Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Sherrie- I keep asking myself the same question how can July almost be over. It has gone to fast. I am not looking forward to getting back on the school year schedule yet, I want to enjoy the rest of my vacation. Good luck with the coming weeks you will be very busy.

    Tuesday Goals-
    Run the 2 miles on Thursday with my trainer.
    Exercise as much as possible for the next week before I visit a friend.

    Talking about success-I realized today that I am starting to enjoy running and that I can do it. For me the improvement has come in the form of increasing the distance and my stride ie fast time. Still averaging about a 13 minute mile.

    Last night I checked out the US National Triathlon- my trainer will be participating on August 10 in Milwaukee, WI. She is going for the olympic distances in this event at age 55. I am so impressed with her drive to complete this event and to hopefully make the US national team for her age group. The swim will be in Lake Erie which is roughly 1.5K, bike is roughly 40 K, then the run is a 10K. I will be cheering her on by watching the blog of the event. I am very lucky to have found this person to be my trainer. I just love her knowledge and the practical experience she brings to training not to mention the positive attitude.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • DoingThiisForMe
    Hey Everyone... Tuesday Goals...My Goal is to lose weight lol.. I feel fatter than every today.. T.O.M must be around the corner. My goal which I have been kinda following but not so much with the eating part, is to exercise daily and eat a sensible amount of cals a day... Goals starting Thursday will be to eat under 1800 cals a day and continue and hopefully increase my exercise... tired of this slow process time to speed it up.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I had a great exercise day today - I did 64 squats - 24 of them while holding 3 lb. weights. Thats the first time I've held weights while squatting, but not the last.

    Sugartwist - yes - your a member of this thread already just by your posting your comment - glad to hear what you have to say! Insulin resistance is no fun - are you having to watch your food now?

    Kaye - the haystacks sound yummy delicious but I'd have to fix them for a party or something cuz even when my family gets together we're a small group! I wish I was a mouse in the corner at your house sometime!

    Sherriel - aarrgh! your schedule is hideous - how can you possibly get out of one weekend - man it looks impossible.... I SO FEEL FOR YOU !!!! :noway: :noway: :grumble: But hey congrats on your Jazzercize - way to go !:drinker:

    Laurie - wonderful that you have bonded so well with your more mature trainer - in hindsight there was not much to lose in switching was there? This lady seems very admirable and a real winner in life - glad you have her in your life.

    DoingThis - good for you for stating your goals and planning your goals for the days ahead. It sounds like your logging your food - so you can keep track of those 1800 cal/day.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Today was a rollercoaster for me! Just when I was about to give up on the job- they called me for ANOTHER interview! I have had two phone interviews, one day where I went in there for interviews with 4 separate people, then a panel interview with the team... That was supposed to be the final, but they said out of 8 candidates that made the final cut, they can't choose between two of us. So the next interview will be more of an informal meet and greet. I am super excited.

    My goal for this week was to go to Yoga, and I did that.... so my new goal is to go to Yoga twice this week. I am going tomorrow. :)

    I am kind of drained tonight, so please accept my apologies for being a little self focused. There is a lot I want to comment personally on, from your posts, so I will do that tomorrow.
    Keep fighting the good fight!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    AngelikaLumie - 3.3 is good! & mmm chocolate :)

    GrammyWhammy -
    Sure is hot in there! Going down steps can be a real TRIP toolaugh !
    haha nice one

    skinnyjeanzbo - Have fun at the rugged maniac that's coming up!

    DoingThiisFor - Man, the job situation sounds hard. Have you thought about "secretly" searching for something better? I hope your manager lets you go back to the 5:30 shift! I'm sorry to hear about the boyfriend too. :(

    polly2play - Good for you for quitting smoking! I hope this group helps you meet your goal!

    kah68 - Any advice for going on a cruise? Like should I bring any sea sickness meds LOL I'm nervous. I'm actually a bit scared of boats and the ocean but I still really want to go.
    Regarding the August Challenge - how about we do this?
    1. Try to lose 4 lbs
    2. Try to incorporate an exercise routine 3 times a week.
    3. Share an NSV (non-scale victory) once a week on the thread.

    Would most of you agree to these?

    Hmmmmmm.....I THINK I can handle this. LOL That exercise part might trip me up but I really NEED to get some exercise in. I've been telling myself that now for a week and still haven't done it. I'm so sorry about the car! That's terrible how it always seems to workout that way.

    MyM0wM0w - Glad your out of the house! Will keep my fingers crossed for good news for you!

    Lori0510 -
    'm interested in what kinds of snacks you find to be filling and satisfying?
    I actually eat a lot of popcorn when I'm snacky. Carbs aren't great, but I don't really worry about carbs and its tasty lol. They have the flavors you can sprinkle on like kettle corn or white cheddar etc.

    Kaye! - The Hawaiian Haystacks sound yummy. Makes me hungry lol.

    naceto - Glad you made the cut! Fingers crossed for you.

    Tuesday Goals: Honestly still in the baby step stage. Just trying to stay under cals and hopefully get some exercise in! My husbands new job has him traveling a lot. They gave the warning that he would travel a lot for training but then it should slow down but it just hasn't. He is gone more than he is home lately and it has me in a slump...a...lets eat food slump. I did good today and manged to pass up eating a cake with only a fork and no plate. But it just takes one bad day and there I'll be entire oreo cookie package later... So yes...goals. Stay under calories!!
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Good suggestions! Thanks!
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Starting Day 2 and feeling better already.

    Kaye! - I agree, the Hawaiian Haystacks sound really yummy! And if it's a lot of food that's good - my teenage boys eat A LOT! lol.

    naceto - Good luck! Congrats on making it to the finals. Wishing you the best!

    Robin - you are rocking those squats! I'm very impressed!

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Robin~Oh, no not the car again! I hope this mechanic fixes it (pro bono) once and for all. I’m in for the August challenges.

    @abetterme23~Awesome job on your loss so far, 12# in two weeks is great! I lost weight quickly at first, but after I lost about 75# (and was over 40) it definitely slowed down. One thing that that helped me tremendously through this journey is trying not to look at the big picture but to set small goals for myself, at first just 5# increments. After each time I reached a goal I rewarded myself (non-food related). Then when I reached enough of those, I transitioned to 10# goals and now I set my goals much higher – my current goal is 40# in 3 months.

    @Tammy~LOL I’m so glad you are enjoying the gym! I have these moments where I realize I now have this exercise addiction, I often text my trainer and blame him! :laugh:

    @Lori0510~Snacks for me are usually fruit with protein (i.e. apple or grapes with string cheese or 1/2oz. almonds), greek yogurt (usually Oikos, not fat-free), or a shake made with whey protein.

    @Kris~Like Robin suggested, can you call her? Or is there someone else at the company you may be able to contact?

    @Laurie~You’re doing great with the running, I think a 13-minute mile is great at this stage, as you become stronger that time will only improve. I’m so glad you have found a trainer that you are learning a lot from, its sounds like a really good fit. You’ve been through a lot with trainers, so I’m glad she is working out so well. How awesome that she is doing that tri at 55!

    @Nicole~I know you must be going crazy with this job and all the interviews! I’m sending you positive thoughts that you beat out the other person, I’m sure you interview really well so you got this!

    @NeuroticVirgo~I don’t get seasick, but bring Sea Bands and ginger capsules with me just in case. Sea Bands are bands you wear on your wrist, can find them at any drug store. The Caribbean can be a little rocky, depending on the course and time of year. It also depends on where your cabin is – less rocking in the middle of the ship – I also try to pick upper decks for my cabin, away from common areas as it can get noisy. Really, you won’t feel the ship moving much, they are huge! Literally they are a floating city, so much to do. The only time I feel it is if I’m walking the decks or am on the track (not on all ships) walking the perimeter of the ship – last ship I was on, 4 times around the deck was a mile. If your cruise is 7-days there will normally be two formal nights, some people dress super fancy others more casual – for that I usually pack two nice dresses. Again, depends on cruise line – I mostly cruise with Princess and they are more laid back. Oh, if you have a choice to book anytime dining do it – that way you are not tied to a time for dinner in your dining room. Feel free to PM me with any questions…

    AFM~Went to the pain mgmt/spine doc yesterday. Essentially my SI joint is out of alignment, he said the type of manipulation I need can’t be done by a chiro and that I need to see a physical therapist (figures…deductible hasn’t been met). He also prescribed an anti-inflammatory for the next month – follow up with him end of August. I’m going to see how much the PT is, then depending on that I am going to check with this chiro that does active release therapy and see if what they do is similar to what a PT would do – if so, it would only be a co-pay instead of deduct/coins. I’m also going to talk with my trainer since he used to be PT and see what he advises. Ugh! :grumble: So my Wednesday wish is that I would wake up and my back feel great, so I wouldn’t have to do anything. It’s a tall order! :ohwell:

    Hello and welcome to all other newlings that stopped by.

    Have a great day!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed Wish righ? I wish that I could have a magic wond and fix all my issues with just a tap. But instead I will put in the work and do it the hard way :flowerforyou: I have walked 9012 steps since Sunday.

    Neurotic Virgo- I agree with pour cement and calling it a patio.
    Robin- Lilacs I like that idea but I have to consider my house has no shade at all so things I plant need to survive the sun
    Naceto- Yay on Yoga
    Karen- hope your calf issue gets resolved soon I know that pain can suck
    Mwow- I am sure your job will understand you health issue. Best wishes
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--yes, that wand would be really nice...:wink:

    @kelley--hope you find an inexpensive solution to your back issues--healthcare expenses suck!

    @lori--I also like to snack on fruit or greek yogurt if I'm in the mood for something sweet. Otherwise, I love hummus with raw veggies or crackers or cheese for a savory snack. My favorite bedtime snack is peanut butter with a square of dark chocolate or mixed with dark chocolate cocoa.

    @virgo--thanks! I think it will be fun (I'm trying to ignore the fact that some obstacles involve barbed wire and fire :noway: ).

    @nicole--good luck with the job interview!! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--great job with the squats!! Did your mechanic get the car to squeal? Hope that's all resolved soon! I'm also in for the August challenges--if I can meet that 4 lb goal, I will be back down to my lowest weight before I quit smoking. :happy:

    @doingthis--sounds like a good, solid plan. es, slow can be frustrating, but if you lose slowly, you're more likely to keep the weight off long term. :smile:

    @laurie--I was thinking the same as Robin--I'm so glad you've clicked with this new trainer!! I think it's so cool she is doing that Tri in Milwaukee!! (and I think you meant the swim is in Lake Michigan rather than Lake Eerie) I'm going to be in Milwaukee the weekend after the Tri for their Irishfest. Too bad it isn't the same weekend--I love watching those kinds of events.

    @sherrie--I'm with laurie--keep me on this summer schedule as long as possible! :laugh: Seriously though, I completely understand why parents are eager to get back to the school-year routine. It sounds like you have some busy weeks ahead so good luck getting through them. :flowerforyou:

    @sugartwist--welcome! I think a lot of us are unsure of our final goal weights--I say work toward the 160 and then just take it in 5 or 10 lb increments until you are comfortable with your weight (both health-wise and appearance-wise).

    @kris--I hope that job posting works out for you--it's a frustrating situation b/c you don't want to miss the opportunity, but you also don't want to be a "pest." Did you send the woman your resume? If she told you to do so, maybe you should regardless of whether the position is posted.

    @angelika--congrats that you are moving forward again!! You give me hope b/c I've been in a 4 month slump that I'm really hoping to turn around before I have to return to work in a few weeks.

    Wednesday Wish:
    My wish is for my dog to get better. He's had some sort of eye infection the past few days and has been kind of lethargic. I was going to take him to the vet today, but it seems to be clearing up so I'm going to hold off another day.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    wow, this sure looks different. i guess i should have checked in before now :laugh:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    wow, this sure looks different. i guess i should have checked in before now :laugh:
    It just changed today. Still getting used to it.
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Helly everyone. I would like to join this thread. I too become discouraged as the scale is not going down in numbers. I lost weight last year and this year I am just pure struggling. I exercise alot and watch what I eat as well. I just came back to this website today because I need the encouragement. I just began a couch to 5k program. Today will be my 3rd day- week 1. I definitely feel it in my legs, especially my quads. Tomorrow I go to the gynecologist for some hormonal issues. I have been in menopause for a few years and it seems to be getting worse. I was on thryoid medication for a slow metabolism but that wasn't helping either.

    I could accept no weight loss if I considered myself lazy. But I am not a lazy person and enjoy working out so much. I would be happy be 150 lbs and being a size 12. I don't want to be super skinny I just want results.

    Good Luck EVERYONE!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I just got back from zumba class and my hip didnt even twinge so yay for body healing itself:bigsmile: I have a meeting this afternoon at the local hospital to find out about the possibility of volunteering a couple of days a week. I figure this way I am doing somehting good , getting out of the house, and making contacts that could come in handy in future job search efforts. Just talked to hubby before I went to the gym and I guess one of the new crew members came on with some kind of nasty bug so it has been making the rounds of the crew and apparently it is his turn to catch it. The purser was given some super antibiotics to give to the people exhibiting the symptons so hopefully he will be better in a couple of days. There is no down time in his line of work unless you are suffering from something life threatening and will be getting off the boat or you broke something and will be getting off the boat. Illness you have to just work right through and if your productivity goes down you could get a no rehire on your departure reveiw. Not a career for the weak or faint of heart. Well I just got interuppted by the phone and then I made lunch and read for awhile so I guess it si probably time I finished this up. My wish for wednesday is my hubby gets feeling better soon.
    Have a great day everyone:heart::heart: :drinker: :drinker: :heart:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    wow, this sure looks different. i guess i should have checked in before now :laugh:
    It just changed today. Still getting used to it.

    well, that explains it, then.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Hello; I, too, would like to join this thread. I've been trying to lose about 25 lbs since April and am moving very sssslllllloooooowwwwlllllyyyyy with this weight loss. I'm happy to lose a quarter of a pound a week - really. As long as I'm moving in the right direction.

