

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :happy:

    Sorry that I've been so sporadic with posting lately but I do so enjoy keeping up with everyone here! Things seem to be getting back on track and I'm feeling productive again! The only downside is that it appears that even though I love my Water Zumba, my body does not. My back and leg (IT band) is pretty messed up right now but the silver lining is that I found a great chiropractor that is conveniently next store to the gym. Friday, after a great massage and an adjustment felt 80 percent better but I should have kept my appt. yesterday because I'm in a lot of pain right now. I am going back tomorrow though so hopefully will be 100 percent in no time! I really miss my Zumba but at least I can still do the water walking without too much discomfort. Our house re-fi is back on again and hoping it goes smoothly from here on out and I'm taking some free computer classes online to give myself an edge when my actual classes start in Oct.. My DD and I took both dogs and her cat to the vet yesterday for heartworm checks and shots. Our vet is a walk-in clinic so we were there close to two hrs and come to find out the poor cat (Clark) wasn't due for anything!! The only reason we took him is because the county called my DD and said he was overdue for rabies. Come to find out he's not due until Nov! Think there was a mix-up because she adopted him under her name but he got his last shots and registration under my name. The vet's office said they'll straighten it out but anyone that has cats knows how much they love to get shoved in a carrier and go to the vet! I think he might be starting to forgive us! :smile: Very proud of both my furry boys because even with the stress of the vet, neither one got carsick!! They almost always get sick in my car. Today, I going with DD to Chicago to meet one of my grand nieces for the first time (she's 6 mos.) and see my other grand niece, who I haven't seen since Jan. (she's almost 18 mos and lives in Germany). Had fun picking out gifts for them yesterday!

    Michele-I would take that as a very good sign that Bryan called both you and Vince after the wedding to check up on his dad!

    Hugs and best wishes to everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Kathy in cooler and sunny IL :drinker:
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies- Happy Tuesday! Today, since I am home, I weighed in and was nicely surprised. I don't know how it happened, but I lost 4 pounds while I was house sitting. I do not feel like I lost weight. I feel bloated and icky, but the scale says that I have lost weight. I am grateful and I am doing a happy dance, but my little brain is confused. (I know, that happens a whole lot!)

    Today the tree trimmers and yard men are coming to tame the trees and make the HOA grounds people happy. You will all hear me sobbing loudly as I write the check!

    So, I had the site recalculate my goals, and they said I should drop from 1600 cals a day to 1200. My brain freaked when it read that number. I reset the goals to 1450, and I will see how that goes. I do know for me that the brain-game is a huge part of the battle. My brain sends me lots of negative messages, and I have to consciously push them aside and replace them with positive messages. (I sound schizophrenic, but I am not, just weird.) Those negative messages have been in place for so long, that they are really difficult to replace. I enjoy the positive affirmations that are often posted on this board. They really help me. Anyway, with the drop in goal calories, it will be even more important for me to 'earn' excercise calories that I can use if I need them. I really will need to get my butt moving!

    *Joyce- You went and exercised, that is a very good thing. Isn't it funny how we get into routines (my bike) and get so easily flustered when we have to change?

    *Sue- Welcome back from Hawaii! Rest up, and then post pics!

    *Deb- Have fun kayaking! I love being on, in, near the water!

    *Diana- Welcome to the board. :flowerforyou: You will find lots of support here, and many women with similar issues. I look forward to getting to know you.

    *Sandy- Your picture is beautiful! :love: That is a devilish little smile. Thank you for sharing this with us!

    *Meg- Take care and feel better soon. I don't know what it is this year, but sinus infections seem to be "the thing" that everyone is getting. Nasy!

    *Cindygary- Welcome! :flowerforyou: It sounds like you live a wonderful life style, but you work a whole lot harder than I want to work! I can't imagine making bacon! I have never tried coconut oil on popcorn. I think I will, though. WW did not work for me because 1) they are very expensive and 2) I found the "oh, too happy" instructor to be very condescending. I like the real, honest support and feedback I get from the women on this board and my friends here on MFP. I hope you find us supportive and helpful, too.

    *Yanniejannie- You be careful restarting your exercises! I bet you were just tickled when you could share clothes with you DD! Congratulations!

    *Linda- I am glad you popped in today. Everytime I see your picture, I want a grandbaby hug! Sounds like you are very busy in the garden and the kitchen! Take care of that blood sugar, you don't need to be sick. Have fun w/ the curtains!

    *Michelle- I am glad I was right about Home Depot. You might also be able to get similar little slippers in a medical supply store because hospitals and Dr. offices sometimes use little slippers to keep contamination in check. Is Vince better? Isn't today his dr app't? Tell him we are thinking about him and sending healing vibes!

    Well, I had better get busy. I am not going to make it up to the pool this morning, so I hope the afternoon rains hold off until after the workers leave, so I get can up there later.

    Have a great day, Everyone & Stay well!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Phoo - congrats on the 4 lbs. However it happened, it happened. Fantastic!

    Today I had an NSV. At yoga today one of the women, who is a bit older than me, but in quite good shape, said that she absolutely had to tell me how inspirational I was and how amazing I looked! :blushing: Wow! I was in my new slim fit work out top, but WOW! Then in the pub where we go for a coffee at the end of term one of our very slim ladies turned to me and asked me if I had lost weight. When I said I had, she asked how much. (I think thin people notice these things much less than fat ones because it's not on their radar) When I said 3 stone 5 lbs she almost fell over! (47 lbs). As much as the weight I've lost I think it is also the exercise as, like Jodios, I am smaller now at the same weight as I used to be. I used to think I was fat at this weight!!! (When I was in my 20s)! I also have less cellulite on my thighs now than I did then. One of the worst "shaming" things that happened to me in my early 30s was, standing on the beach in France, in front of a bunch of young women, one of them said, thinking I wouldn't understand, "Oh, les cuisses!" :sad: :sad: :embarassed: I wanted to crawl away and die. It means "Oh, those thighs!" Well, in my early 60s I still have cellulite, but I am proud of my thighs!!!:drinker:

    We have just had a couple of painters round to estimate painting our outside windows and doors.. 2 men for two weeks! And we really need 2 new doors, but we will try to get away with filling the cracks. Yikes! Expensive. And I heard today that they still haven't let my little flat and may have to lower the rent even more.:sad: Now Barbie, I am going to count all my blessings, which are many, and not let a little question of money get to me! :noway: :laugh: It is true, I am blessed in so many ways, not least with my DH.:love:

    Bye for now- I am trying out the egg plant recipe from skinny taste tonight along with salmon with a touch of chipotle.

    Love from Heather in still hot Hampshire, WITH NO RAIN.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    took Violet to Chuckie cheese to play.Ate the pizza and got sick.
    Have a good one.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good afternoon and what a GREAT day it is. I woke up to thunder and lighting and rain. Was raining pretty hard when I came to work at 05:30 and lasted acouple hours. Now if things just cool off . I weighed in this morning and down 3.4 pounds, Must say I was surprised as thought I would gain. That makes a total of 97 pounds and going to get to the 100 and be half way there. My GD are taking me for a peridcure when I reach the 100 pounds. Not sure which of us is the more excited.
    Welcome Diana and Cindy. Hope you post often and get to know us and let us get to know you. We are a great group if I must say so they have been great support for me.
    Meg- Hope you are feeling better and got some of this rain.
    Jodios- Trip to Hawaii, Sounds like alot of fun.
    granmallie- glad to hear your electricity is back on at work. Now you get to play catch up. Be good to yourself. I know last week when we had the line cut I was so stressed I wanted to cry. Today they finally got the faxing fixed. Still have no TV's in the skilled unit. We are all hoping that is fixed soon. Been a week today so would think could figure it out.
    Linda- sounds like you are busy with all the berries. I wish we had some around here. We do have a apple and cherry tree in our yard and the birds and squirrels love that..
    Kathy- Hope you enjoy your time with DD and the GN. How exciting to meet one for the first time all the way from Germany. I must say so many people on here travel to some great places and I do not get much out of Nebraska.
    Pat- Congrates on the weight loss. They had me recalculate my calories this morning and put me down 80 calories. I am at 1230 now.
    Heather- Great NSV. It is nice when others notice. I know I have trouble seeing it myself sometimes and makes it nice that others notice.
    Well hope you all have a good afternoon and keep cool.
    Blessed! Vicki in NE
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
    Hi Dear Ladies: Well the DGD has gone home and the house seems really empty but it is kind of nice to be getting back to a regular routine. I did not lose any weight while she was here but I did not gain anything either even with the travel. Yesterday I got back to my regular exercise routine and today went to the gym. It is hard to do much with the sling on but at least I am able to walk for 30 minutes on the track and do the recumbent stepper. The orthopedist is not allowing me to do any PT until August 9 because he wants the tendons to heal before putting much stress on them.

    Michelle - I think you may be disappointed by Bryan but remember who raised him and have faith. I am sure you did a remarkable job and he will eventually come back to his roots.

    Amanda - Glad you are out of the hospital and recovering. Take it easy and don't rush.

    Sounds as if most are having a good summer in spite of heat and humidity. Remember how just a few months ago we were complaining about the cold. :laugh: Time seems to go so fast.

    All of you take care. Congrats to those with successes and prayers to those who need them. Sue in SD
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Got to come back in and say the "baked eggplant sticks" from skinnytaste.com were PHENOMENAL! DH was beside himself with delight! We had double portions each, but it still only came to 172 each. With it we had a 4 oz salmon steak baked in tin foil with chipotle paste and smokey bbq drops. 200 each? With it I mixed for a dip low fat creme fraiche with pesto stirred in and a squirt of lemon juice. 80 each. So a fantastic meal for about 450 cals.

    Just watching the Prince coming out of hospital live. Love a baby!
    Bye, Heather UK
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
    Back from vacayand marking place.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Missdiana & Cindy: Welcome to a great group of women. You’ve joined just by posting. Post often, and you’ll get to know people. Please include your location in your signature. It is fun knowing where people are.:flowerforyou:

    Gail: I had my fitting at Macy’s because they carry the brand of bra I like. It was simple and fast, and I wound up with the right size. It was easy and not at all embarrassing.:bigsmile:

    Meg: I hope your headache is gone. I had one for days with the dreaded plague and DH has had a low level headache for several days as he tries to get over it, too.:sick:

    Tigress: I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    YannieJannie: Having your daughter borrow your clothes is a huge NSV—especially since she returned them! :bigsmile: My daughter has never borrowed my clothes because she is several inches shorter than me and even though she hasn't lost all of the baby weight from DGD's birth and I’m newly leaner, she still wears smaller sizes. Maybe the size will come closer when I finally reach my goal--whenever that will be.:laugh:

    Michelle: Regarding the thought that Diana wouldn’t like coming to the US if pregnant—I get it. She would probably want her mom and family around her for the baby’s birth. Of course we’re all making assumptions, but there is a possibility…:flowerforyou:

    Jodios: Here is a link to all I know need to know about trigger finger other than personal experience: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/trigger-finger/DS00155:huh:

    DeeDee: I can just imagine your dog “helping” you mop. :laugh: Enjoy your play time.:flowerforyou:

    Lin: Keeping the diet while doing things that have established routines and treats is not easy. I try to plan ahead and keep some of my traditions but tweak them in favor of the new me. So far I’m batting less than 100% but better than I thought I’d be able to do. Enjoy your blueberry harvest. :flowerforyou:

    Mamacindy: It sounds like you have worse trigger finger symptoms than I do. Best luck. My “therapy” rubber bands are ordinary office supplies, but the heavy-duty version that is wider, maybe 3/8”. I didn’t actually measure but I will if you ask. I don’t think it really matters that much.:flowerforyou:

    M: Your weather sounds very dramatic. Congratulations on your new refrigerator and good luck balancing diet with real life. :bigsmile: I guess diet is real life from now on.:ohwell:

    I’m back from yoga, where I nearly froze. The air conditioner had our room down to meat locker temperature.:grumble: Direct TV is installed and now we have to live with it for at least 2 years. I hope we end up satisfied with our choice. The picture quality is awesome, but I’m not sure how to find my shows. I’ll learn. Have a great day.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I have been without a headache for several days now and late yesterday it came back with a vengence. :sad: :huh: It started out when I was on the computer. Can the glare or lack of it cause a headache??? If I put my head down any at all it was pulsating, throbbing. But if I kept it straight or even back a little bit it wasn't as bad. So I took a Lortab and 2 Benadryl. It was difficult keeping my head ion the correct position on my pillow to allow me to get to sleep. It was only barely there this morning until I got back on my laptop where I had to bend my head down. It's getting pretty intense now. I feel like a limp washcloth. So now Y today. Maybe later I may go for a walk.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I have been reading all the posts but no time to chat. Work is going really well. Such a positive happy group/team of people to work with. I am still so happy and they appreciate me. :bigsmile:

    Robin, Bodi and Rit
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Happy Tuesday! Yes, the second graders also asked why I always said Happy <insert day> & I told them I was always happy to see them and missed them when I didn't. Same here, always happy to read about this wonderful group of uplifting people. No news, just another temperate day in the Northwest.

    Sandy (?) Kalley – what a wonderful picture! Great smile,

    Meg – hope that headache went away!

    Cindygary – welcome, wow, you accomplish quite a bit. This is a very supportive and encouraging group who will offer support on your journey.

    Tigress – glad you’re feeling better,

    yanniejannie – love that reverse NSV (& French onion soup)! Zumba sounds like fun, too.

    Michele – bosu ball DVD – hope it was fun. I have one somewhere here and once I get feeling a bit fitter I’ll try adding in trying to balance. Essential tremor will make it interesting at least.

    Jodios – your waffles sound super as did your dinner. Happy belated birthday to DH.

    Joyce – cake in a mug sounds like great portion control, hope the birthday celebration was all you hoped it to be

    DeeDee – I should get my posterior in gear and clean house, too. Garbage day tomorrow so it’s time to clear out some more stuff.

    Grandmallie – hope it wasn’t as crazy as you expected.

    Linda – please get those blood sugar numbers back in target range!

    mamacindy – I just got another Leslie Sansone DVD from the library – her ultimate 5 day walk plan. I’ll be giving it a go this week

    m – good luck with the added proteins, happy kitties are okay & that you’re feeling great!

    Kathy – Good that you can water-walk while you sort out your exercise, back & leg, etc. and finding an effective chiropractor is marvelous. How perfect getting to meet up with grand nieces, enjoy!

    Pat – what an excellent surprise with those 4 lbs.! I don’t think you’re schizophrenic at all. I hear those same negative voices often and am doing better fighting them off lately. I like your solution of a calorie compromise instead of forcing yourself to drop off calories lower than you’re prepared to make.

    Heather - how inspirational I was and how amazing I looked! SIMPLY MARVELOUS! I read that and know you are amazing,

    Jane – brave woman going into Chuck E Cheese, sorry the pizza made you sick, but is it good that your body’s not accepting junk anymore?

    Vicki – oh, my, down 3.4 lbs. and a total of 97! You’re an Amazon!

    Sue – I’m going to remember you at the gym in a sling the next time I try and tell myself I don’t really need to go.

    Katla – just remember you burn more calories working out in cold, at least I think I read that somewhere,

    Joyce – I rarely get headaches but when I do they knock me down completely. Take care of you.

    Robin – you more than deserve a great place to work, enjoy!

    Janie, Pacific NW

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member

    I've been super busy with the gardens, dogs, and work, haven't had any extra time to write. Sun-up to sundown, busy busy busy!! Just wanted to share a summer poem by Robert Louis Stevenson.

    Summer Sun

    Great is the sun, and wide he goes
    Through empty heaven with repose;
    And in the blue and glowing days
    More thick than rain he showers his rays.

    Though closer still the blinds we pull
    To keep the shady parlour cool,
    Yet he will find a ***** [gap] or two
    To slip his golden fingers through.

    The dusty attic spider-clad
    He, through the keyhole, maketh glad;
    And through the broken edge of tiles
    Into the laddered hay-loft smiles.

    Meantime his golden face around
    He bares to all the garden ground,
    And sheds a warm and glittering look
    Among the ivy's inmost nook.

    Above the hills, along the blue,
    Round the bright air with footing true,
    To please the child, to paint the rose,
    The gardener of the World, he goes.

    Wishing everyone well!

    :smile: jb in nice, warm Portland who is about to have half a piece of "Very Raspberry Pie" without the crust :bigsmile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hey everyone. Beautiful day here; mid 80s, no humidity. Going to be really nice all week. I do wish it would rain. We got another 20 drops this morning LOL. Thought my PALS class was today; it’s tomorrow, so I worked in the office all day but still didn’t get much done. Too many people stop by to chat. Had a great dinner; I revised my totals after eating because I didn’t eat everything I logged!

    Weigh in day was a disappointment; I’m up ½ pound. I looked back and my daily average was well under my goal and I exercised more than last week. Well who knows. Maybe next week I’ll lose a whole ton. I did wake up feeling totally better today.

