Tattoo: Would you tell your S/O?



  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Your "mutual respect" is a guise for control. Good luck with that.

    Um, yes. This is always how the forums go. If your spouse does anything you don't like, this is "disrespect" and grounds for immediate divorce.

    But to the OP - definitely tell him about it in advance, since you are married (if this was a boyfriend no such obligation would exist).

    Then decide how important it is to you compared to his feelings (and your annoyance from having to listen to his feelings).

    Besides, nothing is wrong with trashy. :wink:
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Lots of opinions already but I will add mine, tell him and let him know that it is your body and therefore your decision and you'd hope he would support your choice.

    Honestly he should support it even if he doesn't like it because it means something to you, isn't there anything he does that you don't exactly like but are supportive of?

    Sidenote: My ex-husband was not supportive of anything I did or wanted and that included my monroe piercing, I got it without telling him and that was a huge problem... I ended up taking it out for his sake and we didn't end up staying married anyway so I got it re-pierced and am happy as pie. It looks great on me and most people can't even tell I have it which is wierd since it is a little piece of grey and sparkly white sticking out my lip lol.
  • joe_madre
    joe_madre Posts: 693
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    I hope she and her next husband are happy...

    lol................... 34 years and still married

    All your mfp friends are mostly hot chicks. You look like a creeper old man.

    I believe the proper term is "father figure"
  • BadAssBeautie
    If he feels that strongly about it, and you go and get it done with an "f-you this is MY body and I will do what I want" then even if he ends up liking it... it will be a constant visual f-you every time he sees it.

    might he end up thinking:
    - she didn't give enough consideration to me to tell me she was getting it done
    - she doesn't give a crap what I think
    - my thoughts and feelings don't matter
    - it's all about her

    YES, I know it is your body... but if he is your spouse, he has to look at it too.

    What if he wanted to split his tongue, or get massive spacers in his ears? It's his body - he should go for it and show you later.
    What if he wants to dress in drag the next time you go out for dinner? It's his body, he can dress how he likes and you better accept it.

    The fact is that you are married. If you believe in marriage as becoming "one", then him being the person that will see your ink ALL the time... it should at least be important enough for you to discuss it with him, rather than sneaking about, hiding it, spending the money, and expecting "oh I love you honey, you are so gorgeous, how ever could i have been so wrong" after the fact.

    Good luck.

    eta... I know you can't get massive spacers in one shot... bad example lol
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    just surprise him with it :P

    or tell him

    I have surprised my partner with tattoos, but he loves them. So I suppose it would be a sad surprise for him.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    You would divorce your wife over her getting a small tattoo?

  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Yeah, after thinking about it more and reading the responses it definitely would have been a d i c k move on my part. I'm definitely going to tell him, but I'm not asking for his permission..
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    I have several tattoos, so I'm not tattoo snob.

    I am also married to someone whose not a big fan of tattoos. He seems tolerant of the ones I have (that I got before I met him), but wouldn't be happy if I suggested getting another. But I don't want another, so I married him knowing he doesn't like them because it didn't matter, I wasn't getting anymore.

    I guess my question is, did you know he didn't like tattoos when you married him? Because it's kind of unfair for you to marry him knowing that and then decide you don't care what he thinks, you're getting one anyway.

    I'd like to think if I sat my husband down and gave him a sincere explanation why an additional tattoo was desired (to commemorate something significant, for example), he'd contemplate it and we'd come to some compromise (perhaps if I wanted it on my arm, maybe he'd be okay with me putting it on my hip instead where it's less visible, or something like that).

    I would never just go and get one, knowing full well he hates them. That's pretty much just sticking your middle finger up at him and saying 'I don't give a cr@p what you think'. And if that is where you are coming from, then I'd say tattooing is the least of your problems....

    This ^^^. Except I am not married, he's my BF. Had the tat before him. He doesn't like them, loves me though and the tat doesn't bother him. I know he would have an issue if I wanted more, however I also know that we would have a frank and meaningful discussion about why I might if I thought I wanted another one and I would be willing to compromise if something say on the arm was more offensive than another spot less obvious.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'll say this once: DO. NOT. LIE. TO. YOUR. HUSBAND.

    And yes, planning to do this and not telling him about it is lying.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I think you're showing a total lack of respect for your marriage by doing something behind his back ESPECIALLY when you know he wouldn't like it. To me, a marriage is about two people serving and submitting to one another, especially when it comes to strong feelings about something permanent.

    Yes, it's your body and you can make that decision. Why would you choose to do that when he has such strong feelings against it? How is that beneficial to your marriage relationship? At the same time, when you got married you also gave yourself to your spouse and so a permanent decision like this I think should also involve him.

    ^^^ This

    I really think what the OP is planning is tantamount to her saying "eff-you" to her husband, in which case they've got way bigger problems than the fact he hates tattoos and she wants one. I adore my tattoos and I'm glad I got them BEFORE I met my hubby because he doesn't care for tattoos (although says mine are classy and well located so not a big deal). But if I met him and I wanted tattoos and he hated them, I'd have to decide if that was a deal breaker for me BEFORE I married him. Sorry. If you married him knowing he hates them, you made an unspoken agreement not to get one.

    It is your body OP. You are theoretically free to do what you want with it. But I'd love to see how you'd feel if he wanted a Prince Albert piercing or a tattoo of something raunchy in a place open to public view, or something else that you don't like but you'd be stuck looking at/dealing with for the rest of your life.

    I'd worry less about the tattoo and more about what your willingness to do something permanent to your body that he hates really says about your relationship as a whole. I'd fix that first. Honestly, he might cave into the tattoo eventually if you treated him like his opinion was valuable to you.
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    Yeah, after thinking about it more and reading the responses it definitely would have been a d i c k move on my part. I'm definitely going to tell him, but I'm not asking for his permission..

    What? You listened to reasoned arguments, and changed your mind?
    And ADMITTED it?

    Sorry -- that is unacceptable MFP behaviour. I'll have to report this post.
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    This guy is a ****, first of all. Second of all, you're both adults. You don't need his permission, and he doesn't need to be childish about it.

    Third of all, he'll probably never trust you again, and I honestly wouldn't blame him. Don't sneak and do things behind your husband's back.
  • BadAssBeautie
    Yeah, after thinking about it more and reading the responses it definitely would have been a d i c k move on my part. I'm definitely going to tell him, but I'm not asking for his permission..

  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    How important is this tattoo to you? Yes, it's your body are you should do what you want. But if it's something your husband is so strongly against, finds it hideous, etc., is it worth upsetting him so much? It's a compromise. Is your husband really being unreasonable? Is this tattoo more important than someone else's opinion?

    Personally, I'm a strong believer in individuality and doing what you want, especially when it concerns your body. But at the same time, a tattoo IS a big deal, it's permanent, it changes your physical appearance, it says something about you that everyone can see.

    I like certain tattoos on other people, but in general, I'm not a huge fan of them being on my lover, but a nice tattoo is fine, maybe even sexy. However, when my bf told me he wanted to get a tattoo that looked like a wolverine was ripping out of his back, there was just no way. Sorry, but I can't take someone with such a stupid cheesy tattoo seriously. He ended up never getting the tattoo due to fear of needles. But I can't respect someone who would permanently tattoo such an ugly picture to their body, I have to look at it every day too! And so would others, it says a lot about someone. If it had been something tasteful and meaningful, different story. But imagine if he had gone ahead and done it without telling me? Total dealbreaker.

    It's a question of being reasonable, and assessing your priorities in life. I certainly would never do something like behind my husband's back.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,713 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.
    I would've agreed with you and go my tattoo.

    if a guy was willing to bail over something so trivial then he didn't love me that much to start with, and if he didn't love me that much to start with then i'm not going to live my life to please him.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Yeah, after thinking about it more and reading the responses it definitely would have been a d i c k move on my part. I'm definitely going to tell him, but I'm not asking for his permission..

    What? You listened to reasoned arguments, and changed your mind?
    And ADMITTED it?

    Sorry -- that is unacceptable MFP behaviour. I'll have to report this post.

    LOL, yeah I'm not against admitting my mistakes and changing my mind. Especially when I have the luxury of a Plan B as is the case here :)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Yeah, after thinking about it more and reading the responses it definitely would have been a d i c k move on my part. I'm definitely going to tell him, but I'm not asking for his permission..

    But what are you going to tell him, that you made an appointment and you're going regardless of what he says and how he feels? That's just like not telling him until the last minute.

    Be an adult. Sit down with him and discuss your reasons for getting it and let him discuss his reasons for not wanting you to get one. And by discuss I mean talk not scream and yell at each other.

    In the end you need to decide whether or not getting a tattoo is really worth having your husband look at you differently and feel tension whenever he sees your tattoo. It seems like this is a lose/lose situation in that you're going to do what you want regardless.
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    Yeah, after thinking about it more and reading the responses it definitely would have been a d i c k move on my part. I'm definitely going to tell him, but I'm not asking for his permission..

    What? You listened to reasoned arguments, and changed your mind?
    And ADMITTED it?

    Sorry -- that is unacceptable MFP behaviour. I'll have to report this post.

  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    Yeah, my ex didn't want me to get another tattoo.... so we broke up. I felt that he didn't have any right to tell me what I could or could not do with my body. It struck me as controlling. The irony is that a while later he dated a girl with more tats than me! Anyway, I prefer my relationship now, where my partner and I have a 'we're grown so we do what we want' policy.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm not sure what direction to go here.. Mainly due to my mood right now. My husband is not very supportive of my weight and has often used my weight gain against me in disagreements. I am a recovering addict and since I got clean, I gained a lot of weight. He has the metabolism of a hummingbird and can eat to his heart's desire. He has often said that he was embarrassed to be seen with me in public and etc... So this year I really started to focus on me and my health. Not for him finally, but for me. Also, I decided to do something that was permanent to my body.. I have a LARGE tattoo that I have been working on since March. My thoughts, if he can't accept me through the things I can change, is he willing to accept me through something I cannot... Now just to be clear, he knew that I was getting a tattoo.. He just didn't know I was going to make it a project:laugh:

    I am by no means condoning my behaviour or saying what I am doing is healthy.. but this is my body and I will treat it in a way that I want to.. With or without his permission.

    Congrats on your sobriety. If he would rather you using than healthy and overweight, he may need to reevaluate his priorities. :noway:
    This is my Gaelic serenity prayer tattooacf15089-98f5-424e-a516-a7ff4cb73699_zps6503e2eb.jpg?t=1375125419

    To the OP: It sounds like a slap in the face to your hubby. Not just getting a tattoo when you know how he feels, but a "conspicuous" one where he and everyone else will see it regularly on your arm.