

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Gail - what a wonderful boss you have, giving you that extra day. I do so hope it happens for you.

    Critter Sue - so sorry you're not feeling well. Glad to see you're looking on the sunny side, not having any desire to eat. But don't let that happen too much!

    barbie - when we got a new vacuum, we checked Consumers Reports and got one that was one of the highest rated for removal of pet fur. I was having such a hard time getting two of our rugs decently vacuumed. We were skeptical in the store, but once we got it home and tried it out on the rug, I wouldn't part with it. Now you can actually SEE the rug

    Kathryn - welcome! Wow, I don't have any desire to run so I hand it to you. You've certainly come to the right place for motivation

    Joyce - I think someone else started the thread but then barbie took it over and has been doing a wonderful job since then. She can probably give you more of the specifics. I'm sure your diabetes specialist can answer your question about eating back your calories.

    katla - so glad you made it home safely

    jb - wonderful news about Mariah! Have a great time with your neice and her bf

    Heather - woohoo losing that pound.

    Sandy - I hear ya. I hate being without a car, too. Guess that's why we have 3 cars, so one is always availabale. I never eat back my exercise calories. What I found happened was if I added them into my calories for the day, I wound up eating junk just to get my calories up. And then I wouldn't lose. So I don't add them in, but if I go over on my calories I know that I have a "buffer"

    Lucy in DE - that's great that you went for your run

    Boy, it is REALLY REALLY raining here right now And windy. One of the chairs on the deck just blew over and the motion sensor light came on.

    Vicki - someone told me (and I don't know how true this is) that the men in Spain are somewhat domineering. I can't help wondering if Bryan isn't filtering information to Dianna. Well, I guess I'll find out at the wedding. At least then I'll be able to actually talk to her.

    Boy, the power keeps going in and out

    M - I know the reason I know all the bathrooms in the stores. It's because I drink a lot of water. Well, it sure could be worse

    Suzy in DE - congrats on the loss

    I'm making these short because we're constantly losing power

    musicteacher - what a wonderful daughter you have there!

    Jane - you've certainly had your hands full and are continuing to. Prayers for you

    jodios - how great that your daughter gave you her clothes! That was so sweet of her. I'm sure it made you feel really really good

    grandmalle - happy birthday. Great choice on the Chinese. It's good that your boss made you an angel food cake, that is one of the lowest in calories.

    tigress - congrats on continuing not to smoke. That's just wonderful

    Sue in TX - when my mother was working, which was probably about 60 years ago (she's been dead for almost 50), as a hairdresser she couldn't wear her diamonds so she had a white gold band. That's what I was going to offer to Dianna and what I will offer when I get to Spain. I still have my diamonds for my daughters. You know something, one of my neighbors at our first house really liked my ring so she had one made for herself like it.

    Sandy - I don't know if Bryan or Dianna will accept my ring, I doubt it. One time I mentioned to Bryan (because Dianna is vegetarian) "you know that our Christmas Eve is meatless. I would love it if Dianna came here and made some vegetarian dishes". That's when he told me that he does all the cooking. So I said that he could make some vegetarian dishes. Silence. I don't know what it is. Maybe after this wedding when he knows that he no longer has any pressure to return to the US, maybe he'll change, but honestly, I doubt it. Have fun with your friends and your daughter

    Did an hour of HIIT today (30 sec sprint, 1 min recovery), then Vince and I worked outside. Even tho we can't do any riverrock, there are places where we can get the ground ready for the riverrock so that's what I was doing. There's one small area next to one of the sidewalks that I needed to shovel the dirt out because of the erosion then I dumped it at the back of our property. Then we went into the pool for a bit. I suspect that's how it'll be for the next few months, do a bit of work then go in the pool.


    Michele in NC
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Wow! I love living vicariously through your lives! This group is awesome. Everyone of us is busy and still has time to give each encouragement and support and, sometimes, a good laugh. Wonderful.

    I had a very low key day. It is really hot today - 103 here in the cool part of the valley- and 110 up in Tucson. I did go to the pool and get in my laps, and I did do a few minutes on the recumbant, stationary bike, but that was it! I am even waiting until the sun goes down a bit before I go out and water the plants, again.

    All of you take care tonight. Be well and sweet dreams!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Worked until 8p then I shocked DH, who was going out for sushi with a friend, by saying I'd go along! It was delicious and fun to keep DH off balance - HA!

