Difficult husband?



  • I think that you're being a difficult wife...

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

    OP, stop nagging. Start being respectful to your husband. Just because he said "I do" doesn't mean he said "I do everything you tell me to because you're the boss."

    He can lose just fine without being tripped up by one of your hair-brained diet schemes. Stop reading nonsense, eat at a deficit, and lose.

    Dollars to donuts, your husband will have more success eating what he wants at a deficit than you will going paleo and giving up soda.

    What makes you all think I nag, because I asked on here? Most of the time I don't say anything, that's why I am on here asking what to do!
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Let me point some things out...Check where I put the **'s...
    Both my husband and I agree that we need to lose weight, but that is where our agreement ends. I want to give up soda and most fruit juices and make water our main drink. The problem is my husband doesn't want to drink water at all. I've told him how important it is but he just brushes it off. **He will constantly reach for a soda, to have with food, or just when he is feeling thirsty. He will drink up to 6-7 cans or bottles a day.

    I've tried not buying soda/juice but he just goes out and buys it if I don't. **It's not so much that it's a temptation (although it is) it's the amount he drinks. He's a grown man, and I don't have a problem with him having a soda. I have a problem with him having so much soda.

    Dairy is our other problem, the best he will except for milk is 2%. He won't drink skim and when I suggest something like soy or almond milk he flat out refuses it. **How is it controlling when I am suggesting it? I don't go out and buy it and not buy the 2% that he wants. Look in our fridge right now and you'll see 2%. His choice, not mine.

    I've brought up the Paleo diet and am trying to learn more about it. I see one of the things is giving up bread. Again the husband loves his bread/sandwiches. **I never said Paleo was excellent and the way to go. I said I was trying to learn more about it and even posted another thread about why I should choose it.

    Does anyone else have a husband (or wife) who they feel is more like their child sometimes?! Any tips (i.e. sneaky ways to trick him into eating and drinking what I want without him realizing it...what? It's for his own good. :blushing:)? **I don't want to treat him like a child, but damn I don't want him getting sick. The whole trick him thing was meant to be taken as a joke and was meant more as if anyone had any tips to make eating healthy sound more appealing to him.

    You can't force someone to change. STOP TRYING.
    When he gets it, he will get it.

    Quit being the difficult wife.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    Both my husband and I agree that we need to lose weight, but that is where our agreement ends. I want to give up soda and most fruit juices and make water our main drink. The problem is my husband doesn't want to drink water at all. I've told him how important it is but he just brushes it off.

    I've tried not buying soda/juice but he just goes out and buys it if I don't.

    Dairy is our other problem, the best he will except for milk is 2%. He won't drink skim and when I suggest something like soy or almond milk he flat out refuses it.

    let your husband do what he wants, and you do what you know is right. you are 2 individuals, not 1.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I wonder how the OP would feel if her husband was on his own internet forum posting comments about her and how she is always nagging him about stuff that should be up to him.
  • emobarbie7
    emobarbie7 Posts: 75
    My husband drinks 2% milk and soda. I drink 1% and water.
    He eats full calorie bread. I eat full fiber whole grain low calorie bread.
    He doesn't like veggies or fruit. Our fridge is full of those.
    He likes to eat out. I control the budget.
    He wants to snack. I buy them for him but don't touch them. If he wants brownies, he makes them.

    He is his own person and will do what he wants. He will lose weight the way he wants to, as will I. Controlling him creates a dynamic I have no desire to have.

    Well said. I do the same thing, but our situation is a bit different. I enjoy eating healthier and staying lean whereas my husband needs to bulk up and needs the calories and proteins. I make sure he gets what he needs, while ensuring I have what I need at home. If he wants Mcdonalds, I get a salad and coffee and he gets a double-quad-cheesy-greasy-mess-of-a-burger
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I think that you're being a difficult wife...

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

    OP, stop nagging. Start being respectful to your husband. Just because he said "I do" doesn't mean he said "I do everything you tell me to because you're the boss."

    He can lose just fine without being tripped up by one of your hair-brained diet schemes. Stop reading nonsense, eat at a deficit, and lose.

    Dollars to donuts, your husband will have more success eating what he wants at a deficit than you will going paleo and giving up soda.

    What makes you all think I nag, because I asked on here? Most of the time I don't say anything, that's why I am on here asking what to do!

