STOP saying healthy food is more expensive



  • crosstrich
    crosstrich Posts: 40
    i mean some people ARE just really bad at family planning. more education would do some good.

    Stop. Just... please.

    Thank you. For real, I am truly appalled.

    This. 100x this. Its almost sad

    It is idiotic to think that som people don't just have too many kids! Proper sexual education could prevet that. You are missing my point.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    she's not married, no kids... of course it's easy now!!! geesh!!!
  • BeekusYarker
    BeekusYarker Posts: 4 Member
    I'm with the OP. Shop in season and on sales. Junk food is always more expensive.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Lol everyone on here is trying to lose weight but argue that 3dollar TV dinners are much better and less time consuming than making your own food with lotsa veg. This is why you got fat in the first place.

    Bahaahhahahaahahhahaha XD

    But hamburger helper is so cheap, hahahahahahah
  • BeekusYarker
    BeekusYarker Posts: 4 Member
    she's not married, no kids... of course it's easy now!!! geesh!!!

    Doesn't matter. Her main point is that healthy food is cheaper. You just have to shop smart and make time to prep meals. Clearly, if people have enough time to post on these boards, they have enough time to prep for meals regardless of their marital status.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    i mean some people ARE just really bad at family planning. more education would do some good.

    Stop. Just... please.

    Thank you. For real, I am truly appalled.

    This. 100x this. Its almost sad

    It is idiotic to think that som people don't just have too many kids! Proper sexual education could prevet that. You are missing my point.

    I really think you should stop now. Otherwise I'm calling 'troll'. You can't seriously be for real.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    i mean some people ARE just really bad at family planning. more education would do some good.

    Stop. Just... please.

    Thank you. For real, I am truly appalled.

    This. 100x this. Its almost sad

    It is idiotic to think that som people don't just have too many kids! Proper sexual education could prevet that. You are missing my point.

    in the real world you can talk to people about prevention but whether or not they follow your advice? :P
  • crosstrich
    crosstrich Posts: 40
    @slcrooks34 way to go!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    she's not married, no kids... of course it's easy now!!! geesh!!!

    Doesn't matter. Her main point is that healthy food is cheaper. You just have to shop smart and make time to prep meals. Clearly, if people have enough time to post on these boards, they have enough time to prep for meals regardless of their marital status.

    I cook the vast majority of my own food, I do prep in advance, I cut and slice and freeze peppers, onions, and such so I can have them on hand and ready.

    And it's more expensive to eat this way. I'm putting out over $100 a week to feed my husband and I now, when before I could do it on $75 or so. If you think chicken, veg, and a grain is less expensive than hamburger helper and a pound of ground meat you're crazy.

    In fact I made a really lovely chicken and spinach curry from scratch, with udon noodles. About $2 a serving. Hamburger helper+ground beef as about $.75 a serving.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 477 Member
    I love how some believe that everyone in the world drives or has access to farmer's markets.

    I live in Montreal. I don't drive as my vision doesn't allow it. I went grocery shopping this weekend. It took me 4.5 hours round trip. I had to go to two places to get everything on my list. It cost me just over 100$ for ingredients for lunches and 16 dinner portions. I cook my own dinners for the most part.

    There are two farmer's markets. It would take me as long to get to them. Forget about actual farms for me.

    This is reality for many people and so I can understand. Thank god you don't need to eat only whole food to lose weight!

    but you have to think about more than just weight loss. diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and other more or less severe chronic illnesses are directly linked to super processed junk. i wonder if heart disease is more or less expensive than a bag of apples?

    I'm Canadian, my care is free...:) So apples are more expensive. Please point to where I stated in my OP that I buy only processed foods, fast food and junk food. Last I checked I pointed out that I cook my own meals...*gasp*...and from scratch at that! I'd say I eat wonderfully delicious whole food about 70% of the time.

    As for the comment about biking which seems to have disappeared....I, wait for it...WALK. lazy of me to walk 45 minutes to the store, then walk some more to the next store and then walk all the way back home with 2 weeks worth of groceries.

