Has anyone gone on a Juice Fast?



  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Removing all the fibre from fruits and veggies doesn't seem very intelligent to me. I think it's ok if you're actually eating food like a normal person and getting fibre that way, but to be on a straight juice fast makes no sense nutritionally. Perhaps it's some spiritual thing or whatever. There is a lot of that sort of talk. Talk of being "clean" and such...and cleanliness with the diet bleeding over into feelings of self worth and pride. The overly "enthusiastic" juicer in this thread said some rather alarming stuff about what a wonderful clean eater she is. It all sounds pretty sad and disordered to me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    I'm doing a juice fast right now.........................................I haven't had any juice in 12 days.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    Let me be honest with you here.

    I am a huge fan of juicing! I have done countless juice fasts in 2012, two of them 30 days long.

    Yes, I did lose some weight in the process, BUT that should NOT be the reason you do it.

    I got into juicing to press a reset button on my life after working for a psycho b!tch from hell for 4 years, I got into juicing for mental clarity reasons and yes I gained bunch of weight while working for the devil incarnate :devil: and it was sweet to shed some of the stress pounds with juice fasting, but again, those lost pounds will not stick if you do not change you lifestyle in a long run.

    I still juice fairly regularly to add "huge concentrated doses of green goodness" into my body, and I DO feel better when I drink juice daily as a supplement to my regular food intake.

    I no longer have a desire to juice fast. I love to eat (in deficit), and workout daily, and I lose weight doing it.

    PS: I am actually drinking juice right now,... it's called wine and it does body good :drinker:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    PS: I am actually drinking juice right now,... it's called wine and it does body good :drinker:

    Wish I had some wine. :drinker:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Just a general observation, directed at no one in particular. There seems to be an abundance of the "noble suffering" mentality around these forums lately. Going hungry is not a virtue. Eating an adequate amount of food is not a sign of weakness.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Just a general observation, directed at no one in particular. There seems to be an abundance of the "noble suffering" mentality around these forums lately. Going hungry is not a virtue. Eating an adequate amount of food is not a sign of weakness.


  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member



    Well if said person had paid attention to their health in the first place they wouldn't have to. And if they REALLY care what society thinks of them then who's fault is it? And who says you need to be unhealthy to look good? This is just wrong on so many levels
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member



    Well if said person had paid attention to their health in the first place they wouldn't have to. And if they REALLY care what society thinks of them then who's fault is it? And who says you need to be unhealthy to look good? This is just wrong on so many levels

    It is wrong in the sense that it "shouldn't be" like this..but unfortunately, it is very true.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member



    Well if said person had paid attention to their health in the first place they wouldn't have to. And if they REALLY care what society thinks of them then who's fault is it? And who says you need to be unhealthy to look good? This is just wrong on so many levels

    It is wrong in the sense that it "shouldn't be" like this..but unfortunately, it is very true.

    Sure, however the quote seems to be putting the onus on society when really you only have yourself to blame if you're out of shape
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member



    Well if said person had paid attention to their health in the first place they wouldn't have to. And if they REALLY care what society thinks of them then who's fault is it? And who says you need to be unhealthy to look good? This is just wrong on so many levels

    It is wrong in the sense that it "shouldn't be" like this..but unfortunately, it is very true.

    Sure, however the quote seems to be putting the onus on society when really you only have yourself to blame if you're out of shape

    This pict was put up to coincide with this:
    Just a general observation, directed at no one in particular. There seems to be an abundance of the "noble suffering" mentality around these forums lately. Going hungry is not a virtue. Eating an adequate amount of food is not a sign of weakness.

    And yes, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the choices we make, but most usually don't accept that blame. And there are those that go to some dangerous lengths to "fit in" to what is deemed beautiful or/and acceptable. That's what the point of it was.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member



    Well if said person had paid attention to their health in the first place they wouldn't have to. And if they REALLY care what society thinks of them then who's fault is it? And who says you need to be unhealthy to look good? This is just wrong on so many levels

    It is wrong in the sense that it "shouldn't be" like this..but unfortunately, it is very true.

    lol not at all. if you focus on health, the rest will happen automatically. no, you can't change your genes, but if you're eating right and exercising you can't be overweight.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member



    Well if said person had paid attention to their health in the first place they wouldn't have to. And if they REALLY care what society thinks of them then who's fault is it? And who says you need to be unhealthy to look good? This is just wrong on so many levels

    It is wrong in the sense that it "shouldn't be" like this..but unfortunately, it is very true.

    lol not at all. if you focus on health, the rest will happen automatically. no, you can't change your genes, but if you're eating right and exercising you can't be overweight.

    *smh* I give up. This wasn't put up to say that you can't be strong, healthy, etc and not be beautiful...or that you shouldn't accept responsibility for your actions. Please see the above posts prior. This wasn't supposed to derail from the topic like this.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    And yes, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the choices we make, but most usually don't accept that blame. And there are those that go to some dangerous lengths to "fit in" to what is deemed beautiful or/and acceptable. That's what the point of it was.

    gotcha. yeah this is true... but I don't think juice fasts qualify as dangerous lengths. (I haven't read back through the thread. is that how this came about?)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    And yes, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the choices we make, but most usually don't accept that blame. And there are those that go to some dangerous lengths to "fit in" to what is deemed beautiful or/and acceptable. That's what the point of it was.

    gotcha. yeah this is true... but I don't think juice fasts qualify as dangerous lengths. (I haven't read back through the thread. is that how this came about?)

