Your most humiliating "fat" experience.



  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    I often ask myself the same question. Too often in fact.

    One of my MFP friend gave this to me yesterday. It has been my thought process for a long time...
    “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” ~Dr. Denis Waitley
  • geetarfitness
    geetarfitness Posts: 6 Member
    When my friend said "You're boobs are bigger than my girlfriends." and started laughing.

    I took that as my main motivation and start here logging my food. I had thought wearing 2 shirts with a hoody was hiding my moobs but apparently not. I'm glad he said that though. I feel awesome now, 26 pounds lost since May 9th and just over an inch lost from measuring around my chest.

    I really want to go swimming this summer. I haven't gone swimming in years because of my moobs and gut. I don't think its gonna happen though because I have lost 26 pounds but my waist measured at my hips and over my belly button are exactly, to the centimeter, the same size.

    I am there with you. I am probably down to an A cup from a C:wink:

    However, you do you. If you want to go swimming - go swimming. What if you got horribly sick tomorrow and found out you could never swim again? You let what someone possibly would think of you stop you from doing what you enjoy. I know it sucks, I think of it every time I take my shirt off. Then I think, one day I will take it off and someone will say, "Brandon, what happened to your ample mosom?" That will be awesome. My point is, you are working hard, and maybe your reward should be going for a swim. Keep up the good work!

    Nice words bornofthorns
  • CinNoMore
    CinNoMore Posts: 9
    Oh my goodness! That must of been awful
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    I work for the same company as my dad. One day, a fellow employee introduced himself when he saw the name tag on my desk....and then proceeded to assume I was dad's wife, not his daughter. So extra weight evidently tacked on extra years too.
  • EmmyCD
    EmmyCD Posts: 4
    Mine is from yesterday.

    I started talking to a really nice guy online. I made him aware of my size, that I was losing weight and I was self-conscious about it. He said he didn't mind and he liked me for who I was anyway. I met with him and we went for coffee. He said he had left something in the car and ran to get it. He didn't come back. It was the most awkward and humiliating moments of my life.

    This was compounded by him giving my number to his friend to call me up riduculing me for my size and my "friend" saying 'Well I'm not surprised he ran looking at you.' Awful. I still haven't recovered from it.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    I often ask myself the same question. Too often in fact.

    If you think this often, think about leaving. Y O L O.

    My humiliating experience, at peak weight: German border guard flirted with me before patting me down, flipped up my shirt. Cue the purest expression of disgust I think I've seen.
  • FreeThotStrm
    I was at Disneyland in Futureland looking at the all the gizmos as there was a BMI scale. I got on it.

    That was the day that I cried at the happiest place on Earth.

    Also have split my pants on an embarrassing amount of occasions, including post workout at the gym and at work.
  • FreeThotStrm
    Screw that guy!

    Lose the weight, start lifting, get fine as hell, take sexy photos, send them to him with a note that says "You could have had this, now not in a million years. Enjoy *kitten*.

    Meet someone better.

    Live happily ever after.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,713 Member
    Mine is from yesterday.

    I started talking to a really nice guy online. I made him aware of my size, that I was losing weight and I was self-conscious about it. He said he didn't mind and he liked me for who I was anyway. I met with him and we went for coffee. He said he had left something in the car and ran to get it. He didn't come back. It was the most awkward and humiliating moments of my life.

    This was compounded by him giving my number to his friend to call me up riduculing me for my size and my "friend" saying 'Well I'm not surprised he ran looking at you.' Awful. I still haven't recovered from it.
    your size saved you from getting involved with what is clearly a cruel to the point of crazy a-hole.
    imagine how unhappy you would eventually become if you'd ended up in a relationship with that POS.
  • js402
    js402 Posts: 2 Member
    When I saw pictures that my nephews had taken of me this past Memorial Day. I look exactly how I *don't* want to look. The shirt is too tight, it gathers and puckers in all the wrong places. My face looks puffy... It's weird.. I didn't think I looked *that* bad... but those pictures sure proved otherwise. It's disgusting what I've done to my body over the years. I need to stop it. NOW. I'm going to have to travel for work in the next month or so... and while I don't expect miracles.. I'd like to make it so I'm not so jello-like when I meet people I interact with on a daily basis, but have never met face to face.
  • EmmyCD
    EmmyCD Posts: 4
    You are right, but it really has knocked me for six. I had lost 10lbs at this point (I lost 7lbs before coming here) and I was starting to feel good. After comments from those 3 people I just feel worthless and that this is pointless. He is a complete a-hole though and I do agree that I had a lucky escape. Thank you!
  • forestbecca
    Was having a particularly fat day and had to go into town to buy a gift voucher for my friend's birthday. Most of my clothes were dirty so I just threw on a particularly unflattering top that I was very self conscious about my belly in. Anyway, went about my business and as I was paying for the voucher the lady at the till asked "boy or girl?"

