40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • lovelyloola
    lovelyloola Posts: 33 Member
    It's been a week now, where is the weight loss???:laugh: I wish I could get my husband on board with me. I only need to lose 10 lbs, but he needs to lose about 20. His snoring is horrible and I am tired of sewing his pants buttons back on constantly. He just doesn't want to admit to himself that 50 is around the corner and it's not going to magically disappear. How can I get him to cut back on the food and go walking with me? He always has an excuse. The food is "I didn't have time to take anything this morning so I grabbed something". And the exercise excuse is "I have bad feet, or it's too hot to walk anywhere". Sure, we live in SC where it's hot, but I do it. Give me some help please.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    LOVE ALL THE PICTURES!! Nicely done, folks!!

    You 40+ ers are HAWT!!!!!!!!!

    Nicely done!

    lovelyloola-my advice is to not worry about your husband - just take good care of yourself! YOUR BODY is TOTALLY WORTH THE EFFORT!!

    Got my lifting in-and-done!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I had 4 light beers at my book club last night...stepped on the scale, today for my weekly weigh-in and TA-DA am down a LB.

    Gotta love it when you can drink 4 BEERS and be down a POUND!


    yay venus!!
  • tlmcint
    tlmcint Posts: 74 Member
    Hey all :) I'm new to this thread and would love to join!

    I'm 48.5. Mom to three boys ages 23, 19, 16. The oldest is getting married in Aug. and that has been my motivation for losing weight so far. Kinda shallow.. but it's working. So far I've lost a total of 35 pounds since Jan. From 226 to 191. So it's coming off slowly, but at least it's coming off. 160 is my current goal, so I'm about half way there.

    This last week I started trying to figure out the heavy lifting and frankly am confused and intimidated. However I am starting the stronglifts 5x5. I picked that program because it seems to be the simplest, and until I can figure all this out, the less confusion, the better.

    My biggest question is just about how many calories to take in, I've been eating around 1200-1400 daily and now that I'm lifting, I'm supposed to eat a lot more? Frankly I can't seem to make myself do that... I really really don't want to put weight back on. And although I've read what everyone says about needing to take in more calories, I just can't see how that little bit of lifting I am doing can possibly require more calories. Fear... I am just down right scared of screwing up the hard work I've done so far.

    I am also doing 30 Day shred. but not on lift days, and I am walking several days a week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Don't eat MORE calories because you are "lifting". Just don't.

    How tall are you? That really is the biggest question in determining how many calories you should be ingesting (to safely lose weight).

    August is just around the corner, so CONGRATULATIONS on all of your weight-loss efforts to date! YOU ARE NO SLOUCH!!


    a) eat at a caloric deficit to lose body fat;
    b) lift heavy (free) weights to change body shape.

    Do NOT confuse the 2, because they are NOT the same thing. In my opinion, a) is worth about 80% of the equation and b) is worth about 20%. When accomplishing both, that means 100% of the time you're going to be BOTH losing body fat AND changing your body shape!
  • tlmcint
    tlmcint Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'7". MFP has me eating a bit over 1300 calories per day to lose about a pound and half a week

    And yes, actually one of the major reasons I want to start lifting is to change my body shape. I'm german.. I'm built like a german, my mother said I had shoulders like a football player *sigh.. I have wide shoulders and wide hips, I use to also have a tiny waist. Now.. three kids later and almost no exercise for many years, my waist is long gone and I know it will never be the same again, but I would like to have one... lol
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    I am new to this forum....but am 41 yrs old, 5"3, still hovering around 300 lbs.
    I find it easier to exercise than to make good food choices......but i realize i do need to do both in order to make progress.
    I just recently added a kettlebell workout (8 lbs) to my exercise regimen.....and i'm loving them!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I just discovered this thread and would like to join in. I'm 41, lost 82 pounds over 2 years, still have 30 more to go. I've been working out regularly, with a trainer for over 2 years, running for a year (off and on) and toss in random fitness classes 1x/week.

    I'm glad to read about all the weight lifting going on. Personally, it's been the best thing I've done, fitness-wise.

    Happy Friday!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday evening! Had an all day training and no computer access. Weighed in this morning and lost two more lbs. Yeah! Have a good weekend everyone.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Happy Friday, cool kids! So many awesome NSVs and great-nephews and amazing progress photos (way to go jlaplount)!

