Sugar is not your friend part 2



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    V I looked at my D and I'm taking 1200 I.U. daily in supplement plus all the D I already get in two glasses of milk fortified.

    I should be D-lighted to be in the cold and wet, then, right??


    My doc did tell me that the standard (white chalky pills, in my experience) from the drug/health food store is very poorly absorbed. I took 2000 IUs in that form for months and never noticed any difference. When I switched to the liquid form, I noticed a difference in days. I also have noticed less sweet cravings when I remember to take it. I feel like a d drop pusher, but they really do work better.

    Now, if I can just get this B12 stuff straightened out, I'll be hell on wheels.:wink:

    But, nobody is delighted in the cold and wet. Blergh.

    Good for you, Marla for giving the doc the what-for...I think that many doctors (too many, but that's another story and forum) are in "write a scrip or get them the hell out of the office" mode. Overworked or something. Hopefully the endocrinologist is less of a doofus.

    Which reminds me, I have to call mine and say "hey, that last twenty vials of blood you took from me....any answers there? Just askin'?" Yeeesh.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    My doc did tell me that the standard (white chalky pills, in my experience) from the drug/health food store is very poorly absorbed. I took 2000 IUs in that form for months and never noticed any difference. When I switched to the liquid form, I noticed a difference in days. I also have noticed less sweet cravings when I remember to take it. I feel like a d drop pusher, but they really do work better.

    hm. Good to know. Thanks. I often wonder just how much good it does to supplement with pills. It may just be the placebo effect - me thinking it is helping but not really helping.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    So, after a super hard workout this a.m....I decided to make coconut flour blueberry muffins. After I put them in the oven, I realized..."Oh no... I forgot to put the agave nectar in".

    They/I didn't need it. Between the blueberries and the vanilla extract, they tasted plenty sweet to me.

    See, god himself doesn't want me to have sugar.:tongue:

    Stay strong, sugar free friends.:flowerforyou:
  • beMyself
    beMyself Posts: 29
    For me, sugar is like a glass of cool water. Its really really good but its definitely not the best thing in the world. I know for a fact that when hungry and presented with the choice between all you can eat Chocolate cake, Double fudge Brownies, Mars candy, hershey candy, or barbecue... I will definitely be eating the Barbecue.

    How about you?
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    okay-- so what's the deal with Vitamin D-3 from your perspective?

    My husband has been reading about its benefits on thyroid health-- so, I figured what the hey. Bought 5000 iu of D-3 gel caps--

    Called the doctor for a follow up-- asked for more specific tests the "free t4 and free t3" tests. She gave me major attitude-- we went back and forth-- long story short, she'd rather refer me to an endocrinologist than simply give me a lab slip for another stinkin' blood test-- *kitten*.

    So, I'll be seeing one. You know, (disclaimer: this may come across offensive, but is not meant to) if I were simply an obese woman looking for an excuse on why she's not losing, I'd see her blowing me off.

    But, I told her I measure every freaking thing that goes in my face-- run 12-15 miles a week, 3 days a week of strength training, limit sodium, limit sweets, limit fats-- you know the mfp routine-- I do it pretty damn faithfully-- and my spare tire around the middle grows daily.

    So, I told her I just don't want to be blown off with her little "it was nice seeing you, I hope you continue to be doing well" form letter. She didn't like that much-- tough ****.

    Anyway-- I'll be following up with somebody else, and going the D-3 route in the meanwhile--

    Later, sweet peeps.

    I wish I had your chutzpah when dealing with my doc. I psych myself up, but end up feeling like a scared little kitten when I actually get in front of her!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    okay-- so what's the deal with Vitamin D-3 from your perspective?

    My husband has been reading about its benefits on thyroid health-- so, I figured what the hey. Bought 5000 iu of D-3 gel caps--

    Called the doctor for a follow up-- asked for more specific tests the "free t4 and free t3" tests. She gave me major attitude-- we went back and forth-- long story short, she'd rather refer me to an endocrinologist than simply give me a lab slip for another stinkin' blood test-- *kitten*.

    So, I'll be seeing one. You know, (disclaimer: this may come across offensive, but is not meant to) if I were simply an obese woman looking for an excuse on why she's not losing, I'd see her blowing me off.

    But, I told her I measure every freaking thing that goes in my face-- run 12-15 miles a week, 3 days a week of strength training, limit sodium, limit sweets, limit fats-- you know the mfp routine-- I do it pretty damn faithfully-- and my spare tire around the middle grows daily.

    So, I told her I just don't want to be blown off with her little "it was nice seeing you, I hope you continue to be doing well" form letter. She didn't like that much-- tough ****.

    Anyway-- I'll be following up with somebody else, and going the D-3 route in the meanwhile--

    Later, sweet peeps.

    I wish I had your chutzpah when dealing with my doc. I psych myself up, but end up feeling like a scared little kitten when I actually get in front of her!

    I'm in your camp Brenda. Way to go Marla!! I'm so glad I finally have a great doctor - I'm such a wuss :blushing:

    I haven't been here for a while - still hanging around MFP. Got lots on my plate and having a hard time juggling. DD got her self in a crap load of trouble - had to go to court and is on probation now. Step dad is in hospital - been a wonderful man in my life. Hubby never did get paid on his last job, started a new one, supposed to get paid. Our phone got discoed. Work busted loose and I've been super busy - needless to say I'm a little overwhelmed and a LOT cranky. Hopefully I'll get back on the no sugar train soon. I can't lose a pound to save my life right now, but that is always true when I'm under a lot of stress. I'm still in my normal range though, so at least not gaining! I'll take it. Hope ya'll are doing great! :heart: - Kim
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
  • saligator
    saligator Posts: 96 Member
    Sometimes, if I have a craving for something sweet I put a few leaves of fresh mint in my water (cold), it gives it a nice sweet and fresh flavour.....mmmmmm.....
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    I think I will try that today
  • Madamn
    Madamn Posts: 9
    Wow it's funny bcz I had just logged in to ask how bad is it that I'm over my sugar goal EVERY day? By reading that article, I can see it's really bad for me. I'm almost always a few calories below my total calorie goal, and a little below my fat grams goal, but I'm so way over my sugar! My sugar goal today is 34 grams, and my sugar intake today was 134 grams! 100 grams over my goal. I don't know how or why. Well... I know, I had 2 reeses peant butter cups and a glass of white grape fruit juice. I'm also pretty low on my calcium and other vitamin goals; I don't even take in half of what I shoud be getting. Sugar is really that bad? It's just's so sweet and innocent...:sad: I can eat dessert instead of dinner any day. Ok I'm going to make a concious effort to change my bad habit...
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Wow it's funny bcz I had just logged in to ask how bad is it that I'm over my sugar goal EVERY day? By reading that article, I can see it's really bad for me. I'm almost always a few calories below my total calorie goal, and a little below my fat grams goal, but I'm so way over my sugar! My sugar goal today is 34 grams, and my sugar intake today was 134 grams! 100 grams over my goal. I don't know how or why. Well... I know, I had 2 reeses peant butter cups and a glass of white grape fruit juice. I'm also pretty low on my calcium and other vitamin goals; I don't even take in half of what I shoud be getting. Sugar is really that bad? It's just's so sweet and innocent...:sad: I can eat dessert instead of dinner any day. Ok I'm going to make a concious effort to change my bad habit...
    well if it's candy it's far different than if it's fruit in your sugar column, we all seem to go over on the sugar column because of dairy & fruit even with no junk food. Since it's not seperated out.
  • Madamn
    Madamn Posts: 9
    I'm going to post a new comment/question bcz this whole sugar thing is driving me crazy. There is no possible way I can stay within my sugar.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Helllllllllo all you MFPers.

    I just thought I'd pop in on this SUGAR day to beat all SUGAR days.

    It's been two days since I last used. I have no candy or goodies in the house. I have been eating badly. Guess what? I freakin gained weight. D'oh.

    It happens.

    I begin again....the routine is familiar....

    1. Log all your food
    2. Drink water, lots of water
    3. Exercise

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Helllllllllo all you MFPers.

    I just thought I'd pop in on this SUGAR day to beat all SUGAR days.

    It's been two days since I last used. I have no candy or goodies in the house. I have been eating badly. Guess what? I freakin gained weight. D'oh.

    It happens.

    I begin again....the routine is familiar....

    1. Log all your food
    2. Drink water, lots of water
    3. Exercise


    Hey you-- I think I owe you an e-mail, don't I? I'll zap you when I can-- good to see you, my friend--
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    happy trick or treat day.....:heart:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    I'll zap you when I can--

    eeek.gif I don't like Zappage. Look what happened to Washington Mutual.

    Lightning strike between the Washington Mutual Tower in Seattle and the Seattle Center Space Needle.....
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, I'm over by 120 calories-- a lot of 'em due to Halloween candy-- but, it's logged. And I'm done for the day.

    Not so bad.
  • SkierElle
    I really like this topic, and am currently reading Suicide by Sugar by Nancy Appleton, it's a real good book.

    It's Halloween... and NOOO SUGAR has entered my mouth! And if kids come by for trick or treating, they're getting a treat, apples fresh from my tree! Hehehe. They will think it's lame, but really I'm doing the world a favour!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Has everyone gotten rid of all the Halloween candy around your house? Whew. Now the buckle down for the cold begins.......
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Hello again!

    So in January I'm going to restart this thread/challenge. I challenge you all to start thinking about how you can cut down on your sugar. I am doing well - - this week.