Breastfeeding in Public....



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Actually, if you are breastfeeding properly, the baby's face should cover the whole front of the breast so you should only see the back of the baby's head. The nose should be smushed against the breast. That's why babies have pug they can breathe when their face is against the breast. A breast is not a bottle. :)
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    Breastfed all my kids, in public, discreetly. Never had a problem, no one objected and I don't think many noticed even. Once, on a plane, the person sitting next to me asked to have his seat changed. Was ok with me... more room.
    In my country of origin (Switzerland) public breastfeeding is a non-issue.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I haven't read through all nine pages of this thread. I'm just sure that there are going to be some "naysayers" (I've breastfed six of my children, been doing this for years, I've read it/heard it all before). I just want all the naysayers to know that, as a breastfeeding mother, your opinion does not matter to me. I will not tolerate being harassed for feeding my baby. The law is on my side. End of discussion.

    You should read through all nine pages. You'll find your concerns unneeded.

    Don't mind us. We get defensive sometimes from past experiences or things we've read. Glad this discussion went well. :smile:
  • UnwrappingCandy
    UnwrappingCandy Posts: 418 Member
    I am only 7 weeks pregnant (due 25 February), but I already know I will breast feed. It's natural and wonderful and formula just doesn't compare. My breasts developed with the aim of feeding a baby, and that's what they will be used for whenever my baby is hungry. If I am in public I will breast feed. Will I cover up? Yes, but not because I think it's indecent to breast feed in public with some boobage showing (there are plenty of women who show far more boobage every day just with low cut tops). I will cover up because I want my baby to eat in peace, and that involves me not being harassed by some twatwaffle who doesn't like public breast feeding.

    Lastly, if you're looking at a breastfeeding woman and thinking something sexual there's something wrong with YOU not breastfeeding woman. :flowerforyou:
  • leopardjunkie
    Oddly I am more embarrassed about my stomach hanging out of the bottom of my shirt on a daily basis, or while nursing than my my boobs....I guess I am just more self conscious of my stomach!

    I had twins neither who would tolerate a cover well, nor did I care for it. it just caused more problems for us,. I would use it to let them latch for my comfort, as I was not comfortable with showing nipple. But once they were latched I could care less, about skin showing, With nursing tops the coverage was actually better than my swimsuit on a good day at the beach (those I feel naked in! LOL) . However if I did not have a cover and they were hungry and push came to shove I would not hesitate to latch and nurse with out a cover, only did it a few times.

    besides when you nurse twins, in public you could be covering them with a full size comforter and people are going to stare...Meh I just smile and go about my job :)

    I nursed my twin boys till they weaned at 2 1/2 both tandem and individually depending on their schedule in public, in private and in restrooms, during meals. where ever. No big whoop for me. most people didn"t pay mind, some were caught off guard and other are rude....I guess I encounter the same mix of people daily with out with out nursing twins :) Its part of society to deal with our likes and dislikes in a social setting.

    I think alot is how you handle it.

    My Husband on the other hand was completely uncomfortable even if I was nursing and they were hiding under full size comforter, he was uncomfortable. Sometime he was so uncomfortable with me nursing,he would inadvertantly draw more attention to me. Even if I was covered up, he felt everyone knew what I was doing and that in itself was outlandish and offensive. But he tends to have more of his own personal body issues, so I presume he is adding his own self issues into the topic. plus he was pretty much raised to be ashamed of the human body, from what I can tell. Me not so much there are parts of my body i would change but I appreciate my body flaws and all. So that could explain the difference and lack of support.

    as for public restrooms, I have a hard time finding one that is suitable for me to take a crap or pee in, let alone nurse in. Also most public toilets are a little hard on the *kitten* to sit that long, or as your kid moves the damn toilet starts flushing underneath you now your pants are full of water from the over jelous flushing of the automated toilet, and hopfuly not pee from the seat from the person who hovered above it before you. And then there is the loud decible flushing noises in some bathroom that would distract anyone. and there is not back support which is important for alot of nursing moms, and trying balancing twins while nursing in a stall with no back support or arm support.....mmmm no thanks. and that is not to mention the person next to you experiencing custards last stand....or the person who is afraid to pee in public who is on pins and needles waiting to pee in the stall next to you as you nurse!! Not to mention that most restrooms are with out heat or have way too much air conditioning for such a small area. Oh and how about places with one bathroom that everyone shares!! knock kock walk of shame by the people that are waiting in line to take a duce in the one stall while you nurse LOL but if nursing in a restroom stall if you thing...nurse on mama...nurse on!

    As for nursing rooms/stations there are not that many available, from what I experienced. Most of them I could not access as needed. say the mall of america i was never on the level or side of store as the 1 store with the nice clean nursing area. and If I was with friends or family I was not going to leave them on another level just to go find the nursing station somewhere in the mall when I could nurse decretely and easily where i was, but I can see why some prefer them.

    But my job was to fed my babies and they would not take bottles, could not tolerate formula, and my expressed milk was not accepted as we found out because I had an extra enzyme in my milk, So any milk i expressed had to be boiled before storing to break down the enzyme, and with a milk supply large enough to nurse twins AND fill the bottom half of a large deep freeze 2 bags high....I did not have time to boil all that milk and nurse and change diapers etc. Sadly everything I expressed prior to learning about the enzyme had to be tossed out...that killed me!

    I support parents plain and simple. Its tough any judgments I have I keep it to myself unless asked and understand that each kid is different and they are just trying to keep their heads above water. So breastfeeding, bottle feeding, Public, not public, attachment or tiger mom....don"t care its all parenting :) Sorry I am wordy and can type a lot...can"t help it :(
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I just think it's funny; I bet it's those same parents worry about a strip club existing within city limits that say it's fine to breastfeed in public. Hmmm...

    I travel a lot and unfortunately, see a lot of unwanted boob.


    Inb4 they kill you
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    My honest response is "Meh". I could care less. I don't like babies. I never want children. I get weirded it out by the whole idea that some parasite is growing inside you... and then I think of the movie Alien ::shudder::

    But what someone else does is none of my business or concern. I don't care as long as it doesn't effect me. Breast feed in public all you want. Meh.

    However I saw earlier while skimming I think a 13 year old breast feeding? If i saw that in public I think I would be grossed out. There is a line somewhere for me and I don't know where it is, but I do know that it would be crossed with a breastfeeding teen.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i think it needs to be done more often. as far as being discreet - thats up to each mother. personally, i wear a tank top under my shirt so that i can lift my shirt, plop out the boob and feed my baby without my stomach hanging out. somtimes ill try to cover the top of my breast but its not high on the priorities list. ive nursed while walking around shopping, at the park, at kids school plays, and school functions.. and very rarely get any grief. i can think of two times that someone stared, and i just stared back at them until they stopped. none of my kids liked being covered up while eating - in fact i tried it today while my cousin and her new husband were here to visit - it was the first time id met him and to help the comfort level, i covered with a small blanket before nursing. baby thrashed and fussed and ended up gagging/choking on breastmilk, all in a matter of 45 seconds. never again...
    i plan on nursing until baby is 1, and longer if she wants it.. personally, i dont think i could go past 3 years and be comfortable, but i know some women do - good for them i guess. i do kind of cringe at the 13 year old nursing, but try not to judge others for their choices.
    im glad ive seen more "why is this a debate" posts in here than "ew gross" posts... i think we've come a long way in understanding, even from just 5 years ago when i was nursing kid#2.
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    I nursed both my boys, my first hardly nursed, but my second was very good about it! ( he even switched from bottle to nursing with no problems, he wasnt picky at all!) But I would nurse them in the car, drs offices, in the corner benches of whatever establishment with fiance facing me to help block others view and keep it discreet. No one seemed to mind and honestly if they did too BAD. Would you prefer a mom nursing in the corner or a newborn screaming bloody murder because they're hungry? Lol.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Weird, I can't remember why I came in here. Oh well. I'll just park this here for now.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It did help when I was breastfeeding that my best friend (also breastfeeding) was from South Africa. She said the women just walk around topless and nurse whenever they want, once they are breastfeeding. I can understand why they do that (because my breasts were so sore, shirts and bras hurt).
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    ok, but covered. there are this really cool/easy things to use for it.

