

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,769 Member
    Oh I am ripped!!!! the companion that is over at my FIL asked to speak to me. took me aside and told me that my FIL told her that my SIL(who is supposedly taking care of him) threw a book at him,and hit him in the arm. I went to look and sure enough the whole right hand is all black and blue and he has a huge gash on his arm... with a band-aid over it.. I told the companion that she has to file a formal complaint before the stare will get involved ,but my DH did take pictures with his camera phone. We are pissed.. they mental and now are physically abusing him,Her butt is gonna be in the slammer if I have anything to do with it....
    ok rant over
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 52 and looking to read experiences similar to my own. I am new to the site, but would like to keep tabs on this forum.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Welcome and Happy Saturday to everyone. I am working a 12 hour shift today so came to work at 5:30 am and will get off at 6pm. Same tomorrow. So not sure what the weather is doing other then HOT!! Glad to read everyone's post and share the day
    Grandmallie- WOW I am ripped with you. I hope something is done about the abuse of your FIL. Some people have no heart. Happy Birthday and sounds like you work with a great group of people. Your dinner at Ruby Tuesday sounds good. We have one here and last couple times we went the food was not good, over cooked or full of butter. Waitress said I should of ordered it without butter. I told her there was no butter listed on the menu.

    Barbie- Thanks for sharing and for keeping us going!! Do you start a new thread each month or just when we hit 500. There is alot I am still learning.

    Suzy- Congrates on the weight loss!!! Where are you going on your cruise this fall?

    Musicteacher4- Great notice by your daughter. Sounds like you are doing very well.

    Jane-Sounds like you have your hands full taking care of your mom and Dad. Saying a prayer for all of you. When my DMIL was taking treatments for her cancer she lived with us. Then the last three weeks she wanted to be home in Kansas so DH and I and his three sisters stayed with her and took turns sitting with her so she would not be alone. That was 20 years ago this October and we have never been sorry. We know we did the best we could.

    Joyce- Glad your appointment with the dietican went well. They can help alot. I understand what you mean about making friends. I find it really hard face to face. That is why this group is important to me. I do not feel like I am judged here. I feel true friendship and understanding.

    Heather- Hope you have a good visit with your DS and his family. Bet you will enjoy the time with you DGS. I love spending time with my GC. They remind me how simple life can be.

    Helen- Hope you have a good visit with your parents. I have my family picnic with my mom and that side of the family next Saturday. We meet once a year and I really look forward to it. Mom lives 250 miles away so don't get to see much of her. She will be 80 in October and she wants all us kids and grandkids to spend the weekend in Kansas City. Going shopping and hanging out.

    Mojopoe and Tonic Sapphire and Fast Friend- Welcome, keep coming back and get to know us and us you. This is a great group.

    Katla- Hope you feel better soon. I think summer colds are the worse and not only do you feel terrible then you have the heat. I hate the heat. They can do some much with things now I hope you get good news about DHeyes.

    Well enjoy your evening and stay cool. We could use some rain so anyone who wants to send some this way. That would be GREAT!

    Vicki GI Nebraska
  • nonnicee
    nonnicee Posts: 38
    Good afternoon ladies. I am sorry to have been so absent from the thread. I am still working through my stressful situation with DH. Most communications with the Young Woman have stopped. We did block the number that all the texts were coming from. Now it is my belief that she is using regular telephone to speak with him, or maybe it is my overactive imagination telling me that. I actually have no way of knowing.

    All in all things are better, yet it will take some time for my trust to come back to what it once was...

    Prayers are still needed for continued improvement in our communications. After 39+ years of being together I am sure that this can be corrected with the help of God.

    I am still not logging my food like I should. Hopefully that will get back on track in a couple of weeks.

    We just returned from East TN where we picked up two of our grandchildren to spend a week with us. Note I said "we". We did actually travel together and managed to stay civil with each other.

    Holding out hope...
    All the BEST!
    Mary C in TN
  • margarethepburn1
    Good luck with your operation Amanda.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, our new vacuum is a Dyson. Jake did a lot of research for a long timeand really wanted this one but until the old vacuum dropped dead and stopped sucking up anything at all, I said we couldn’t afford to buy a new one.

    :flowerforyou: Geri, congrats on keeping up your workouts even when you were in pain

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I love getting my shopping done really early when no one else is in the store…how wonderful that it is automatic to do your workout first thing and not put it off.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I have so enjoyed walking this path with you and your wonderful dogs…..i remember with great fondness the wonderful face-to-face visit we had together.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I don’t have a lot of social interaction outside of this thread…..i am friendly with my line dance friends but so often they want to talk politics or are righteously indignant about something and I find those conversations disturbing. I spend most of my time with my husband and my pets.

