Join me...100 pounds to lose!



  • Hope you feel better soon Jenna!

    Thank you.
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Wow, sounds like everyone did great for the weekend! I am mad at myself though, because after exercising so hard yesterday, my son came over last night and ordered pizza!! :angry: Of course I had 2 pieces, and I'm mad at myself! :frown:
    Anyway, today is a new day, and I'm just gonna put it behind me and start over! :smile:

    Vjackson, awesome menu there! Your water is great also, and right on with the exercise! I can't wait to see your scale numbers this week!:happy:

    Jenna, Sorry you're sick. :sick: I hope you get better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Cgerman, Great that you got in some walking! :happy: Not good though about your power going out! :frown: I hope it comes back on soon.

    Welcome all of you new guys!

    Dont forget about our boot camp!! It's still going strong, and not too many days left!

    Also one last thing...luv2bthin2 is having a hard time right now, and needs some extra love and support. If you haven't already, would you PLEASE befriend her, and give her a kick start for the day!

    Thanks! I LOVE this group!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    WOW, so much for today being a new day. I just logged my breakfast in, and already over my sugar for the day!!!!!!!!! The fruit KILLED my sugar intake. UGH! :angry:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    tuesday..........8/24..... eat your veggies* (super challenge: add an extra serving)

    wednesday....8/ 3 sets of 10, wall push ups!

    thursday.........8/26…..skip the sweets!

    friday...............8/27.....go to youtube and do an exercise video of your choice!

    saturday.........8/28.....prepare a new healthy recipe!

    sunday............8/29.....have an extra glass of water today !
  • lisa511
    lisa511 Posts: 14
    I would love to join the blog. Add me as a friend.
  • loveurobyn
    loveurobyn Posts: 2 Member
    I only need to loose about 90 lbs can i still join
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    Printed off the challenges and posted them at my work desk. . . helps keep me focused!!
    Thank you for coming up with them Chill!!
  • SarahElittlebit
    SarahElittlebit Posts: 66 Member
    I like the idea of printing the challenges for the week. Chillrose would it be possible for you to set a day you would post the challenges for the week so we could go and get them and print them? I know it takes a lot of work and we all appreciate it. I just found the video challenges and have a few days to catch up on.

    Note: A tip for those of us who crave sweets...I find freezing grapes for those times I need to eat something sweet works out nicely. They taste life frozen fruit pops, but much healthier for us. Takes a while to eat them too as they are so cold. Just remember to count out your servings.
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    I like the idea of printing the challenges for the week. Chillrose would it be possible for you to set a day you would post the challenges for the week so we could go and get them and print them? I know it takes a lot of work and we all appreciate it. I just found the video challenges and have a few days to catch up on.

    Note: A tip for those of us who crave sweets...I find freezing grapes for those times I need to eat something sweet works out nicely. They taste life frozen fruit pops, but much healthier for us. Takes a while to eat them too as they are so cold. Just remember to count out your servings.

    Oooh thanks for reminding me about frozen grapes. My spa always has them in the summer. SOO yummy. Fruit has become almost orgasmic to me now that I don't get any excess sweets. :laugh: I will have to go freeze my grapes at home now.
  • just wanted to say good luck. I have lost about 25 lbs. I dont know if it will help you, but I gain weight back so easy and fast, that I find weighing everyday really helps. Tells me I have to be very serious about what I eat or if I can afford to fudge a little.
  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    I would love to join. Have been off site for about three days. Had a stomach bug and was super sick. Was sent home from work. On Zofran now which is working wonders. I love it. I was looking at your challenges, and I am ready to go. Loved your post. You are a true inspiration.......
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Note: A tip for those of us who crave sweets...I find freezing grapes for those times I need to eat something sweet works out nicely. They taste life frozen fruit pops, but much healthier for us. Takes a while to eat them too as they are so cold. Just remember to count out your servings.

    Great tip - another good frozen treat is frozen blueberries. Great for an on the go munchie!
  • Just joined, so my first WI will be this Friday, but I'm doing well food-wise. Need to bump up the exercise though. Going through an extremely emotional time right now, but will stick with this and take care of me first this time around. :smile:
  • A big hello to everyone. I have at least 145lbs to loose to make my Dr. happy. :ohwell: There are days I think that is completely impossible.:grumble: But as of today after a long talk with God,I know that I can do this.:happy: I started my day off in a very positive way and before I know it I will be replacing all my cloths with new ones.:bigsmile:
    I hope we all complete our goals and if anyone every need to talk or just vent I'm hear for ya.:flowerforyou: I t's time for me to take care of myself for a change:bigsmile:
    Everyone remember to be thankful for all that we already have and treat yourself once in awhile.:heart::flowerforyou:
  • Lisa570
    Lisa570 Posts: 2
    Count me in. I'm looking forward to loosing 100 pounds, and helping others help myself. Although I haven't lost any weight yet, I just started.
  • I'm in! This is just the thing I've been looking for : ) I just signed up today so am still new at learning all the fun stuff.
    Starting 288 (10-12-2008)
    Current 253
    Mini Goal 228 (by Thanksgiving)
    Goal 170
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    I do hope all of you are doing good. Tip, if you mess up instead of beating yourself up just try to understand why you did it and then address the issue so that you can get a handle on it. This kind of thing does happen you are all human and most like myself are emotional eaters. When you feel the urges to eat stop first. Then ask yourself if you are eating because you are hungry and it is time or is it false hunger due to not drinking enough water and getting the proper fiber and proteins. These will help you with cravings as well as keep you feeling full longer. Try to realize the triggers if you have to write them down; then watch for patterns of when this happens so that you can deal with these times. I did find that doing an exercise or taking a shower or even brushing my teeth helped detour me from eating when I should not. Mainly, addressing my issues helped the most and working through them. See, this journey is not just about eating healthy and exercise but is is changing the bad habits into good postive habits.
    God Bless, Brenda :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • okidoki...count me in.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Just checking in. Walked to and from work today (1.5 miles each way). Tried to keep focus on maintaining decent speed. Too often I let my thoughts wander and end up meandering instead of walking briskly. Tomorrow, plan is to go to gym and do a little strength training in addition to the walking. Haven't started the 7 day bootcamp yet, but am saving the links and promise I will do them. Realistically not until next week though.
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hey Everyone! Hope everyone is making healthy choices, and MOVING!!!!!!!!! Gotta keep moving!
    I will post challenges for the week on Sunday for the upcoming week. :happy: Hope that works for everyone!

    Anybody doing the bootcamp workout challenge? It's a doozy! :noway:

    Well it's bedtime, so goodnight all! :yawn:
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