


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    When I was size 10+, I wish they had these kinds of suits for me to wear. I wouldn't have hidden myself under ugly plus sized suits that make plus women look like cows with flower prints...

    We ALL deserve to wear clothes that look good and make us feel confident.

    Maybe one day we'll stop the body shaming. I see it with the size 2's just as much as the size 22's, so we're pretty far off from that day...

    And even though I like the suits and encourage larger ladies to wear them so they can gain some confidence and enjoy themselves at the pool or beach...tell that I can't possbly be the only person who noticed the obvious photoshopping in those pictures? I mean, really? But that's beside the point. All models are photoshopped these days.
  • slyrat
    slyrat Posts: 28
    I actually kinda love the galaxy print fatkini. I've got no problem with more plus size options (and maybe more options in smaller sizes, too?). General body positivity is great and shouldn't be conflated with HAES and the more extreme fat acceptance movement, which I definitely don't agree with.
  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    Anybody here ever been to a beach in Brazil? Everyone wears a bikini or speedo - regardless of body type, 100 lbs or 300 lbs it doesnt matter there. We are way too hung up on body image in this country. To me, bikinis have absolutely nothing to do with health. If youre "getting healthy" to look good in a bikini and your offended that someone who is "not healthy" is comfortable in a bikini its probably time to reassess priorities.
  • slyrat
    slyrat Posts: 28
    If you say thiis is truly about health related issues then...

    Overweight (not obese) live longer than thin people...


    You dont necessarily have to fit this ideal lean body type to be healthy and live a long life. In fact moderate exercise can improve all over health indicators regardless of size.


    The fact that your obejection is about fat in particular to how it relates to clothing choices completely invalidates your case against the health issues of body fat. If you really cared about the health then any activewear clothing that makes a person feel confident enough to go out and exercise (swimming is a fantastic low impact exercise) should be at the top of your "this is awesome" list.


    A fat person who has a hard time going outside or to a gym to exercise because I am embarrassed because all the active wear available is unflattering, uncomfortable and overall ugly. A fat person who hasn't worn a swimming suit in 20 YEARS because I couldnt ever find anything I was comfortable in. A fat person who stayed inactive because it was easier to hide inside.

    That study was found to be flawed because it didn't account for the chronically ill, elderly, smokers, etc., who are thinner because they were already unhealthy.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Ok I know everyone has their own opinion and that's cool but let's clear something up... Those perfectly tanned ladies they used for models are I'm guessing a size 14.... NOT a 24.

    Most of my point here is not the product itself but just the fact that they call them "Fatkinis"... It's like admitting you have an addiction but saying its acceptable. I'm tired of the "big and proud" "well we all die sometime at least ill die full" kind of BS that "fat people" spout to pretend they are OK with their obvious health issues. Read the comments on that article. These "fat women" are citing every excuse in the book of why they are fat and its ok. Most of which say "I have such and such health issue which keeps me from losing weight" I call BS. Health problems can make it more difficult to lose but it sure isn't impossible and your "slow metabolism" has nothing to do with why you got to be 400lbs. I have less problem with the product and more problem with the feeling and attitude of complacency that it brings with it.

    Ultimately hate hurts the hater more than the thing that it hates. You have a seriously unhealthy attitude. And I really don't care to even attempt to help you with that.
  • dooplegoon
    dooplegoon Posts: 66
    If you say thiis is truly about health related issues then...

    Overweight (not obese) live longer than thin people...


    You dont necessarily have to fit this ideal lean body type to be healthy and live a long life. In fact moderate exercise can improve all over health indicators regardless of size.


    The fact that your obejection is about fat in particular to how it relates to clothing choices completely invalidates your case against the health issues of body fat. If you really cared about the health then any activewear clothing that makes a person feel confident enough to go out and exercise (swimming is a fantastic low impact exercise) should be at the top of your "this is awesome" list.


    A fat person who has a hard time going outside or to a gym to exercise because I am embarrassed because all the active wear available is unflattering, uncomfortable and overall ugly. A fat person who hasn't worn a swimming suit in 20 YEARS because I couldnt ever find anything I was comfortable in. A fat person who stayed inactive because it was easier to hide inside.

    That study was found to be flawed because it didn't account for the chronically ill, elderly, smokers, etc., who are thinner because they were already unhealthy.

    Thank you for calling attention to that. I did however make a point that it is not invalidated and that is simply that in order to be active we need comfortable active wear for any size.
  • MichelleBogart
    MichelleBogart Posts: 126 Member
    I think the suits are really cute, now I just wish I had the confidence to wear them! I don't have far to go but I am not comfortable showing that much skin and less weight is not going to change that. However, that is MY perception and has nothing to do with what anyone else should wear.
  • slyrat
    slyrat Posts: 28
    If you say thiis is truly about health related issues then...

    Overweight (not obese) live longer than thin people...


    You dont necessarily have to fit this ideal lean body type to be healthy and live a long life. In fact moderate exercise can improve all over health indicators regardless of size.


