

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies – hope you are keeping cool today. It is hot and muggy her in sunny Delaware. This has been another good week goal wise. I have made good food choices, logged everything in and have exercised every day. The payoff- have lost 1.5 lbs this week. Just purchased T25 so hoping it comes soon so I can start a new workout program.

    :smile: Sue in SD – glad to hear your surgery went well. It’ll take time to heal, so be gentle to yourself.
    :smile: Joyce – are you enjoying your new bras? Sometimes is good to try new things.
    :smile: Vicki – I have also been at the same company for a long time, 24 years this September. I figure I like my job and the people I work with and can hopefully make it last until I am ready to retire.
    :smile: Gail – that’s the greatest thing about good friends, even if you haven’t seen each other in ages you can pick right up where you left off.
    :smile: Joy – glad you had a good time on your cruise. I’m counting down for November when I leave for mine.
    :smile: Sandy – so sorry for your migraines, hopefully they fade quickly.
    :smile: Heather – congratulations on your loss. Healthy BMI here you come!!
    :smile: Lucy – enjoy the weekend! We’re heading to the beach tomorrow, to relax and catch the waves.

    Be well ladies and enjoy your weekends.
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Hello ladies - still enjoying reading your posts and getting to recognize a few names.

    Heather - I hated broad beans when I was a child (one the our first Biology classes was the growth of a broad bean). A neighbor made a dip from broad/fava beans last year and it was so good.

    I've wasted 400 calories today on chocolate, and it wasn't even good chocolate. How silly.

    Helen in MA
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member

    I've not really posted...just been a lurker....I've been so disappointed with my results..been working out for basically 3 weeks and I've not lost weight or refit like I've seen results...

    This morning, as I walked into my daughters house to babysit my 14 month grandson for the afternoon, my daughter said, mom you are getting thinner, I can see it in your neck your belly, your butt, and your legs...then she said flex your arms....yup I see it there too...keep working like you are, you're looking great and I'm proud of you....

    Needless to say that just made my day... Especially since my husband is not real supportive!
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Hello, Ladies! It feels like I haven't been here in forever, probably because I haven't. I wanted to check in, but can't promise when I'll be back to checking in regularly. I hope you have all been well!

    Dad went into the hospital on May 4th, then into a rehab center, where he still is. He was supposed to get to go home today, but it isn't happening. They're now projecting as much as another month, so he's really bummed. When this happened, I basically put my life on hold. I take my mother to the rehab center every day, and try to keep track of Dad's care (it's amazing how incompetent people can be, although a few are really great!). I had to suggest that they call the doctor to adjust the lasix when he gained 15 lbs. in 3 days without eating. Huh?? I also had to insist on calling the doctor when his temperature was nearly 104 degrees and the nurse told me she thought it was because he'd had blankets on him. (It was pneumonia and a UTI). I don't feel like I can not be there everyday, as things are continually missed.

    During this time, I've also had two eye surgeries done on each of my mother's eyes (glaucoma surgery and cataract). They said she couldn't lift or bend for several weeks after, so it seemed like a good time while Dad was in rehab. Mom has been staying with me, so I have to go to their house daily to feed their dog and make sure he has water. My husband hates animals, so I can't bring the dog here.

    For me, this has meant a lot of stress. I gave up on dieting for several weeks, as logging and trying to keep track of everything just became too much. As a result, I've gained about 5 lbs. I started logging again yesterday, in an attempt to stop this trend. Since he still isn't going home, I can't keep not taking care of myself. I had been counting the days without a break, but stopped after 45, since I realized that this is now my life and I'd better get used to it.

    Sorry that my first post in a long time has been to vent, but I appreciate your allowing me to! I won't be back daily until things are settled here, but will try to check in a bit more often. I hope that summer is off to a great start!

    Jane in Colorado
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    It's FRIDAY :bigsmile:

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jane :flowerforyou: So sorry things have been so rough with you and your parents right now. Hopefully you can look back at it one one day and only see something good. But not all families have some one who is able or who wants to do what you are doing. They raised a good daughter.

