Could not believe what my sister did...



  • Amiike
    Amiike Posts: 21
    I dont see the problem either, my dad buys PB all the time, I don't touch it, it's his... wish he would leave my skips alone though :explode:

    It's not the PB - it's the fact that her sister first says she hates PB und now suddely buys some as she knows it's trigger food for her - that is just mean and I would feel very sad if my sister would do something like that!
  • rosehippy77
    rosehippy77 Posts: 54 Member
    Throw it away and every time she buys another one, throw it away too. See if she likes wasting money.

    ^^^^^ Love this one! :drinker:
  • Prismapencils

    Also (to the poster who says wasting food is okay because other people do it too, that's not the way adults should behave imo. Just because other people waste resources that doesn't mean we all should.

    I specifically said that it's bad to waste food, actually. If I wasn't clear, my message was meant to convey to relax or back off trying to guilt or otherwise shame the OP. It was less along the "monkey see, monkey do" logic and more "those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" argument. There were four or five posts basically bashing her or just being insistent on not wasting food when I felt like it should be geared more towards being helpful. I thought the thread was gravitating towards a PSA against food disposal rather than her concerns.

    Anyway, I agree with the someone who might have posted a Sinatra quote a while back. I feel that you should just do your best to ignore it and let your success speak for itself. Maybe stock up on healthier yet delicious alternatives when you're thinking about that jar. My family brings my weakness--Lay's potato chips in all the time. I stock up on pop chips when I start having cravings.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i would toss it. and i wouldn't make an issue about it. bullies love it when you get mad at them - don't give her the satisfcation. I'm reading on your profile that you are 18, i'm assuming (i hope) that your sister is a bit younger than you because her behavior is extremely juvenile

    Dont waste food!

    if you have to, donate it!
    sorry nikilis -you are correct. I amend my reply to "get it out of the house". (donate if possible, give away, trade...)
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 815 Member
    stick the peanut butter in the freezer. It doesn't taste great frozen and you can stick it at the back - out of sight out of mind. Also then your sister can't get mad at you (well I mean she can get mad) but you still have her peanutbutter and you haven't damaged it in any way
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I can understand why you're upset OP but think of it as training for the real world. There's always going to be cookies, or birthday cake, or dinner out. The best strategy for the long term is to learn how to eat the foods you enjoy in moderation. Failing that, the best strategy is to be able to turn down foods that you know you won't eat in moderation. It sucks that it's in your kitchen, but since it is you might as well get some good from it being there.

    I don't think you should throw it out or donate it if it wasn't bought with your money.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Wasting food is bad, but it's not your food to control either. It's not like people waste other resources all the time. It's not like she's committing a horrible sin. Sit down with that. Try to be less condescending and more helpful, ja, those that are calling the OP juvenile.

    I liked it better when you said murder. nice edit.

    I'm not trying to condescend to the OP, or anyone, but saying people waste things all the time doesn't mean we should keep on doing it. there's only so many resources in the world, and personally I'd rather try to help people if I can, and yeah I'm sure there are a lot of people who don't try to help others, but should that stop people from doing so?

    I suppose the ultimate question is, being that there is a lot of injustice and disparity in the world, should people stand up against that for a better of their fellow man/woman, or should people go your way, and be apathetic about making a change and using the actions of others as an excuse to not care?

    a family that is struggling, would appreciate a jar of peanut butter, or a loaf of bread, or any kind of help in the hard times. I'm the kind of person who wants to help.

    why throw away something, that could help someone else. person to person, irrespective of the ways of the world?
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    A lot of people here need to relax. Seriously. Especially the person saying she's glad she grew up with brothers because of the original poster's urge to lose two pounds.

    Wanting to lose those two pounds is not petty at all. Two pounds on my frame makes a big difference. Two pounds is twice as much as that first pound lost that gives you that push to make a commitment to being healthier. And, those two pounds are the hardest to lose when you're approaching your goal weight.

    Also, your home should be your safe zone, especially when you live in a country where unhealthy food choices are rampant. I understand the frustration of not having support from your family and having to exercise constant restraint due to their choices. Knowing full well they are trying to mess up a change in your life that's important to you and seem to not care about your health, and being mad about it--that's not petty.

    Wasting food is bad, but it's not your food to control either. It's not like people waste other resources all the time. It's not like she's committing a horrible sin. Sit down with that. Try to be less condescending and more helpful, ja, those that are calling the OP juvenile.

