Anyone starting 30 Day Shred soon? Sept 2010



  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    I am so glad that I found you guys are hilarious! I started 30ds 8/31. And then I took off yesterday because I was sore from the first day, and I am still getting over some kind of sickness. I got this morning, so I will call it D3L1, even though it was really day 2 on level 1. But holy crap, it burned just as much as it did the first time. I do want to cuss her out sometimes, she is however very encouraging.
    I had been working out with my wii, ea active: more workouts and loving it, but then I had surgery on my wrist at the beginning of August. Needless to say I cannot do the push-ups, but I have come up with a modified version, so at least I am doing something. I hate the jumping jacks into the jump rope, it hurts my feet first and then my calves BURN!!!
    Other than the pain, I am really excited to see results and be able to breeze through these routines!

    Good luck everyone, and I will as well keep you posted with measurements and before and after photos!
  • Just started my first day today. I did it without weights, the best idea I've had yet. Last time I did this workout I started with weights and I was WAY to sore for too long. I feel great not doing it with the weights. I am going to do level one for 10 days without weights and then add the weights for 10 days and move on to level 2.
  • faithjones83
    faithjones83 Posts: 28 Member
    hmlayman I know how you feel. My weight has gone up since I started too despite my low calories. I bought a heart rate monitor and it still has me at 350 to 400 calories burned. I hope it is just muscle gain and soon the lbs will come off. I will see on Sunday.

    well today will be day 3. I do it at night and I did dancing with Julliane (dancing with the stars) this morning. Well about 1/2 of it, I told myseld that I didn't want to tire myself out before tonight and I am getting some calories burned with Jillian. I just needed something entertaining to keep motivated.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Today will be day 3 for me and I am sad to say I am just ready to give up... I cheated and weighed myself this morning and I am gaining even though I have been under my calorie goal by 400 for the past two days on 30DS. I am sore all day and I pour sweat when I work out. I've been mixing it with lots of cardio, at least 20 minutes and I am still not losing a bit. I am sick of working so hard and not seeing any results :sad: It is too hard to track the calories for the 30DS, everything says something different so maaybe I am actually eating over. I even cut the # in half yesterday when I recorded the exercise because I though it was not accurate. I don't want to eat way under but I don't want to eat over either, I don't know what to do... hope things look up, I'm very discouraged! :huh:

    Don't give up!!! I've been working out and watching calories and the foods I eat for the past month and have lost NOTHING! So I'm right there with you in the frustrated category. But try to stick with it. Our bodies are being trained whether we are losing the weight or not, and eventually something has to give and the weight will start to fall off. Look at your daughter and remember why you are doing this. It will all work out. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to chat more often on the 'news feed'. We can motivate one another!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I've decided to just count today as day 2 even though I started at the beginning of the week. It will be easier if I'm on target with the days of the month! Anyway, todays 20 min DONE! I'm going to run after the little man is in bed tonight...I'm trying to get to a steady 8 min mile so will run the first mile for time and then do intervals on the treadmill. Then looking to do lots outside this weekend...maybe a trip to the zoo, taking my son to the park, and probably a walk in the forest preserve or state park. And of course 20 min with Jillian.
  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, all!

    Today was Day 7 of Level One.

    I definitely feel my cardio endurance improving and some of the strength moves have me needing more weight to feel challenged--- yay!


    (Not really asking for advice, just something I'm keeping my eye on:)

    Today and yesterday I am noticing 'sensation' in my knees and ankles. Not exactly pain, kind of sore or tired. I am used to running and yoga and it's different from any soreness I get with those. The first several days I didn't notice anything, so it's not like it was from new movement... I am a stickler for form, so I don't think it's that.

    I think it might be the daily repetition of the movement--- jumping jacks, lunges, squats....Maybe overuse or too much impact.

    Anyone else feeling this?

  • today was my frist day it was hard, but i did a yoga tape before and it help me with stretching

    Lizzy, yoga is great. I enjoy yoga, and plan to do yoga before 30 Shred shred. Today will be my first day of shred, Tuesday and Thursday will be my shred days. What yoga dvds do you use?
  • I guess everyone will be happy to know that I did not give up today:happy: ... instead I did a 360 and I feel great. Just hope I don't run into anymore weight gaining... it makes me feel horrible even though that is silly. I did 30ds today and I did my regular cardio- even tried some new machines at the gym. I was satisfied when I left the gym today! I am not calculating the 20 minute workout anymore... I feel as though everything is inaccurate. Any thoughts on that? I am also very very painfully sore where I do not even want to walk... is that normal?!
  • I guess everyone will be happy to know that I did not give up today:happy: ... instead I did a 360 and I feel great. Just hope I don't run into anymore weight gaining... it makes me feel horrible even though that is silly. I did 30ds today and I did my regular cardio- even tried some new machines at the gym. I was satisfied when I left the gym today! I am not calculating the 20 minute workout anymore... I feel as though everything is inaccurate. Any thoughts on that? I am also very very painfully sore where I do not even want to walk... is that normal?!

    Good going Hmlayman, way to stay active with variety. It will help keep you from being bored. A lot of people are using a heart rate monitor to know how many calories are burned. I haven't used one but it may be worth looking into.
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Did day 5 today, but I was pretty lazy with it :( I am having an off day today with everything... But, at least I did it, right?
  • I did day 2 today. Love it. Can't wait to get back to level 3!