    I just got back from my appointment with the dietician. She said that with my diabetes that I need to keep my calorie intake to the 1300 to 1400/day and not eat back my exercise burned.She is very pleased with how I am doing even though the scales don't show it. She helped me look at the big picture and see how much I have lost since November. I also asked her when I should feel comfortable in asking my doctor when I can go off my diabetic medicine. My A1c is very normal and my fasting blood sugars have been normal all month. So she said that although she would admit she said it, suggested that I drop my Metformin to 1/day and see how my blood sugars go. Whoo hoo!!!!! That would be one more medicine off my huge list of medicines I take. We talked a lot about MFP. She has heard a lot about it and some of the 'crazies' that can post here that can be pretty fanatical about what they endorse. I told her that I mainly just use the recipe builder, data base, record base to keep track of progress---I love that one--- and the forum, this one. There is no one here that is endorsing anything that is out of the ordinary, just women with the same kind of problems, age and bodies giving out on them.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. Today has been so nice - playing a little hokey - one of the advantages of owning your own business. :smile: DH and I played 9 holes of golf this morning. It was absolutely beautiful out there...all the rain has turned everything green. I wore my heart monitor and couldn't believe how many calories I burned. If the rain holds off I'll get to burn some more when we walk our 2 furbabies.

    I had a great NSV this morning. I came down to eat before we left for the golf course and my DD said I looked like I was swimming in my clothes. So she marched me up stairs and gave me her clothes to wear. :love:

    After I got a little work in my DH asked if I wanted to go out for sushi. We had a yummy lunch. I feel so blessed to have him. He mentioned how he was out the other day (I was at a business lunch) and he looked around at all these couples at the restaurant who weren't even talking to each other. We had just played golf for hours and still had tons to say to each other over lunch. I'm one lucky lady!:love:

    Well if I want to get that walk in I'd better get back to work soon.

    Jb - sounds like good news on Mariah...so happy she is a fighter

    Heather - congrats!

    Barbie - I think I've seen my DH vacuum once

    Sandy - hope you feel better soon

    Lucy - kegels!!!!

    Katia - welcome home

    Liz - hope you find good new folks to provide your services

    Jane - hang in there

    Sorry to those I've missed - just out of time.

    Have a great day. Jodios :smile: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,771 Member
    evening ladies,
    well i only got 6000 steps in today,and was pleasantly suprised when I got to work,we ordered chinese take out for lunch- I brought a salad ,but they wanted me to order something because of my birthday on sunday, so I ordered steamed chicken and mixed vegetables,no sauce, and small rice..
    ate less than half of it, and a few tablespoons of rice, and have felt like a whale the rest of the day.. I even took a gas-x to unbloat me:noway:
    dont know if it is the brocolli or what but still feeling wayyyyyy to full.
    The office manager who is usually nasty to me most of the time,actually made me an Angelfood cake for my birthday and they all signed a card and sang me Happy Birthday which was very sweet..
    The tree guy is coming tomorrow to take down a few more of our hemlocks..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here’s what I can piece together about the origin of the Women Ages 50+ thread. It was started in Decemer, 2008 by Esther from Oregon who joined MFP in May 2008. The earliest evidence I can find of the thread is December 31,2008.

    Here is what the first post said “Hey there,
    I posted yesterday asking for women over 50 who might want to join a group to support and encourage each other. If that's for you then I'll list this each day - if I don't someone else can start it.

    We could start by just listing some goals so that we can be kept accountable. Here are mine.
    Lose 5 # by January 12th (that will be 2 weeks from when I started journaling again)
    Exercise in some form every day.

    I already feel better just by keeping away from the garbage food and I need to be reminded of that so this thread might help me to focus on how I feel and not only on how much weight I'm losing.

    Thanks for your input. Have a great day and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

    The thread was small to begin with and most of the women posted goals of how many pounds they wanted to lose. I joined MFP in February 2009 and found the thread soon after and have been posting regularly ever since. Toward the end of 2009, Esther had some reason that she couldn’t start the thread for the new month so she asked me to start it and then she didn’t post on the thread again for many months. I have just continued it since then. The members of the community have changed and we now set all sorts of goals beyond just how many pounds we want to lose, but the tone of friendship, support, and encouragement has remained just as strong.

    There seem to have been two threads at first. Here are the links if you want to read them


    I found my first post on February 25, 2009:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie from sunny and muggy NW Washington
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good evening ladies, I just finished dinner I had a taco meat salad. DH made me taco meat at lunch time, but I had trout planned so I had it for dinner. I must change the way I sleep, my right arm hurts again. I'm going to a sports therapy massage tomorrow to make sure it's not the shoulder joint and is the muscle.
    I asked DH if he wanted to do anything for the 4th, but he didn't. It was 5 years ago that he had his heart attack on the 6th. So it's been 5 years since I quit smoking.
    Sorry but my arm can't take the typing.

    Tigress in GA
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks to all, for the warm welcome!

    Jane, Amanda, Joyce (and those I have missed) . . . I have such respect for all of you who are taking care of parents (and those who have done so in the past). My 85 year old mother lives in Madison, Wisc., (I’m in NYC) and while she lives independently, she is only able to do so thanks to my brother and sister-in-law. She uses a walker and cannot walk very far, due to various spinal issues. She has her share of medical problems and so of course, numerous medical appointments. My brother and sister-in-law do her grocery shopping and go with her to virtually all of her appointments. Not a day goes by that I don’t silently and sincerely thank them for all they do for her. (Of course, I also thank them out loud – just not every day!)

    Jane, your comment about your father’s fever reminded me of a time my mother was in the hospital and she kept complaining that she was having difficulty breathing. They kept telling her it was anxiety. She kept telling them it wasn’t. And of course it wasn’t – she had fluid in her lungs.

    Another thought I had, reading about some you who are having gastric issues – for years they tried to figure out why my mother was having pain and discomfort in her abdomen – only to finally discover she had an ovarian tumor – turned out to be the size of a grapefruit. Although it was malignant, she was very lucky in that it was a rare type of ovarian cancer, and it they were able to remove all of it. She has been fine since (~20 yrs). Ironically, she had had a hysterectomy 20 years prior to the cancer, but they didn’t remove her ovaries. I certainly hope this isn’t the case for any of you, but I always think of it when people mention abdominal discomfort. Speaking of gastrointestinal complaints, she was diagnosed with celiac disease 6 years ago so at the age of 79 had to switch to a gluten free diet.

    It’s Friday – Yes!! – but the downside is that my healthy eating goes to hell in a handbasket on the weekends. In fact, it’s already started. :blushing:

    Kate in Brooklyn, NY :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie :flowerforyou: thanks you so much for giving us the history and insight of this group. And a double thanks for continuing it so that we could all benefit. I know when I started here it was hard for me to list anything other than nutritional goals. But as we have realized on our MS forum, our MS affects every part of our lives and so does our nutritional status and goals.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy weekend, everybody from HOT and dry San Diego.

    I don't have a/c, but it isn't too bad in the house. Only if it stays in the 100s for several days will it get uncomfortable. We did buy an air evaporator to help along with the ceiling fans...mainly because we will be getting company in July and the guest bedroom is upstairs. Gets pretty warm up there.

    While we were at Home Depot we also got bags of sand for some yard projects. I carried a 50 pound bag to the back yard. The reason I mention that is that I have lost about 65 pounds and discovered just how much weight that really is! No wonder I have had knee problems for years. They do feel better now that the weight is gone...I can do zumba even if they are a little creaky still.

    JB...so happy about Moriah.

    Well, back to watching the Padre game. So far we're winning.

