

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Did my weekly weigh in. Although I weigh the same I lost 3 inches this week and my blood sugar was 94. I guess that's the reason I am finally able to wear the blouses my sister gave me in March and I couldn't wear them because of my 'lower chest roll'. That's what I call it, the area between my waist line and abdominal roll. I guess I should be able to wear my Mom's sweatshirts this winter also!!!! She had several grandma sweatshirts I loved but couldn't wear. She wore 1X. I'm also beginning to think about getting some size 14 jeans at Walmart and hanging them in my closet.

    Our central AC is out:sad: :sad: :sad: Rigth now at 10:45 it's 76 degrees. You better believe I'll be drinking my ice water. I may even drink the cat's water!!! I may stay at teh Y longer than usual just to enjoy the coolness. They are supposed to come this afternoon and check it out, that is unless we have storms again.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Well warm and humid again today but if you get out at the butt crackof dawn you can get a walk in before its sizziling hot
    so that's done and my weigh in was just the same which to me is a win cause staying the same is as hard a loosing for me.

    so much happening with all our ladies Dee Dee yes my profile pic is of my fur babies Amber is the cream one she is 3 this month
    and reddish brown one is Beaker he is 2 they keep us busy and are so much fun! Hope your back is better.
    Katla: have a safe trip home
    Jmkmomm and Grandmallie: you ladies are a hoot and make my heart smile everyday thank you

    best wishes to all take care and stay healthy

    Juanita in steamy sudbury
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Yesterday i got hit with a big rock in my windsheild on my way to the training facility. It scared me to death. Today it will be fixed but it is so annoying and I hate spending money like this when it wasn't planned.

    Training is going well and it means I am not at the office so I don't have to deal with too much snarking.

    No walking though and I am eating horribly.

    Oh Well.

    Take care all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • cyndilie
    cyndilie Posts: 52
    Just a quick check in with all you lovely ladies ...

    DeeDee, I love, love, love your profile pic of the “Queen of Everything” coffee mug. I’m going to search online for one for myself! I hope your back is better now that you’ve started moving around a bit.

    Critter Sue, that was a great thing you did for the snapping turtle in the road. I see turtles in the road all the time and I always just want to get out of the car and give them a push to the side of the road. Regarding your gallbladder issues, I had mine removed several years ago, but continue to periodically have the same discomfort that I was feeling prior to having it taken out. No doctor has ever been able to figure out why I continue to have so called gallbladder attacks with no gallbladder. Thankfully it doesn’t happen often and passes within a few minutes. One doc said “maybe there is a gall stone still traveling around”. Who knows!!

    Vickil57, we all love those GB’s and congrats on the baptism of the 6 year old. I don’t like the heat here either.

    Liz_Mfp, I totally agree with you. The wonderful ladies on this thread are abuzz and it’s hard to keep up, but it’s great motivation!

    Yanniejannie, enjoy those naps when you can!!!

    Silvermamma (Debby), welcome to Fitness Pal again! Were you born and raised in Brazil? It must be a very exciting place to live.

    Grandmallie, Girl, you are really stepping. Hopefully that Magic Bullet keeps the scale moving down for you.

    Tigress in GA, hope the soreness in your arms is gone today, enjoy those tasty cakes!!

    Juanita in Sudbury, we are getting triple digit forecasts for the weekend. Not looking forward to that.

    Gardengail, hope today is a better day for you! Sometimes our internals just don’t function properly, no matter what we do, and we must rely on prescription meds to get it in order. That does not make you a failure. Just be thankful that there are meds that help and enjoy your dinner tonight!!

    Joyce in Indiana, I totally know what you mean about losing the DH in Walmart. We usually end up hanging around the checkout counter waiting for the other to show up. We always keep the cells handy too. He’s looking at hunting stuff, and I’m looking at everything else! I wish I had taken measurements when I started on this journey, because even though the scale isn’t moving quickly, I am wearing clothes that have been in my closet for a couple of years that haven’t fit, so I know I must be losing inches as well. Hope the A/C gets fixed soon!

    Barbie in Washington, good luck with those new walking shoes. You are my inspiration to connect personally with each person on this thread as you are so good at it!!

    Ohiomomof2, hope the blah’s are gone today!!

    Michele in NC, I would be interested to see pictures of your riverrock project. I didn’t see your original post about the project. Are you surrounding flower beds with it, or doing something else with it?

    Katla49, I love a road trip! I hope that irritated sinus goes away soon.

    Kathy in IL, please send some of that rain to Texas!!! And I hope your DH gets that MRI soon for some relief.

    Musicteacher4, Welcome! Even if you’re not quite 50!! We are glad to have you! Hopefully your husband offers more support in the future. Maybe he’s just worried you are going to lose some weight and find a new man.

    Carolyn (Louise), welcome! I’m 56 as well, but not retired yet. I have a job that I love, so I’m in no hurry. Good luck with your journey. My sister suffers with fibromyalgia and arthritis, so I’m familiar with the symptoms. Counting calories and exercising is not something that I’ve ever done, but once you begin the journey, it becomes a good habit to keep. I started mid-April by getting up at 6am to exercise before work. It sucked at first, but now if I try to sleep in, I just lay there and feel guilty for not being on the treadmill. I’m looking for that black hole too! LOL! Tell us where you are from.

    Marie, good luck with getting those gray hairs covered up. It’s a ritual I go through every 6-weeks. My hairdresser knows way too much about me because we spend way too much time together, LOL! As far as I’m concerned, blondes do have more fun. I’m not sure if Aldi is in my area, but I will check. I love H.E.B.! I always keep hard boiled eggs handy. I cheat and buy the pre-cooked, pre-peeled ones because I work long hours with a 45 minute commute and am always looking for short cuts.

    Sandy in Central Ohio, wow I wish you could send some of that rain my way. I tried Zumba classes, but it didn’t punch the ticket for me. Maybe if I bought the dvd’s and did it at home I would enjoy it more. I joined a class that had been together for some time and basically they were all way ahead of me in skills. I always felt lost.

    Helen in MA, good luck with getting to know who is who on here. So many lovely ladies with so many stories to tell, it’s hard to keep up. When you click on “community”, have you tried finding the thread in “my topics”. That’s a little quicker. I have problems finding it myself sometimes.

    Sandy from ON, Hope your migraine eases soon. I have never been to Canada, but I’m making a trip to Calgary in July for Stampede. I’m so excited!!!

    Sandhillsmom, Woohoo, one more pound toward your goal. Isn’t it amazing how good it feels to jump on that scale and see a ½ pound or pound gone from the last time on the scale? I am always happy to see any movement at all.

    Lucy in DE, You are right, getting old sucks!!!! I don’t have a leak problem on the TM, but I sure do if I sneeze!!! I’m not on maintenance yet, but hopefully will be soon. I’m hoping to bump up the calories a little by then. Yes the summer months do definitely bring on more challenges, but with the support of ladies like you in this group, I don’t feel all alone and I will win in the end!!

    Drkatiebug, yard work for me is therapy. I love time spent in the yard, it’s my sanctuary, but I don’t enjoy the heat at this time of the year. It’s great that you are able to do the work you couldn’t do two years ago. Congrats on feeling fantastic. I feel pretty great myself these days and I know it’s because I’m eating right and exercising for the first time in my life.

    Jb in Portland, I have asked every poster on this thread that is getting rain to please send some to Texas. I hope you will too! LOL! Boysenberry brandy! That’s sounds awesome!

    Phoo513, glad you found us again and are now off doing something wonderful!

    Hugs to all and thanks for being here for me!!!!

    Cyndi in Hockley (Texas)
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies –

    I didn’t get my morning work out in today as I am a bit stressed and slept in. The place where I work did some massive layoffs yesterday, while I am not impacted, I had a lot of long time friends and associates who were, so caused me a restless night. I’m hoping to get a long walk in after work today – it will be a good way to decompress.

    :smile: Marie – I love my fitbit and am a bit obsessive w/my stop goals.
    :smile: Cyndi – your vacation o Cabo sounds delightful, that is one of the places on my bucket list to get to.
    :smile: Sue in SD – good luck w/your surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery.
    :smile: CritterSue – so glad you were able to save the turtle, I always feel so bad when I see them smashed along the highways.
    :smile: Lucy – you may want to check w/your OBGYN and see what they say about leaking. It may be normal, but I would get it checked out to be safe. Also, I think I am like you in the weight department, I go through periods where I am hyper vigilant to lose weight, but then I get to where I want to be and start eating off program and the pounds start to creep up. Easier to nip it at the 1lb mark!!!!
    :smile: Pat – glad to hear you are feeling better!