    Because you're on an internet site asking us how you can effectively nag your husband into doing what you want him to do?

    That might be why.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I think the answer is you pay attention to what is on your plate and let him pay attention to what he puts on his plate. Who knows; it might turn out that his way is more successful than yours.

    Best wishes.
  • I think you all need to realize you know nothing about me and my marriage other than what I posted. If that makes me a difficult wife, a nag, and a controller so be it.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I think that you're being a difficult wife...

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

    OP, stop nagging. Start being respectful to your husband. Just because he said "I do" doesn't mean he said "I do everything you tell me to because you're the boss."

    He can lose just fine without being tripped up by one of your hair-brained diet schemes. Stop reading nonsense, eat at a deficit, and lose.

    Dollars to donuts, your husband will have more success eating what he wants at a deficit than you will going paleo and giving up soda.

    What makes you all think I nag, because I asked on here? Most of the time I don't say anything, that's why I am on here asking what to do!

    Oh, you want help? Then get your own thinking straight before worrying about your husband's. Eat less and move more. You lose weight on a calorie deficit alone. Diet sodas have no calories so they don't matter. Whole milk is actually quite healthy if consumed as part of a good overall diet as dietary fats are necessary. Juice is also fine if it is fit into a good overall diet.

    Are you exercising? What kind of exercise are you doing?
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
    My husband drinks 2% milk and soda. I drink 1% and water.
    He eats full calorie bread. I eat full fiber whole grain low calorie bread.
    He doesn't like veggies or fruit. Our fridge is full of those.
    He likes to eat out. I control the budget.
    He wants to snack. I buy them for him but don't touch them. If he wants brownies, he makes them.

    He is his own person and will do what he wants. He will lose weight the way he wants to, as will I. Controlling him creates a dynamic I have no desire to have.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I think that you're being a difficult wife...

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

    OP, stop nagging. Start being respectful to your husband. Just because he said "I do" doesn't mean he said "I do everything you tell me to because you're the boss."

    He can lose just fine without being tripped up by one of your hair-brained diet schemes. Stop reading nonsense, eat at a deficit, and lose.

    Dollars to donuts, your husband will have more success eating what he wants at a deficit than you will going paleo and giving up soda.

    What makes you all think I nag, because I asked on here? Most of the time I don't say anything, that's why I am on here asking what to do!

    Oh, you want help? Then get your own thinking straight before worrying about your husband's. Eat less and move more. You lose weight on a calorie deficit alone. Diet sodas have no calories so they don't matter. Whole milk is actually quite healthy if consumed as part of a good overall diet as dietary fats are necessary. Juice is also fine if it is fit into a good overall diet.

    Are you exercising? What kind of exercise are you doing?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think that you're being a difficult wife...

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

    OP, stop nagging. Start being respectful to your husband. Just because he said "I do" doesn't mean he said "I do everything you tell me to because you're the boss."

    He can lose just fine without being tripped up by one of your hair-brained diet schemes. Stop reading nonsense, eat at a deficit, and lose.

    Dollars to donuts, your husband will have more success eating what he wants at a deficit than you will going paleo and giving up soda.

    What makes you all think I nag, because I asked on here? Most of the time I don't say anything, that's why I am on here asking what to do!

    Because you posted all of these things:
    The problem is my husband doesn't want to drink water at all. I've told him how important it is but he just brushes it off.

    I have a problem with him having so much soda.

    Dairy is our other problem, the best he will except for milk is 2%. He won't drink skim and when I suggest something like soy or almond milk he flat out refuses it.

    I've brought up the Paleo diet and am trying to learn more about it. I see one of the things is giving up bread. Again the husband loves his bread/sandwiches.

    Does anyone else have a husband (or wife) who they feel is more like their child sometimes?! Any tips (i.e. sneaky ways to trick him into eating and drinking what I want without him realizing it...what? It's for his own good. )?
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    you said that you both agreed that you needed to drop weight. have you spoken to him about how he wants to accomplish this? if so, what was his response? Does he want to?

    I mean, there are people in my office who will look at me and say "I need to lose some weight, too," and then eat a box of donuts.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Let me point some things out...Check where I put the **'s...

    Does anyone else have a husband (or wife) who they feel is more like their child sometimes?! Any tips (i.e. sneaky ways to trick him into eating and drinking what I want without him realizing it...what? It's for his own good. :blushing:)? **I don't want to treat him like a child, but damn I don't want him getting sick. The whole trick him thing was meant to be taken as a joke and was meant more as if anyone had any tips to make eating healthy sound more appealing to him.
    ok - IF you are really serious about this and that this was meant tongue-in-cheek, well then all you can do is make the healthy stuff available. you can't make him eat it. but you certainly can lighten up your favorite meals, suggest healthy outings and events, incorporate more vegetables into your meals.

    so - try things like adding a big salad, a plate of grilled veg, a starter of gazpacho or vegetable soup. slowly. if he says no thanks, then let it go. *you* make the changes that *you* want. think of ways to make your meals lighter andhealthier. again, if he resists, let it go. Suggest healthier outings (take a walk, spend an afternoon in the park instead of the movies, etc.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I think you all need to realize you know nothing about me and my marriage other than what I posted. If that makes me a difficult wife, a nag, and a controller so be it.

    LOL, When I was working the steps of AA with my sponsor, I was so mad at her for suggesting that I was responsible for the crap going on in my life and most of my frustrations and resentments were due to my need for control. If she would just let me explain it then she would understand that it was not me, but indeed everyone else. :wink:

    NO ONE needs to know anything about your marriage to see that you are trying to control him. Let him be. You worry about you and get your healthy on. What generally happens either he will hop on board with you or he will start trying to sabotage you because he feels insecure. So I suggest having a little patience and see which way it is going to play out.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    He's an adult. You will NEVER change another person on the face of the Earth - unless they want it first. What incredible stress you will put on your marriage if you continue to make this such a huge issue. As others have said, do your own thing.
  • Both my husband and I agree that we need to lose weight, but that is where our agreement ends. I want to give up soda and most fruit juices and make water our main drink. The problem is my husband doesn't want to drink water at all. I've told him how important it is but he just brushes it off.

    I've tried not buying soda/juice but he just goes out and buys it if I don't.

    Dairy is our other problem, the best he will except for milk is 2%. He won't drink skim and when I suggest something like soy or almond milk he flat out refuses it.

    I've brought up the Paleo diet and am trying to learn more about it. I see one of the things is giving up bread. Again the husband loves his bread/sandwiches.

    Does anyone else have a husband (or wife) who they feel is more like their child sometimes?! Any tips (i.e. sneaky ways to trick him into eating and drinking what I want without him realizing it...what? It's for his own good. :blushing:)?

    This may sound harsh but your husband probably feels like a child to you because you are treating him like one instead of treating him like an adult, you shouldn't trick him or push your way on him. Plus "your" diet may not be for his own good since it seems you are just wanting to follow fad diets. Were you guys drinking whole milk before? If so and now its 2 percent, be happy, its a change! Don't get rid of his bread if he likes sandwiches but maybe see if he is willing to pack his sandwiches with more veggies and use leaner meats instead of eliminating the sandwich. Make sure he is counting the calories of the fruit juice and sodas as well instead of eliminating them. As long he is eating less calories and burning calories he'll do just fine and have a better time dieting then doing fad diets which you are trying to push on him.

    I understand its frustrating when there is food in the house that you feel may sabotage your personal diet (I know this all to well) but you have to learn to adjust to it since you can't force someone not eat a food they like.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    He's an adult. You will NEVER change another person on the face of the Earth - unless they want it first. What incredible stress you will put on your marriage if you continue to make this such a huge issue. As others have said, do your own thing.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    In to find later
  • You all mean to tell me you can sit back and watch the person you love do something you know is bad for them and say nothing??? So when he gets diabetes I should just say "That's okay honey...what's that? You want another soda, coming right up!"
    I think you all need to realize you know nothing about me and my marriage other than what I posted. If that makes me a difficult wife, a nag, and a controller so be it.

    LOL, When I was working the steps of AA with my sponsor, I was so mad at her for suggesting that I was responsible for the crap going on in my life and most of my frustrations and resentments were due to my need for control. If she would just let me explain it then she would understand that it was not me, but indeed everyone else. :wink:

    NO ONE needs to know anything about your marriage to see that you are trying to control him. Let him be. You worry about you and get your healthy on. What generally happens either he will hop on board with you or he will start trying to sabotage you because he feels insecure. So I suggest having a little patience and see which way it is going to play out.