:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
Welcome to the thread that has changed my life, as well as the lives of many others. Although we call ourselves “Women Ages 50+”--ALL women are welcome. We support and encourage each other by checking in regularly and sharing our successes, our disappointments, and the comedy and tragedy found in everyday life. We have members from all over the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom, but welcome women from anywhere.

The beginning of a new month is an opportunity to make a fresh start.……Were you successful in reaching the goals you set for August? Maybe August was a real challenge and you came up short.:ohwell: Put that behind you and take this opportunity to make a new beginning. :drinker: :drinker: Many of us like to set goals for the new month and put the goals in our signatures so all of us can see them.

Many of our members travelled in August, or had company that disrupted their schedules, and maybe you are one of these, playing catchup with reading posts. Whether you have been away, or are new to the thread, I hope you will share your experiences with us--especially those that relate to coping with the challenges of improving fitness, strategies for resisting the dietary temptations, and coping with the attitudes of those around you who sometimes seem to be working contrary to the goals you set for yourself.

Some of us set weight loss goals (lose 4 pounds) others set behavioral goals (burn 400 exercise calories a day) and others set attitude goals (no complaining). If a month long goal seems daunting, try a daily or weekly goal or read the thread for a few days and see what goals others are setting and get some good ideas for yourself.

We are all looking forward to hearing from members old and new:flowerforyou: .……….:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:



  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning ladies

    Happy September - time is flying by, it will be Christmas before we know it! :smile:

    As Tara did not go with my daughter last night, I am going to take her for a nice gently walk, it's nice just the two of us, no rushing about or avoiding people/cars, it is so relaxing to walk a "normal" dog :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Just marking my spot for September. I think I may change to weekly goals this month, something to think of on my walk.

    Chat to you later.

    Viv :heart:
  • vikkij12
    Good afternoon ladies
    I am new on this thread, a 51 (still) year old, and loving the first day of spring which it is over here, lambs and calves everywhere and today has been a beautiful sunny day.
    Planning on going out for a ride on the bike tomorrow morning I should have gone this morning but went back to sleep. It is getting lighter in the morning now and not so scary riding on dark roads. I will ignore the feeble looks of my old do and the leaping pup and take them for a walk in the evening instead.
    have a good day
  • sueburch
    How do you join the 50+ group? I will be 53 in Oct.
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Happy September ladies!!! My name is Colette and I am 52 and will join this challenge. My challenge for this week is getting in more water and continue my exercise after the pool is closed, which will be soon. I have Richard Simmons DVD's that I plan on initiating soon.
  • Erica_q
    Good Evening, Everyone,

    It's actually still Tuesday 8/31 here, for the next 45 minutes anyway. I just finished catching up on the posts. It's hard to believe August is over. I didn't accomplish anything I had hoped to accomplish over the summer, but tomorrow's a new month, so anything can happen, right? :smile:

    Vicki - I will keep Allen in my prayers. Keep us posted on his progress.

    Chiclet - I will definitely be picking up Dan Brown's book soon, but do I really have to buy groceries first? :bigsmile:

    Congratulations to everyone who met their August goals. I fell far short of mine, but I have high hopes for September. I'll have to assess my goals and see if I want to keep them or change them.

    DH has a job interview tomorrow at Ralphs. We're hoping he gets the job. We'd both be working two jobs, which will be good for our finances, but not so good for our marriage - or will it? :laugh:

    We're having issues with our computer in the kitchen, so I'm on the one in my bedroom, but DH needs to sleep, because he starts back to work with the school district tomorrow mornining, early. I'll try to get on earlier tomorrow.

    Make sure you all keep drinking your water and finding ways to work in some fun exercise. BFN.

  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    HI Mary here . 55 in August... love to chime in.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I've been MIA for the last few days as I've been 'on the run' - birthdays, wedding, huge garden party and then a wonderful day in the spa with youngest daughter yesterday (where we actually spent three hours in the gym instead of just relaxing!)

    Today is looking a little easier, although I'm just about to rush out the door in a few minutes but will be back in a couple of hours to catch up and relate the promised story of the charity shop debacle!

    Happy September everyone and welcome to all the newbies!

    Amanda x
  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: Just marking my spot here for now.


    Unfortunately, yes you do have to eat (maybe not as much as we like, but we do have to think of the others in our families) so groceries first.
    As for your hubby getting a second job also, will he be home in the evenings like you or working them? You both are going to be tired more, but plan date nights so things stay fresh:heart: and as normal as possible. Even if it is just meeting for coffee somewhere.:drinker: Something inpromptu. If he is working nights maybe you could meet him on his break or lunch. Oh and don't forget the good ol' quickies.:laugh:

    Think of all that money you'll have to spend or save. :smile:
  • smelliott
    Hi everyone,

    Been really busy so have just been reading posts. Welcome to all the Newbies, well done to everyone who has lost and those who met their targets. I've not done too well on either front but today is a new month and I'll try and get back on the wagon.

