

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Hello to all of my MFP friends! It's cooler here today, with a welcome hint of rain. I spent the morning cutting back the "volunteers" from my lilac bush (does anyone know of a way to stop them?) and visiting my father. I got a call to show a house this afternoon, so that is next on the agenda. I haven't been doing much work for the past few months, so it will be good to get back in practice.

    Grandmallie – How terrible! There is just no excuse for abusing anyone, of any age, at any time. And to do it to the elderly or children is just incomprehensible.

    Rori – It sounds like you have the formula down! Mine gain seems to be staying for a while – an unwelcome guest! If I ever get things settled down with my parents, I’d really enjoy seeing you again.

    Jane in Colorado
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Jane-when I went for my hysterectomy I had low magnesium,cardiologist suggested I take 400 mg , of magnesium daily to prevent A-Fib, I have mitral valve prolapse and so does my dad, so this will hopefully help prevent me from getting A-Fib when I am older, and since I have been taking it really havent had any leg cramps.. could be that:wink:
    I e-mailed my FIL sister who is a retired nurse and put the bug in her ear, she is like a pit bull ,let me tell you she will go after Iris tooth and nail,and keep us out of it for my FIL sake.
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I have enjoyed reading the June posts and getting to know some of you. Update on my June goals:

    • Walk 3 times a week. I have exercised everyday (with the exception of 3 days) this month!
    • Visit the gym 1 to 2 times a week. (This will be a challenge; I have not been to the gym in almost a year). I have not made it to the gym yet, hopefully next month.
    • Increase my daily water intake. I am up to 6 glasses a day.
    • Record my food & exercise each day. Done.
    • Be active and do something fun with my youngest son 3 or more days a week. Done, we have enjoyed several fun activities, which I count towards my daily exercise!
    • Keep a record of the steps on my pedometer each day. Most days I have, sometimes I forget the pedometer.
    • I am going to work towards 10,000 steps a day. My average is 5800 steps, my highest was 7600.

    Terri, from soon to be over 100 degrees today, in Oregon.
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Grandmallie---Happy Birthday!! :smile:

    Katla----Hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Dee Dee---Thank you for always reminding us to drink our water! :drinker:

    Terri, from Oregon
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Hello.I'm also a newbie,only been on MFB about 6 wks. I'm 69, so all of you in your 50's are just young ins :bigsmile: Wanted to say I sure agree,the weight shifts around a bit,but at this age,it likes me & is determined to hang on!

    My exercise is walking & water aerobics 3x a wk.Have to stick with it,cause Dr says it's working wonders for my cholesterol numbers. Enjoy reading this thread,but never found a place to sign up? Hope everyone has a good,healthy week.Pat in Ohio
    Hi folks, I am a 57 year old recent my fitness joinee from Birmingham, England. Do you need to do anything to join this group or just pitch in as and when you have something to say. Need to loose about 4 stone, thats 50+lbs. I had a hernia operation in January and it was found my stomach muscles are wrecked after a previous op, so though my bikini days are over I am desperate to shift at least some of the belly. I am on the 5:2 diet at the moment and it seems to be working, have lost a few pounds and clothes fit better. Lovely and warm here at the moment and I will be off to Zumba after school (I teach), so I should loose weight but it seems to get harder the older I get :ohwell:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I have been laughing out loud reading posts about "cooler" weather at 80 or 90 degrees,,,It is up to 80 degrees here and the dogs won't go out and Jake and I have decided not to do yard work because it's too hot......we're staying in the house with A/C on.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ten years ago when we lived near Redding, California where it was over 100 all summer, we talked about 90 degrees being "cooler"......how quickly we forget :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from unusually warm NW Washington
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Returned from Maine vacation relaxed and happy. While I was gone, there was a flood in my area. We live up on a hill and are fine, but there were about 150 homes flooded. Many have not yet been allowed back in to assess the damage. My prayers are with all of those affected.

    So many posts since I was gone!! Didn't have internet access, so will need to catch up or maybe just jump in from here. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Deb A in CNY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    Hello.I'm also a newbie,only been on MFB about 6 wks. I'm 69, so all of you in your 50's are just young ins :bigsmile: Wanted to say I sure agree,the weight shifts around a bit,but at this age,it likes me & is determined to hang on!

    My exercise is walking & water aerobics 3x a wk.Have to stick with it,cause Dr says it's working wonders for my cholesterol numbers. Enjoy reading this thread,but never found a place to sign up? Hope everyone has a good,healthy week.Pat in Ohio
    Hi folks, I am a 57 year old recent my fitness joinee from Birmingham, England. Do you need to do anything to join this group or just pitch in as and when you have something to say. Need to loose about 4 stone, thats 50+lbs. I had a hernia operation in January and it was found my stomach muscles are wrecked after a previous op, so though my bikini days are over I am desperate to shift at least some of the belly. I am on the 5:2 diet at the moment and it seems to be working, have lost a few pounds and clothes fit better. Lovely and warm here at the moment and I will be off to Zumba after school (I teach), so I should loose weight but it seems to get harder the older I get :ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: welcome to our supportive community. You "joined" just by posting. Now this thread will show up under "My Topics" so you can find us easily........except...........in a few hours we'll be starting a new thread for July.....there will be a link at the bottom of the thread to click on to get to the thread for July.

    :flowerforyou: please keep coming back and posting.......it takes awhile to feel like part of the family but with persistence you will find common ground with others and make new friends here.

    :flowerforyou: I am 67 years old and feel younger than I did when I started MFP at age 62 carrying weight that I thought I could never lose.....do not be discouraged and keep coming back......remarkable things will happen in your life. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Funny Barbie :laugh: It's in the mid 90's here in Portland, we're melting! Have the AC on but inside the house it's about 80 degrees lol. We have a little window AC unit. The dogs enjoyed the heck out of their walk and swim today, we walk in the shady woods then down to the river where I throw the ball in the water a million times for Timber, my terrier. He's quite the diver! Ka-splooooooosh! Rugby, the heeler, wades in the water and cools off, then gets comfy in the sand and keeps watch. :glasses:

    :heart: Wanted to stop by and show you what my niece Jennifer (Mariah's mother) wrote about Mariah today:

    :heart: "Mariah is doing really well. She had a bath today which really helped her feel fresh. She is enjoying all the special things that she has received this past week. Keep praying! Our prayers are being answered! (She is trying to eat all the food in the house.....she definitely has her appetite back!)"

    :heart: Yay, I'm so happy she's doing better! She will have to go for the spinal tap on Weds. :sad: Hopefully they'll find nothing abnormal. Fingers crossed, and toes, arms, legs! :bigsmile:

    My mom is coming up for a 9-day visit this Tuesday, she's 88 :noway: and doing pretty darned good! We'll have fun playing cards and Yahtzee in the evenings, sipping wine, and doing a little shopping in the mornings. She'll rest while I'm getting my exercise, and while I'm at work for a few hours, but I'll take her out walking, too. It's just that she walks at a verrrrrrrry slow pace, but we love it, we talk, I can always jog in place beside her. :laugh: She likes going to the garden and walking along the path by the river, stopping to talk to the fishermen. :wink:

    Hope everyone's enjoying their Sunday! :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in sweltering Portland where the gardens are very happy!!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Well yesterday I guess I was too early in thinking Barbie was starting the July thread already!

    We slept in a bit today and went for another 45 minute bike ride. My little bike calculator says I averaged 14.6 mph so I recorded it as the 14=16 miles per hour ride. It was beautiful out today; high in the low 80s and breezy, a little cloudy so no sun baking you to death! Can’t say I did anything else of interest; worked on the peds test bank and dead headed even more roses…I could do that for an hour a day and never be done! The nursing home is having a 4th of July party tonight with fireworks, but dad told me he didn’t want to stay up so I wasn’t planning on going. But this afternoon he told DD#2 he did, so we’ll call later and if he is still up one of us will take her.

    Yanniejannie: oh yum, blueberry pie!

    Jan: that is so funny that you bought a cookbook you once had before!

    Gail: we love our farmers market that is downtown; we have them all over though. Omaha has a federal grant to establish them in “food deserts” so you see them frequently.

    Deb :Glad you are home safely after having a good vacation.

    Michelle: I wondered when you said 56 bunches of beets! LOL> You are the baking queen! Wow pumpkin butterscotch? So here is my question. DD#2 made a wonderful strawberry rhubarb crumble and I don’t know if it should go in the fridge or not. What do you think?

    Grandmallie: happy birthday!!!

    Rori: glad your travels are done for a bit and you can relax!

    Karla: welcome to our group! Congratulations on your impressive weight loss! Wow that’s amazing! I love plumerias!!!!!

    Janie: welcome to you too! I had no idea how much of a couch potato I was until I got a fitbit (pedometer) and saw how FEW steps I took a day!

    Carolyn: my favorite pampering at least right now is a shellac (gel) manicure.

    DeeDee: I think any breakfast food is good for dinner! Hope you enjoyed bossing the boys around; I imagine you ended up going!

    Ohiomom: I am impressed with my bike riding too! Last year I could only go 15 minutes.

    Katla: oh my; after my bike rides I need to pass out LOL! I sure hope your sinus problem goes away soon.

    Julie: where do you live that it is going to be that hot? We are very lucky here in Omaha; not nearly as as it usually is by this time of year. Less humidity too. I’ll take that any day.

    Pat: I am kind of a lightweight drinker too….but for some reason gin doesn’t really affect me LOL. You know maybe you wouldn’t be so frustrated if you didn’t label it “starting over”. Even healthy people eat things that aren’t so healthy for them on occasion. Just keep on plugging on! You can do this! Sorry I’m sticking my nose in but I know that really helped me when I stopped thinking like that. I just say I try to live a healthy lifestyle and that does include some days that are not as healthy as some of the others.

    Joyce: hope your soreness goes away. Enjoy your well-earned pizza tonight!

    Jane: oh yes….I get cramps all the time in my back and magnesium works wonders!

    Vicki: enjoy this great weather that is so unusual for us!

    Critter sue: You are worth a fortune as a pet sitter! We share one with our best friends but that means we can’t travel together. But I would pay anything our critter sitter asked for!

    Eileen: no AC? Wow I didn’t think you could get away with that in CA!

    Jane; I wish I had the answer for you but I have never been able to grow lilacs. Now if you have the answer to spreading cat mint….that I’ll take LOL

    Terri boy that is some hot weather for you! Stay cool and hydrated!

    Pat maybe I asked you before, but where in Ohio are you? My inlaws are in Wadsworth, south of Cleveland.

    Jb: so glad to have a positive update about Mariah! Keeping all fingers and toes crossed for her and the upcoming spinal tap.

    Well my baseball game has just came on, and that is my Sunday night ritual, so off I go. Tomorrow is water aerobics and more testbank plus working on my reviewed manuscript pages. Take care everyone and have a good relaxing Sunday evening.
    Take care, Meg from Papillion NE (just south of Omaha) where we are #11 in the country for parks.

    June goals:
    90 ounces of water: mostly
    6500 steps /4500 on days with biking, aquasize, etc. YAY I did this!
    <1800 calories/day about 90% pretty darned good!
    Exercise 5x/week been getting about 4x in, but that's better than nothing!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,192 Member
    Last post for June for me! Busy Busy!!

    June Goals:
    8 - 8oz glasses of water daily
    burn 200 calories at least 3 times a week
    25 jumping jacks daily
    7,000 steps a day
    yard work or outside at least 15 min a day
    Complete squat challenge
    Arm weights 3 times a week
    45 min cardio 5 times a week
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here is the link to the new thread for July......i look forward to seeing you all there

  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    In answer to your question Meg I'm in California about an hour from Yosemite, it usually doesn't get quite this hot until closer to August. Wishing for the 80's so I can walk to the post office.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here is the link to the new thread for July......i look forward to seeing you all there

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday afternoon ladies,

    Another soggy day here on the east coast. I was disappointed that I couldn’t get in my run outside, so it was back to the TM for me. Since I had a break from it, it really wasn’t that bad. I think I was just burnt out from the same boring thing.

    We went to The World Café Live in Delaware to see “The Dukes of Hazard” band (kinda bluesy) on Saturday night with DH and my single GF and had a great time. The band was awesome and a lot of people were dancing. I have ABSOLUTELY no rhythm, which made me wonder how I would EVER do at Zumba..…probably not a good idea for me. I rarely dance in front of others because I am so self-conscious, but there was a couple out there on the dance floor who were so good, and they were sure fun to watch! I wish I could dance like that! There were a few others who obviously could NOT dance, but were out there having fun anyway. I even wish I could do that, but just can't get up the nerve. That’s probably why I tend to go to concerts more than places where there is dancing.

    Sunday we went to brunch at a little place near me that I never knew existed. My GF told us about it and she stayed overnight so we could all go the next day. They had a bluegrass band, and although I’m not a big fan of bluegrass music, it was actually pretty good and a lot of fun! The food was good, and I couldn’t resist having a second bloody Mary. Since we ate pretty late, we only had spinach salad for dinner, and I only came in a little over my calories (estimated the brunch).

    I guess when you come right down to it, unless you are eating something packaged that has a calorie count on the label, most of what I eat is estimated anyway. I always try and estimate high, and even if I’m finding food in the database, I try and look for the highest calorie entry (or at least on the higher side) available. So far, this method has worked for me.

    We found some little shops across the street from where we had brunch and did a little shopping. There was a sign in one of the shops about a yoga class in Wilmington on Saturdays. They offered drop in classes, so I might have to check it out (but not this Saturday as we’ll be away).

    I lost an earring yesterday. It is so frustrating when that happens, and of course, it’s always an earring that I love.
    Today I will re-trace my steps after work and hope it’ll turn up.

    I see there are lots of posts to catch up on, but I’ll have to do that later. For now, I’m just checking in. I hope everyone has a good day. It’s a three day work week for me, as I have off Thursday for the holiday and also Friday.

    Well, gotta go and get some work done!

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Increase weights for circuit training to 5 pounds each (Done)
    Consistent logging (90%)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (85%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy – NOT YET!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here is the link to the new thread for July......i look forward to seeing you all there

  • shmary51
    shmary51 Posts: 3
    Hello to All,
    My name is Mary and I would love to joing this amazing group of women. I am 61, a widow. I have 3 grown children and 9 grandchildren. I am on this journey to try and get healthy again. I have honestly just let myself go since my husband passed away. Looking for a way try and make some since out of this crazy life I am trying to live now.
    The heat here in Texas is almost impossible to get outside and get any real exercise. I just bought myself a treadmill so I can at least get in some walking. Look forward to reading all about you all and getting to know how you manage to stay focused on your health.:happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here is the link to the new thread for July......i look forward to seeing you all there