    Have a lovely afternoon.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,871 Member
    Hello everyone. Just a quick note before I leave for the surgery center. Thanks to all for your well wishes. Your support is much appreciated.

    Robin - Hope you get that new job and that it suits you.

    Amanda - Best wishes on your surgery. Take care afterwards.

    yanniejannie - AGO is the American Guild of Organists. Our SD group has an organ encounter week every summer. Last year they showed a silent movie and one of the members played the organ to accompany it. What fun! Friday the first chair second violin for our symphony is doing a concert of Celtic music with some of her friends. I am hoping to make it to that but will have to see how I feel after the surgery.

    Must go now. Have to check in at 1:00. Sue in SD
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Even though I wanted to stay at the Y because I knew it was cool I knew I had to go home. AC is ifxed!!!!!! I was so tired I didn't even ask DH what was wrong with it. But he did sign up for a maintenence plan. So it's still in the mid 70s in here now but I'm in a tank top and fairly comfortable. I normally don't wear tank tops except undeneath a shirt because I have psoriasis under my arms but it's so hot that I don't care.

    I no longer have a double chin:smile: . I do have a double turkey gobbler:sad: It has all fallen.

    Joyce in got humid, awful Indiana
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Pat-(phoo) your comment made me laugh so hard. No, I was doing my new strength training routine and my arms were really sore. The cake is only 4 inches long and not that heavy.

    I am just lazy today, not getting to many steps in.

    Never drink cat water, they backwash in it!

    Tigress in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    Hi everyone and welcome to the new people. This thread has been a real life line for me! :flowerforyou:

    Lucy. - I used to have stress incontinence, but it went away when I started doing Pilates. I now do pelvic floor exercises every day - you can do them anywhere, but I do them first thing when I am doing my face and feet exercises before I have got out of bed! :laugh: Yoga is also good. I do not have any problems now. You can buy 'cones' to strengthen the floor if ordinary exercises do not work. Google the exercises.

    We are back from our trip to London to see DH' s twin sister and we are TIRED! A good day though. I had a kipper for my breakfast/lunch and a tiny piece of my friend's toast. I just love the restaurant for its decor. Then we all went to a stately home where two people were giving harpsichord and flute recitals. The gardens were gorgeous too. Then a walk on the Heath and a slimming pizza! :bigsmile: We took DSIL back to her train and ran off to ours. I had a couple of small beers during the day, but, with all the walking about, came in under calories, so I had some stewed rhubarb and yoghourt when we got in. DH had one of the brownies I cooked the other day. The whole pan came in at 6,000 calories and I cut it into 16 and froze the portions. I have just had a tiny crumb! :noway:
    Michele - the recipe is from Waitrose, but I'm not sure anyone on MFP will want to cook it. I am just doing it for my DIL who loves brownies and promised to marry my son because of them :love: :tongue: and for my skinny DH who would fade away if I didn't feed him cake.

    Gail - I know how frustrating this med thing is. I am still on blood pressure meds despite losing 45 lbs and exercising for over an hour a day. My blood pressure has gone down, but they want it consistently down. :sad: I feel ridiculous taking these things now, but I guess they are right. Chlorestderol is often genetic as someone else said. Two of the thinnest people I know have very high chloresterol.

    Love to all. I am looking forward to my bed. It is almost a week (last Friday) that I got on my gym machines. We had the party weekend, then a yoga day, then today dashing off early to London, but I have got in lots of walking and one day of arm weights. Back to it tomorrow!

