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Zimmerman vs. Martin



  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm sure several people have echoed my thoughts so I'll just say:

    I hope Zimmerman walks.

    & he will.

    I'm just worried about what will happen to him...and the riots that are will be started when he is found not guilty.
    Riots between who?
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Firstly, it's The State of Florida vs. Zimmerman.

    Second, he was legally within his rights to carry his weapon. He had all permits and a legal purchase.

    Third, this was a 6', 17 year old young man. Martin was hardly a 'child'. He was the one who came at Zimmerman first. He was beating the crap out of Zimmerman, the police photos and medical documents prove that.

    Fourth, sorry but it was self-defense.

    Fifth, Second Degree Murder is over-charging Zimmerman. The State will never get that, and if they do, then there's something rotten in Denmark.

    Sixth, the Judge should be disbarred for here conduct and biased.

    Seventh, who really cares at this point. There's other things to get pissed about.

    Obviously you really cared because your list says it all. Self-defense for whom, Martin had every right to be walking down the street, like every body else. When it is a crime in this country to walk in any neighborhood. If he was breaking into someone's house, I would have no problem with what happened, but he was walking and Zimmerman was told to stand down.

    Walking down the street doesn't give him the right to attack someone. He could have talked to Zim, he chose to attack him. Darwin.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    I think it's Zimmerman.
    And what frustrates me is that EVERY night the argument shifts over to place the blame on Martin, Zimmerman, Martin, Zimmerman, Martin, etc.... SO frustrating!
    I saw a few nights ago, that Martin was a regular THC user- and the forensics expert said that the body gets used to the effect of it, so it should not have caused any significant mental/physical change in Martin, which I thought was interesting. After googling THC and its effects, I read that it has a rather sedative effect on the human body, and that in fact, even if he DID consume high amounts of it, it would not make him aggressive, in any way.
    This case is pretty interesting, but I am just frustrated by how long it's taking to solve! I think that one piece of huge evidence (though not exactly tangible) that should go against Zimmerman is that he gained weight so rapidly after the case opened- that he has some sort of guilty feelings about this whole ordeal in which he was involved. Also, his testimonies have changed so much, which is normal. But I still think he's guilty.
    Nice to hear some news on these threads actually! Something different :)
    Thise are the "general" effects of THC, but drugs can effect different people in different ways. Why do you think we get the ridiculous lists of "POSSIBLE" side effects every time a new drug comes out. If ONE person experienced it, it's got to be listed. THC likely didn't make him aggressive, but is it possible that it did? Sure.

    And, as far as his having gained weight, I find it humorous that you attribute that to guilt feelings. I would attribute it more to not getting regular exercise and eating the crappy foods being fed him while incarcerated. Not EVERYONE eats their emotions anyway. Just because SOME people do, doesn't mean it applies to everyone.

    Yes of course; side effects are different for everyone. But I still do not think that it made Trayvon aggressive. And I believe the news had mentioned the two having encounters before this last one, which indicates there was a conflict of interest before, as well
    And as for the incarceration 'diet', I did NOT in any way insinuate that he was eating away his emotions. Like I said, it's a piece of intangible evidence, but his demeanor and his extreme weight gain, really strengthened my belief that he's guilty. And also, there are SO many incarcerated people who are in reasonably good health- Zimmerman *somehow* wasn't one of them? If he wasn't guilty, then what made him so nervous and fidgety in the courtroom? Just his demeanor is enough to make me squirm.

    I'm sure if you were on trial for murder you wouldn't be "nervous" or "fidgety".
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Why do you hope he is found guilty?

    Is it because the news shows Martin as a 10 year old kid in all his pics? Martin was a thug, drug dealer, "gangster", etc..

    Do I think Zimmerman is an idiot want to be cop? Yes. But he will never get changed with murder 2.

    All of Zimmerman's story is lining up as well. He's going to walk and there will be a huge race war over nothing.

    God I hate this world.

    Its amazing that you were so close to Martin that you know exactly that he was a thug, drug dealer and "gangster". Were you one of his customers? If George Zimmerman have nothing to hide, let him take the stand and tell all the world what actually took place. Why do we need to have his evidence animated, ask yourself that question, if that was one of your relatives, would you be happy to have an animated account of what actually took place, whilst the killer sits a couple of feet away. The big elephant in the room is that if Zimmerman had followed instructions, Martin would have been alive today. The whole case is flawed from the start, Zimmerman knows what he did, and even if he walks, he have to live with his conscience. I hope he realize that life is a circle, something we as human beings fail to acknowledge.

    The police videoed Zimmerman re-enacting the incident and answering the investigator's questions. This was a lengthy video.

    The evidence supports Zimmerman's story.

    Zimmerman was not ordered to "stand down" or "cease and desist". The dispatcher basically stated, "oh we dont need you to do that" or something to the effect. There is a difference between a suggestion and an order. Regardless, Zimmerman still had the right to walk and follow anyone.

    When Travon eluded Zimmerman he should have went home, instead he chose to confront and that is what got him killed.

    With crime as it is we need an active community, we need to get our neighbor's back. I have seen suspicious activities and have assisted the police very similar to what Zimmerman did, and I received praise. Go figure.

    That a load of bull crap. The HOA testified that they do not recommend following anyone. Commonsense obviously alluded Zimmerman, and that costs Martin his life. The same way you obviously thinks that Martin should have gone home when he alluded Zimmerman, I guess your brain cannot assume the same thing that Zimmerman should have listened to the dispatcher advising not to follow the "suspect" as he called Martin to the police.

    If Zimmerman had used the little brains that he was born with, this would have been a different outcome. Keep on doing what you are doing to continue receiving the praise from the police, because one of these days those same praises will not be able to save you, not everyone will be like Martin, let's hope the police do not get to you too late - go figure.

    People like you are the reason we cannot have civil discussions. You lack a grasp of the facts and so you throw ad hominem attacks.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    I'm sure several people have echoed my thoughts so I'll just say:

    I hope Zimmerman walks.

    & he will.

    I'm just worried about what will happen to him...and the riots that are will be started when he is found not guilty.
    Riots between who?

    This has been a racial issue since day 1. I'll let you figure out what will most likely happen is Zimmerman is found guilty.
  • personality58
    personality58 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm sure several people have echoed my thoughts so I'll just say:

    I hope Zimmerman walks.

    & he will.

    I'm just worried about what will happen to him...and the riots that are will be started when he is found not guilty.

    I hope he don't.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I honestly haven't even been following any of this.


    Because I really and truly couldn't care less.

    There are more important things for me to worry about and whether or not some guy is going to go to jail for killing some punk is really, really way far down on that list.

    I :heart: you!
  • skparker2
    skparker2 Posts: 132
    From my understanding, a young man was walking through a gated community, talking on the phone, while he made his way back to his place after buying snacks at a convenience store.

    And some dude, under the guise of being part of a neighborhood watch, accosted him. AFTER the police told him not to.

    Now, if some son of a b approached me, and I told him to back off, and he didn't and we got into a scuffle where I ended up getting shot?

    Who is guilty? What, if someone approaches me in a confrontational way, I'm not supposed to defend myself?

    I don't care if Trayvon is percieved as a child or a thug. He was minding his own business and Zimmerman instigated. Had Zimmerman done what the police TOLD him to do, Trayvon would have kept on walking and none of this would have happened.

    This is my take on it. And it doesn't matter to me that Trayvon got in trouble at school or smoked pot. He is 17. Lots of kids behave this way and grow up to be 100% awesome contributing members of society.

    Trayvon didn't get the chance to do that because a grown assed man approached him and started a fight. Unreal.

  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    What saddens me is most people think that Zimmerman rolled up on some little black kid at night in the rain, jumped out of his car and gunned down Martin in cold blood... just to get his Skittles.

    As a Deputy recently told me (after some college kid tried to run me down with his car). These days you have no idea if someone is carrying a weapon. Be smart and avoid confrontations... call the police.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Even if he was a thug, drug dealer etc... Zimmerman had no right to play COP!!! Get a Life!!!!
    Why do you hope he is found guilty?

    Is it because the news shows Martin as a 10 year old kid in all his pics? Martin was a thug, drug dealer, "gangster", etc..

    Do I think Zimmerman is an idiot want to be cop? Yes. But he will never get changed with murder 2.

    All of Zimmerman's story is lining up as well. He's going to walk and there will be a huge race war over nothing.

    God I hate this world.

    Actually he did, he was neighborhood watch over that neighborhood. Martin had no right to attack him.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm sure several people have echoed my thoughts so I'll just say:

    I hope Zimmerman walks.

    & he will.

    I'm just worried about what will happen to him...and the riots that are will be started when he is found not guilty.
    Riots between who?

    This has been a racial issue since day 1. I'll let you figure out what will most likely happen is Zimmerman is found guilty.
    I am very aware it has been a race issue, the media fueled that fire from jump street, but who is going to riot Hispanics & blacks? It's just stupid.
  • ddxm
    ddxm Posts: 9 Member
    One is dead and the other is a liar.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member

    Its amazing that you were so close to Martin that you know exactly that he was a thug, drug dealer and "gangster". Were you one of his customers? If George Zimmerman have nothing to hide, let him take the stand and tell all the world what actually took place. Why do we need to have his evidence animated, ask yourself that question, if that was one of your relatives, would you be happy to have an animated account of what actually took place, whilst the killer sits a couple of feet away. The big elephant in the room is that if Zimmerman had followed instructions, Martin would have been alive today. The whole case is flawed from the start, Zimmerman knows what he did, and even if he walks, he have to live with his conscience. I hope he realize that life is a circle, something we as human beings fail to acknowledge.

    They have video of him damaging property, and he both was caught with drugs and paraphernalia before and had THC metabolites in his blood at his autopsy. He beat the tar out of an armed neighborhood watch volunteer.

    That's how we know he was a thug.

    So everything you read in the press is correct. I am sure glad that I did not attend your school. There is something disturbing about Zimmerman's injuries, at the end of the day, whether he is acquitted or found guilty, he have to live with he has done.

    Not press, but police reports and autopsy reports are usually pretty close.
  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 467 Member
    Good Morning :smile: ,

    I am just wondering what are your thoughts on the trial thus far? I totally hope that Zimmerman is found guilty, but In my opinion I don't believe the prosecutor has proven Zimmerman's guilt. Every night I watch channels like CNN & HLN with Dr. Drew and other experts who have their opinions on the case.

    Just for talk, what do you think about the whole case and the trial? What do you think the verdict will be? What do you think about the witnesses who have testified? Anything else you'd like to throw in there, be my guest!

    P.S.-Let's be peaceful :flowerforyou: Ready, set, go!!!

    I feel this trial is getting way too much media attention. It should of stayed at the local level and that'd be it. This trial has driven another divide in this country and that is something we can't handle right now. Things are pretty frothy as it is, politically speaking, and we need to be united. The media has whipped up a false narrative about this being a racial issue when it truly isn't.

    Personally, I don't care about the outcome of the trial. Whether Zimmerman is guilty or innocent, so be it. What needs to be done is a giant upheaval of the media. They willfully edited evidence, changed Zimmerman's race and made this into something it isn't to fit a narrative they wanted. That is wrong, disgusting and something needs to happen about that. If Zimmerman is found not guilty, his life is officially over the moment he walks out of that courtroom. He cannot go home, he'll have to go into hiding and people know everything about him, including his Social Security number thanks to CNN. This could happen to any one of us if we ever get in trouble and the media wants to amplify it. Whatever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty?" Thanks to the media, it's "Get the noose ready because he's guilty even if he's innocent." There's a lynch mob out there.

    I hope that made sense, my head is kind of all over the place after my run.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I think the only thing more laughable than uninformed people discussing nutrition on the internet is uneducated people discussing legal issues on the internet.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    The amount of people not knowing how to use the "quote" feature is driving me insane.

    but yet come on, this entire thread is insanity....
    so just enjoy it for what its worth.

    Want some popcorn?
    Only if I can enjoy the popcorn in my ninja turtle underwear.

    Sounds like a plan. I'll even wear my Ninja turtle T.... shirt. :wink:
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I think the only thing more laughable than uninformed people discussing nutrition on the internet is uneducated people discussing legal issues on the internet.

    well, at least we have entertainment today man!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    With not having watched the trial, I have no opinions on guilt or innocence because the only things about the case that I know are what the media reports (from both sides.) For me to have a strong opinion on this one, I'd really need to hear the evidence presented in a formal manner like at the trial. I do think it's tragic that a teenager has been killed-that's the only fact of the case I really know to be 100% true.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Zimmerman pursued when he shouldn't have and someone is now dead. This is all that really matters here.

    It doesn't matter if Zimmerman had legal right to carry. It doesn't matter if Martin had drugs in his system. It doesn't matter if Zimmerman was defending himself.

    This event would not have occurred if Zimmerman had not pursued.

    Does that mean he is guilty of murder? Maybe not.

    Is this young man now dead because Zimmerman made a poor choice? Yes.

    Who is to say he shouldn't have pursued? You? He didn't do anything illegal, Martin did. That's why he is dead.
  • jenniferlynn2477
    jenniferlynn2477 Posts: 39 Member
    It is a tragedy no matter how you look at it and the media compounds on any tragedy to make it newsworthy. They take an angle that is sure to get the people's emotions involved and make it the 6 o'clock news. The media rarely report facts and they put so much opinion into it that it isn't reporting what happened anymore.