job with diet and exercise, the doc now wants me to go on Lipitor. I can see the labs gradually creeping up in total cholesterol, but have made great improvement in the triglycerides (185 down to 97), a 2 point improvement in HDL and a 10 point reduction in LDL. In my mind I know I've done everything I can, but emotionally it feels like a failure. I have a strong aversion to taking prescription medications, feeling they are generally over prescribed. I know they have their place, but it is such a hurdle for me. Still dwelling on it. A couple of my friends have had such issues with statins.

    Tonight is our dinner with someone I worked with years ago. Should be fun -- and since I'll likely be on a new med, I'll just eat whatever I want!!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning! Thank you for the lovely welcome :) I'm planning to check in each day to keep my motivation up. It's nice to see so many women here all working hard to improve their health. It's going to take a while to get to know who's who!

    Critter Sue - thank you for your welcome email.

    Sandy in Ohio - I have the Zumba DVDs. You've reminded me to pull them out again.

    Barbie - I was looking for a line dance class last week. It looks like a fun way to add some extra activity. I used to do Jazzercise, about 10 years ago, and miss the "dancey" type of workout.

    My little guy just left for his last morning of elementary school and it feels very strange. We live next door to his school and I'm so used to seeing him playing outside there (our yard runs alongside the field at the back of his school).

    One question - how do I find the daily thread? I searched for it but had to go through a few links before I got to this page.

    Helen in MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    well I didn't go to the gym, but walked 3 miles instead.. my heel I just wrapped my foot with an ace bandage put socks and shoes and off I went...go in at noon today waiting for the grass to dry out so that I can mow the lawn before I go.
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    DeeDee - thanks for telling me how to find the thread. It worked!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Music Teacher: Welcome. This is a supportive group. Please let us know where you’re from. We have people from all over the world here and it is fun to know where each of us is from.:flowerforyou:

    Lulu for the win: Good news/bad news-- You can win the weight loss fight BUT you’ll have to guard the gate forever. I’m still taking weight off, but we have several members who have reached their goal and keep coming here to get and give support. I hope to be one of them someday.:bigsmile:

    Gail: With all you’ve accomplished you can be sure that if the doctor says you need Lipitor you really need it. There is a tendency in our society to over prescribe medicines, but this isn’t the case in your situation. :noway: You are not a failure. DH was diagnosed with diabetes at age 18. When he got out of the hospital and had to take insulin his mom called him an addict. She was ashamed of him. Don’t do anything similar to yourself!

    I’m at my SIL’s in eastern Oregon, which is usually a dry place compared to where we live, but today it is raining and it feels WONDERFUL. I feel as if my skin is absorbing moisture from the air. I’m not sure if we’ll stay here another day or leave for home today. I can handle it either way.

    Katla in NE Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good morning from sunny, hot & humid Ontario

    Welcome to the newbies :flowerforyou: I just joined in at the beginning of this month. What a supportive group of women.

    there will be no sneaking in workouts at work today, I have a horrible migraine again! :sad:

    Sorry to be short & sweet but it's hard to focus today.

    Have a great day and drink your water :drinker:

    Sandy from ON
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Did a mid week weigh in and I'm down a pound! Woohoo! Just a quick check in before starting up my day around here. I'll check in at lunch and be more detailed with folks.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Busy on vacation with no internet connection. At a coffee shop right now. I'm putting a link to my husband and daughter doing Kareoke. It is funny.



    Husband making me leave!! Bye.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    We are still having some crazy weather here. Hot and humid with violent storms almost every day.
    Fortunately, the mornings have been perfect for getting in my run. Since running outside, I have had to buy panty liners because when I run, I leak….ewwwww! :embarassed: I never drink until I return, and I make sure that I go to the bathroom before I leave for my run, but it still happens. I didn’t have this problem on the TM, so I guess running up and down hills makes the difference. Anyone else have this problem? Since I never was a runner, I’ve never experienced this before, but I’m guessing age is a factor. Getting old sucks!:grumble:

    I’m struggling with maintenance. I am logging faithfully every day, but I have been consistently over my calories lately. I feel hungry a lot, and the things that satisfied me before are not cutting it now. I only gained one pound, but I am worried. A lot of people that I know have been calling me “skinny Minnie” recently, and I don’t want that to make me feel like I can start eating whatever I want. That was my MO for years of yo-yo dieting. I am putting this out there because I want to admit my struggles as well as my accomplishments. I want to be as healthy and active as I can without feeling deprived. It’s not helping that the summer always brings new challenges with more eating out, vacations, etc……:sad:

    Congratulations to all you Blackhawks fans on your Stanley Cup win!:happy:

    :frown: Amanda – So sorry you are not getting support from your family. You need to take it easy after surgery and I hope you get the chance to fully recover before doing anything strenuous. Is there anyone else who can help you with lifting your father?

    :drinker: M – It’s good to see you back on track. Summer seems to be the time of year when there are lots of parties and vacations so I can relate to your struggle. We are here to support one another and we can do this together!

    :flowerforyou: Suzy – The Blue Rocks are fun to watch, but there is definitely a difference between watching them and a professional team like the Phillies (even though they’re playing crappy this year!) Our soil isn’t very good here, but I am starting to see skinny cucumbers, tiny peppers and some tomatoes and zucchinis starting to grow. We have lots of flowers too, so I’m hoping for some good veggies come July.

    :grumble: Jodios – I guess you and I are in the same boat with maintenance, but my DH is naturally thin so although he supports me, he also has lots of treats around. It’s a little hard not to get resentful when he goes back for seconds and thirds on dinner!

    :wink: Cyndi –Your vacation sounded wonderful! I learned that pounds gained on vacation usually disappear quickly if I can get back on track when I return.

    :smile: Sue in SD – Good luck on your surgery and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    :wink: Joyce – I’ve done my registration on line before and was able to immediately print out a temporary registration that was good until the hard copy came in the mail.

    :devil: Barbie – I wish I had your resolve! I would love to get to the point where I don’t miss certain foods, but I can’t see that happening, so every day is a struggle. Sometimes I feel like there’s a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Most days the angel wins, but some days……

    :smile: Michele – I’m sure the dress looks great! I’m hoping you’ll post a picture of yourself in it.

    :sick: Katla – You should take it easy and not try and do the whole trip at once if you’re not feeling up to it. I hope you feel better soon.

    :heart: Musicteacher – The thread says it’s for women ages 50+, but everyone is welcome. I’m sorry you have no support at home, but stick around and you’ll find plenty of support here.

    :laugh: DeeDee – It’s OK when an 8 lb. Shih Tzu jumps in your lap, but Milo (my dog) is terrified of thunder and he’s 100 pounds! Sometimes he THINKS he’s a lap dog, but usually, he just crawls under the end table and lifts it up so everything goes flying!

    :laugh: Carolyn (Louise) – ROFL! If only that were true….sigh!

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Increase weights for circuit training to 5 pounds each.
    Consistent logging
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    Find an exercise class I enjoy

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning!

    Grandmallie, I have had heel issues in the past. Mine used to be so painful I could barely walk. The inserts made especially for plantar fasciitis helped and mine eventually healed. I’ve had all kinds of foot issues since I started exercising. Two of my toenails fell off. I thought I had a fungus, but the doctor said no, they were “traumatized.” The guy at the running shoe store said it was caused from wearing too short of shoes on the elliptical. I finally got my heel fixed, my toenails grew back, and I was still having problems with blisters. Then I discovered the Wrightsock anti-blister socks so now I refuse to wear any other brand.
    Katla, enjoy your vacation. I’ve never been to the northwest; it’s an area of the country I would really like to see. Safe travels home.

    Critter Sue, congrats on the fifth pound.

    Vicki, that was a fantastic weigh in.

    Liz, keeping up with this thread is my goal every month and I have yet to succeed!

    Debby, welcome back to MFP. This is a great group for encouragement.

    Barbie, it used to take me years to wear out a pair of walking shoes. Now I need news ones on a regular basis. I’ll bet it was fun picking those out.

    Ohio Mom, hope a good night’s rest did the trick for you. Maybe the Zumba will also help to jazz up your exercise routine.
    Michele, your river rock sounds lovely. I’m sorry the finished project is put on hold for a bit.
    Marie, I totally keep hard boiled eggs on hand. I love to slice them up on top of lettuce and tomatoes for lunch. I had that yesterday.

    Gail, I’m sorry about the cholesterol. I honestly think when it comes to cholesterol, genetics make the biggest difference. I have a friend who is thin, watches everything she eats, and still had to go on medication. My DH is on it, too.
    Wessecg, Your DH and daughter look like they’re having so much fun. Why didn’t you sing along?

    Jan, congrats on the mid-week weigh-in!

    Sandy, hope you feel better soon. Migraines are the pits.

    Well, yard work is never done, but I worked off and on all day. I got the grass mowed and trimmed 17 bushes with my new handy-dandy battery powered hedge trimmer. I had to take the regular pruners to the Camellia bush, but it is now half the size it was before I started. The whole front of the house looks like a new place. I thought I would be super sore today, but I am not. The sad thing is that two years ago I would not have been able to hold out to do that work. I actually feel pretty fantastic, if you want to know the truth. Today I need to run errands and do the grocery shopping. I also want to pick up some potting soil to repot some house plants that are getting too big for the pots they are currently in. I cleaned up the big mess I made yesterday, but I still need to get the leaf blower out and get rid of the small stuff, too.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi! It's raining again this morning. I'll be picking boysenberries later, wearing rain coat like I had to do yesterday. Of course it has to rain for days on end when they ripen, :grumble: causing some of them to mold. Gotta love Oregon. :tongue: But I'm grateful to have them, there are plenty of huge, beautiful ones in perfect condition, and are they ever delicious :love: I picked a flat and a half yesterday, yum yum! They're sitting on the kitchen table, I'll freeze most of them, and start a batch of brandy. :bigsmile:

    I heard news that my great niece, Mariah got up and walked around in the hospital a little yesterday, so she's doing pretty well. I saw a photo of her, though, poor girl looks terrible, :brokenheart: and I guess she's still awfully upset and grumpy. They're continuing to wean her off steriods, matter of fact I think today she'll be off them completely. Spinal tap scheduled for a week from today. Keep your fingers crossed, and thanks so much for your continued support. :flowerforyou:

    I noticed some of my happiness was missing this morning :ohwell: so I'm going to turn on some music and dance around while I clean. :wink: I'll get down to the track for a bit, too. Worked up a real good sweat yesterday, did 8 laps, even racewalked a full lap. It's not easy, but I'm thrilled that I can do it! I need some of that good burn this morning. Ate too much yesterday :blushing:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome everyone new! Musicteacher, I'm a music teacher, too. ♪♫

    Have a wonderful day, let's find the happy stuff in life and keep treating ourselves well.

    :smile: jb in beautifully green, wet Portland

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies-

    I found the thread again! You ladies just don't realize what type of a computer-idiot you are dealing with here.

    It is nice to be back and feeling a bit better than I have for the last week. According to the Dr, there's nothing wrong with me. :huh: He does say that the diverticulosis can be triggered by stress, so he figures that is what has happened this time. So, I just need clean out the system, eat in a healthy manner, and start all over again.

    I am waiting for a plumber today, and we know that the "sometime betweeen 9 & noon" is fantasy.. :grumble: Since I can't leave the house to go to the pool, I will get my exercise by cleaning..... oh, joy.

    Jane- A 40 minute walk to the pool! Awesome...I would not have made it!

    Robin- I hope the interview got you that job... you deserve it for the baloney you have suffered.

    Grandmalie- That is just a 'little' sin, not a big, big one. You will only add a hundred or so years to your stay in purgatory......:)

    Meg- 53,000! That's horrible...glad you are OK.

    CityJane- Congratulations on the non-gain. I really do understand how exciting that is some weeks.

    CritterSue- Nice to see you; love the puppy! I am sorry that you are in mourning; I, however, am doing my Happy Hockey Dance! Watch out for the snapping turtles, they do get ornery. I am glad that your gall bladder is unremarkable. However, it sounds like you are in the same boat I am in. My stomach, intestines, yadda yadda... are unremarkable, therefore there is nothing they can do, so I live w/ an oogie stomach. Sound familiar? Hope your gall bladder behaves and your discomfort eases.

    Vicki- 5.6 lbs! That is awesome!

    Liz- Waving right back at you! We are a chatty group, aren't we?

    Yardtigress- I think I must have missed something...imagine that. Your arms are sore because your tea cake was so heavy?

    Joyce- My partner tells everyone that he just always gets lost in Walmart because I disappear. Make sure yours carries his cellphone. It is the only way I can find my Bill after he wanders off to look at fishing tackle, new movies, or cute kids .... he's a grandpa, he likes kids.

    Michelle- I like your advice to Amanda. Isn't amazing how hard it is to be kind to ourselves.
    About the river rock, mice and snakes..... EEEEW! .....
    About the bras and underwires- I have a very good friend who is a breast cancer survivor who was told by her specialist that no one should wear underwires because of the pressure on the soft tissues.

    Ok- time to go off and do something wonderful. Take care, be well, and stay safe! Oh, just as an interesting sidenote, Tucson has been in triple digits every day this month!

    Bye! Pat