    I believe 30 days was the length of the fast in question, if that matters. I made my statement because there was a line of thought running through the thread that those who don't fast, don't fast because we are weak.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    And yes, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the choices we make, but most usually don't accept that blame. And there are those that go to some dangerous lengths to "fit in" to what is deemed beautiful or/and acceptable. That's what the point of it was.

    gotcha. yeah this is true... but I don't think juice fasts qualify as dangerous lengths. (I haven't read back through the thread. is that how this came about?)

    I believe 30 days was the length of the fast in question, if that matters. I made my statement because there was a line of thought running through the thread that those who don't fast, don't fast because we are weak.

    haha that's stupid. I'm a proponent of cleanses (when done safely and appropriately) but that's dumb. and yeah... 30 days is too long if you're ONLY drinking juice. that's just completely and utterly unnecessary. once you're "cleansed" there's no reason to keep on cleansing...

    unless you're trying to reach enlightenment the way siddartha did.
  • TonyBallenstein
    Anyone who calls juicing a "fad" can't do simple math.

    Losing weight is about calories in and calories out and juicing is a spectacular way to lose weight, get healthy and look great. The problem is that it takes planning and significant personal discipline to complete the process.

    If you are fat and lazy, saw the movie and decided to go out, buy a juicer and begin your journey on a 60 day juice diet you are going to fail. You need to slowly integrate juicing in to your life. Replace one meal here and one meal there with a healthy juice. Then get to a point where you are juicing for breakfast and lunch. Do that for a while and you will see some great results. Then enter a 5/10/30 day juice fast (depending on what your goals are) and you will be far more likely to succeed.

    You MUST be personally dedicated to completing the fast. That means no cheating and enduring the moments of weakness, hunger and headaches. It means knowing you may be in a situation where your friends are eating and you cant or being at an event where you are used to stuffing your fat face (like a baseball game) and not eating or drinking beer. It's tough, no doubt, which is why you must PREPARE (see above). But once you start sliding on old clothes and having your fat clothes literally slide off your *kitten* you will know its worth it. Keep those moments with you and remember them often. This will help you bull doze your way through.

    You know why people claim they've put on weight after a juice (which is a rare claim)? because they are personally weak, can't do math and are lazy enough to assume that a one time fast will solve their weight problems and they can go back to stuffing fried yard bird in their face. Like I said before, you want to ease your way INTO juicing by replacing meals and you will want to continue this after. Will you enjoy a big fat greasy pizza again? Absolutely. But you will clearly understand the consequences, do it less often and juice to help counteract those affects.

    Math is not a fad. Neither is discipline. Become a juicer - lose weight, look great and change your life.
  • TonyBallenstein
    You are blaming your personal lack of discipline for the failure of a juicing diet? LOL

    Dieting and a healthy lifestyle is about getting the key nutrients in while burning more calories than you consume. If you go on a juicing fast then go back to stuffing your face then you are the reason why juicing fails and you will fail at any diet - fad or not.

    You've obviously missed the point of juicing if you are going back to your old habits after the juice fast.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Anyone who calls juicing a "fad" can't do simple math.

    Losing weight is about calories in and calories out and juicing is a spectacular way to lose weight, get healthy and look great. The problem is that it takes planning and significant personal discipline to complete the process.

    If you are fat and lazy, saw the movie and decided to go out, buy a juicer and begin your journey on a 60 day juice diet you are going to fail. You need to slowly integrate juicing in to your life. Replace one meal here and one meal there with a healthy juice. Then get to a point where you are juicing for breakfast and lunch. Do that for a while and you will see some great results. Then enter a 5/10/30 day juice fast (depending on what your goals are) and you will be far more likely to succeed.

    You MUST be personally dedicated to completing the fast. That means no cheating and enduring the moments of weakness, hunger and headaches. It means knowing you may be in a situation where your friends are eating and you cant or being at an event where you are used to stuffing your fat face (like a baseball game) and not eating or drinking beer. It's tough, no doubt, which is why you must PREPARE (see above). But once you start sliding on old clothes and having your fat clothes literally slide off your *kitten* you will know its worth it. Keep those moments with you and remember them often. This will help you bull doze your way through.

    You know why people claim they've put on weight after a juice (which is a rare claim)? because they are personally weak, can't do math and are lazy enough to assume that a one time fast will solve their weight problems and they can go back to stuffing fried yard bird in their face. Like I said before, you want to ease your way INTO juicing by replacing meals and you will want to continue this after. Will you enjoy a big fat greasy pizza again? Absolutely. But you will clearly understand the consequences, do it less often and juice to help counteract those affects.

    Math is not a fad. Neither is discipline. Become a juicer - lose weight, look great and change your life.

  • TonyBallenstein
    You are a joke of a Fitness Trainer and can't do math if you dont support juicing and it's role in a healthy lifestyle.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    good troll post.