    My point was that I buy groceries for 1 person. It costs me 100$ish for 2 weeks worth of food, thus 50$ a week...for ONE person buying fruits/veggies, whole grains, good dairy and good meat PLUS the time it takes me to actually DO those groceries (that's why I only go twice a month). The only way I could purchase for lower would be to purchase in bulk which isn't an option for me as I don't have the room to keep bulk foods, frozen or otherwise. I also don't have my own backyard and sadly, everything I try to grow dies so a garden is not a option for me either. I tried some simple potted herbs and the poor things were uprooting themselves...O_o Canning, preserving, growing and the like are all wonderful, but only if one can actually do them either in terms of time, equipment or skill.

    For most people, eating healthy just plain and simply IS more expensive. To say otherwise is grossly generalizing.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    she's not married, no kids... of course it's easy now!!! geesh!!!

    Doesn't matter. Her main point is that healthy food is cheaper. You just have to shop smart and make time to prep meals. Clearly, if people have enough time to post on these boards, they have enough time to prep for meals regardless of their marital status.

    nope... studies show that the junk is cheaper and the poor get fat because all they can afford is junk. do the research. go live in another place...not necessarily another country, just a different place of lower income... some places don't have healthy options. there are places, cities, in the USA that don't have access to fresh produce. high processed foods are cheap and cause weight gain.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,988 Member
    she's not married, no kids... of course it's easy now!!! geesh!!!

    Doesn't matter. Her main point is that healthy food is cheaper. You just have to shop smart and make time to prep meals. Clearly, if people have enough time to post on these boards, they have enough time to prep for meals regardless of their marital status.

    nope... studies show that the junk is cheaper and the poor get fat because all they can afford is junk. do the research. go live in another place...not necessarily another country, just a different place of lower income... some places don't have healthy options. there are places, cities, in the USA that don't have access to fresh produce. high processed foods are cheap and cause weight gain.
    Now that sounds just too logical.......are you trying to cause a food fight?
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I love how some believe that everyone in the world drives or has access to farmer's markets.

    I live in Montreal. I don't drive as my vision doesn't allow it. I went grocery shopping this weekend. It took me 4.5 hours round trip. I had to go to two places to get everything on my list. It cost me just over 100$ for ingredients for lunches and 16 dinner portions. I cook my own dinners for the most part.

    There are two farmer's markets. It would take me as long to get to them. Forget about actual farms for me.

    This is reality for many people and so I can understand. Thank god you don't need to eat only whole food to lose weight!

    but you have to think about more than just weight loss. diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and other more or less severe chronic illnesses are directly linked to super processed junk. i wonder if heart disease is more or less expensive than a bag of apples?

    If you are in the situation when you are trying to decide whether to spend that last couple dollars on food for your family, the long-term doesn't matter. You are just trying to survive day to day. There is a reason that people with a higher income live longer (in general) and the high-cost of healthy food is one of them
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 477 Member
    $30? Including meat? See, I don't believe in buying factory farmed meat, so I can easily spend $30 on meat for just one meal. Our milk is from a small local dairy, and I easily spend at least $20 a week on that. Farm fresh, local, pastured eggs? 3 dozen/week for $12. Then onto fruits and veggies: at least $50-60/week. So yeah, we eat pretty healthy, but it ain't cheap. And it depends on what you define as "healthy." Anything from a factory farm, to me, isn't healthy. GMO ingredients, which I'm pretty sure is in your bread, isn't healthy, so I have to spend more to buy things that *I* believe to be healthy, which includes organic flour so I can make my own breads.

    This is a great point. Fresh seasonal fruit and veggies are pretty cheap where I live. I am lucky in that. I splurge big time if I spend more than $10 or $15 a week on produce. And that buys me a lot. Esp strawberries since we grow them year round here. Meat and dairy on the other hand. I want grassfed meat, and we don't have anyplace really to buy that locally so it is $$$$ and then some. Same with eggs and dairy. Eating animal products to me personally are only going to be healthy if they came from a healthy animal. That means hormone free and not living in a cage and fed only corn. That also means I'm paging out the rear to eat *healthy*.