    Will work tomorrow afternoon when DH does. So much to do with month-end and since some things require more attention and concentration, the weekend is easier - without phones, etc.

    Off to bed soon - we're getting a little bit of rain.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning gorgeous girls. Just marking my spot at the mo. Had a few issues over the last couple of months - injured a knee ligament at the end of March. It was so incredibly painful to do anything, even lie down but I kept up the gym visits & did upper body stuff. Acquired an allotment at the end of May which was very overgrown & has been hard work getting it up & growing but looking forward to home grown veg.

    I've been lax about logging my food & made silly choices so my weight has gone in the wrong direction. My gym guy had me do some exercises while carrying some fair sized weights. then I did it again minus the weights. Gosh, it was so much easier (but still challenging) without that extra weight. Lesson learned!

    Have a fab weekend my friends. I shall catch up on everyone news later. We are working on the allotment this weekend & babysitting our wonderful grandson Ethan. He is crawling & starting to pull himself up to standing.

    Geri in England
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Jane. - I am amazed at what you are doing for your parents. No wonder you are turning to food for comfort. I was very lucky with my parents so I can only send you my very best wishes and know that we are here for when you want yo let off steam.:flowerforyou:

    Jodios - wow! You must be looking HOT! :tongue:

    We went to the rose garden yesterday, the sun came out and it was heavenly! :happy: The scent when we walked into the walled gardens almost knocked you back. Stunning roses of every conceivable type. A big WOW!

    This morning I woke up early and turned over and saw that DH was reading his Kindle so I suggested that we get our grocery shopping in early. We were at the store by 7.20 ! Did a huge shop, spent nearly £300 ! Should be enough to last us a month. We have two freezers. Then, NSV, we came back, unpacked, grabbed a bite and went on the gym machines. I knew if I didn't do it straight away I wouldn't do it. Also got in a bit of dumbbells. :flowerforyou: Am I pleased with myself? YES! :laugh: (This is the only place I can boast and not feel bad)

    I'm going to make a huge pan full of ragu this pm (Bolognese sauce) and have it tonight with cauliflower rice and green beans. There will be loads to portion up and put in the freezer. Don't you just love that! ? I'm feeling the need for iron as we have been eating masses of fish.

    DS and DDIL and DGS coming on Friday. I've got the brownies, just have to plan starter and main. Will keep a small pot of ragu for DGS. The DBIL we went away with rang us to suggest another family get together on that Friday. It's no good leaving things to the last minute with us as life gets booked up way in advance. We did tell them that, but they live differently. So we probably won't see them again before they go back to Australia. To be honest I'm not that enthusiastic about running across country again so soon, so it was good to have a valid excuse. I can't wait to see my son's family. I haven't seen them for two months. We are babysitting DGS on Saturday to give them some bonding time! :drinker: :heart:

    Love to all who are struggling with health issues. Aches and pains do sap the joy from life. Hang on in there. It will get better. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire.UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: Thanks for the history on the post. I looked over the some of the posts, it`s nice to know this thread is here and really hasn`t changed from the original very much. Thank you for continuing to post this every month:flowerforyou: .

    Jane H:smile: I`m so sorry for all that you`re going through:flowerforyou: , when you look back on this, you will never regret the time you`ve spent taking care of your parents:flowerforyou: !

    Jodios:smile: Your daughters clothes:huh: , woo hoo....I know that had to feel fabulous:flowerforyou: !!!! Once upon a time my daughter and I wore the same size too, I hope to see that day again:bigsmile: !!!(That is me being her size again:laugh: ) Congrats, you`ve done an awesome job!!!!

    I plan on having a nice low key day today, coffee with a friend this morning and maybe a bit of cleaning this afternoon, or a nap:tongue: , depending on my mood:laugh: .

