Week 2, "H20 Challenge" 20 Pounds By Halloween.



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    My weigh in was tuesday starting weight 158 tuesdays weight in 154.8 woohoo!!

    Thats a briliant loss :D
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Everyone is doing so great! Thanks for the compliments on the water bottle had to find a way to keep myself chugging it down! (^_^)
    Today's weigh in day!
    W1:241.4 (-4lbs)
    W2:238.8 (-2.6lbs)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member

    I just poured an entire jug of sweet tea down the sink... that was sooo hard LOL
    So now onto working my butt off!

    Awesome! Way to take control, sweetie! I totally had to dump a whole bag of cookies in the trash too. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! heheh
    I had to purge the house of all chocolate candies @_@, there were so many but they taunted me day in and day out. They had to go!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Great job on all the progress so far. I weighed myself this morning and I was up 2 pounds SW:190 CW:192.

    I love the water bottle. Too cute
    Don't get down! We can do this! Have you tried changing up your exercise routine? I also found that I have to drink tons of water a day and that really helps me. Hence my fancy water bottle ;)
  • lbencomo
    lbencomo Posts: 30 Member
    I started at 355 at the beginning of the week now I'm 353.
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    weigh in today was good. ONE pound.

    todays weight 323

    as my treat had hair cut to shoulder length-9 inches off..feels strangemaybe that was the one pound?????
  • Flotus87
    Just weighed myself and am at 260lbs 4oz, that's 2lbs 12oz down from last week and 13.12/20 for the challenge. Only about 10 pounds to go to meet my first mini goal and my updated H20 goal. Off to Arizona to visit family and the fair for the weekend. Hopefully all this weeks hard work won't be undone, but I know temptation will be there. And i won't have internet access to read any support from H20. Send good vibes my way anyways please.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Sorry I got this up late in the mornign.. But hers the new Message board.. Week 3.. woo hoo.. Were getting there..

  • urmyeffinstar
    urmyeffinstar Posts: 57 Member
    SW: 140

    CW: 138.9

    1.1 out 20 :)
  • bpclark
    bpclark Posts: 13 Member
    ok, i just got back from a week-long road trip, and i think i did pretty good, but i won't get to weigh in until later today or in the morning. i really am so proud of this road trip - we kept only healthy food in the car, and i got 4 good days of exercising. we had a few really nice (yummy & big) meals, but we split an entree, so it ended up being so much better than it could have been!! will post weight as soon as i can! oh, and i also started the 30 day shred today - it was tougher than i expected!
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    I couldn't edit my last post :(
    ok so I weighed in this am and it was 323
    went out walking and did almost a mile.a good day in all
    so for the heck of it weighed in again
    321.8 ..
    so taking the 321.9
  • bpclark
    bpclark Posts: 13 Member
    ok, i did my weigh in this morning when i finished the gym, and i'm at 250.2 - that's down 2.4 lbs. yippie!! everybody stay strong this weekend!!!
  • gualsl
    gualsl Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ALL!!!

    Your group sounds like a great idea!!! My main motivation for this upcoming year is to get in shape for our wedding next summer. However, I also want to get in shape once and for all! I'm tired of being overweight and not able to fit into certain clothes. I just want to AT LEAST be the size that I was in high school and a heck of a lot healthier than I am today. I often worry about becoming a mom (not that I'm pregnant) and being this incredibly out of shape person who doesn't want to get into the pool to swim with her child because she is too embarrassed. So....I am ready to make a life long lasting change! Hopefully, just hopefully I can stick to it this time. I have always tried dieting or a lifestyle change, but I have never been that successful so if you have any good, motivational tips then feel free to share :)

    Starting Weight: 220lbs.
    Age: 27 y.o. female
    Goal Weight: 160lbs.
  • ang696
    ang696 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't think i've replied for my second week yet, but I'm 5 lbs down!!! Yay!!! I'll weigh in on Sunday and post my new weight on the week 3 thread. (Already a couple pounds down from that first 5). Yay to the BRILLIANT people who started this. This challenge is EXACTLY what I needed. That, along with the C25K challenge. I love this site!

    SW (for challenge): 255
    CW: 250
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I just went to a birthday at an all you can eat :O

    I went crazy, I have had pizza, pasta, cake.

    I am not going to worry too much, gonna just try adding a bit more exercise in for the next few days.
  • deanna324
    deanna324 Posts: 58 Member
    Weighed this morning before going to the fair and it was 219.4. Not too bad. Thought I better do my weigh in today instead of Monday.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm at 150 this week (but a little too lazy to find last week's post to find out where I was last time I checked in...)
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My scale is broken so I am not quite sure how I did this past week. I had a wedding to attend this weekend so I am pretty sure I over indulged. I went grocery shopping this weekend and was able to buy a lot of healthy food. I am excited to cook good food and get back on track. I have been traveling a lot so it has been hard to really eat well. I don't have any trips anytime soon, so I should be good for a while. It is great to see everyone doing so well. Keep up the great work!!
  • tbirs31
    Hello everyone!

    So I didn't do too bad over the weekend. I am at 294.6. I have another 12 or so to go. I think! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey H20'ers! Keep up the great work!

    Don't forget that we've moved on to our Week 3 thread. www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/117848-week-3-h20-lose-20-pounds-by-halloween-challenge