    The fact that your obejection is about fat in particular to how it relates to clothing choices completely invalidates your case against the health issues of body fat. If you really cared about the health then any activewear clothing that makes a person feel confident enough to go out and exercise (swimming is a fantastic low impact exercise) should be at the top of your "this is awesome" list.


    A fat person who has a hard time going outside or to a gym to exercise because I am embarrassed because all the active wear available is unflattering, uncomfortable and overall ugly. A fat person who hasn't worn a swimming suit in 20 YEARS because I couldnt ever find anything I was comfortable in. A fat person who stayed inactive because it was easier to hide inside.

    That study was found to be flawed because it didn't account for the chronically ill, elderly, smokers, etc., who are thinner because they were already unhealthy.

    Thank you for calling attention to that. I did however make a point that it is not invalidated and that is simply that in order to be active we need comfortable active wear for any size.

    Naw, I agree with that. :)
  • f**kin' a
    I don't concern myself with what other people wear. If a 500lb lady wants to rock a string bikini then that's neat. If affects my life zero percent. Me getting all judgy about her isn't going to change anything.

    Can I acknowledge that her lifestyle is unhealthy? Hell yeah. Would I wear that? Hell no. But it's her life, her decisions.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    ....who cares if the models are a 14 or a 24? They are showing a realistic image of the bikinis on a body so someone like me, shopping online, can estimate how it might look on me.

    I may need to regain the 30+ pounds I've lost recently so I can wear one of these! So flattering!

    There OP...see how silly that was?
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    If someone has the self confidence to wear a bikni or whatever, have at it! Good for you.
    However, it's not good for me...I won't do it and I never will regardless of size.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    It's a stupid name, and that's the only thing you said that I agree with.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    In my country, obesity is a public health issue. I guess I understand people who are happy being obese, but there is enough scientific proof that obesity is the main cause for multiple diseases (heart condition, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc).

    Just NO.
    There are plenty of thin diabetics in this world, it has more to do with genetics than diet.
    Did you know that uncontrolled blood sugars cause heart disease and high blood pressure among other things?

    You cannot eat your way to diabetes. It's actually a symptom of lots of things. Ever hear of MODY? LADA? Type 1 Diabetes?....all autoimmune and likely manifests itself in folks of normal weight.

    Don't take my word for it....look it up.
    I did.

    It depends on again as mentioned in this thread factors.. I agree that eating your way to diabetes is not the only way to get it but I know that's how my grandmother became diabetic and mostly more likely to have susceptibility to it.

    Don't take my word for it...look it up.

    I'm not arguing with you.. therefore, there is nothing to look up. Just sayin' everyone is different. Not everyone gets diabetes the same way.

    Dear, I think you're confusing 'diabetes denial' with ACTUAL diabetes.
    How people choose to deal with THEIR chronic illness isn't for you to judge. A little compassion might be nice for someone who isn't as fortunate as you to enjoy good health. I hope you continue to enjoy good health, as having a family member with the VERY disease you think she brought on herself, puts you at higher risk to one day be in her shoes.

    Just sayin.
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    I think that everyone needs clothing whatever size they are. Providing people with properly fitting clothing is not the cause or contribution to obesity.

    I think the name Fatkinis is unfortunate. Why not just sell larger sized bikinis? Why name them that? I think they will lose business because of the name.

    I think they are probably made to fit well and would look lovely.

    I agree. I don't like the name. Googled it and saw some of the swimsuits.....and they are not the traditional string bikinis....they are two piece suits...no one's stomach was hanging out, and they had fashionable overdresses, etc. The name unsettles me. But I don't think it's promoting obeseity....not everyone can be a size six no matter how much hard work they put it. There are some skinny people (like my sister) who are in worse shape than the next overweight person!!!! I am not judging what you said-that is your opinion...but people should be able to look fashionable at any size.
  • Mrsshellers
    Mrsshellers Posts: 157 Member
    Ok I know everyone has their own opinion and that's cool but let's clear something up... Those perfectly tanned ladies they used for models are I'm guessing a size 14.... NOT a 24.

    Most of my point here is not the product itself but just the fact that they call them "Fatkinis"... It's like admitting you have an addiction but saying its acceptable.

    I disagree with this totally, I think the name "Fatkini" is completely off putting to any woman, I wouldn't buy anything with the word "fat" in the title especially swimwear.

    I dont know who came up with the name and I have never heard of these in the UK, I have however just read an article on them (not the one in the OP's original post) but this one http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/05/29/fatkinis-gabifresh-s-plus-size-bikini-line.html

    I dont know what the "average" size of a woman in the US is but in the UK its a 14-16 I believe (which is a US 10-12) but I am shocked to see that the people that have designed these "fatkinis" think that a plus size starts at an 8(US) which is a UK size 12 which is below the average size of the UK woman.

    I dont think these people are trying to flatter the bigger lady at all, I think they are trying to line their pockets with your money by producing something any woman of any size could already buy but they marketed in such as way (with its grossly stupid name) to grab media attention and spark the debate of should bigger women be allowed to wear a swimsuit.
  • pikanchi
    pikanchi Posts: 72 Member
    I care because my mother sister and father are all in that group that are fat and laugh about it and pretend like its ok and it's not. That's the role model I grew up with and I'm 30# overweight. It's a cycle that needs to be broken. I feel sorry for these people's children bc they will likely be overweight too and the cycle continues.