    Cindy : welcome aboard!!!

    Tigress: hope you had a productive day!

    Yanniejannie: how exciting to have the same birthday as the new prince. I thought she was having a girl…I read somewhere that the Duchess let that slip out one time.

    Michele: I bet you are still tired from your trip and your sinuses are taking advantage of that fact!

    Jodios: happy birthday to DH! Your dinner sounds scrumptious!

    Joyce: you have a lot of celebrating going on. Enjoy!!! AND get over that headache. Yes, glare can give you a headache.

    DeeDee: your dog and mop story reminds me of one time hubby and I were flipping a house. He was sweeping an upstairs bedroom and kept trying to get this ball of brown fur out from behind the door. He finally jabbed at it and it opened its eyes and hissed at him! It was a bat! Turns out the entire attic was a bat house!

    Grandmallie: wow all those steps! Good determination!

    Linda: please take care of yourself!

    Cindy: your daughter probably has lots of interesting stories to share.

    M: wow you were really good last night; much better than I would have been

    Pat: wow on that weight loss. Do you want what I gained?

    Heather: that was such a nice nsv! I am sure that kept you smiling all day, I will check on that recipe!

    Jane: ugh! Hope you feel better soon. I hate chuckie cheese. Only took my kids there once because it was some other kid’s bd party.

    Vicki: so glad you got some refreshing rain. I think our total for 2 days is 30 drops! AT least the temperature and humidity are
    both way down. We may set a record low tomorrow night.

    Sue take it easy with the arm!

    Katla: good luck learning the new system. I guess you’ll find out what shows you really like LOL

    Jb: love the poem!

    Well I’m off to shower then try to get the old man to eat some tuna. What cat doesn’t like tuna? That cat. Well he does off and on. Usually gobbles down tuna from a fresh can, then we have to put it in his mouth after that. Then he’ll eat most of it. Meanwhile the other 3 critters are circling us like sharks!

    Take care everyone Meg from pleasantly wonderful weather land in Omaha
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi All ! :flowerforyou:

    Read all the posts and jotted some notes, but don't have time to reply. Life during the week (especially M-W) is fairly hectic.

    But it looks like many of you are experiencing wonderful scale and nonscale victories! :drinker: I toast you with my seltzer water! Congratulations! My victory for today is that I ate small amounts and healthily. Thanks to all for your support and suggestions.

    And to those who are experiencing headaches, sinus infections, aches, pains, etc., my sympathies! :cry:

    Kate in Brooklyn, NY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Well, this morning I did a DVD on the bosu. Tomorrow I'll just do some walking on the treadmill, then we have the Newcomer board meeting and then bowling. Which reminds me that I need to cut up my carrots to take. Was vacuuming the floors and suddenly the vacuum wasn't as powerful. So I asked Vince if there was a reason. Well, we went downstairs and the vacuum wouldn't work at all. Seems the bag was full, but I didn't see the indicator light on. We changed the bag but it was still hot. I just went downstairs (it's been maybe 1/2 hr) and the vacuum still won't work. But then again, it is a bit hot. I'm hoping that the motor wasn't fried. Back to logging the food and getting in decent water. Update: the vacuum just needed to cool more.

    Cindy - your daughter's experiences sound so fascinating. Thanks for sharing them

    Vince is at the MD right now. Depending on what the MD says, Vince may order the rest of the riverrock today.

    M - your lettuce wrap had me salivating. Congrats on the new refrig. Do you have to call the trash guys specially for large items? Or do they just take them on the regular garbage day?

    Kathy - feel better fast. I remember the first time Loki went to the vet. He was only a little over a pound. they took his temperature. You should have seen how big his eyes got!!!! Oh, how all our cats LOVE to go to the vet (scarcastic smile)

    Pat - woohoo on the weight loss. I tell you, I am s-c-a-r-e-d to weigh myself after this trip. Well, maybe, just maybe, I can help myself just a little by eating healthy until Sat. I'm thinking that I have a sinus infection, too (oh joy!). I don't know if it's bad enough to get an antibiotic yet. Vince went to the MD today. Basically, the MD said that there is a slight, very very slight, possibility that if he had a stone and it was in just the right place, the CT scan wouldn't pick it up. If Vince were to get this blocked salivary gland again, there is another test (it's expensive and not done a whole lot) that would tell them 100% if in fact he had a blocked duct, but since the CT scan didn't show anything, the MD doesn't think so. He told Vince to continue with the antibiotics. We called the place where we got the riverrock from, and the machine for sorting the stones still isn't fixed. We went to two other places to see if they had riverrock like ours. One place it was in a bag, which meant it would be VERY expensive not to mention that we really couldn't look at it to see if it matches what we have. At the other place, I don't think it matched closely enough. So it looks like we'll probably be waiting until the machine is fixed. I would like to get this done before the social, but if that doesn't happen, oh well......