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in steamy cloudy NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    morning ladies,
    I am feeling much better this morning.. Oh boy I dont think I have felt like that in a long time..
    funny thing is I was watching t.v. last night and all the food on t.v. looked delicious to me:laugh: wanted to try everything..
    I have to say my eating habits have changed somewhat. I am still a sugarholic... but I do log everything-even when I am bad...
    It was really sweet of the office manager to think of my weight when making my birthday cake..everyone has been very supportive..
    they laugh at me though cause I count calories on everything,and know most of the calorie counts...It keeps you honest..
    we will be going out to dinner tonight..but I already have picked out what I am having..we have a restaurant chain here in Ct called Ruby Tuesday's think they are around the country but not sure..
    you can get a side dish trio,so I will be having roasted spagetti squash,grilled green beans, and grilled zuchinni, but the kicker here is I get a free desert. they have a blondie for one, and that will be my splurge..the dinner part is only 140 calories, the dessert part is 541 calories. but will be logged in..
    Tomorrow is my actual birthday and I will be 53, as I age I appreciate so much that I have my health(mostly) that my family is healthy and that I am loved.. I can't really ask for anymore...
    today will be busy for me...gonna go to the gym, then over to the friehofers bread outlet,havent been there in ages and stock up on stuff, then over to Sam's later for some fruit and stuff. going to make the DH blueberry muffins ,and make some for my dad too.he loves those..
    Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend,and those that are in the scorching heat stay hydrated ,cool and safe..
    sending :heart: love to all my girls out in computer land.. wish we weren't so spread out
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Planning a low-key but productive weekend with DH (fingers crossed that the weather will cooperate). We have some errands to run and then I want to thin out and trim back our shrubs. He usually just hacks away at them but I want to shape them up with a little more deliberation. We’re expecting scattered storms so I’m hoping we can get them all done during the periods with no rain.

    Meg – good luck with all of your writing/editing. It seems that you always have something like this going on; not sure how you squeeze it in with everything else!

    Joyce – if you are ever in Indy with a little time on your hands, I recommend visiting the Butler campus and the surrounding area. It’s beautiful.

    Michele – I don’t envy you all the hard work ahead of you with the river rock but I definitely am envious about your pool! We had one when I was growing up in south Texas and I loved the easy access when I felt like swimming. Having one isn’t all that practical here in central Ohio but there are definitely days when I would love to be able to just walk out the back door and jump in a pool.

    Phoo – stay cool; those higher temps can be so debilitating.

    Geri – so sorry to hear about your knee ailments. Good job on keeping up the gym visits and finding ways to keep working out. It’s so easy to just make excuses (as I can attest!). So, is an allotment a plot of land in a communal garden or something?

    Heather – your trip to the rose garden sounds fabulous – I do love roses! Enjoy your time next weekend with DS and his family!

    Grandmallie – enjoy your low-key weekend; sounds like fun. And happy birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day to celebrate.

    I’d better get moving and start being productive here. I really want to get all of our outside chores done today because I need to write 6 mid-year reviews tomorrow for my staff. Once I start them, they should pretty much write themselves; it’s just the getting started part that is difficult….

    Have a happy Saturday, everyone!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning!:flowerforyou:

    Finally, finally got to Water Zumba last night! :smile: Been trying to all week but "stuff" just kept getting in the way. Today my neck, back and foot was definitely sore but I think it's just a combo of my arthritis flaring up with all this wet weather and the fact that I have done nothing physical all week except a bit of walking. :grumble: I can't believe tomorrow is the end of the month already!! Off to Chicago today to see my sis for her birthday. She thinks that she's just seeing me and my DH but my brother and his wife are coming to surprise her too! Then I'll get to stop by my best friend who lives there too! Just wish this rain would go away!

    Don't have time to read and catch up but I will soon and I hope all you great ladies have a fantabulous day!

    Kathy in rainy dreary IL :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies. I was inspired by Barbies thread history and I went back and found my first post to this thread. It was at noon on April 4, 2010.
    Hello all, I would like to join this thread. My 50 birthday is in May. (one of my motivations) My first wedding anniversary to my third and final husband is May 2nd and I would like to weigh at least what I did last year on that wedding day. I gained 13 pounds during the year because I was laid off a week after we got back from our honeymoon. Job hunting is depressing and stressful. so in February I got off my butt and started working out. I found this sight when searching for calorie content on some food. I love it. I am a meal planner. I spend all morning Sunday planning out what I will eat and what exercise I will do all week. I stick to it. I am doing really well so far. I am starting April with a CW of 170 and would love to be 165 by the end of the month. My other goal is to be able to jog for 5 minutes at a time so eventually I can run with my Bodi pup. I hope you all are having or had a great Easter.

    It seems so long ago. As I was searching thru the threads I was reminded how many of us on this thread have been here a really long time. You are my dear friends.

    I am looking forward to getting out in the yard today.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Sunny and warm PNW
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning. It's so nice to read the history of this thread. Thank you to Barbie for keeping it going.

    Joyce IN - I used to lived in Fishers, IN, just outside Indianapolis. Butler University has/had a local PBS station and showed a lot of British comedies. They started a British Telly Club which I joined and even did a fundraiser thing on tv with them. I really liked Indy - then we moved to Knoxville, TN for 8 years (husband's job - really didn't want to move there but we were very happy), then to Needham, MA. I've been in the US for 18 years and lived in four states - started off outside Chicago. I want to stay in MA now.

    After eating rubbishy chocolate for lunch, we had Chinese food for dinner. What a terrible calorie day, so back on track today.

    Someone already said this, but to those people taking care of parents, I agree that you'll never regret the time spent with them. My sister-in-law took care of both her parents who died of cancer within 2 years of each other. She was exhausted but is happy she had that time with them. I worry a lot about what will happen when my parents are ill. Dad's 81 and Mum's 78, both in good health but things can change so quickly. They're In England and I'm so far away from them. I'm visiting them for 2 weeks in July and I appreciate every minute I get with them.

    Have a wonderful Saturday.
    Helen in grey, muggy, damp Needham, MA
  • TonicSapphire
    May I join your group, please? I'm new to MFP and would like to join women my age seeking to better themselves. We don't have the same needs as the younger folks, and I need to relate to my generation for support. I am 59 years old, and starting my journey ( again) to being fit. Thanks!
  • FastFriend
    FastFriend Posts: 18 Member
    I am new as well and hope the group is open to me as well. I am 56 and also appreciate hearing from people in my age range. Although I enjoy talking to everyone, I think we have challenges unique to our ages and life experience. I have been using this site for the past three months and find journaling all of my food to be incredibly motivating. I also like the progress reports.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Congratulations on losing another pound! Low salt and soy sauce are terms that seldom go together, although DH has found a very tasty soy sauce that is significantly lower in sodium. Yum. It is from a Salem, Oregon, Company and has 520mg of sodium per serving. With soy sauce, that is low. The stuff we replaced was about 2-3 times saltier.:noway:

    Sandy in ON: The Calgary Stampede is on my bucket list. Last year I finally went to the Pendleton Round-up for the first time, and it is in my own state. DH and I had a wonderful time. I have no suggestions fro migraine relief. I just hope it goes away soon.:flowerforyou:

    Musicteacher4: Your daughter is a gem. I’m lucky that DH is very supportive of this diet experience and is doing it right along with me. He’s got multiple health problems, so his loss has been slower, but it is really starting to show. His health problems are causing the greatest change in our food choices. You can eat the same old stuff and lose weight if you use portion control, but we’ve been quite happy with the changes we’ve made because we feel better. BTW, our favorite foods are still on our list, in smaller portions. Count your daughter as a blessing and keep up your good work.:flowerforyou:

    Jane in CO: Rehab centers are not all created equal. Your dad is so lucky to have you watching out for him. You are his guardian angel. :heart: It is good that you are now taking care of yourself again; sick guardian angels need angels of their own. You are right that this is your life, at least for now. I hope we’ll be seeing more of you here so we can cheer you on as you’ve done for many of us.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Your dietician seems like a gem. I feel the same way about this group as you do. Wise and kind groups are a real rarity and this group is golden.:flowerforyou:

    Jodiios: You really have a great NSV today thanks to your daughter, and another thanks to your DH. My DH is also a positive and supportive man. They are rare and wonderful.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: It seems like this group was kind and positive from the beginning. Thanks for posting the links. I find myself amazed that it is all still out there to be revisited. This site must have an amazing amount of storage space.:laugh:

    edraper; Your 50 pound bag of sand was an amazing way to experience how successful you’ve been with weight loss. I might run out and find something that weighs 50 pounds just to see how it feels.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Good luck on your test bank questions. I have a feeling you’ll do really well.:wink:

    Grandmallie: Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I had an awful night last night. DH slept in another room and I STILL woke him up repeatedly with my coughing. DGD had a runny nose when I was taking care of her and I seem to have brought home its meaner and nastier offspring.:sick: Thank goodness we were able to get all the way home before it really hit me. It wouldn’t have been good to stay with my SIL long enough to pass it on and DH can’t drive due to lost vision from his stroke. He has an appointment in August to see an eye specialist who may be able to help his vision with adaptive lenses. A neighbor has been blind on one side since birth and has prism glasses that allow her to see well enough to drive. Keeping my fingers crossed that DH can be helped, too.:heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    bring it lol!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I will never regret taking care of my MIL. There are frustrating times that I tell my husband that I am done to force him to be more involved in the thinking. He stays very involved physically but my thinking what we do.