    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new members of our community. …..just keep coming back and jump into the conversation or ask a question……we need each other.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, MFP starts the new thread when we reach 500……I will start a new thread for July just before I go to bed on Sunday night….be looking for it….I’ll post a link to it at the bottom of this thread.

    Mary C., sorry things are still upsetting for you…..Trust God, Log your food and exercise, and stay busy.

    :flowerforyou: It is over 70 degrees here today and we think it’s hot. We have the AC on and the dogs don’t want to stay out long when I take them……..I would never make it in Arizona, Texas, or NM.

    :flowerforyou: We’re doing an Isagenix cleanse day…..slept late, walked dogs, did some housework (bathrooms-me, vacuuming-Jake) and we’re relaxing the rest of the day except for some more dog walking.

    :bigsmile: Thank you for all your kind words about the history of this thread and my continued participation. As long as I want to maintain my weight loss, good health, and fitness level, I need to be in communication with all of you. It would be too easy to slip back into old behaviours again without the daily reminders.

    :flowerforyou: Tomorrow is the last day of the month so be expecting the July thread to get started at bedtime (my early bedtime PDT). I’ll post the link at the bottom of the thread so you’ll be able to go to the new one.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and muggy NW Washington

    “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else: you are the one who gets burned”---Buddha

    June Resolutions (with end of the month updates)
    *dig out the rest of the back yard flower bed that’s full of rocks and terrible dirt (Jake started it, but I’ve done very littlepartly because of all the time spent dancing and partly because of the sore muscle in my butt)
    *be agreeable---say “OK” (excellent, I needed this on the day when the regular line dance teacher came back)
    *strength training once a week (only the squat challenge and my daily plank---blame that on the dancing and sore muscle)
    *act the way I want to feel (excellent especially on the day the line dance teacher came back)

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies :heart:

    I wanted to pop in and say hi. My migraine is finally done yahhooooooooo. I am extremely drug sensitive. I've tried almost everything for my migraines. What I find works best is Excedrin Migraine but it's not sold here in Canada. So I have to have friends get it for me and mail it up to me. When that isn't enough I have zomig. I have suffered with them since my early teens, I've learned to live with them. I have freezer packs in the freezers here & at work and of course dark curtains on the windows. :laugh:

    Today was weigh in day and even with a 3 day migraine and not eating very well during those days I lost 1.6 lbs. Making it a total of 48 since Jan 2013.

    Grandmallie- I hope something is done about the abuse of your DFIL. Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie- Thanks for sharing the history of this group.

    I'm without my car now, it feels so weird. I don't know how I'll deal with the entire week.

    I'm off to watch a movie with my DD. I hope everyone has a great evening. Stay cool and drink lots

    Hugs to everyone.

    Sandy from ON
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hello vitamin F pals. What a nice day here. Beautifully sunny with enough clouds so you don’t get fried, nice little breeze….we went bike riding this morning for a good 45 minutes. I have a little computer DH got me for the bike; I need to figure out how to get it to read mph instead of kph! I did convert it and we went 8 ½ miles in 45 minutes. I simply could not do a bit more! I don’t see how people go for 20-30 mile rides! Worded in the yard for a while, had a nap, worked on the pediatric test bank. So all in all it was a great day. Both kids worked today so we had some “us” time without “them” running around LOL. We got a load of sugar snap peas from the garden and had them with dinner (grilled swordfish) and several zucchini. I made the mistake of putting cages around the zucchini thinking it would contain it but it makes it hard to pick!

    Joyce: I had to laugh… I too am an RN but I tell my doc what to do. Fortunately for me, she’s great and always does what I tell her! We have a very good relationship and occasionally I listen to her, too!

    Juanita: how fun to go to DGD’s 8th grade graduation!

    Michele: I found a yoga tape the other day and need to figure out how to work our system so I can play it. The wii yoga got kind of lame after a while!

    Phoo: I heard on the weather channel how hot it is in your part of the country. Stay cool and drink up…water that is!

    Gail: I have never been able to convince myself to eat sushi!

    Geri: I am assuming your allotment is a plot of land you can garden? I love my garden even though it’s not nearly as much as most people around here have. I like planting every 2 weeks or so and that way we get produce in small batches instead of the huge amounts that need to be canned or frozen.

    Heather; I am sure you will enjoy your long awaited visit with your family! Have fun!

    DeeDee: wearing your daughter’s clothes? OMG I could never do that! My bigger girl is a size 3 on a bad bloaty day. The 16 year old barely makes a size 1 but she hates “little kid clothes” so she still wears them.

    Grandmallie: happy early birthday! We too have Ruby Tuesday and the one we go to has the best salad bar ever, but of course much of it is loaded with calories, but they do have tons of veggies! Oh my goodness I would do more than rant with the experience you just had! That is just awful. I don’t care what the “excuse” was, there is no excuse for that type of behavior from anyone!!!

    Ohiomom: hope you got your yard work in before the storms came!

    Kathy: still raining there? Have fun surprising your sister!

    Robin: I haven’t been here all that long…about a year I think, but I agree about the dear friends. We do support each other and cheer each other on, don’t we?

    Helen: I’m sure you will have a delightful visit with your folks. My mom has been gone 3 years now and dad’s in a nursing home, fortunately one that is a mere 2 minutes from our house. Someone is there at least 6 times a week. He used to live about 30 minutes away, which doesn’t sound like much, but that’s an hour just driving!

    TonicSapphire & Fast friend: welcome to our group!

    Katla: I’m so sorry you got sick after your visit! Let us know what the doctor says about DH’s vision

    Janehadji: hi! Haven’t seen you in quite some time. It sounds like you are having some struggles. Whatever they are I’m sending you my very best wishes for them to be conquered!

    Jane: hope all is well with you

    Mojo: welcome aboard!

    Vicki: hope you get some rest with your long shifts. Maybe your weather is as nice as ours and you can enjoy being outside a bit

    Mary: I am holding out hope with you for an acceptable outcome to this situation. It’s good you were able to travel together.

    Barbie: thanks for keeping the thread going!

    SandY; good news that your migraines are gone and even better news about the weight loss!

    Has anyone heard from Dixie (petalsandpaws)??? I think about her once in a while and wonder how she is. I know she popped back on a couple of times, but that was a while ago.

    OK, I’m off before Barbie starts a new thread! LOL I get a treat tonight…homemade strawberry rhubarb crunch. YUM Only a tiny piece, but what the heck!
    Love to all my friends and take care, Meg from gorgeous Omaha
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, ladies!

    Yoga this morning; was supposed to be tai chi too but I was the only one to show and Gilda (my instructor/friend) and I got talking and there went the time..........so I did a few miles on the stationary bike after yoga. Quiet day.....2 calls from DD, who is greatly missing her summers' worth of home cooking since she is working at a college about 7-8hrs. away this summer--it appears the quality of the food goes way down when the football team is not in residence for summer practices....LOL.........she mentioned that it's time for blueberry pies; which reminds me it's time to get picking.........blackberries too. Had a benefit dinner to attend for one of my volunteer groups tonight; the kids who put it on were so sweet and attentive.

    Barbie........I also got a Dyson when my last sweeper died........love it!!!

    Butler U.........saw a basketball game there once when I lived in Mi. and went home to Indianapolis with a friend; their home was close to the campus and I remember it as being beautiful.

    Welcome newbies!
    Take care, friends!

  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    It was a fun filled and busy Saturday for me. and Friday as well. I don't think I posted yesterday! I finally 'made it to the gym again for the first time in 2 months. Neuropathy is being cooperative enough for me to do my circuit training! woohoo!! My back still doesn't like the treadmill though and I could only get in 15 minutes but it's more than i was before!!

    Then I went out with a friend to Cosco. Got some good walking in that way. Wandering the aisles, trying a few samples. I bought some dried Cranberries and some wonderful 5 seed baked crackers. At the thrift store I found a copy of a vegetarian cookbook I had owned in the 70's!! I loved it then so I bought the cookbook!

    Came home and worked on laundry and some general cleaning. Which finally ended my afternoon with a nice nap.

    The days are getting easier to move through, the nights are being more restful. Life is good.

    Jan :flowerforyou:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Mary, good to see you post. You're still on my prayers list...

    Meg, in the past I've only done sushi that had cooked items in it, but last night I had DH order and just surprise me. He ordered a lot of variations with scallops, my favorite thing, so that was good. Also had some ahi tuna that was so tender and delicious! We have a Japanese friend who owns a series of sushi bars, and that is really the only place we eat sushi. The trays of sushi are beautiful as well.

    We went to the farmers market this morning and spent a lot, but got some gorgeous cut flowers, plus fennel, some purple peppers, eggplant, goat cheese blends, mushrooms, green beans, a huge melon, and DH got some knives sharpened while we shopped. I think we got some other items, but I can't recall now.

    Went to work for about 7 hours, and didn't finish what I needed to get done. I'll have to see if I end up going in again tomorrow. Maybe not...

    Need to check to laundry...

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Just a quick post to mark my spot. Just got back from vacation in Maine with my sisters and am very relaxed and sleepy! Will be back tomorrow to try to catch up. Only got to page one!!

    Deb A from CNY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,375 Member
    I don't know why, but for some reason I got up extra early this morning. I laid in bed, and Shadow (Jessica's other cat) came and laid right beside me pushing up against me. Then, Lance actually jumped up on the bed and stayed there. We're making progress. OK, not enough, but it's progress all thHeather - wonderful that you got so much food and to the gym (expecially the gym part)!. Have e same.

    Went to the farmers market today. I was planning to get some golden beets, but the guy didn't have any. I told him I wanted 56 bunches (I'm going to start freezing) but if he has someone who wants the greens, he can cut mine off and give them to them. Then I went to yoga. Came home and made pumpkin butterscotch muffins for the gal who does my hair. I'll get it touched up Tuesday just so there aren't any roots showing in Europe. Then we're invited to a 50th dinner party on Friday so I made some pizza logs to take with me. I should probably freeze them. I'd like to make some wine cookies, too. Cooking means that I've been snacking on the "broken pieces" and things, so I probably won't log. But I will tomorrow. God some blueberries at the farmers market. After we come home from Europe, Jessica has an interview at a vet school in Knoxville then she's driving to Maine to see Kris's parents. She shouldn't go emptyhanded and I know she won't have time to make anything, so I'll make some of the blueberry muffins, put them in the freezer for her. I'll probably give some to the guy at the farmers market that I got them from. This way there won't be as much for me to freeze. Stopped at the Salvation Army to look for shorts, found two pairs that I can wear but I also found a stand, brand new, still in the original packaging, for the beer can chicken. For $1.99 I had to get it. I know those stand usually run 3 or 4 dollars a piece

    Kathy - have fun in Chicago. What a wonderful surprise you have in store for your sister

    Robin - how cool that you found your first post! I'm like you, I usually plan out the next week's meals (well, at least dinners) and what exercise I'm PLANNING to do. Sometimes plans have to change, but I have time set aside for exercise

    TonicSapphire - just jump right on in! How right you are that we don't have the same needs as younger folks. There are things that only someone who has BTDT can understand. Like the other day Jessica just couldn't get over why I was so excited to be able to clean some of the landscape lights. Well, to me that meant that we'd done enough work so that I could clean them and they would stay fairly clean. It was a milestone for me, but she just didn't understand.

    FastFriend - come in often so we get to know more and more about you.

    There's an article oin our local paper how the southwestern US is going to be an oven this weekend. Anyone living there, please take care

    grandmalle - I would be pissed, too. How can anyone in their right mind do something like that to another person? (note that I said "in their right mind")

    MoJoPoe - keep coming back, we love new faces!

    Mary in TN - I'll keep you in my thoughts. Sure do want things to work out

    barbie - our vacuum is a Kenmore, but I remember reading that Dyson was rated highly, too.

    Don't ask me to explain it, but tonight suddenly I got this stabbing pain in my stomach. I was making wine cookies (yes, wine). I couldn't finish making them without laying down. It actually hurt to breathe out. But then about 2 hours later, I was much bettr and able to finish making the cookies.

    I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll make some blueberry muffins so that I use up some of the blueberries. I'll freeze them and then take some to the farmers market next Sat. to give to the guy who I got them from. I met the owner of the farm, he's a real nice elderly man. I'll also make some for Jessica to take to Maine with her. They'll keep in the freezer. The rest I'll freeze.

    meg - yum, veges from the garden. Can you send some my way??? I know what you mean about the Wii yoga getting lame. It's the same thing over and over and over. That just bores me to tears. Wish I knew enough about yoga to know if it was a good workout or not. I don't think the strength training workout is, I know I don't do it, haven't for a long, long time I'm trying to remember why I haven't done it. I think it's because it will work one muscle but not the opposing muscle. You're right, we haven't heard from Dixie in a long, long time.

    grandmalle - you had a great day it sounds like. We have a Ruby Tuesday here. As I recall they have some sort of "fit & light" or something like that menu. Honestly, I had to ask for it one time and the waitress/waiter had no idea what I was talking about. I believe they have a petite steak on the menu along with steamed broccoli (that's what I usually get).

    Deb - welcome back! Glad you had such a good time.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,375 Member
    Oops, I didn't proofread before posting. I only want 6 bunches of beets -- not 56!
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Grandmallie - Happy Happy Birthday ! ! ! Have a wonderful day! :happy: :happy: :happy:

  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Michele - I thought that was an awful lot of beets. :noway: I was impressed with how ambitious you were!

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Quick notes as I just got home after three days in Madison, WI. This was the last of my four business trips this month.:sick: Each trip has resulted in about a 1 pound gain, which quickly came off once home. Cleaner food choices, harder workouts and more sleep all work wonders on this road warrior. :drinker: Today was spent doing errands, resting and catching up on several pages of posts. Where the heck did June go? I wish I could reply to everyone, but it’s already late here.

    SueinTx: I hope you get over your poison before your trip. Where in Hawaii are you going? I lived on Oahu for 17 years. I still consider it ‘home’.

    Sue in SD: Glad to hear the surgery went well. I’ve had rotator cuff therapy and today I am totally pain free.

    Kate: Great to hear from you! Thank you for sharing the full poem. I needed that.

    Michele: What a generous gesture you are making to offer Dianna a ring that has been in your family. My MIL gave me dish towels.

    JB2011: Great news about Mariah. May she just continue to get better and better.

    Grandmallie: Happy Birthday~ so sorry it’s been tainted by the terrible treatment your dad has been made to endure.
    JaneH: Hang in there. I’m here if you need to talk.

    Affirmation for today: “I am joyful. I am healthy. I am loved.”

    Stay well.
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    June Goals and progress to date:
    80 oz of water per day - check, with exception of days when I have to fly. I get too bloated.:tongue:
    3-5 servings of vegetables daily - check
    Log every day, even on the road – Missed a few days.
    Drop 2 pounds – hmmmmm, didn’t happen this month.:noway:
    Nourish my mind and my faith with daily positive affirmations - check

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Karla and I have been on WW since Sept 2011, I have gone from 232 to 185 currently. I had gotten down to 178 last August but have had a terrible time after my mother passed unexpectedly last July. Next week will be the one year anniversary of this. I'm trying to stay focused and now my physician is going to review my food log every three months as an added support system. I like logging on to MFG my foods to watch the sodium, fat and carb levels. I have just been released from a back issue this past Thursday. I have been swimming a lot, and now I am released to exercise. The Ortho said to just watch and back off of anything that flares the back up. I prefer Leslie Sansone dvds and have probably 8 or 9 of hers. Since I have been swimming today I didn't do a dvd workout. I want to do one first thing in the morning.

    A little about me: I am 55yo, live in Grand Bay, AL, near Mobile. I am married, second husband, for 8.5 years. I have one son, 34yo, 2 gkids and 2 step gkids with him, my DH has 3 grown childen and 7 gkids. We are one huge family!! Sundays are swimming at Papa and Nana's and we usually grill out too. I work out of my home with medical billing and have three clients. I love to grow Plumerias and Angel trumpets and have two green houses in my back yard.

    I am ready to get OUT of the 180's. I am keeping a written log, per my doctor's request, she didn't want a computer printout, and logging on MFP and in WW. This week I have gone down from 188.2 to 185.6 and I am hoping and trying really hard to keep in down and lower. My weekly WI day for WW is Tuesday.

    Thanks for any and all support.
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Hi all, it sounds like a wonderfully supportive group here. I just joined MFP today and have been exploring the site looking for people in similar shape, age, etc. as me. This looks like it! I'm 55, 100 lbs to lose, been beyond sedentary AKA couch potato extraordinaire. A nephew's been using a bodymedia armband for a month or so & I've committed to losing along with him. I feel for everyone across the country who're experiencing the heat wave. It's going to be hot here in the Northwest the next few days. I'm shooting for working out early at the gym, fingers crossed!
  • lulu4thewin
    Haven't been by my keyboard today, and need to read lots of posts, but just popping in to say, "hi."

    I had a dream last night that I was eating all this incredibly sweet and fattening food...then I felt so rotten about it. When I woke up I was so relieved to find it was a dream. hahaha

    Tonight my husband kept trying to get me to taste fancy ales with him. I'm like "do you realize how many calories are in that? And that I'll have to log it into my diary?

    Having escaped the downfall of my dream, there was no way I was going to regret town over a silly drink. hahaha

    Ok, I did have to add a quick 60 for a modest swig to placate him. ;)

    What's your favorite zero calorie way to pamper yourself?

    Hope you all have a beautiful Sunday.