    I could feel my face going all red and I just said "excuse me??", hoping I had misheard.

    The lady smiled and said "is the voucher for a boy or a girl?"

    PHEW! :)

    I have some not so funny stories too but not in the mood for negativity! :)
  • Bel0602
    Bel0602 Posts: 135 Member
    Well for me this was more of a "compliment" from my grandma. So I didn't take it too seriously since she's really old. Anyways...So one day I was wearing a dress. And she told me "You have thick/big legs. But thats a good thing because girls with chicken legs look ugly." I know she wasn't being mean. But still! It hurt my feelings.

    And I will never forget this one. It was totally uncalled for. So one day I was outside with my mom and older sister. We were having a family bbq outside. My uncle was invited. After the bbq was over my dad came in the house and said "Oh you know what your uncle said about you? He said its funny how your mom is skinner than you. Haha." What was my uncle looking at my figure for in the first place?? This really hurt my feelings. I remember going into the bathroom afterwards to cry. I think this happened 1.5 years ago.
  • jltorres0214
    I have been heavy most of my life, so I have a million humiliating experiences. I think the worst was years ago when I was a junior in high school. I was prom dress shopping at a store called, 'Cache' , and the saleswoman basically asked me to leave the store because they didn't make dresses for people my size (I was an 18 then, and probably a 20-something dress size). She wouldn't even let me touch the gowns. I felt so low. So yeah, don't shop there! They're snobby and mean! hahaha

    I have experience this too, I was just looking at the dress and the sales lady said "It wont fit on u" I was so embarrassed i wanted to smashed that sales lady's face lol and another humiliating moment is i oftenly get mistaken being pregnant even on super market they giving me free sample of maternity milk coz the sample lady though im pregnant.:noway:
  • msglitzer
    msglitzer Posts: 1 Member
    I was at a Girl Scout meeting a few months ago and the girls were playing some random game. One of our little Daisy scouts came up to me and said "Do you want to be the horse or the cow?" I replied, "I will be the cow" she says back to me "That's good good, cause you look like one." **Big sigh** kids are so honest....
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I was at a Girl Scout meeting a few months ago and the girls were playing some random game. One of our little Daisy scouts came up to me and said "Do you want to be the horse or the cow?" I replied, "I will be the cow" she says back to me "That's good good, cause you look like one." **Big sigh** kids are so honest....

    Lol. Brat.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    Lady. At kohl told me my size was in plus size not juniors. Really I knew that I was shopping for my daughter. I am in juniors now so no worries. Its strange Ive lost 60 lbs and I see myself the same. Others don't. I use to be scared to shop because I thought people would say I'm in the wrong area. But they don't make comments like that to me anymore thank God.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    I have been heavy most of my life, so I have a million humiliating experiences. I think the worst was years ago when I was a junior in high school. I was prom dress shopping at a store called, 'Cache' , and the saleswoman basically asked me to leave the store because they didn't make dresses for people my size (I was an 18 then, and probably a 20-something dress size). She wouldn't even let me touch the gowns. I felt so low. So yeah, don't shop there! They're snobby and mean! hahaha

    That's always been one of my secret fears - that someone would "catch me" in a shop that doesn't make my size. Then again, why I'd be in an Abercrombie & Fitch is beyond me...
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Lady. At kohl told me my size was in plus size not juniors. Really I knew that I was shopping for my daughter. I am in juniors now so no worries. Its strange Ive lost 60 lbs and I see myself the same. Others don't. I use to be scared to shop because I thought people would say I'm in the wrong area. But they don't make comments like that to me anymore thank God.

    I can't believe sales associates even say stuff like that.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    I am an English teacher in China. Most ladies are small. About a week ago, I saw a beautiful dress in a size 8. I was walking to the change room with it when the lady working there told me not to bother trying it on because it wouldn't fit. That was a week ago and I only have about 5lbs till my goal weight of 125lbs. Seriously thinking about dropping my goal weight another 5lbs.

    As you probably know, sizes in Asia run MUCH smaller than the Western world. I am no geneticist, but some of Asians' size probably is due to just who they are and the environmental factors. AKA get a size 10 dress and laugh about it when you get a size 6 back in the States :tongue:

    Really like your posts on this thread. :flowerforyou: