
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Chiclet, I'm so happy that Boo is doing better and the vet was able to repair what was wrong......As someone who sleeps with at least one and sometimes all four pets, I know how you felt being alone.....I hope you can find some yoga or prayer or meditation or something to keep you focused on the moment and help relieve your stress.....
    :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning Ladies.

    This is just a rush through post as it is our last day with our Aussie before he flies home this evening.

    Hope everyone is well and keeping the faith. Good luck for the weekend.

    Amanda x
  • Hi everyone.
    Sorry I've been absent so long. I had a long haul recovering from my bicycling crash 6 weeks ago, doing physical therapy for my injured back and getting my bike repaired properly, etc. The body heals, but the mind takes a bit longer to get back into the "being well and moving forward" mode.

    But the good news is, my orthopedist and therapist have given me the go ahead to embark on my 2 week bike trip. We fly out later today, 9/11 [of all days], for France. I don't think I'm quite 100%, but I have been out riding/training locally without back pain, so I'm good enough to go. Besides, I won't actually be riding until 3 days from now, which gives me a little longer to mend. I have a repertoire of stretching and strengthening exercises and some anti-inflamartory pills if necessary. I think hauling suitcases is going to be more troublesome than riding... and trying to sleep comfortably in a cramped "cheap" transatlantic flight seat. LOL

    I found it a bit hard to strictly follow my eating program since I wasn't doing much shopping or cooking until the past 2 weeks or so, depending on my hubby for meals, but I still managed to lose 1 pound, rather than gain, so I guess I learned something along the way... keep portions moderate, try to eat only wholesome food, not junk and even if you can't exercise as you'd like, you're still in control of what you put in your mouth. I decided I wasn't going to compensate for being laid low by making my body pay any more price than it already had. Besides, wholesome food heals.

    So, wishing you all the best... I'll "see you" and report on the trip and whether I managed to lose weight biking every day even though I'll be eating croissants for breakfast. ;>}
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just a quick post before the soccer game and errands for the day start.

    Michelle - our Y has staff in the gym that is there to help everyone with the equipment and supervise some stuff if people workout alone. So, I just have them help me.

    I weighed in at 144.6 this morning! I don't know what it is about me and .6 all the time. Still it is nice to see the ticker say 30 lbs. Only 10 more then I will have to evaluate how I look and feel and if I need to go for another 5 lbs.

    I scanned the posts and I know there is a lot going on, but I keep getting interrupted by family and pets, so I will just wish everyone well and send good thoughts your way. No time for a long post.

    Have a great day and may we all make good choices with our lives!
  • :flowerforyou: CHICLET Sorry it's been a while since I posted, had a 12 hour sleep, did the mind good. As for the lunges start small and work up. I did 10 to start on each leg. Bend as far as it is comfortable, so if you can only bend slightly that is fine. The treatment goes to keep doing them, as the reps (10) get easier go to 15 and then on from there. Twenty reps is a hint to try a slighter deeper angel in the bend, but do this slowly, don't jump in them as the original lunge goes, remember this is a therapy approach.

    Marching in spot may help with the legs also. Just lift as far as you can and do that for as long as you feel comfortable. Remember slowly, this works the muscles better and gives no impact to the legs. Natural gravity is a friend to help build muscle tissue and body weight with that gives the work needed to signal the body to support the muscles, by getting them food and water. so too remember drink water ( 1litre (16 oz.) per day) plus what ever else you drink, coffee and tea do not count. :heart:

    Hope everyone is doing well, got to get to the bird feeders and chores around the house, 12 hours is a good sleep but it sure leaves me feeling slow. Chat a little later, luv to all

  • Hi all:
    This past week really flew by! Hubby and I started doing our 'phase 2' of home renos last weekend. Doing the kitchen... we stripped all the wallpaper off the walls, filled all the holes and sanded, washed everything down and then repeated the 'hole filling' and washing. Worked all day Sat, Sun and Mon (as it was the Labour Day long weekend). Sunday was our 29th anniversary so we stopped to have dinner. We were supposed to go out with some friends but we were so tired we cancelled and had Teen Burgers instead! With both of us working it's hard to get anything done during the week so today we're back at the renos.

    Even though our kitchen is a mess I've still been able to keep up with (mostly) healthy eating, drinking water and getting my exercise in.

    We've had a really rainy and cool summer this year and now that September has hit it really feels like Autumn! It's come close to frosting at night but thankfully the snow is holding off! With all this talk of squash and harvesting veggies, I think I'm going to make a big pot of yummy vegetable soup.

    Keep up the good loses everyone... my thoughts go out to all those with pet health problems and elderly parent challenges. My Mom is 89 and is still in amazing shape. She still lives on her own and takes the bus everywhere. She is very independant and very active with her seniors group and church. She is always telling me about the 'old' ladies and how she does things for them. They are ALL younger than she is and yet she talks about them as though she's the young one. She's starting to slow down though too.

    Have a great day!
  • Thought this was a weight loss forum not a dog lovers forum.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    No Judith, we are a support and motivation group
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Evening everyone

    :smile: I found a little black bunny today on the way home from my uncles today. :noway: It was just wandering about in a garden a few doors down from me. I rushed home and told my daughter and we went to get it as I was worried it would get run over. By the time we found it, it had already wandered into another garden. It seemed friendly and we took it home, put it in the cat carrier and tried to find its owner. It actually belonged to the person at the end of our street, near where I saw it originally, she wasn't sure how it had escaped from the back garden. At least pet and owner were re-united. :smile:

    We've had changeable weather here the last few days, from very windy and wet to hot and sunny, sometimes in the space of 15 mins or so. I was fed up yesterday putting the washing on the line, bringing it in, taking it out again. In the end I shoved it all in the drier :bigsmile:

    Judith123 This is a weight loss forum, but lots of us are animal lovers too and we talk about our pets as well as our weight losses (and gains :frown: ) In fact we talk about lots of different things - that's what makes us so special and supporting of each other. Do you have any pets?

    missjo113 you sound as if you have been very busy, well done you for managing to keep up your healthy eating despite renovating your kitchen. :smile: Think I might have resorted to the local take away! I am also lucky in that my parents are still both alive and in good health. Mum is recovering from a cataract op on Friday, but she is doing well.

    Barbiecat1 welcome back and glad you are feeling better after your bike crash. Take care on your trip to France.

    Mimi I've lapsed with my eating of veggies,:ohwell: but I did a big shop today to stock up on fruit and veggies so will get back on track. I've missed your posts, your enthusiasm for good healthy food and roasted veggies in particular helps keep me motivated:wink:

    Well I have a few things to do. Chat again soon.

    Viv :heart:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    :bigsmile: Good Afternoon all,
    I have been MIA for a few days but I have managed to keep up on posts and logging in my foods. Hopefully it will show at the scale on Monday. :bigsmile:
    Took dad in for a blood draw on Wed and now we are in a holding pattern until October 13th when we go back for a PET scan so please keep us in your prayers.
    I had to work today and I will not get releaved until about 7:00pm :grumble: I normally don't mind but we had plans for today.
    anyway I need to keep this short, in case I get alot of customers :bigsmile:
    Everyone keep up the good work and I will try to post more later.

  • Judith

    Different things stress us out, which sometimes causes us to forget about eating properly and fall off the wagon. My dog being ill and the position I am in at this time financially, my mother being ill also and without transportation, is incredibly stressful for me. Boo, just made it all overflow. If not for the kindness and encouraging words from these great ladies, I would have gone completely off watching my food intake and instead of messing up one day like I did, the entire week would have been a shambles.

    Like the others said, it is a motivation and support group that helps us get through trying times or triggers that make us eat. That and the great advice they offer is what sets this thread apart from the rest.

    Here's to all you wonderful ladies!:drinker:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    We are all here to support each:love: other in any way we can.:flowerforyou: We are all here to share our ups:drinker: and our downs:sad: so we can achieve whatever we are trying to achieve.

    So I really fell off the wagon yesterday. I had a huge calorie day(too much wine and pizza hut pizza for the first time in years) and my sodium was off the charts:explode: . I can feel all those loving hands reaching out to help me climb back up. I will be back in the driver's seat come monday and driving down those pounds with a vengence. Have a lovely weekend all.
  • Hello everyone; been hitting the studies, food and sanitation, oh the food, oh the sanitation, I'm not really hungary now. My kids are calling for the supper to be dished out. Dogs will have to have a break from listening to my tap tap on the key board all day. Had a 12 hour sleep last night, and at this hour I still feel very tired, slow no energy to do anything. Yes I've had some oats today too. Supper will be some mushroom soup with oats, fruit and yogurt for dessert. It is getting dark only after seven oclock. Hydro will soon start going up in the hours. Anyone of you have smart meters? If so how is the consumption on the budget? Ours will come into effect next year, or so they are hoping for. We will soon see water meters come into our homes too, hopefully not too soon.

    I can see in the future the cost of everything being so high weight loss sites will be extinct, because we will not be able to afford food, utilities, and gyms. Maybe weight gain sites for the fortunate!:noway: :laugh:

    Any hoo I can't see my keyboard anymore, so I will venture down to feed the kids and then back to the studies with a light on. Hope all is well with everyone. Luv to all

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I had a lovely day in Tacoma with too much sitting, not enough exercise, and naughty food full of sodium for lunch but the friends and fellowship were great......two wonderful neighbors walked the dogs while we were gone and we got home in time to feed the pets at suppertime.

    :flowerforyou: tomorrow morning I leave for the five day line dance workshop.....I'll be riding with two other women so I've had to be careful in my packing so I don't take more than my fair share of space in the car :laugh: :laugh: I'm hoping for a meeting with Robin while I'm over there :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • :flowerforyou: Barbie

    A workshop for line dancing? Is it like cheer leading camp where they teach you new steps? Or are you performing? Either way have a really good time. Hope you hook up with Robin. Sounds like you will have fun.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Peggy

    What is a PET scan? I am hoping all goes well for your dad. It's tough taking care of your parents when they are older. I call my mom in Washington twice a day to check on her and make sure she gets what she needs. Little things like, fresh fruit to eat, moving the phone close to her so she can call out to people, making sure she asks for medication like pain med when she is sore and doesn't realize she can ask for it. I also call her physical therapist, occupational therapist, head nurses, her doctor etc. Those people know me as "Oh it's Angie's daughter, again" . I know I am a PITA but it's my mom after all and I want her to get the best help she can and no her goals so that she will be able to stay there and not be turned out by the insurance company because she is not "progressing" fast enough for them. Your dad is lucky to have you.

    :flowerforyou: Robin

    I would like to think that I am one of those hands patting you on the back saying "chin up, tomorrows another day" but unfortunaltely, Pizza Hut pizza is my favorite. (Stuffed crust, pepperoni/mushroom) and "My hand" would probably be reaching for a slice right along with you. i haven't had it for over 6 months now. When you said you ate it, my mouth watered. Luckily I was eating dinner while reading the post (roasted veggies Mimi) and I just stuffed a mushroom in my mouth!:laugh: Hey at least it was part of the pizza I liked, right??

    Oh, ah, "chin up, tomorrows another day" :wink:

    Have fun hooking up with Barbie!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Today is Emma's tea party for her 4th birthday. Birthday is tomorrow. I cant believe those 3 little ones are 4 already. Kenneth comes home tomorrow also. cant wait. this travel thing is getting old very fast. Have been doing really great on food. past two days not much exercise but will get back to that. may try to go to gym later today. very quiet on here. everyone must be busy. barbie and robin hope you get to meet up. I would love to meet up with one of MFP ladies in person. I feel like I know all of you so well. Got to go shower and get dressed for tea party. Have a good Sunday.
    Vicki m
    PS Allen and Bernadette go to MD Anderson on Tuesday. Prayers please. Will keep you posted.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good morning all,

    It might be hard for some people to understand what pets mean to others. In my house I'm the animal lover. Hubby was raised on a ranch and animals either worked or got eaten. The cats were barn cat mousers. The dogs stayed outside to protect the ranch. The horses worked the cattle. The pigs, chickens and cattle were food. A mean animal did not last long.

    I'm the crazy lady that gets strays off the highway and goes into a bad neighborhood to rescue a dog hit by a car. But, since being a mom I've learned to be a little more selective about rescuing animals.

    Here we need to support each other in what ever it is that upsets us and keeps us from our goals and not judge each others needs.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Finally a break in the heat, and Scruff and I making up for lost days of serious walking ( me) and bush sniffing and piddling ( Scruffy). Made my August goals, and looking forward to being able to wear my wedding dress Nov 27 for our 28th anniversary.
    Another 15 lbs should do it. Thanks for all the encouragement from the Women Ages 50 +. I think a 72yr old can still look great.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello Ladies.

    Wow, I was such a sook last night at the airport! It's always hard saying goodbye to our friends when they fly back to Australia. We never know when we will see them again and I always end up having a good skrike, mascara streaked face ... the lot. Still, onward and upwards and at least we had his company for five weeks.

    This morning we went to the nursing home and joined the 'Memory Walk' in aid of the Alzheimer's Society. We each pushed one of the residents around the local park, in their wheelchairs. DH and I took it in turns to push his mum and another lady as his mum kept getting grouchy if we weren't pushing her. Fortunately the weather was really good (for a change!) and when we got back to the nursing home, everyone met up on the lawn for Pimms and strawberry scones with cream (I didn't have any of either - I don't drink alcohol, I don't like scones, I don't eat cream and I'm allergic to strawberries!) DH and I also had charge of selling raffle tickets. I'm not sure how much we raised, but we seemed to sell a lot of tickets. It's all for a good cause.

    I'd managed to get some time in my gym this morning, so worked off a few calories before the walk. I've been guzzling water like it's going out of fashion today too, no complaints about that - the more I can down the better.

    Tomorrow morning I am having my first swimming lesson ... so, if you don't hear from me after that you will know that I drowned! Fingers crossed that I do ok - I'm extremely nervous about it.

    I've also got a few days work at the end of the week, rather than just working from home. I will be running an antiquarian map and print gallery up in the centre of London whilst the owner is away.

    Anyway, it's time for me to get up and move, so I'll catch up with you all later.

    Amanda x
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :noway: :noway: Hello from rainy VI. Got the fireplace on. It's cozy, but I really wanted summer to last much longer. I should move a little more south to find longer summers. I am looking forward to my fun in the sun cruise coming up.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie and Robin. How great that you are meeting up! Have a wonderful visit :drinker: :drinker:

    I recently heard that my youngest aunt has cancer and is not expected to live:cry: . She is 67 and she and I have the same name. It is very hard on her family and also my mom, who is 20 years older. My mom is the oldest of 9 and my aunt the youngest.

    I was not very (physically) active this past week, because feeling a little under the weather. The scale was up a pound:grumble: :grumble: . Disappointing, but not unexpected. Lack of activity will do that. Which reminds me, I need to vacuum :laugh: :laugh: so I better get on with things.:tongue::tongue:

    Have a great Sunday :drinker: :drinker:

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
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