It Erks my nerves when...



  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
  • Hoponopono
    Hoponopono Posts: 31 Member
    FAKE FINGER NAILS UGGGGGHHHH! Especially when there is all kinds of nasty crap under them because someone doesn't know how to use a nail brush. Makes me want to vomit. I used to cashier and started wearing gloves because of the filth on people's hands and under their nails...wash wash wash! <end rant>
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    People with bad table manners and talking with their mouth full of food, people who say pacific instead of specific and curtains that have gaps in them when closed.

    +1 on the curtains!!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    People with bad table manners and talking with their mouth full of food, people who say pacific instead of specific and curtains that have gaps in them when closed.

  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I think you mean IRKS...not Erks... there is big difference between the two.
    erk [urk] noun British Slang. aircraftsman of the lowest rank in the Royal Air force.
    2. a worthless, stupid person; jerk.

    irk (ûrk)
    tr.v. irked, irk·ing, irks
    To be irritating, wearisome, or vexing to. See Synonyms at annoy.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Someone is eating and they make the MOST NERVE WRECKING NOISES....humming, grunting, slurping, and SMACKING. I
    Everything about your OP irks my nerves.

    Occupational hazard. Sorry this is bugging you, though.
  • 200ripped
    200ripped Posts: 41 Member
    I could fill the pages of a book with pet peeves...I will narrow down to three:

    The mispronunciation of the word WOLF or's NOT WOOF AND WOOVES!

    The misspelling of LOOSE and LOSE. You are NOT LOOSING weight so that your clothes will fit LOSER!

    Lastly, when people do not empty the contents of a ketchup packet properly. A small piece of a corner should be taken off completely, allowing the contents to squeeze out neatly in a nice clean stream. You should NOT tear the packet down the middle, halfway down causing the ketchup to simply blob up at the end of the packet in a big mess.
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    ....when people misspell "Irks"?

    1. Talking with mouth full. (NO! A thousand times NO!)

    2. Not washing hands (Jeepers, people!)

    3. That clicking sound of spoon on teeth when some people eat ice cream or cereal.

    4. Slurping of anything unless your host is Asian and it is appropriate to show respect.

    5. Too many grammatical examples to name.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    ....when people misspell "Irks"?


  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    "Exspecially"...are you effin kidding?! EXSPECIALLY?! *rage*
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Someone notices I am losing weight and decide that, even though I am having success with how I am doing it, they have a better way (usually involving some fad or extreme diet that they are not having much success with themselves). I mean seriously? I have lost over 59 pounds in a little over six months and you have a better way for me to lose weight? I usually just smile politely and thank them for their advise
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    When somebody says "pacifically" Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Pacific is an ocean, what you mean to say was "specifically!!!"

    arrrrghhhhh! and peopole who call Ketchup "red sauce" that just a british thing?

    Tapping. When somebody keeps tapping I want to break their fingers :angry:

    Noisy eaters, definitely feature on my list (a first date never went any further for this reason!)

    Not using a napkin and wiping hands on clothing. That's just grim.......oh and I once had the misfortune to go to a restaurant with somebody who picked their teeth with their fork...never again!!!

    and I know that isn't popular but people who mix up "to" "two" and "too" or "their" and "there"
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Your title says Erks my nerves... it really should just be. It really gets on my nerves, or it really irks me when... or even it really annoys me when...

    irks my nerves just... no. Things like this irk me beyone belief.

    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.
  • AnakalikaRN
    Most currently is would be the following:

    1) When you're helping someone by obtaining information on the internet in regards to upcoming events and they get irritable with you because they have the inability to listen
    2) When you're helping someone make dinner and they get irritable with you when you pass them 'too many almonds'
    3) When you're helping someone make a smoothie and ask if they want spinach in it and they say yes, you place spinach in the blender and they get irritable with you because 'you put too much spinach in' the blender
    4) When you ask someone how are they feeling and they get irritable with you simply because you spoke to them
    5) When you try to make small talk with someone during lunch and they get irritable when they respond and demonstrate negative body language

    I think that is the 'Jist' of it lately...With that being said, maybe I need a 'time out'....
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    I actually love knowing that so many people out there become wrecks over the most trivial things.
    Makes me feel positively well adjusted by comparison.

    I raise my coffee cup in tribute to you all.

  • autumn26
    autumn26 Posts: 44
    People with bad table manners and talking with their mouth full of food, people who say pacific instead of specific and curtains that have gaps in them when closed.



    People who are consistently late or anything that causes me to be late.
    Whining. Barking dogs.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    I thought of another one, everyone on Big Brother says "fustrated"

  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Your title says Erks my nerves... it really should just be. It really gets on my nerves, or it really irks me when... or even it really annoys me when...

    irks my nerves just... no. Things like this irk me beyone belief.

    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    Spelling errors also irk me beyone belief...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    Typos here and there don't bother me (as an editor, I know you can't catch everything) but when a small press publishes a book, they really don't edit at all and it can be AWFUL. Really, really, really awful.

    Even worse is that all seven Harry Potter books are FULL of grammatical errors. Full of them.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Your title says Erks my nerves... it really should just be. It really gets on my nerves, or it really irks me when... or even it really annoys me when...

    irks my nerves just... no. Things like this irk me beyone belief.

    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    Yeah me too... autocorret does that and I am not going back to edit because its a pain in the *kitten* on my phone lol I noticed ater I hit post.
    Spelling errors also irk me beyone belief...