    Hope to be back soon

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just stopping by for a quick hi to mark my spot. I am up because I couldn't sleep (arthritis pain). However, I took some ibuprofen, and need to go see if I can doze for another hour. Good night!
  • labrat26
    labrat26 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Ladies:
    August was my first month on the site, and and I am ready for a bigger loss in Septemeber...I am tracking and see where my downfalls are, now I just need to address these habits....hmmm....(easier said than done??) That is where the support comes in....
    I am 52 years, and the weight sure sticks to this body!!! Time to shake it up, and lose it.
  • pegstet
    Hi everyone,
    I've only been on this trek since 8/30, but am committed to do this. Never really been a joiner (on boards and such), but after having played on the weight yoyo, and being in the fabulous 50's, I need to do this for my own health and peace of mind.

    I noticed a number of Latin slogans listed on the posts. As a former state Latin contest contender when in high school, I remember memorizing the Gallic Wars, but for the life of me all I can remember is Jingle Bells in Latin and the always memorable but grammatically incorrect, "Semper ubi sub ubi!"

    I'm really looking forward to reading these posts and staying motivated to lose 8 pounds in September.
    Thanks for the sense of warmth I read in this topic.
  • debieanne
    :flowerforyou: good morning sept already wow looking out my window i see the leaves are really turning i didn't even notice that . i have a new goal for myself one day at a time and each morning when i open the eyes i am going to set three goals for the day.i pick up some pretty note paper that has on it things to do today a lot is about giving me the time outs i want for me cause as we know we don't give ourselfs much time on my facebook now this site lets me know when i have not log in so now some of my family and friends are after me to do it it feels so much better with this support i have been able to talk and let them know what i have been trying to do i didn't say anything cause my hubby and kids don't think about things the way i do and all i hear from them is mom we love you the way you are. i am not complaing i am very thankful but i don't and haven't like were i have been with the weight for so long. so setting my daily goals so pretty good. hope evryone is having a nice morning debi
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A Happy September to all!!!!:flowerforyou: Welcome...Welcome....all newcomers!

    My month started good with a loss of 1 lb!!!:bigsmile: As God is my judge, I have no idea how that happened! :noway: I went over my calories at the wedding, we went out to eat Monday night and I was slightly over again. All I can say is that, with time.....because it's been a while since I dropped a pound....if you exercise religiously, drink tons of water and try to eat healthy food....with an occasional treat....the weight drops ...very slowly but consistently! And also, what I call a "bad" day today....was one of my "good " days before!:laugh: :wink:

    Well have a great month! I'm at work and will try to get to the posts later!!:happy:
    Thanks Barb for continuing this thread!!:wink:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy September to all as we find the new thread! Barb thanks for getting it started.

    To all newcomers: Joining is as easy as posting and saying hi, so you've all joined! As it says in our introduction this is a great group of ladies and very supportive.

    I did good on my August goals and they will roll over to September. I will also add a new one of starting to exercise on weekday morning even if just for 5 minutes. It is so hectic getting everyone up and off before I need to leave the house myself. Living with 3 people who have some form of ADD and two elderly parents make my mornings very hard.

    Have a great day,

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Ok, I haven't caught up with reading all the posts from the end of August yet, will do that this afternoon and reply as much as I can.

    So, I reached all my August goals. I even lost eight pounds instead of the five I'd bargained on (yay me!) I didn't lose anything this week though. Still, considering the week I've had, I'm really pleased that I didn't gain any. My September goals are in my signature.

    Last Friday was my cousin's wedding and we had to drive up to Manchester for it. We left at eight in the morning as the wedding was at 2:00 pm. Our plan was to arrive just past noon. ...... that was the plan ..... however, we got stuck in a traffic jam which meant we travelled three miles in an hour and a half. It normally takes us about 45 minutes to get on to the main motorway. It took us three and a half hours and we finally arrived at the hotel where the wedding was being held at 2:40. Completely missed the ceremony and the photos. I was so upset. It's not that I like photos of myself, but I do like to be in official photos at family weddings for a purely historical record. Still, the rest of the day was wonderful and I had a good catch up with my lovely aunts, uncle and cousins. Hit the sack at about 2:00 am and felt good that I stuck to my food and drink rules.

    We drove home on Saturday evening after visiting more of the family and getting lots of hugs from all the new babies that my cousins have produced.