    Made it to the gym four times this week and am feeling pretty pleased with my workouts. My trainer had me doing leg presses on Tuesday which always leave me super sore, so I felt a little bit duck-like waddling around yesterday, but it seems to have worked itself out. Went out tonight for Italian with the hubs and went a bit over in the calories, but it's all good. I am sure tomorrow I'll make up for it walking around the shopping malls and warehouse stores of Northern NJ (eep!). Just have to make sure not to throw my back out lifting any enormous things of dish detergent, etc. ;)

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces! I love all the pics! My page is open so ya'll can go see what pics I have there. Will have to find a good before and now to post. plus I can't seem to figure out how to post one here either! lol :blushing:

    Beeps I do have some free weights at home and a bowflex mach (that is in pieces at the moment!) I have no idea where to begin! Guess I need to make time to go down to the gym and get some personal trainer help! ; ) I so want to get rid of this tummy but have to keep the hernia I have in mind too! Trying to tighten up so I don't have to have surgery on it, which the Dr says can be done!

    Well am working this weekend so have some fun for me cool kids!

    xoxo Chelle
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    princessofred - go buy "Strong Curves" by Bret C. Or go buy "New Rules of Lifting for Women". For $20, you'll have PLENTY of information to get started with weight-lifting. You don't NEED a personal trainer!

    Today, I lift!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday all! My weekend was busy, busy, busy!!! Jake stayed at the house on Friday and was up at 3:50am- Yep, AM. He had a wet bed, clothes, etc. but then thought it was play time. He did go back to sleep around 5:00 for about an hour. I went out with my daughter to the sales on Saturday and did find some clothes and toys for him and when we got home we took Jake swimming. Boy does he love the water!

    Sunday we had a birthday party for my niece who just turned 15. It was at my mom's house and I have to say I was a bit more proactive this time and started thinking about what I needed for my gym trip this morning since it always seems to be so late when we get home from her house. (She lives about an hour away). I also left earlier from her house so it wasn't so late getting home. It was a good time all in all and I stayed within my calories.

    I lifted today and now am at work. Hurray for Mondays! :yawn:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Kelly Sue - I *love* your stories about your grandson....your words really bring your story to life!

    I got my lifting in-and-done. Am managing my calories very well. It's a GOOD DAY!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    *hears crickets* lol

    I know it's summer and everyone is busy!

    Beeps I ordered those 2 books and my hubby says he'll help too so Yay! lol

    I am having to rearrange the family room, again, to make room for the Bowflex machine, but it's all good! Most of our exercise stuff is in there anyway!

    Have a great day cool kids! xoxo

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    princessofred, this board tends to get LOTS of 'new posters', but not a lot of 'stick-i-ness"....I can count on one hand the peeps I consider to be "regulars" here....

    Start watching youtube videos from "mark rippetoe" and "bret contreras" on the lifts you'll do - you'll learn A LOT. You don't need your husband's "help"....heck, unless he has a degree in kinesiology, he might be more of a hindrance than a help, anyway. You are a BLANK SLATE, so I'm concerned with you getting the RIGHT information!!

    No lifting today. Calories in check. All good here!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good afternoon all! I walked this morning, but decided to go a little slower and add in another love I have- photography. I got some nice shots of the sun coming up and also saw a rainbow when I was out. Because I felt like I dogged it little, I brought my sneakers to work with me and did a two mile walk at lunch time. Overall it has been a good day so far. Hope everyone has a good afternoon!
  • newbeg1ning
    newbeg1ning Posts: 77 Member

    Counting the days till my "staycation" starts only 3 more days :)

    Workouts are going well, will be concentrating on strength starting Aug 1, want to hit some new PR's and hoping to finally perfect the dreaded "Snatch". We'll see...

    At the risk of being labeled "irrational" gonna confess I'm in total panic mode! I have been invited to a social event this coming Saturday with ladies I have not seen in over 6 months. All I can think about is what if my 47lbs weight loss is not good enough? What if they see me the same? Should I care? no, not really but I am totally stressed, ugh!

    No workout for me today, my best friend's mom has been in the hospital since Saturday and I promised to stop by and visit this evening after work. Fiends are more important than CrossFit (sometimes :)
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Newbeg~ go and enjoy your time with the ladies. 47lbs is a great accomplishment. You look great and I'm sure they will be happy to see you and the weight that you've lost so far. :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Kelly Sue - if you are a photographer - you need to POST SOME OF YOUR PICTURES!

    newbeg!nning.....you're going to KNOCK THEIR SOCKS OFF! I bet they *will* notice and you will be the BELLE OF THE BALL!! Go have a good time and wear that killer dress with CONFIDENCE!

    I'm too hungry, today....my day after lifting is usually "hungrier", plus it's 2nd day of TOM....but, I'm battling the urge to eat and simply drinking as much coffee/water as I can handle. If I make it until 4:00, I can have a protein shake (I've already had my lunch plus 1 x protein bar!).