    BTW , DH has had no panic attacks or sleepless nights since he saw the CBT therapist last Thurday. It seems that a stranger telling him the things I have always told him is working! :smile: :wink: He is seeing her again tomorrow.:bigsmile:

    Love from Heather in warm Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,770 Member
    evening ladies,
    I confess ,I don't know if I am walking as much as I say I am ,but counting 2000 steps as 100 calories like Liz does,
    My fitbit page was all green today with alot of hoorays and a 15,000 step badge, and a 50 miles badge to boot.
    yipee skipee.
    well I do like walking but best get my butt to the gym early tomorrow. I have to go into work for about 4 hrs tomorrow.usual day off, and wanted to grocery shop but guess that will have to wait..
    enjoy your evening ladies and anyone who wants to friend me on fitbit just message me:flowerforyou:
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Grandmallie - does Fitbit measure calories burned too? I bought a New Balance HRM but I don't think it's accurate.

    Helen in MA
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good evening ladies!!

    It's been a strange day. I woke up late for me (9:30) because I woke up early ( normal these days) at 4 am! I hate those early morning "I gotta pee" wake up times. Anyway, this led me to have a late breakfast, a later lunch, and no snacks So here I sit, 7:30'ish, dinner finished, and close to 400 calories left to eat for the day. This also means I get to enjoy some no sugar added ice cream and blue berries in a bit.. Not a treat I do often.

    Joyce - yikes on the AC going out and woohoo that it was fixed by the time you got home. I remember Indiana summers, no fun!

    critter Sue - your snapping turtle story reminds me of my neighbor who woke up one day last summer to find a giant snapping turtle in her pool! Took us 4 hours to get that guy out of there!

    Barbie - as always you are our rock and leader. Many thanks for keeping us going.

    Cyndi - wow great job connecting to everyone!

    Sue -best of luck on the surgery.

    Lucy - those pelvic floor exercises help wonders!

    Everyone else, happy Wednesday evening to you all!!!

    Jan, listening to the thunder and the rain falling in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy hump day!!
    spent the day with Violet.To waterpark and then to Mcd`s for play and a ice cream cone.
    Have a good night!!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    “As I walked out the door toward my freedom, I knew that if I did not leave all the anger, hatred and bitterness behind that I would still be in prison.” - - Nelson Mandela

    Brooke from Colorado :cry:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Sadl(for me), these are the notes I made at pg. 17 of the previous thread (sorry, been reading but not commenting as I would like).

    ndy in ON – Wow!!! What a stunning loss this week. I’ve never lost that much in a month, much less a week. Great job!

    JB – That’s great news about Mariah! Enjoy your sunshiney day

    Heather – You looked ravishing! What a beautiful dress. Don’t know how you managed to avoid eating garlic bread, I certainly couldn’t

    Brooke from Colorado

    "Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda, 900 year old Jedi master
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I just got back from Macys. I decided to have a bra fitting. I have worn the same brand of bra for years, Playtex Secrets. I had never heard of a countour bra but to me it looks sort of like a padded bra. Lightly padded but padded. I also got a sports bra. It will sure feel different while my thighs are beating against my belly then against my breasts. And they were buy 2 get one free.

    Joyce with happy girls in Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, snakes and mice----I hope that woman was pulling your leg

    :flowerforyou: atla, wow, an antelope

    :flowerforyou: Musicteacher, you are absolutely welcome in the supportive community…..many of us have bonded with us because there is no good support in their face to face lives

    :flowerforyou: Louise, welcome to the supportive community you’ve been looking for……there are many women on this thread who face health challenges and they will gladly share their ideas for fitness

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I love hard boiled eggs as an easy snack

    :flowerforyou: Sandy in Ohio, walking in the morning is always good….I hope you like the Zumba

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, lying on an ice pack could be a good remedy for you ailing back

    :flowerforyou: Cyndi, thank you for your kind words..some days I respond to lots of people and some days all I do is talk about myself:laugh:

    :bigsmile: Brooke, your quote is right on

    :flowerforyou: Gail, in spite of my weight loss and healthy eating, my cholesterol is still too high and I take Simvastatin……I don’t like taking prescription drugs but I’ve gotten used to it……I haven’t had any side effects.

    :flowerforyou: Helen, I took Jazzercise in the 1980’s and when I started line dancing eight years ago, I found that the dance moves I knew, made it easier to learn the new steps

    :flowerforyou: Jan, congrats on losing a pound

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, your goals have some good ideas for maintenance---adding weight to circuit training and finding an exercise class you like will help----more weight training will speed up your metabolism….and finding ways to enjoy your vacation that don’t involve eating will also help…..stay open-minded to the possibility that you might become a person who is not obsessed with food as the most important treat.

    :flowerforyou: Drkatiebug, I live in a very small community……it was a miracle that I found a great pair of shoes without having to drive to the city.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, music and dancing are great ways to get over whatever ails you

    :bigsmile: Juanita, the picture of your fur babies always makes me smile

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my new Gortex shoes kept my feet dry this morning and they felt as comfortable as if I had been wearing them for weeks

    :heart: Barbie from rainy NW Washington

    “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else: you are the one who gets burned”---Buddha
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Well Happy Wednesday evening to everyone from Hot and Humid Nebraska. The heat and I do not get along.

    Grandmallie- I love our bullet. DH puts different fruit in it for me to take as snack at work.

    Barbie- Enjoy hearing about your dance group. Sounds like alot of fun, wish I could find something like that around here.

    Michele- your rock garden sounds big and beautiful. I have just a small one I am trying to get cleaned up and redone.

    Katla- Hope you get home safe. sounds like you and DH have had a good trip and Blessed family time.

    Kathy- sounds like you are getting alot done. Prayers that DH MRI goes well and they are able to figure out what is going on.

    Musicteacher4- Welcome. This is a great group and so much going on. Hopefully once you get going DH will turn around and be supportive.

    Carolyn(Louise) Welcome also. Looking forward to getting to know both of you.

    Marie- I went to the Beauty School for years for hair cuts and colors. Now that I keep my hair short I found that nice and easy form and I can do that myself. Only I don't always get the same color.

    DeeDee- Hope your back is better. I have 3 disks in my back that our repurtered. Best thing DH talked me into trying was a chiropracer. It was rough at first now I go once a month and I have no pain and can walk without my legs going numb. I had several of those shots in my back, but it got to the point that was not helping anymore.

    Garden Gail- I understand how you feel about pills, but when I think what could happen if I didn't take care of the problem. It seems a small thing to stay alive. My mom has high cholesterol and has never been over wieght.

    Sandy- Hope the migraine is better soon

    Lucy- I understand about the leaking. I go to the bathroom everytime I leave the house and usally when I get where we are going. So far no leaking, but I know where every bathroom is in town.

    jb- Great news about Mariah. Keeping her and your family in our prayers. Must be something in the air the last week as been having a hard time getting moving and not being depressed. Counting my Blessings help

    Joyce- glad to hear your AC if fixed. Congrates on the lost inches and BS of 94. I get excited when mine is 110.

    Robin-glad you were not hurt

    Suzy- Sorry to hear about the lay offs at work. The hospital I work at is going thru alot of changes and some of the higher ups that have been there for years have left. Makes me wounder what will happen next. I have been there over 25 years and know I could not go anywhere else and start at what I make now. I figure I will have to work atleast another 15 years before I can retire

    SueSD- Pray your sugery went well and you will have a fast recovery

    Heather- Great news about DH

    I am proud of myself this evening. We have a trike that I just love to ride and it had an accident acoupel months ago. So DH has been ordering parts to get it fixed. Since it is a RAT Trike it takes some doing to figure out and get the parts. Anyway it was to have been done this week and now the guy at the shop dicided we should put new heads on so it will be atleast another week. Well DH does have a 2 wheel motorcycle and I have not riden on it in over 10 years. So this afternoon I put on my BIG GIRL panties and we went for a ride when I got off work. Did really well and didn't get to sunburned. I love riding and really missed it so now I can do this until the trike is fixed.
    Have a great night and keep on taking it one day at a time
    Blessed! Vicki GI Nebraska
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,376 Member
    katla - wild antelope! Now that's something to see. Can't get over that it came up so close

    yardigress - now I know why your arms are tired! Using the resistance bands is a lot of work, you actually working on the eccentric and concentric movements at the same time just to control the band. Good for you! Do you use a DVD? I only have the one by Cathe Friedrich, are there more? I'd really like to use it more.

    kathy - two turkeys! I bet they did hold up traffic, they don't move real fast. One year on thanksgiving we had a flock of wild turkeys go across our backyard. Oh, I do hope your dh gets that MRI, you're so fortunate to have MD's working for you.

    musicteacher - we're glad to have ya. Happy early birthday! Being a few months shy of 50 is no big deal, we're glad you're here. Your husband might laugh at you now...but who'll have the last laugh????? So what if he does, he might do it because he's jealous of your dedication

    Carolyn (or is it Louise?) - welcome. We'll be right here for you on your journey. Just log in lots. Love the idea of fat flying off me

    CritterSue - have a question for you (really, for anyone who might have an answer). Jessica's cats are here. One of her cats is diabetic. Now the first time I went to give him the insulin, he hissed at me and swatted, so I just left him be. That was Sunday. When she's here, she usually leaves the bedroom door open so he goes in and out into the rest of the house. Well, I'm trying to get him used to me, so I've been sleeping in the bedroom, I've closed the door to the bedroom so he only has the bedroom and bathroom. I want him to get used to the fact that the routine is that I'll get up, feed them, go to the bathroom (at which time I'm planning to be able to give him his insulin without his knowing it). She did get the cat from the Humane Society. Any ideas how to get him to get used to me? I remember the last time he was here for an extended period of time, it took him a while before he started to feel comfortable with me. I just don't want his blood sugar to go real high. So far, no problem.

    Marie - when I get my hair colored, it usually doesn't take well on the sides/roots. That is, until we changed things. After she puts the color on my hair, she puts a plastic bag on my head and I sit under the dryer for something like 20 minutes. Evidentally, the heat opens the shafts of the hair and makes it so that the hair takes the color better. We've been doing this for a few years and so far no problem. Have fun on your trip! Boy, Vince was just saying how we need to go to Aldi today after bowling. I usually have a container of hardboiled eggs. Don't ask me to explain it, but I don't care for hardboiled egg yolks, but I love the white. So when I have them, I just give the yolks to the cats. I have found that Aldi is good for some of their things, but some things the prices just aren't that good. Now their baking items (sugar, brown sugar, vanilla, spray) are usually pretty good. The eggs I only get there if they're not on sale somewhere else. I'm just surprised that they have gallon containers of skim, 2% and whole milk, but not 1%. Wish they did. Some of their cheese are higher in sodium I've found

    Sandy - good luck with the zumba videos. Which one are you getting? I have a zumba DVD for the Wii, it seems to me that there's a lot of knee twisting, so I'm just careful.

    Did 50 minutes of Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000 DVD.

    Critter Sue - I understand about how the gym can feel so hot. When I'm working out, that's about the only time that I don't mind if there's a fan blowing directly on me. Just remember that if you're sweating, it's that much more that's coming out of your body. OK, it may not be a lot, but it certainly helps with the weight loss. I'm pretty convinced that the reason I haven't gone sky high with my weight right now (I've been stress eating with all the Bryan-stuff) is because we've been working outside almost every day and I've been sweating up a storm. I'm not a sweater, so for me that's saying something.

    DeeDee - I found the bra at Burke's Outlet. Actually, they had two of them so I bought both. Most of the bras have that underwire which I won't buy so when I see any that don't have it, I buy it. I did try on a pair of PJ's but even the smalls were too large on top. Well, that saved me $20.

    Have a Newcomer board meeting this morning. Vince needed to go to the MD before we went to Spain so I'm giving the treasurer's report. Glad we don't have a lot of activity. Then bowling, then to Aldi. I'll take my carrots to bowling (that's what I usually take) so I won't be starving when I get into Aldi

    DeeDee - ouch your back hurting. I know my hamstring is tighter on my left leg than my right and sometimes that gives me pain in my lower back. But I've never had it where continuing to walk intensified it. Let us know the outcome.

    Gail - I totally understand how you feel about taking meds. I'm the same way. Unfortunately, sometimes regardless if we do everything to lower the cholesterol, genes play a bigger role. Have fun at your dinner

    Helen - if after you click on "my topics" you click on "view" (you'll find this next to the name of the last person who posted) it'll take you to the last post.

    katla - safe journeys, whenever you leave OR

    Sandy - so sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope tomorrow is better (or even a few hours from now)