    These covers you speak of are neither cool nor easy to use. Babies have this funny thing about wanting to breathe.

    I nurse in public (NIP) everywhere ALL. THE. TIME. My son is a big fan of nursing in the community pool but I think I was at a personal best when I nursed him in a sling whilst playing Mario Kart at a Chuck E. Cheese. :)

    FYI my kid is 13 months old and I see no sign of stopping anytime soon. Boobies for life!
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Anyone that cares that a woman breast feeding should take a look at their own lives. Just because they're offended doesn't mean they're right.

    Feed your kid, screw what other people say. They probably could of benefited from being breast fed but their mother's didn't love them enough.
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    I don't see what the issue is I mean if I'm hungry and someone is offering a tit ...I'd prolly jump on it too....

    Nah just be respectful don't be breastfeeding a 5 year old and just have your stuff hanging all over the place.

    I should hope no one is breast feeding a 5 year old...

    I know someone that breast feed a six year old and the child was not able to attend kindergarten as a result.!!
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    definitely yay, alternative (like in a store) is the bathroom... and would you eat in a bathroom lol yuck :p the baby deserves a sanitary area to eat too :) I nursed all 4 of mine, at one point I had my son in a sling nursing as I was walking around shopping lol
  • beautyonthebeach83
    beautyonthebeach83 Posts: 99 Member
    Yay for me as well. That's what they're for. We are mammals after all. I nursed my son until he weaned himself at a year old (probably because I was pregnant with his sister.) I am still nursing my daughter, who will be 3 in October. At this point in our nursing relationship I don't nurse her in public when she asks because it's not her sole source of nutrition anymore, but when the kids were babies I absolutely nursed everywhere. :) I nursed my kids at the county fair, the beach, the zoo, Disneyland, restaurants, airplanes (ESPECIALLY during take off/landing), anywhere I was...and no, I didn't isolate myself in some special room for nursing mothers and NEVER did it in a bathroom. I wore nursing tanks (to hide my belly) and was pretty discreet. The couple times I used blankets with my son didn't work out so well. I used a Hooter Hider with my daughter in cool weather but my son wanted nothing to do with covers of any kind. Also, to those who suggest bottles of formula or pumped milk, please educate yourselves. For one thing, my daughter would not accept a bottle at all, so I ended up giving bags of pumped breast milk away. Plus pumps are pretty inefficient compared to nursing babies. They're necessary for working moms who want to give their babies breast but they really are a pain. Also I would never dream of giving my kids formula for the sake of a total stranger's "comfort." They can look away and get over it. The first ingredient in most formulas is corn syrup (most likely from GM corn) and to me that just doesn't seem like the best thing to give a growing baby, or anyone for that matter.
  • zinatara
    zinatara Posts: 76 Member
    Here in Norway most women breastfeed their babies, so it's normal to breastfeed in public. I've done it with all my kids and I don't want to stay at home the whole time. But I used nursing tops and I'm discreet, so you wouldn't see more of my boobs than at woman with a low cut top. Some malls have nursing rooms, and they can be nice to use if you have an older baby who is easily distracted.

    For me it's more important that my kids get the nutrition they need and breast milk is the best food for babies.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Breast feeding is normal, natural and all that stuff......however for us people who don't like babies in general and particularly dislike all the little sounds they make, having someone feed a baby (breast or bottle) nearby can be quite a nauseating experience.

    So my view on public breastfeeding is that, just as there are 'family friendly' establishments, those of us who are gloriously childfree often welcome 'family hostile' establishments. One of my favourite pubs has a huge blackboard outside declaring that dogs are welcome, but not children...and it's an extremely popular pub! So in essence, you want to feed your baby in public, you go for it....but please, for the love of everything unholy, leave some little corners - the odd restaurant, cafe or bar - for those of us just don't share your love of your child.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oddly I am more embarrassed about my stomach hanging out of the bottom of my shirt on a daily basis, or while nursing than my my boobs....I guess I am just more self conscious of my stomach!

    I had twins neither who would tolerate a cover well, nor did I care for it. it just caused more problems for us,. I would use it to let them latch for my comfort, as I was not comfortable with showing nipple. But once they were latched I could care less, about skin showing, With nursing tops the coverage was actually better than my swimsuit on a good day at the beach (those I feel naked in! LOL) . However if I did not have a cover and they were hungry and push came to shove I would not hesitate to latch and nurse with out a cover, only did it a few times.

    besides when you nurse twins, in public you could be covering them with a full size comforter and people are going to stare...Meh I just smile and go about my job :)

    I nursed my twin boys till they weaned at 2 1/2 both tandem and individually depending on their schedule in public, in private and in restrooms, during meals. where ever. No big whoop for me. most people didn"t pay mind, some were caught off guard and other are rude....I guess I encounter the same mix of people daily with out with out nursing twins :) Its part of society to deal with our likes and dislikes in a social setting.

    I think alot is how you handle it.

    My Husband on the other hand was completely uncomfortable even if I was nursing and they were hiding under full size comforter, he was uncomfortable. Sometime he was so uncomfortable with me nursing,he would inadvertantly draw more attention to me. Even if I was covered up, he felt everyone knew what I was doing and that in itself was outlandish and offensive. But he tends to have more of his own personal body issues, so I presume he is adding his own self issues into the topic. plus he was pretty much raised to be ashamed of the human body, from what I can tell. Me not so much there are parts of my body i would change but I appreciate my body flaws and all. So that could explain the difference and lack of support.

    as for public restrooms, I have a hard time finding one that is suitable for me to take a crap or pee in, let alone nurse in. Also most public toilets are a little hard on the *kitten* to sit that long, or as your kid moves the damn toilet starts flushing underneath you now your pants are full of water from the over jelous flushing of the automated toilet, and hopfuly not pee from the seat from the person who hovered above it before you. And then there is the loud decible flushing noises in some bathroom that would distract anyone. and there is not back support which is important for alot of nursing moms, and trying balancing twins while nursing in a stall with no back support or arm support.....mmmm no thanks. and that is not to mention the person next to you experiencing custards last stand....or the person who is afraid to pee in public who is on pins and needles waiting to pee in the stall next to you as you nurse!! Not to mention that most restrooms are with out heat or have way too much air conditioning for such a small area. Oh and how about places with one bathroom that everyone shares!! knock kock walk of shame by the people that are waiting in line to take a duce in the one stall while you nurse LOL but if nursing in a restroom stall if you thing...nurse on mama...nurse on!

    As for nursing rooms/stations there are not that many available, from what I experienced. Most of them I could not access as needed. say the mall of america i was never on the level or side of store as the 1 store with the nice clean nursing area. and If I was with friends or family I was not going to leave them on another level just to go find the nursing station somewhere in the mall when I could nurse decretely and easily where i was, but I can see why some prefer them.

    But my job was to fed my babies and they would not take bottles, could not tolerate formula, and my expressed milk was not accepted as we found out because I had an extra enzyme in my milk, So any milk i expressed had to be boiled before storing to break down the enzyme, and with a milk supply large enough to nurse twins AND fill the bottom half of a large deep freeze 2 bags high....I did not have time to boil all that milk and nurse and change diapers etc. Sadly everything I expressed prior to learning about the enzyme had to be tossed out...that killed me!

    I support parents plain and simple. Its tough any judgments I have I keep it to myself unless asked and understand that each kid is different and they are just trying to keep their heads above water. So breastfeeding, bottle feeding, Public, not public, attachment or tiger mom....don"t care its all parenting :) Sorry I am wordy and can type a lot...can"t help it :(
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    It has no effect on my life whatsoever.

    Absolutely, positively, without a doubt......this. It has no effect on my life whatsoever. There will always be people that moan, F@@k them, say I.
This discussion has been closed.