Women lifting heavy - with pics



  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    Totally inspiring thread!

    Thanks to all the amazing and successful lifting women who posted inspiring photos!

    I'm just getting back into lifting and plan to have some awesome progress pictures of my own in a few months.
  • salsagal36
    salsagal36 Posts: 91 Member
    Brilliant thread, awesome pictures!
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    Your triceps look great!
  • gwhizeh
    gwhizeh Posts: 269 Member
    I always love these threads. Not just for all the wonderful eye candy, but to see the success from everyone. If I get half the success of most of you from lifts I'll be happy. :flowerforyou:
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    ...I better stay out of this thread before I get in trouble...
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member




  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member


    You look INSANELY hot. For real.
  • bwright9752
    bwright9752 Posts: 125 Member
    bump for later reading
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    Soooo awsome!!! Impressive!
  • Quest529
    Quest529 Posts: 103 Member
  • cfc32flvrs
    cfc32flvrs Posts: 23 Member
    Bump for links
  • Hi,

    i lift heavy and I'm not Bulky! my pic isn't recent... will try and find some to upload on here
  • savagecorey2
    savagecorey2 Posts: 14 Member
    i don't know how to post pictures on here..but my profile picture is the product of 6 weeks of incorporating weight training.
  • jkirby79
    jkirby79 Posts: 44 Member
  • Bambalina_1
    Bambalina_1 Posts: 78 Member
    Bump for later
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    This thread is very motivating. You all have worked hard and look amazing! Yah for muscles!
  • High fives to all the ladies! You look amazing. I can only hope I look half as good!
  • blessedmomof3girls
    blessedmomof3girls Posts: 61 Member
    This thread is literally making me go get the weights I bought yesterday out of the car and getting them in my house ASAP! WOW you woman look amazing! Can't wait to show my own awesome pics one day
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    New lifter here! 3 months in. I wanted to get back the booty I lost while on my year of weight loss and calorie restriction, thus SQUATS are my new fave. I lift 3 days a week (splits) and do cardio and yoga maaaaybe once a week, if that. I may gain or maintain or lose (as I was at my last weigh-in, both inches and lbs), but regardless, I feel really happy lifting and am noticing more results than I've ever gotten in my stints of getting super into running/cardio. These are in order of least to most recent...apologies for drunk face in the last one lol





  • Kennesaw24
    Kennesaw24 Posts: 50 Member
    I don't have pics. Darn! But I have proof in how my clothes fit. I'm 49. I'm not ripped, but I can wear skinny jeans and I feel/look better than I ever have. There's so much written now on why lifting (and lifting heavy) does not make women bulky, so I hope you can find some of that info for your friend.

    Also, challenge her to try a strength program for just six weeks. Let her make a decision to keep going with it or not after that time period. I think so many women are really intimidated by lifting weights, but I always say go in prepared (I write my exercises down in the notes section of my phone, along w/weight, sets, reps -- teach her all that if you need to.) Practice before you go (visualize), and then go, stay focused, and just do it. And if you need to ask a question, trainers in the gym are usually happy to help.

    After awhile it will be like second nature, and she'll be thrilled with the results!
  • crosstrich
    crosstrich Posts: 40
    wow i wanna be totally ripped like some of these ladies. <3
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    You can clearly see how bulky heavy lifting made me [NB: "heavy" is a very relative term here. I lift what is probably very light for some of the more awesome ladies in the thread, but those weights are a huge challenge for me, to the point of failures. So let your friend know,OP, that if she is out of shape like I was, "heavy lifting" for her muscles will probably be very light in the big picture. There's basically no chance it will bulk her up. :P]

    Before Lifting - 134 lbs


    After 4 months - 111 lbs

  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    Holy *kitten*, Pestopoli, you look AMAZING!!!!!!!!! WOW. Inspired!
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    Holy *kitten*, Pestopoli, you look AMAZING!!!!!!!!! WOW. Inspired!

    Whoa, thank you!! Made my day :D
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    What a buncha hotties!!
  • AdrianasMombieED
    AdrianasMombieED Posts: 117 Member
    bump. saving this so i can see the pictures later(:
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    Wow I need to start lifting. You look amazing. Whata a transformation!!!!!
    Me ( I am 41)

    me with heavy lifting:


    pretty sure I was more bulky BEFORE i ever picked up a barbell.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    Going to look through more later. You guys are amazing.
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 595 Member
    These are my favorite threads. You all look amazing!! I hope I will "bulk" like you all did. :flowerforyou:
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