    Lucy in DE - I hate to admit it, but I leak, too. That's why when I know that I'm going to be doing running, I wear a panty liner. That's what happens when you have children! Oh, I'm in agreement with you about the foods of summer. Like yesterday we went to that Volunteer Appreciation bbq. I tried to make the best choices, but there weren't very many. I do need to try this one bra that I have with the dress to see if it's cut low enough, so then I'll take a pic and post it. Oh, don't worry, even tho there isn't riverrock right now, there are lots of things we can do. For one thing, get the ground behind the pergola that's around the equipment pad ready for riverrock. There's also another area (small) that we want to riverrock, but there's A LOT of work that has to be done to the ground first. So we'll be busy, that's for sure. And maybe -- just maybe -- if I'm real real lucky, Jessica and Kris will come down and help. I'm not expecting it, but it sure would be a nice surprise. Why is it sad that two years ago you couldn't hold out but today you can do so much work? That's wonderful for you. I find that I seem to have more energy than Vince. Today at bowling, he has to wait until his entire team finsihes, then he seems to be so slow getting ready. I get ready to leave as soon as I'm finished. What happens to the team, happens and nothing I do will change that. That's the way I figure it. I knew today I had to go home, get my pocketbook, and then go to Aldi. I tried to rush thru the store because it was thundering. I just barely got the groceries in the car and it started to rain. Of course, when I got home I thought of a few things I probably should have picked up. I learned my lesson -- always take my pocketbook with me and then leave it in the trunk

    jb - so happy for Mariah. She'll start looking better once she's off the steriods.

    Pat - I didn't realize that underwires put pressure on tissues! Well, I never (well, almost never) wear them. I did have one bra that was strapless and it had an underwire. I wore it one day and that's when I realized how much it digs into my breastbone. Then I saw an ad in the paper for this wire-less strapless bra so I bought it. It really feels pretty comfortable. You can keep the triple digits, thank you very much!

    Joyce - our a/c was out a few days ago, and so I totally sympathize with you. Were we ever happy to get it back! Whenever Vince and I go shopping in any store of any size, we always have our cell phones with us and call each other to find out where the other one is.

    Robin - isn't the cracked windshild covered by your insurance? I seem to remember that Jessica had a rock hit hers and it was covered.

    Cyndi - we had an inground pool installed last year and we're putting the riverrock all around the pool area. The primary idea is so that we don't have to mow any grass. Last thing we'd want are grass clippings in the pool. Plus, you can't get the tractor into the pool area. I'll post pics when we're done. I'm like you, I have to get up at 6:00 every day. I love to get my exercise in early. On days when I don't do any formal exercise, I do feel guilty. That is, unless I know that I'm going to be doing something (like riverrock). I one time tried a zuma class but I'm so uncoordinated that I really wasn't getting a good workout, I kept bumping into people and apologizing. Sometimes I even have a leak problem if I cough too hard. This getting old stuff sure ain't for sissies! You know, yesterday we had that bbq to go to. I was actually MISSING my salad. Wish there was better food to eat.

    Joyce - so glad your a/c is fixed. You don't realize how badly you miss it until you don't have it and then get it back

    Vicki - I'm like you, you name the store and I can tell you where the bathroom is. Whenever we have to go out somewhere, Vince always tells me about 10 minutes in advance so that I have time to go to the bathroom.

    Michele in NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Thanks to all for their encouragement on the cholesterol medicine. Still haven't made up my mind about it and am doing some research. I should correct my post from this morning: it is 40 pounds lost, 20% of body weight. Somehow when I typed my thoughts or fingers ran it all together as 40% of body weight lost. Sorry about that - no deceit intended! In any case, my attitude is better tonight and I'm n-e-a-r-l-y over my pout about it.

    We had the best time visiting with our friend at dinner. Funny thing, he looks 20 years older, too! It was fun hearing about his wife and daughters, and just catching up on life in general. We picked up as tho' no time had passed at all -- what a delight! No strangeness or awkwardness. He visits Atlanta about once a quarter on business and in the fall/winter, when it is getting cold up there in Milwaukee, he promised to have his wife come down for a weekend stay with us, so I'm looking forward to it.

    That's it for tonight, I think. Trying to get to bed earlier again...have gotten in a bad habit/cycle of staying up to nearly midnight. (Mostly so I actually SEE my DH since he typically works until 9p or 10p in the pharmacy.)

    Gail, metro ATL