Anyone starting 30 Day Shred soon? Sept 2010



  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member
    hartsmart, ha! ( I am her friend that joined)
    and thanks for the reminder about wall pushups. I had forgotten about those. Will try that tomorrow.

    So today was Day 6 of Level 1 for me. My honey has done it with me for three days, too! I hope he keeps it up because when we do it together it's done by 7 am. That is a great feeling!

    The first few days when Jillian was all "Those of you on day 5 and 6 I bet you are noticing a difference in your endurance" I was like "Yeah, no." But today was day 6 and I have to say, I really did notice it in the cardio! It still kicks my a** but I feel more in control and steady with it somehow, if that makes any sense.

  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Super sore, but todays 20 min is done!!! Hopefully by the end of this week this workout is going to be much easier!
  • Hi Guys
    I started 30DS on Sunday so will be doing day 4 today when I finish work, first couple of days really hurt but don't feel as achey today so hoping tonight will be a bit easier.
    Looking forward to reading everyones results.
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    I am starting today after work - it is Sept 1st, and since Sept has 30 days, I figure it'll be easy to keep track of! :) I'm kind of nervous, but hopefully it'll be worth it!

    I'll update tomorrow after I've finished day 1!
  • Day 2 of 30ds completed... the push ups are killing me. I just cannot do them! :(
  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    Those who have been doing it for a while how long was it before you started to see results? I know yo are not supposed to measure too often but I do just b/c I am a numbers person who counts everything, but I do remeind myself that I can't really count it for a week. Anyway I am noticing that my weight was actually higher today by atleast a pound. Just wondering if it was because of th strength training or just my body being funny. I've only been working out again a little over a week
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    OK SO THIS IS THE OFFICIAL SEPT 30 DAY SHRED THREAD!!! :drinker: :sad: :cry: :bigsmile: I have had the dvd for about 2 weeks, after reading all of your replys I can't wait to get home and get day 1 over with!! Hopefully I feel this pumped up in about 3 hours from now!! :tongue:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Day 2 of 30ds completed... the push ups are killing me. I just cannot do them! :(
    One day you will be like "I remember back in Sept of 2010 I couldn't even do these!!" Keep Going!! YES YOU CAN!
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    I haven't done day 4 yet, I'm going to do it later tonight, but I just wanted to say how much better I feel today! The soreness is almost completely gone, so that might give you hope, anyone who is still feeling it! I don't know if it's just my body getting used to it or the 2 veggie burgers with MEGA protein that helped with the soreness.

    Let's see if it lasts through day 4 though!

    faith, I do the same thing with weighing. I get on the scale then tell myself it doesn't count until Sunday. :tongue:

    And welcome to any new joiners! Good luck!
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    today was my frist day it was hard, but i did a yoga tape before and it help me with stretching
  • I just got 30DS today. But I will probably start next Tuesday since I am going on vacation tomorrow. But i cant wait to get started
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    It does work. I did the 30 Day Shred/ Mixed with Jillan's 50 minute workouts(Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism/ No More Trouble Zones) about 3 times a week (+I ate well) and I was losing 1-2 lbs. a week. I love how hard core she is and how I can feel sore after on 20 minutes! Good luck.
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Day 4 done, some things were a lot harder on Day 1 than they are now. Some things are still pretty hard, but soreness is easing up and I think I am getting stronger!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    OK Girls I did it!!! OMG I was pouring sweat!! So day 5 or 6 huh? :huh: uh ok ahhhhhhhhhhh:sick: LOL
  • Your hilarious! hahahahahaaa And thanks for the encouragement earlier!!
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Did day 4 last night and still have trouble with that first cardio set, but everything else (butt kicks, etc) is easy! But that first part, going from push ups (that I barely do) to jumping jacks to jump rope and back just kills me. But the jumping jacks and everything gets easier as the video progresses, I guess gives me time to rest during the abs...

    And this probably goes into the realm of Too Much Information, but I think my boobs are interfering with my breathing during jumping jacks/jump rope. :noway: :laugh:
  • Today will be day 3 for me. I'm a little sore in my legs and chest, but it feels so good! I'm so happy you started this! It helps to have outside encouragement. I'll take some before pics and measurements, then the after! Can't wait for the results!
  • Today will be day 3 for me and I am sad to say I am just ready to give up... I cheated and weighed myself this morning and I am gaining even though I have been under my calorie goal by 400 for the past two days on 30DS. I am sore all day and I pour sweat when I work out. I've been mixing it with lots of cardio, at least 20 minutes and I am still not losing a bit. I am sick of working so hard and not seeing any results :sad: It is too hard to track the calories for the 30DS, everything says something different so maaybe I am actually eating over. I even cut the # in half yesterday when I recorded the exercise because I though it was not accurate. I don't want to eat way under but I don't want to eat over either, I don't know what to do... hope things look up, I'm very discouraged! :huh:
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    My calves are still burning from last nights jump rope...
  • I started today. And i thought i was quite fit with all the exercise i do on a regular basis. But I nearly died! Haha! Can't wait for tomorro!
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