    Eileen near hot and dry San Diego

    Sue...also glad to hear your surgery went well.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lucy, getting up and running even when you didn’t want to is an awesome victory.....that is a NSV of the highest order when you have a new way of thinking.

    :flowerforyou: Phoo, Jake said he’d love to come do your carpet, but it’s too hot for him in Arizona. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, this is the second neighborhood we’ve lived in that doesn’t allow any kind of fireworks ever under any circumstances and we love it…….the noises scare the pets.

    :brokenheart: Janehadji, I’m so sorry you’ve had so many challenges with your parents……even if you can’t weigh and measure food and log it on MFP, try to be sure that you are eating only nutrition dense foods. The more you nourish your body, the more energy you’ll have to do the things you need to do.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, wow, if you have to keep your calories that low, you have to really redouble your efforts to make every calorie be a nutritious one, especially if you are doing any vigorous exercise.

    :bigsmile: Jodios, your husband sounds like a keeper even if he doesn’t vacuum.

    :bigsmile: Grandmallie, what a nice birthday celebration

    :bigsmile: Tigress congrats on not smoking for five years.

    :flowerforyou: Kate, it appears that even with your less than sterling eating on the weekends that you’ve had good success with weight loss. I’m glad you decided to join in and not just lurk.

    :flowerforyou: This morning I split the line dance class with the regular teacher who has been out for about three months with health issues. It was great to see her teaching again and feeling happy but sad because I loved teaching the class. We’ll split the class next week too and then she thinks she’ll be able to resume teaching except for two weeks next month when she has travel plans.

    :flowerforyou: I stopped on the way home from class to get my hair cut, but when I found out that there would be an hour’s wait, I came home and enjoyed some time by myself while Jake was at his lawn mowing job. I so rarely have the house to myself that even shaggy hair couldn’t get me to go out.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and muggy NW Washington


    "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." - Mikhail Baryshnikov
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Jane, so sorry your life is is stressful right now. Sending you a virtual hug and wishes for better times ahead. We’re glad you checked in as I was wondering about you.
    TexasGal! You are so smart. Love the video.
    Joyce – good news from your dietician. Be careful changing your meds. Hope it works out well.
    Jodios – so glad you got to golf. It’s such good exercise and lots of fun as well. I didn’t get to play today (too hot for me) but did get to the pool for two classes.
    Musicteacher – great nsv. Take those feelings and remember them to keep you on track.
    Helen – hey if you’re going to eat chocolate, get good chocolate!
    Suzy – nice job losing 1.5 lbs this week. Keep on keeping on.
    M – no I decided to try to tough it out without the shot. Meg told me about Aveedo with Calamine but so far I haven’t found any. My DH bought a blueberry tree last year and it never did anything so I dug it up and put it in a pot on the patio. It hardly had any roots so I think it’s a goner. Guess I’ll but him another one. I’m thinking it’s too hot here for them.
    Katia – glad you’re home safe from your trip. We love CO as we were stationed at the Air Force Academy for 9 years. Both our girls live in the Denver area. That is awesome that you lost weight while on vacation. You’re right, you’re learning new habits.
    Sandy – I feel for you suffering so much with your headaches. I had a 6 month bout with severe headaches starting in my neck and going behind my left eye. Saw many doctors and pain management doctors. Finally got a diagnosis of hemicranial contuses (spelling is wrong) which is a fancy way to say really bad headache that doesn’t ever go away. Got a special pill for it and they were gone in a couple of weeks. Don’t know how you work as I never left the house! Good luck.
    Kailey – enjoy your vacation and do something fun.
    Heather – you are so right about how our perspective changes about ideal weight when we get older. I had my second child when we were in England and when I delivered I weighed 135. Don’t think I’ll ever see that again. The problem is I keep getting shorter so my ideal weight is going down!
    Jb- so happy that Mariah is home. She will surely be more comfortable in her own bed.
    Kate – thanks for the Emerson poem. Good advice to live by.
    Michele – we’ll be in Hawaii for a week. It’s my fourth time to visit the islands. I had pretty extensive bladder repaid. Was suppose to be in hospital overnight and was there four days. Been doing really good since the surgery. I think it’s very thoughtful of you to offer the family rings to Dianna. Didn’t your daughter want them?
    Kathryn2759 – welcome to the best group of losers on MFP. Sounds like you have the exercise part of the puzzle so all you need to do is work on the food part. You are so right, your attitude will take you a long way.
    Tigress in GA – so sorry your arm is bothering you. Hope it’s a muscle and not something serious.
    Barbie – thanks for the information on the start of thread. Seems like the same kind of women are posting now. Thank you for keeping it going so we can all benefit from the support given by this incredible group of women.

    Sue in TX
    “If it is to be, it’s up to me”.

    June resolutions:

    -get at least 5000 steps EVERY day
    -do weight routine 2 x a week (Have the book, the dumbbells and the ankle weights.) Now I’m ready
    Focus on water. It’s hot and humid so I need more water.
    Log and Post every day
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, ladies!

    Just back from a short walk; still no rain
    watered tomatoes, herbs, pot flowers, and the very droopy hydrangea........local weather radar says rain is close and the air is soooooo heavy.......but after a week of no rain, I'm not sure I believe them---it seems to evaporate before it gets here every time lately. Weather Channel junkie here; my DD swears all she saw on t.v. when she was little was that and HGTV
    BTW, she LOVED Carol Duvall and her crafts......drove me crazy wanting to do every one!

    Gym today........just did machines, and kevrit's squat challenge for the day............nice nap this afternoon which I didn't mean to take!

    Barbie............many thanks for the history lesson and your dedication to keeping us going

    Michele..........it is extremely generous of you to offer the family rings to Dianna; I do hope those two come around

    Jb........fantastic that Mariah is home; fingers crossed for a smooth course for her in the rest of her treatment and a happy full life ahead

    Katla........glad you are home safe

    Lucy..........good for you for getting out there when you didn't really feel like it!!!

    Phoo..........yay to feeling better

    M........my mom's neighbor had some of those giant growing Rose of Sharon's and they were right under my mom's kitchen window; I remember doing the dishes and watching just TONS of hummingbirds all over the bush.

    Jane..........certainly hear you on your problems with medical staff..........it's certainly not easy and very stressful to do what you are doing for your parents

    Jodios...........your DD's clothes??? what a fantastic NSV!!!!

    G'nite, everyone
    yanniejannie mid-Atlantic
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Well, I am woefully behind again! Missed one day and now I have pages and pages to read through. I apologize in advance for those I will miss in my comments. Just know that I am cheering you all on and sending you lots of positive energy and prayer.

    Suzy – sorry to hear about the layoffs at your office. I’ve been through that many times and I know that it can be stressful, even if your job is safe. Hang in there!

    Joyce – glad that you’re a/c got fixed. It has been so muggy here in Columbus so I’m sure it’s the same in Indiana. My daughter is in Indianapolis this week – facilitating a conference that’s being held at Butler University. She did one semester there as an undergrad but felt it was too far away at that time. She does love that campus, though! Have you ever been? It’s beautiful.

    Heather – I am so glad that your trip was enjoyable and extra glad that your DH’s visits to the therapist are working!

    Barbie – love that quote, thanks! “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else: you are the one who gets burned”---Buddha

    Michele – I ordered my DVDs from Zumba Fitness. I think the package was called Exhilarate. It has several dvd’s and some other items as well. I’m not terribly coordinated either so I thought I would try these out at home where there’s no one to laugh at me but DH and the cat. They are normally hanging out in the basement, watching baseball so even they probably won’t be watching! I hope that Brian and his fiancé will accept the ring in the spirit that you offer it.

    Gail – glad you enjoyed the visit with your old friend. I just reconnected via Facebook with a couple that we haven’t seen in probably 15 years. They only live a couple of hours from here so we are making plans to meet them somewhere and catch up.

