Fat Girl Care Package



  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    The main thing is the Hyper Shred. It may be good for a pick me up in the morning, but it's not going to give you much more than a couple cups of coffee would.

    The hypershred had the best reviews of all the "fat burners." I hate drinking excessive amounts of liquid to get some energy, so I would like to try it out as an aid while I workout and eat right. Just something to try.
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    I'd get:

    a badass bike. We're talking 500-1500 GT mens bike - with a straight crossbar! I can't stand riding a bike when I can't put my knee on the crossbar.

    a wifi scale with all the bells and whistles.

    a heartrate monitor AND

    a jawbone up

    I wouldn't want a sports bra/bathing suit/etc because I'm actively losing a good amount of weight.

    I just got a Polar FT 4 HRM. Love it!!!!! That was a treat from my mom for losing my first ten lbs. She had heard me talking about how I really wanted one so my calories burned were more accurate.

    The bike sounds awesome. I just dropped some money into mine to fix a few spokes and get it cleaned up. Love riding my bike!
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    A fleshlight

    ROFL. I love my Lelos, so you go for it with your fleshlight :)

    My care package:
    Bliss Vanilla and Bergamot Body Butter (a large supply, I love the smell of this overpriced lotion)
    Some orange or lemon oil + a nice large bathtub with unlimited hot water
    A mini Toblerone treat
    A spa day at an upscale spa (massages and other relaxing things)

    (I do the middle 2 when I'm on the road, since Hampton Inn gives you the toblerone for free, and I sometimes splurge on the first. I've yet to do #4)
  • Ladina1990
    Ladina1990 Posts: 137 Member
    Girl you spend your money HOWEVER you want to its yours, you worked hard for it and you earned it. In my care package to answer your question I would have A gallon of NAKED juice, some fragrances from Bath and Body Works and get some sexy panties to show off my new curvy shape * basket done* :flowerforyou:
  • cczap80
    cczap80 Posts: 48 Member
    hmmm My Fat Girl Care Package...

    GOOD running shoes
    Skinny Jeans
    A trip to Vegas to Zipline down the Freemont
    and a mirror.....to see how fabulous I look!!!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Nothing I want and can afford is a waste of my own money. I'm treating myself, and that is the whole point. Negativity is not needed. If you don't want to play along, stay off the playground.

    If this is what you want...then by all means buy it. Everyone is different. To each their own...only on here you usually get roasted by people who feel they know better. Enjoy! Spoil yourself and keep up the good work. Do what you have to do to keep on your journey.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    hmmm My Fat Girl Care Package...

    GOOD running shoes
    Skinny Jeans
    A trip to Vegas to Zipline down the Freemont
    and a mirror.....to see how fabulous I look!!!

    This on I love!!!!!!
  • bubblygoldfish
    bubblygoldfish Posts: 213 Member
    I'd get:

    a spa day

    new running shoes

    Aveda "blue oil"--- this stuff is AWESOME
  • 4michellelong
    4michellelong Posts: 23 Member
    Rock on, Toots! Enjoy your treats. :drinker:
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Everybody's packages sound great! Don't you wish there was a magic little fairy who could just drop one off at your door! :)

    I think I would add the perfect pair of shoes to mine. I'm having a hard time finding a pair for walking. What I have for my sessions with my trainer are working out great, but then not so hot when I do longer walks with my dogs. I've always had trouble finding shoes though :/
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    hmmm My Fat Girl Care Package...

    GOOD running shoes
    Skinny Jeans
    A trip to Vegas to Zipline down the Freemont
    and a mirror.....to see how fabulous I look!!!