    And to the OP, grow up or move into your own place.
  • deeksha_s
    deeksha_s Posts: 79 Member
    Whatever her intentions are, she is helping you in the long run. She's making you strong, just prove it to her!

    Read this somewhere 'Willpower is a muscle; the more you exercise it, stronger it becomes'
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    i would toss it. and i wouldn't make an issue about it. bullies love it when you get mad at them - don't give her the satisfcation. I'm reading on your profile that you are 18, i'm assuming (i hope) that your sister is a bit younger than you because her behavior is extremely juvenile

    Dont waste food!

    if you have to, donate it!
    sorry nikilis -you are correct. I amend my reply to "get it out of the house". (donate if possible, give away, trade...)

    yay! :drinker:
  • mayancoh
    mayancoh Posts: 56 Member
    I TOTALLY understand you! first of all - I LOOOVVVEEE peanut butter too - so i dont have it in the house but every time I go to my parents they have it and it is really hard not to go for it! I ask my mum to put it away when I come over so I dont have any and if I do decide to have some ill take a spoonful and tell my mum or one of my siblings to take it away and hide it :)
  • hollyberry2012
    Sweety, i know the issue has absolutely nothing to do with peanut butter, or trigger foods, or self control. You confided in your sister something that was very important to you. Sisters are suppose to have your back...instead she stabs you in the back.

    When y'all get a little older, her actions will haunt her. In the meantime, you be as nice to her as you can possibly be. Then maybe she will learn what a true sister is all about.
  • Prismapencils

    Also (to the poster who says wasting food is okay because other people do it too, that's not the way adults should behave imo. Just because other people waste resources that doesn't mean we all should.

    I specifically said that it's bad to waste food, actually. If I wasn't clear, my message was meant to convey to relax or back off trying to guilt or otherwise shame the OP. It was less along the "monkey see, monkey do" logic and more "those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" argument. There were four or five posts basically bashing her or just being insistent on not wasting food when I felt like it should be geared more towards being helpful. I thought the thread was gravitating towards a PSA against food disposal rather than her concerns.

    (Random PS: I edit all my posts. Just habit. I type too fast.)

    Anyway, I agree with the someone who might have posted a Sinatra quote a while back. I feel that you should just do your best to ignore it and let your success speak for itself. Maybe stock up on healthier yet delicious alternatives when you're thinking about that jar. My family brings my weakness--Lay's potato chips-- in all the time. I stock up on pop chips when I start having cravings, which I prefer. If you do that, you won't be touching her food or wasting it. You will let your success be your revenge.

    As for the lack of support, sadly, sometimes you have to look beyond your own family.
  • gypy
    gypy Posts: 83 Member
    You should definately give her a boob punch!

    NAh, leave it there, practice controling your urges. If we reach our goals by avoiding temptation, one day they are going to be undone.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    She's mean oh well. Would start mentioning other trigger foods then. Like sauerkraut, okra, cabbage, and other things she probably hates as well, she how much of the stuff she buys.

    Haha, I like this one!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Ooo I know, open the jar, take a knife or spoon, and spoon out ALL the contents into the bin, and just leave a wee bit left for her. Do this every time she buys a new jar. She'd be broke soon.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Isn't this what siblings do?

    Surely this isn't the worst she's done over the years?

    At least it's off your chest now :flowerforyou:
  • be_patient
    be_patient Posts: 186 Member
    hey, peanut butter is a trigger food for me too! and nutella. and it gets stocked up in my house. do what jenzenzen says though! hahahhaha master plan :')

    "Ooo I know, open the jar, take a knife or spoon, and spoon out ALL the contents into the bin, and just leave a wee bit left for her. Do this every time she buys a new jar. She'd be broke soon."
  • skymel14
    skymel14 Posts: 30
    Ok let's be clear: a tablespoon of peanut butter is not going to derail your diet. I am a *HUGE FAN* of a glass of red wine and a spoon (or 12) of peanut butter, don't get me wrong.

    Why not just take a tablespoon of it then go for a walk? Eat it slowly so you get your peanut butter fix, and by the time you get home you don't want any anymore? Just a suggestion.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Ooo I know, open the jar, take a knife or spoon, and spoon out ALL the contents into the bin, and just leave a wee bit left for her. Do this every time she buys a new jar. She'd be broke soon.

    if you take a spoon or knife to it, spoon all the contents in your mouth.