    Heather - what a wonderful NSV. It feels so good when someone says things like that to you, doesn't it? WOW what a weight loss, you should be very proud.

    Sue in SD - you didn't gain and that's a good thing. I think with Bryan I'm starting to get to the point of not being so depressed any more, just accepting that he's changed. I do so wish that I had the old Bryan back, but I think I'm getting to where I'm accepting this Bryan more and more. Denise called earlier and said that he reamed her out. Seems that when we got back, she posted on facebook "It's good to be back in the states, but I do miss Europe, just not the smelly people". Bryan said that that was like saying that Diana's family smells. Honestly, I saw that post and didn't think anything of it. But to make him happy, she deleted the part about the smelly people. I know that she was just referring to the fact that not a lot of people use deodorant and it had nothing to do with Diana's family.

    katla - one time I did something in yoga class that I'd never ever done before. I did yoga with my coat on, it was sooo cold.

    joyce - feel better fast

    Robin - I am so happy for you. This probably came up while I was away, is this permanent? The same company as shewhowillnotbenamed is at or a different one?

    Jane - I never did like Chuck E Cheese. Once when the kids were very small they "took me out for dinner" for mother's day. Where did they "take" me? Chuck E. Cheese. I guess they figured the liked it and so would I. But the thought was great. Even tho Vince paid (they were too young). That's a Mother's Day I'll never forget.

    jb - enjoy that pie for me!

    Meg - sometimes it takes our bodies a while to catch up. Give it time. I bet next week you'll show a loss.

    Sprayed some weed killer outside and was sweating. Rinsed out my clothes and now I took a shower.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello........just a quick pop on; long, super busy day.....topped off with over 400 to register and feed at the picnic tonight

    Lots of people have had losses and NSVs.........congrats!!!

    Joyce......I have glasses I ordered from my eye dr. just for glare driving at night; not cheap, about 450.00, but they do cut down the glare from the lights and I can see better driving at night..........maybe something like that would help with computer glare for you. Might be worth it to save you from those awful headaches.

    Sorry, guys.........lots more to say but too tired.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: I read all the posts and am thrilled by all the weight loss and the great NSV’s …..this thread is such an inspiration to all of us.

    :bigsmile: I got a lot of items crossed off my “to do” list, walked the dogs for three hours , completed 190 squats---50 of them with hand weights----a two minute plank, 22,000 steps, worked in the yard for two hours, and went to the movies with Jake to see “Red 2”----too much action for me, but fabulous characters and a very clever plot.

    :heart: Barbie from warm and sunny NW Washington


    July Resolutions (with week three comments)
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard (making great progress)
    *continue with the squat challenge (continuing with the harder challenge)
    * a plank a day (every day)
    *18,000 steps a day (every day

    33,000 one day)
    *don’t take things personally (wow, is this a great resolution)
    *don’t expect praise or recognition (this is also a great way to live)
    *keep doing the things that have been working (going great)
  • Subzeromambo
    Subzeromambo Posts: 27 Member
    I am new and just beginning a journey to lose 50 lbs after being ill in bed for 3 1/2 years. Today I managed to walk for 90 minutes! Two months ago I moved to a neighborhood where I can walk to everything. It is wonderful to walk everywhere instead of driving.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Went for a walk tonite and had to come back for a sweater I could not believe it but yes the cold front has come:happy: should be nice all week so look out weeds here I come.
    Wishing everyone under the weather healing thoughts and congrats to all the great losses really are some impresive ones.
    I had my doctors appt. Today and he was happy all my bloodwork came back gòod and although I will have to continue taking medication it will not have to be changed or added too. That is my biggest improvement in the now 210 days here I have learned how to eat healthy and it is showing.

    Hello to all who are new, great place to be:smile:

    Nite all juanita in sudbury