    As a child, yes, your weight (or more accurately: what you eat) is dictated by your parents, but as you reach the age where you can reason and think for yourself, when you can discuss and argue and verbalise and form your own opinion, your weight and fitness has nothing to do with your family. Unless your family is wholly and totally unreasonable (and I apologise if they are, but I'm speaking in general terms here for ease), there is little reason as to why asking for healthier options in the weekly food shop would have no impact, or simply eating smaller portions of unhealthy food. As for exercise -- there's nothing stopping a teenager or a young adult from working out in their room, in their garden, or going for a run down the street if they really want to.

    For as long as you blame your family for your eating and/or weight problems, very little will change in the long term. You need to take responsibility for your own body. Don't BS and say that you're concerned for other people when it's clear that the root of this "concern" are your own issues. Whilst family is undoubtedly a great influence as far as role models go, no-one grows up in a vacuum in this day and age -- teachers, sports men and women, they're all there and ever present and brilliant role models for children and young adults. On Facebook, on Pinterest and on Tumblr, there are entire communities dedicated to fitness and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

    Now, as to the other issue: not all fat people are unhealthy and not all thin people are fit (obesity is a different issue). On the other hand, if you phrased this as an issue of fitness vs. a lack of fitness, then I'd be more likely to agree with you, but you're talking about mere aesthetics.

    "Their appearance offends me" hidden behind "oh but I'm concerned!!". No, you're not. You dislike the idea that someone who is fat is happy with their body, can accept their body. I would love it if I could rock a bikini with confidence, but I can't and I'm not overweight. I weigh 126lbs and I run 5x a week. You know why I can't wear a bikini in public?

    Because I hate how I look. Never once as a teenager or as a young adult have I had someone try and help me with body acceptance, with looking at my body and loving it for everything that it is, flaws included. I've suffered from an eating disorder and even now, when I am taking measures to try and love my body, to appreciate what it can do when I fuel it right, how it can and does look, I struggle.

    If I had even an ounce of the confidence these women had when I was both larger and when I was smaller than I am at present, I would be a lot happier than I am now, and I would be a lot healthier in both body and mind.

    Being confident =! unhealthiness. You have no idea how much weight women wearing "fatkinis" may have lost prior to busting out one of those cute as **** bikinis. For as long as the idea that a woman must be a certain weight to be accepted in a certain item of clothing is propagated, there will continue to be massive problems with health and weight, IMO. How many people here have turned to eating more food when they've become unhappy with their figure? Catch-22, man.

    Body acceptance and happiness needs to be promoted because it (absolutely can) lead to healthiness. Body shaming and hating your body and the bodies of others won't.

    Stop it.
  • maaleka
    maaleka Posts: 22 Member
    I really don't like the name , no matter what size I am I don't want to wear anything that says Fat in the name. Because honestly I am vain and the word fat to me has been used as a bad word lol (wags finger). I am a size 10 and for my height and weight there is nothing cute for me . IF I decide to wear a 2 piece bathing suite it is mine all mine to wear and I have 3. I will never wear anything that says fat in the label because I don't believe women should have to. We are NOT fat , we are not obese we are HUMAN and I don't like the labels that the "health industry" and others have given us. For me sticking a bunch a models by a pool in some bright swim wear is not going to sale it for me and yes I like the bathing suites but because of the name (now keep in mind I am vain) I WILL NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT! I am not fat ... yes PHAT pretty hot and tempting , but FAT nope ! LOL As far as someone talking about obesity on here ummmm isn't this a weight loss site???? So if it is about life style I have ALL 2 piece swim suites and if you don't like seeing me in it DON'T LOOK! I have a husband who loves me NO MATTER what size I am, and please save the mess about having diabetes and over weight issues because I have NO health issues due to my weight. Thank you very much! Giggly parts and all!
  • cathomer
    cathomer Posts: 88
    I think you should take your supposed concern over people's health, and see it for what it really is, judgement over how other people look!

    If someone is obese, should they not still be able to enjoy their life and wear whatever they please? it's a bit irrelevant if it offends you or not, as long as they're happy. They're not going to be deluded, and think that being obese is healthy, but they have to get on with it, and either accept that about themselves, or do something about it. In the meantime, it's not for anyone else to judge them, ever!

    Take another look, what are you expecting obese men to wear at the pool? Men just get trunks, so would you rather an obese man had a wetsuit on, maybe you should design some fatty man suits? no? because you know what that is, double standards, sexism, if a man wouldn't be expected to cover up further than normal, then neither should a woman.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Agree 100%!

    People should begin to grasp the fact that obesity is a HEALTH problem, not a simple matter of looks and start treating it as what it is: A DISEASE that must be tackled and dealt with by everyone.

    I hate that misinformation is a disease that must be tolerated by everyone.

    I think I love you.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Women need to stop oppressing other women. Period.

    I think you're beautiful no matter what you wear. Except ignorance, that's really ugly.