    I actually have 3 cyber families. I have an MS forum that is very tight and we discuss every day things like here. If our MS isn't in balance then nothing will be, and just the opposite. The same as in our weight. It all has to be in balance and I don't think that is in our human nature. The 3rd is a facebook family. It started out as a forum for us to discuss and help with one of the games we play but it is now a very deep, strong family. I don't know why but I am not good being friendly in public. I just can't make friends. I don't know what to talk about. I don't belong to a church so the only people I see if the people in the gym and we just have a passing hello. Now when my own family gets together here it is wonderful. But that is only 1-2 times a year. So there are many many days when I don't talk to anyone except my husband and what I write here. So you see why this big group of sisters is so important to me

    Joyce, Indiana
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Tigress: I, too, had taco meat for supper last night, but mine was not at all tasty. I thought I would do a chicken breast taco, but it just wasn't the same as carne asada. I guess I am just a "dead red meat" fan.

    Well, it is late Saturday morning, and I have done nothing! I am just so lazy today! I really do believe that the heat is finally getting to me. I know that as soon as the monsoon's arrive, life will be good, but for right now, I am just not excited about anything! We are all clouded over and grey today, but it is not necessarily a good thing because there is so much smoke in the air from wildfires in NM and CO. The cloud cover is holding the smoke down low, so it is causing some trouble for asthma patients. OK- I am done carping now.

    Just got a phone call and am going off to meet a friend and her grandson for cookies and coffee. This will be my last chance to see him before he has to return to Denver. He is such a handsome youngster and lots of fun to be around. That is one thing I do miss living in a predominently retirement area- we don't see many kids! Anyway, our local coffee shop has started having one gluten free cookie type each day, so it is the perfect place for us to go. His Grandmother is a full-blown celiac sufferer, and she is the one who finally nagged me into seeing if it is part of my tummy troubles.... sure 'nuff, no more gluten for me. :sad:

    Well, friends, have a great day. I promise I will get into the pool and back on the bike to work off my cookie! :blushing:

    Pat (Phoo)

    Someone... (and I can't remember who) is celebrating 5 years of being smoke free... :laugh: :love: :flowerforyou: :smile: That is awesome! Congratulations! And, tell your husband that I am sending wishes for his continued health and wellbeing, too!

    Barbie- Tell Jake I appreciate his willingness, and I agree that this weekend it is truly HOT in Az. I don't think that even the pool will keep me cool!

    Geri- Hello! I love the grin on Ethan in your pic! What fun to have such a cutie to hug!

    Heather- I am so jealous of the rose garden experience! Roses grow beautifully here in Az, but most of them have no aroma. I have been told that happens when things are too hybrid, but I really want that aroma! OK, I am done ranting at you, I am just plain jealous! :ohwell:

    Grandmallie- It sounds like you are going today, Have Fun!

    Sapphire :flowerforyou: and Fast Friend :flowerforyou: : Welcome to the group, gang, gaggle....whatever we are! You will find lots of support and encouragement here.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I’ve really missed being here and reading the posts. Thank you for all of the support and caring words!

    TexasGal22 – Jim Carey’s grin is infectious and a good way to start the day! I didn’t know that we could post video.

    Joyce – Glad you’re making such great progress that you can start cutting back on the diabetes medications… good for you!!

    Jodios – How fun to get to wear your DD’s clothes! Good job!

    Grandmallie – Happy Birthday!

    Barbie – How very cool about the thread! I guess I just thought that you had started it. Thanks for sharing the history with us!

    Kate in Brooklyn – I think it’s only right to give back to our parents. I remember many years that they supported me, and the strength that I still get from knowing that they are here and love me.

    Heather – It sounds like you had a productive morning! It does help to get off to an early start. And isn’t it great to have the grocery shopping out of the way for a while?

    Katia – I hope that you feel better quickly! Your kind words have certainly helped me to feel better… thank you. I hope that your DH’s eyesight can be helped, too.

    Jane in Colorado
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat everyone.Pouring rain here.Think our seasons got missed up.
    Welcome any new people.:flowerforyou:
    Take care anyone who is struggling with life.