    Renee, Valligirl, Mggriso, Kate, Kathryn – welcome!

    Carolyn – 6 pounds? Woo hoo!

    Joy - glad you are back safely and had a good time! I’m sure you’ll get back on track and lost the weight you gained back in no time.

    Heather – hooray for your NSV! I am starting to get there myself and it’s so gratifying, isn’t it? And it’s awesome to hear that you are so close to your goal!

    Liz – I hope you feel better soon! In the meantime, do what you can and forget (forgive) the rest.

    Grandmallie – congrats on the early present; I’ve also been looking into the bullet but haven’t bought one yet. Let us know how it works out for you! I’ve had issues with plateaus also, even when I am working out a lot. I just keep at it and eventually it seems to move downward. I agree, though – it is frustrating!

    Sue – glad that the surgery is over and that you are on the road to recovery.

    Kate – love the Emerson poem; thanks for sharing.

    Joyce – I’m assuming your DH was happy not to be drinking clear liquids last night. Still so glad that I don’t have to do THAT again for 5 years.

    Katia – welcome home! It sure sounded like you had a terrific time.

    JB – that is GREAT news! So glad that Mariah was able to go home.

    Sandy – oh, I hope that you get some relief from that migraine! My sister has them almost daily and I can’t figure out how she can manage to work and keep her house running. I have a few a year and have to just retire to bed until they are over.

    MusicTeacher – what a wonderful affirmation from your daughter!

    Jane – I will be praying for your parents and for you. What an awful lot for you to shoulder; no wonder you gave up logging for awhile! Hang in there and come back here to vent any time.

    Jodios – congrats on swimming in your clothes!

    Barbie – thanks for the history lesson on the thread. What an accomplishment to have been posting regularly for so long.

    DH and I are planning to work in the yard and pondering adding a pergola above our patio so I'm hoping the we don't get too much rain. The weatherman said today that we will probably have rain every day through the 4th of July. Boo!

    My younger DD will be coming home for a few days next week and I am so excited to have her home. She stayed in Texas to take a few classes and work this summer. I've seen her a couple of times, adding a day or so to a couple of business trips to Dallas, but it's not the same as having her home - sleeping in her own bed, eating at our table and just hanging out.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

    Sandy in soggy central Ohio
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. OMG how did we get 7 pages in 2 days??? No way I can possibly respond to all so I'll just stop in and say to day was a good day; I did water aerobics and worked in the garden for an hour and did well on food so I'm going to relax outside with a watermelon martini! or maybe two!

    After having a quiet week last week, now I am bombarded with chapters to work on! three for the test bank, 2 reviewed manuscripts for the textbook, and a chapter for the women's health supplement to write questions for. Boy I'll say when it rains it pours! And all due yesterday LOL.

    Blessings to those who are struggling right now and high fives to those with victories. Everyone have a good night and an enjoyable weekend. We plan to ride the bikes both days since it will be beautiful.

    Take care, Meg from unseasonably wonderful Omaha
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sue :flowerforyou: I won't change my Metformin without first consulting with my family doc. I think my annual appointment is in October and if my blood sugars continue to stay good I will talk to him then. I was an RN and I would never stop a medicine without consulting my Dr.

    I haven't been to Butler. I have heard about it but most of my interests are south of me in Kentucky. That's where both my girls went to college and my oldest daughter lives. We have taken a short vacation in Indy but that's it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello to all, wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday, here in Canada and for our USA friends for the 4th of july

    just back from DGD grade 8 graduation seems like just yesterday it was her mom's been very humid here and now may

    rain which hope will cool things down some. one good thing about the heat it reminds me to drink my water.

    Want to thank you Barbie for the history of the thread and for continuing it on so nice to know we a part of weigh loss

    history in a positive way, so important to have this as our soft place to fall each day with our success or failure and know

    that others are going through the same journey

    well goodnite to all

    Juanita in sudbury