    After reading tons of threads and articles on fitness, I'm doing three days a week of strength training and three days of walking three miles. I HATE exercising, so I'm just starting this muscle-building stuff and it's not too bad so far. The walking I enjoy because I take my Audible books along and love to find out whodunnit on my walks.

    Can someone please email me and tell me how to follow a discussion thread without having to look for it every time I want to check in? I'd like to have it pop up on my home page or something. Thx in advance if anyone can tell me this.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    Can someone please email me and tell me how to follow a discussion thread without having to look for it every time I want to check in? I'd like to have it pop up on my home page or something. Thx in advance if anyone can tell me this.

    I just sent you an Personal Message - you should get a notification of this - with the info you need!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Neurtic- Now it is time for you to get out of the slump while your husband is traveling. Try this trick instead of eating cake or other goodies go for a walk around the block or two and build from there or ride a bike if you have one. Both activities are easy to do and will create a positive feeling. You can gradually add distance to your rides and before you know it you will retrain your brain to crave exercise instead of food. It takes about 30 times to form a new habit so give it a chance to work.

    Abetterme23- Kah is right about setting the smaller goals, it makes it more manageable and the rewards are a great incentive to keep going. I also have done the same thing with my goals.

    Tammy- Like Kah I have become addicted to exercise as well. While I can’t blame my trainer for this. I feel extremely guilty when I don’t exercise or wimp out to early. I can think of worse addictions to have so I will take it and for me it is a matter of stress relieft.

    Nicole- I hope you get the job over the other person.

    Kelly- The SI is a major pain when it is out of alignment. I hope you get some good news from your chiro or trainer about how to fix it.

    Karen- I hope Gunner is better soon. You are right the tri is in Lake Michigan.

    Toots- The new format of the website threw me yesterday when I logged on. Not sure how well I like it yet.

    Luster girl- Welcome to the group, I can relate to your frustration about not losing weight in numbers. I have not seen my weight decrease in about a year except for the 5-10lb ups and downs that I experience. Have you noticed that your body is changing? For me I have noticed that I am shrinking in different places and that my endurance level is up plus I can do more things now that I have before I lost weight. You body may need time to catch up with the changes. You may also want to look at what and how much you are eating.

    Jt- Hope the hubby gets better soon. It is no fun to be sick on a boat. That is sad that they can’t take a break with this illness and could get a no rehire notice at the end of the season. It’s sad because they did not plan on getting that sick. The volunteering is a great idea and a wonderful way to make some contacts.

    Wannabpiper-Welcome to a great thread with many wonderful people. You will start to enjoy the exercises soon so keep doing things that you like. Walking three miles a day is great have you tried increasing that distance or speeding up your pace. You body does adjust to the exercises, so you need to change things up that way it has to react to exercises instead of being like oh- we are walking again. Try walking parts of your 3 miles at a brisk to fast pace walk and do it in intervals—Normal pace for 5 min, then fast pace for 2-3 minutes, normal pace, fast pace- You can set the intervals for what you can handle.
    Wish- That my friend had some good news about her Mom or the news is better than expected. She found out today just how bad the cancer is and how long her mom will have. I will talk to her later tonight.

    I took a rest day from exercise today mostly because the abductor and adductor machine really killed my legs on Monday. I was going to swim but decided against it. I went bicycle shopping again. This time I found a Cannondale bike that I like and it is a really good deal. I will go back and try it again over the weekend. I still like the Giant Escape but the other may be better for my long term goals. Not sure what I will do yet, besides continuing to shop around.
  • SnowGoose01
    Hey everyone, I would also like to follow the thread if anyone could tell me how.

    Wishes Wednesday- This is more of a hope really, but I wish more people how have weight to lose would add me. Most of my friends have already got to goal (awesome) or have an eating disorder (which I am fine with but they don't offer much support for me).

    I look forward to interacting :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @all of the newlings--laurie gave some great advice, so I will just follow with "Welcome!" :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--a bicycle is such a big purchase--you're smart to take your time and make sure you get what you really want/need. Gunner seems to be a bit better tonight--he even showed off for our neighbors running figure-8's in the yard, so he must be feeling better. :happy:

    @luster--I also lost a good amount of weight my 1st year and then the loss slowed considerably. I'm still going down and getting into smaller sizes, but it's taking a lot longer. I also did couch 2 5k a couple of years ago, so we have that in common as well. :drinker:

    @tammy--hope the hubs recovers quickly!

    @toots--I was also surprised by the changes to MFP.

    AFM--went to the gym and pre-paid for the next year, so that's done. Tomorrow, I may go shopping. My friends in Switzerland are having a commitment ceremony in September here in Chicago. I'm really excited about it, but I realize I will need to buy a new dress for the occasion.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE
    Sun--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--run outside (w/ gunner) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym or run
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Rugged Maniac!!!