    I'm totally obsessed with zip lining so that would be awesome!!!!
  • mushroomsontoast
    mushroomsontoast Posts: 118 Member
    Sports bra sounds good...decent ones aren't cheap, so they're a good treat if we've been good girls, I think. Can't be much fun knocking yourself out with a flying boob while doing jumping jacks so yep, that's going on my list too :smile:
    Oh, and workout clothes - just because I've never had any.
    And a snazzy haircut.
  • cczap80
    cczap80 Posts: 48 Member
    Girl you spend your money HOWEVER you want to its yours, you worked hard for it and you earned it. In my care package to answer your question I would have A gallon of NAKED juice, some fragrances from Bath and Body Works and get some sexy panties to show off my new curvy shape * basket done* :flowerforyou:

    Love this one!!!
  • lisataglienti1
    lisataglienti1 Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe sneak a massage or some reflexology in there, relaxing and a nice treat!!!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    The main thing is the Hyper Shred. It may be good for a pick me up in the morning, but it's not going to give you much more than a couple cups of coffee would.

    The hypershred had the best reviews of all the "fat burners." I hate drinking excessive amounts of liquid to get some energy, so I would like to try it out as an aid while I workout and eat right. Just something to try.

    I think treating yourself is fabulous, but please be wary of product reviews. A whole lot of companies employ people to post fake reviews on various web site. Find real people in your life who have used such products and get their opinions. Your personal physician is also a good source of information.

    My care package would include:

    New Nike Free Run shoes (mine are falling apart)
    A 100 ounce Camelbak for hiking
    A Massage
    Some comfy new workout clothes
  • Have to jump on the band wagon, sorry.

    I understood the premise of your post. The idea of it is great. What I saw in the replies you deemed as negative were people pointing you towards more natural options of things to have in your 'Fat Girl Package'.

    As one who has been down the road of extreme weight loss in the past I have tried similar items to the ones you have included in your package. They are a bunch of hype that really do not benefit you for LONG TERM health goals. As a matter of fact Amino acids are bad to take if you are trying to loose weight.

    As for any type of drug/supplemental help I hope that you have discussed your personal health and goals with your doctor before taking any type of "Hyper" anything. You trainers job is to make money. They get paid A LOT of money to have you come into the gym and work with you. They are not a medical doctor and are not licensed to tell you what you can take (ingest) and/or not take. They are licensed to tell you how to work your body physically for optimum performance of your muscles/body to try and get in shape ONLY. That is unless they also have a license as a nutritionist.

    Anyhow, out of concern for you I would hope that you might rethink what you would put into your Care Package. :wink:

    As for my package:

    There would be a ticket to Bali in there
    Massage oils & candles
    New cross training shoes
    and a lifetime supply of gifted pedicures :smile:

    Good luck to you!
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    What don't I want...hmm...

    another kitten :bigsmile:
    new bras and undies (I have to buy these anyway, but am holding off till I lose a bit more)
    a massage

    and for the most unnecessary but really wanted expense...

    I want to join one of those flower of the month clubs. You know, they ship you Amaryllis in December, etc. Beautiful. I just love fresh flowers.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Mine would be

    1 gift card to starbucks
    3 really good sports bras
    new yoga pants
    a membership to hot yoga
    new gym socks (because lord knows when you don't wear the right socks, you get blisters from hell)
    some really cute tanks that don't show my every roll
    an entire playlist of music that will allow me to get through my sh!tty workout without fail
    one big box of motivation
    someone to hang out with me in the kitchen on sundays while i prepare the weekday meals
    a new dress and a hot date :)
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    New running shoes (because my toes sort of stick out the sides of the ones I already have ;>__>)
    4 new pairs of workout pants and tops
    1 pack of comfy socks
    1 membership to pole dancing classes
    ....Annnnnd if I lose/slim down enough without punking out like a lil' b*tch like I already did this summer....

    Those stupid expensive almonds from Wally World.
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    First, ignore the snarky, rude posts.

    As for my package it would be:

    New sports bra
    Zumba DVD collection
    Chocolate tea

    Zip lining, I want to do that someday. It looks so scary and yet FUN at the same time!! Going to try rockwall climbing next year on RC in June.