    I so envy you Jorean...fresh strawberries YEAR ROUND...*swoons in desire* The strawberry season is already over here in Quebec...but DAMN are Quebec strawberries GOOD...:D They're tiny little gems of divinity.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I have saved money by not buying stuff like oreo cookies, 2 coffee cakes a week, 2 gallons of milk a week, and snacks and work, and because i do save some money (tips at least) by making my food vs going out,

    Went to Trader Joe and bought 2 bags of a lot of groceries for $40, and most of that was veg.

    Think i did save a lot by buying dry beans/legumes, that totally is a saving.

    Perhaps the OP uses a lot of grains and not much veg or other things in, and that way he/she saves money, maybe?
  • crosstrich
    crosstrich Posts: 40
    I really think you guys are missing what I'm saying here, and getting offended for no reason.

    I grew up poor, and cook for a living. I live in and gew up in an inner city. I grew up in a family of 7, all athletes. My mom is a blind waitress and my dad is a handyman. Never had health insurance, a car, or a tv. All of the clothes I had were thrifted or donated shared a bed with 2 sisters until I was in college. We didn't have a lot. But we had healthy food, though. Potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, beans, rice, leafy grees, affordable proteins, apples, oranges, pears, bananas. Healthy food doesn't mean tofu and mung beans or organic produce.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    I spend about $80 a week or so on groceries for my husband and myself. Avoid all middle aisles, just get our fresh fruits and veggies, dairy, and meats and away we go!

    Edit to add: When we were eating heavily processed, including take out, and regular groceries - we spent probably around $160-$200 a week.

    May I ask you to share your breakdown of meals? I spend this much for me alone, and this only works because of other items already on hand, or things bought in surplus like rice, beans, etc.

    Assuming you consume 3 meals per day, no snacks. How are you able to get 42 meals out of $80 worth of groceries? That's less than $2 per meal. And since by volume, fruits/veggies are lower in calories, given this amount, how is this enough to reach your caloric needs?

    *not trolling. Truly wanting to know so I can improve. :embarassed:
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    I love how some believe that everyone in the world drives or has access to farmer's markets.

    I live in Montreal. I don't drive as my vision doesn't allow it. I went grocery shopping this weekend. It took me 4.5 hours round trip. I had to go to two places to get everything on my list. It cost me just over 100$ for ingredients for lunches and 16 dinner portions. I cook my own dinners for the most part.

    There are two farmer's markets. It would take me as long to get to them. Forget about actual farms for me.

    This is reality for many people and so I can understand. Thank god you don't need to eat only whole food to lose weight!

    I also live in Montreal, and I don't drive for groceries. It takes you 4.5 hours? Because of your vision problems? Because no way does it take that long to get to a grocery store in Montreal. It's a city, there are grocery stores everywhere. And Montreal is surrounded by farming communities, we get a lot of cheap produce in season, even outside the farmer's markets (I'm guessing you mean Atwater and Jean-Talon). In 4.5 hours you could take a bus straight to the farms and come back...
  • michcor
    michcor Posts: 52 Member
    she's not married, no kids... of course it's easy now!!! geesh!!!

    Doesn't matter. Her main point is that healthy food is cheaper. You just have to shop smart and make time to prep meals. Clearly, if people have enough time to post on these boards, they have enough time to prep for meals regardless of their marital status.

    I can tell you from my experience, eating healthy is not cheaper. I make pretty much EVERYTHING from scratch. I can and freeze foods, too. But, like I stated in an earlier response, I buy organic and nothing from factory farms (that to me, is eating healthy). It's very expensive. Sometimes, I honestly wish I didn't care about the food I feed my family, because buying Rice A Roni or Hamburger Helper is a hell of a lot cheaper.
  • ginag516
    ginag516 Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with you!!! 110 percent eating healthy is not expensive i do not have cable at home and i prep my food for the whole week and because I have a hate relationship with veggies I eat more of it. I enjoy left overs more than a month and i dislike wasting food too I only use my car for work only on daily errand I take public transportation helps me burn more calories. Where I live we have a 99 cent store that I can buy veggies for 10 dollars and the rest on protein etc. If we have budgets sometimes we need to sacrific things we really dont need. Well when it comes to your health I believe you shouldnt make excuses right?