    My heart rate monitor is saying I'm burning about 260 in 28 minutes.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I saw your post on 8/28 and ordered the DVD = I had not heard of this before reading your original post. Well, i got the DVD today, so of course had to try it. I actually had already ran 1/2 mile, walked another mile, and then tried to do the DS. I made it about 15 minutes before I quit. I continued to watch it though, and could have kicked myself when I realized I only had a few more minutes to go. So, tomorrow I will try it again and hopefully complete - maybe I'll run after doing the DS. Anyway, this was day 1, but probably should only count as day 1/2. LOL
  • Thank you, I am trying very hard to keep up. About the heart rate monitor... there has been a lot of complaints about them not being accurate. I am scared to add the calories- it sounds too good. Plus, I don't have one to use :( Does anyone know if my legs ahould be this sore?! It is very painful! Good luck everyone
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    What day are you on, 3? I was horribly sore day 2 and 3 and then it started to ease up a bit. Now, other muscles ache. Maybe because I am going deeper into the exercises (on some)? Not sure. I was pretty lazy with it today, though. Maybe my muscles should be worse,
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Day 5! I didn't have to take a break this time! No pausing! I am more sore tonight though.

    hmlayman, Good for you for not giving up! I wanted to encourage you earlier but I couldn't get to my computer. An expensive HRM might be more accurate, but I really have no idea, I've never had one (too cheap, haha). Don't get discouraged! Remember though, if you have too much of a calorie deficit you'll put weight on, so don't underestimate too much.

    melissa (yummy) I think I might be feeling the same thing, but just when I do the knee circle things. They protest when I do that, which upsets me because at my age (19) I should NOT be having weak knees. Even more reason to get in shape!

    Keep up the good work everyone, and welcome to everyone who's joined!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Thank you, I am trying very hard to keep up. About the heart rate monitor... there has been a lot of complaints about them not being accurate. I am scared to add the calories- it sounds too good. Plus, I don't have one to use :( Does anyone know if my legs ahould be this sore?! It is very painful! Good luck everyone
    I know you don't want to hear this but pain is GOOOOOOOD! It means you have worked your muscles out!!! you have burned fat it is an AWARD so to speak, for all your hard work!! 3 years ago I was working out with a trainer 3 days a week I called her my black Jillian! She was awesome!! Still gives me advice even now. ANyways (sorry I do that rambling thing lol) I was so sore most of the time it was sooooooo freakin painful just to sit on the toilet!! And that is the feeling you want because it means ITS WORKING!!! You'll know exactly what I am talking about when you slide into a size 8 (or smaller)and they slide on like butter!! Keep doing it! Have you taken any measurments??? There will be times your weight won't go down but inches will so if you haven't taken them you should it will show you results when the scale won't! I bought a tape measure at the grocery store for under $3.

    So I came home from work to find a new dog brought home by my husband! He is a big boy we have been talking about a new dog and he is actually perfect for me to take and go walking early in the am with me before the sun comes up! So we took him on a 40 min walk and man my knee was feeling not so great by the time we got home. I fell down some stairs and hurt my left knee (the same knee I had laser surgery on 14 yrs ago) about 2 months ago and it still hurts when I put to much strain on it. So I did a lot of walking today and then after dinner I started feeling the soreness in my legs and abs from day one of 30DS!! So I really wasn't going to do the day 2. Mostly because I don't want to reinjure my knee and not be able to do any excercise at all! But BECAUSE I AM ON THIS THREAD I DID DAY 2!! I couldn't tell you to not give up and then give up myself! So I did it I just didn't jump on my knee but kept my arms moving and legs side to side. I cant wait to get the fat off of me and not feel like I am lifting an extra person!! Mostly I can't wait to give my knees the break they deserve. Keep going everybody!
  • Tissy- remember your goals, if you start to feel lax...that will keep you on track and motivated.

    Mrsjb- you have the eyes of the tiger

    I did 20 minutes of a gentle yoga and l1d1 of shred. I was feeling queasy for a few minutes after my workout was over. It is so important that I stay active during my pregnancy, it will be easier on me and baby during delivery. Tomorrow will be a different type of workout for me, will shred again Tuesday.

    LADIES keep Shredding!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Did day 5 today, but I was pretty lazy with it :( I am having an off day today with everything... But, at least I did it, right?
    RIGHT! Tomorrow give t a little extra umph! good job for doing it even though you weren't feeling like it! Get some rest tonight DAY 3 is only a day awaaaaaay!!:huh:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    But holy crap, it burned just as much as it did the first time. I do want to cuss her out sometimes, she is however very encouraging.
    LOL I like the boxing part I line my fists up with her face!!!I love Jillian but at the same time it feels great to pretend I am kicking HER *kitten* instead of the other way around!! LOL
    I am excited to take another set of pics at theend of these 30 days as well!! :bigsmile:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Tissy- remember your goals, if you start to feel lax...that will keep you on track and motivated.

    Mrsjb- you have the eyes of the tiger

    I did 20 minutes of a gentle yoga and l1d1 of shred. I was feeling queasy for a few minutes after my workout was over. It is so important that I stay active during my pregnancy, it will be easier on me and baby during delivery. Tomorrow will be a different type of workout for me, will shred again Tuesday.

    LADIES keep Shredding!
    THANKS THAT IS VERY NICETO HEAR! I can't believe how much activity I have managed to get in this week! :drinker:
    Your doing this pregnant!!?? Wow how many weeks? ?That is great!!
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