    Sunday was our Aussie themed party in our gardens. Thank goodness I'd arranged it all before I went away! I caved in and got caterers - not something I normally do, but it was definitely worth it in this instance. We also had three kangaroos and a koala bear walking around all day (actors wearing suits). We had about forty-five guests in the end and had a whale of a time. I also loved the fact that everyone made an effort to dress accordingly.

    Tuesday was a fabulous day at the spa. My DD#2 and I really made the most of the gym (although we both agreed that we hated the power plates!) and the hydro pool, sauna and steam room. We topped it off by a relaxing massage, facial, manicure and pedicure. Then floated home! (at least, that's what it felt like!)

    Ok, the charity shop tale .....

    It is a really up-market charity shop (if there is such a thing) and I have been going in there most days for quite some time as it is the only one in our village. A lot of the stuff is totally over-priced, including some of the stuff that I donated to them! There was a dress that I gave them and they had priced it at £36 .... I don't think it cost me that when it was new! Anyway, on the day in question, I had been ogling a stunning velvet coat in the window. It would have been too small for me, but I was considering buying it as an incentive - despite it being priced at £150.00 (for a second hand, donated coat I think it is a LOT). I was wandering around the shop, having decided not to purchase said coat. It was pouring with rain outside, so I was in no hurry. There were a couple of other browsers, including another woman who was interested in the coat. She had a soggy dog with her, who was sat on the floor by the counter. I found a pair of cushions in alpaca, they were brand new with the labels still on them and in a lovely creamy colour, £15.00 each and I thought I'd treat my daughter to them. As they were rather large, I took them over to the counter and asked the shop assistant if I could leave them there whilst I continued browsing. She looked at me and snapped, 'put them on the floor'. I thought I'd misheard, so said 'excuse me?' She tutted and repeated, 'put them on the floor!' Now, it was pouring with rain as I've said, so I said 'actually, I'd rather not put them on the floor as they will get dirty'. Her response was, 'this IS a charity shop you know!' By this time I was rather taken aback by her rude attitude and told her that the floor was wet and also there was a dog on the floor (I'm a dog lover, but these cushions were soft, fluffy and cream!) At this point the dog owner chimed in with, 'My dog has a passport' .... totally irrelevant in my eyes, so I just told her that I was pleased for her dog!

    All this time I kept calm and polite. Well, I don't know if the shop assistant was having a bad day or what, but she decided to take it out on me. She told me to put them on the floor if I wanted to buy them. My response was, 'actually, I think I'll just put them back and not bother'. Still politely and calmly. The 'lovely' shop assistant then said, 'Yes, put them back and don't bother coming back in here again'.

    I was totally flabbergasted! So I told her so. I also told her that I certainly wouldn't come back as I thought she was extremely rude and, charity shop or not, there is no need to be discourteous.

    So there is my tale of how I was banned from a charity shop. Not exciting, but infuriating!

    Time for me to try to catch up with some of the posts now.

    Happy September everyone.

    Amanda x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all, At least the sun is shining today. It rained all day yesterday. Just marking my spot. I will be back after my hour on the treadmill and my hour of heavy lifting:tongue:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Amanda I had to stop reading and respond to your post. A snotty charity shop person is just so funny to me. Nothing like the people we have running ours. Oh my that was so funny. What exactly does the money from this charity shop go to? thanks for sharing that made my day.
    Vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    Here is a picture of me with my friend, Diane, at her birthday dinner Monday night.......She said "Now Barbie and I are the same size" :bigsmile:

    I'm still trying to transfer the picture of my grandson from my phone to the computer.......it won't go via bluetooth but when I connect the USB cord it says that the bluetooth is connected so I can't transfer via USB......I'll try later
    maybe turning off the phone and turning it on again is all the techno support I'll need. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Wednesday...and it's September:drinker:

    Amanda- sorry you were banned from the shop...but it's really their loss...and that kind of worker in a charity shop:huh: needs a serious attitude adjustment.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies:drinker: :drinker: jump right in and tell us all about yourself:smile:


    September goals:ohwell: I will have to give it some thought.

    August goals - I more than met the weight loss goals:drinker: and totally failed on the Butt & Gut exercises:sad: so I will have to try that again.

    Last night we watched #1 Grandson while Son#2 & DIL went to a dinner party. Watching an almost three year old can be exhausting. We did watch Winnie the Pooh, hubby felt he could handle that one (it's been about 18 years since he last saw it) and that helped make some of the time fly by. When he was finally picked up my hubby was commenting on the quiet of the house:laugh: ...Yep we love being grandparents and playing with them and then letting them head home with Mom & Dad:wink:

    I best get going...as always there is plenty of work to do.

    Everyone have a good day, log that foot:drinker: and drink plenty of water:drinker: then fit in some exercise:flowerforyou: as we all fight to get rid of those unwanted pounds:smile:
