Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello, my challenge is to stay at 119 pounds for all of September ( I reached goal weight of 119 pounds the middle of August) and i am struggling to stay there!!!!! up one pound this week :sad:

    9/10/10........119.5 pounds
    9/17/10........120.5 pounds
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Just got one thing to say>>>THANK GOD THE BIRTHDAY CAKE IS GONE!!!!!!

    Kelly>>CONGRATS! 40 lbs is awesome!

    Barty>> Don't lose heart, there's still time. You're doing well.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning one and all busy morning ahead so I will have to check in more later.....happy for everyone how is loosing ....wish more luck to those who need a little extra....keep on pushing....have a GREAT weekend everyone!!:flowerforyou:
  • jesse14472
    Good morning, all! I feel so behind on reading posts b/c the last 3 days have been busy. Last night I actually fell asleep on the couch at 8:30 p.m. and didn't wake up this morning until 9 a.m.!

    Bru: Wow! Look at those curves in that dress on your profile pic! Have fun at the wedding tonight.

    Tina: Hahaha! I felt the same way about my birthday cake.

    Kelly: WTG! Congrats on the weight loss. 40 lbs is amazing!

    Alioth: I hope everything settles down soon for you. All I can say is OMG!

    I finally broke the 1000 min. mark for exercise this month. I did the 30-day shred in the morning (something I was doing and dropped recently). Then last night I walk/ran for 38 min. at my daughter's soccer practice, which included a set of stairs by the church on each lap. I burned 350 calories doing this....more than the shred. I will definitely be doing this again. Well, today holds a soccer game, an Ohio State game (Go, BUCKEYES!), laundry and cleaning. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Not such a great night! I did not sleep at all and then i got dragged out of bed by my toddler (god i wish that just one day i would naturally wake up before he had the chance to wake me up because he always narrates everything i need to do for him i wish he would just sit on the couch and just be quiet while i kept my eyes closed and turned on his movie and got his milk despite what he thinks i know what he wants by now)

    So I have been staying up till just after midnight waiting for hubby we would have a glass of milk and head to bed by 1am and i was thinking how much i needed to just go to bed on time at least by 11. Well last night i did. I couldn't sleep and when i finally did he got home and my son (who insisted he needed to wear panties to bed had wet the bed and woke up right as hubby got there of course there was no avoiding the noise then the baby woke up and hubby got her a bottle and it was chaos then after that i tossed and turned all night!!

    I am soooooooooo glad its the weekend because hubby will already be home at bed time that makes it easier and also because this weekend marks the beginning of 6 whole weeks of nights without him so the fear of waking up when he gets in bed wont be there anymore and i can just sleep alone. maybe i will make this the time when i resolve to get my but in bed early so that i can be prepared when my son wakes up. well off to work have fun and great job everyone
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Just got one thing to say>>>THANK GOD THE BIRTHDAY CAKE IS GONE!!!!!!

    Happy birthday dear
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Michele>> You must be really working hard to fall asleep like that. And that's great about breaking the 1,000 min mark for the week! That's real dedication there.

    55toLose>> Wow, it's hard work being a mommy, huh? I hope you have a restful weekend and maybe even a nap or two.

    Okay, I'm reporting again already this weekend because I lost 1/2 a lb. I started TOM so I figure this will be the last loss for a little while. I'll probably gain a few this week. Grrr. It's more than a week early, so I was caught by surprise.

    Sept 1: 159
    Sept 7: 155.25
    Sept 11: 153.75
    Sept 17: 153.5
    Sept 18: 153

    At least I know now why I was having issues sleeping and all those stress dreams--PMS. Hopefully, they will go away in a couple days. In the meantime, I've started lifting weights and doing circuit training since the treadmill and elliptical are making me queasy.

    Have a great weekend, everybody! Enjoy the gorgeous fall weather!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    9-01-10 214.0 lbs
    9-06-10 212.4 lbs
    9-17-10 208.4 lbs
    9-30-10 >>>>>goal 200.0 lbs

    I'm doing the happy dance all around today! I hit the 40 lbs gone today, its Friday, & life with my new man is GREAT! :bigsmile: I hope all of you are having some LIFE IS GOOD moments as well! Here's to that for everyone! :drinker:

    Congratulations on the 40lbs loss. Am hoping to get there someday.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I DID IT!! I DID IT!!! I just completed my first 5k !!!!!!! I ran half and walked half, I made it a point to run across the finish line!! Woot woot!!! GO ME!!! I won't know official time and place til Monday, same for pics, none til Monday. HAPPY BRU DANCE!!!!

    I could not have done it without everyone's support, thank you sooooo very much!!!! :heart: Bru

    Oh, and I forgot to weigh because I was too excited this morning, putting it off til tomorrow..
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I DID IT!! I DID IT!!! I just completed my first 5k !!!!!!! I ran half and walked half, I made it a point to run across the finish line!! Woot woot!!! GO ME!!! I won't know official time and place til Monday, same for pics, none til Monday. HAPPY BRU DANCE!!!!

    I could not have done it without everyone's support, thank you sooooo very much!!!! :heart: Bru

    Oh, and I forgot to weigh because I was too excited this morning, putting it off til tomorrow..

    *clap**clap**clap* Yaaaay! That's awesome, Bru! Can't wait for the pics.
  • monajkm21
    monajkm21 Posts: 23 Member
    Ok so I only have 12 days left in this month but I am so in! It will be a challenge but Im up for it.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Just over half way through and I've lost 3 out of the 5. If my TOM is overe by the end of September I have a chance. How is everyone else doing?
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    September 1st - 195.2
    September 7th - 194.2
    September 14th - 192.2

    Well, so far, I am down exactly 3lbs. Not sure why my loss is starting to slow down, I still have so much more to lose. Seems like I have been stuck in the rut of the 190's now forever....even though its only been close to a month since I hit them....Oh well, slow and steady wins the race I guess....

    Hey, I noticed I have the exact same starting weight and finishing weight. Aren't we doing great. I am ok with slow and steady as long as we are still subtracting.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Update on Grandpa...finally.. He is having surgery in Tuesday to try to re-open the spinal column. Apparently there is some sort of scar tissue built up and it is reducing blood supply to his brain. Which would explain why he has fallen a million times in the last couple of months. Hopefully this will help the situation, please keep him in your thoughts. And as soon as I hear more I'll post another update. XoxoxoX Bru
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Michele--I am from Ohio...so we are big Buckeye fans algo---great job on your 1000 min.

    Alioth--yes, beware of the TOM monster, HA!!

    Bru-way to go on the 5K...will be thinking of your grandpa...just glad they found out what was wrong and now they can help him.

    Busy day with my sons many activities today so no real exercise but got many great fruits and veggies at the farmers market but tomorrow I WILL get in some exercise for me.....have a great SUNDAY everyone!!
  • jesse14472
    Michele--I am from Ohio...so we are big Buckeye fans algo---great job on your 1000 min.

    Tina: I actually grew up in Cincinnati, my husband went to Ohio State and we lived in Columbus for seven years.....so it's hard not to be a Buckeye fan.:laugh:

    Bru: \*o*/ WTG \*o*/ I am so happy for you and proud of you!!!! Can't wait to see the numbers. Also happy to hear about Grandpa being diagnosed. Fingers and toes crossed during the surgery.

    55tolose: I can never sleep when my husband isn't home. I feel your pain. When my kids were younger, I remember many a morning feeding them and then turning on cartoons and laying back down on the couch to sleep. When my son was younger, my husband worked the worst swing shift. And then when my daughter was a baby, she had a 3 a.m. feeding time and my son (then 3 1/2) would wake up around 5:30 or 6 a.m. I hope things settle down for you and you get lots of sleep this weekend.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone weigh in is tomorrow but im so not sure i will do very good went out to eat with the family for my daughters first birthday We are having the actual party next friday. So question of the day at the restaurant after ordering my 3 year old a root beer.... Would you like a child drink then?... NO I was planning on ordering my toddler a large open soda! lol of course i want a child drink. lol but overall a great dinner.

    bru Congratulations : ) thats awesome... Hope grandpa gets through the surgery ok will cross my fingers,

    alioth Yes for sure lol when all you want to do is get through the morning routine while staying as groggy as possible lol it can get pretty irritating being narrated lol. but what can you do. ...
    Hey you are at my first goal weight almost which is to be under 152 : ). thats awesome i dont have far to go. less than 15 pounds.

    Michele ya that can be tough i remember those nights hubby works rotational shifts supposed to be 2 weeks graves 2 weeks swings 2 weeks days 12-8 8-4 and 4-12 and then 2 weeks of cover and weekend shifts. he has it worked out with coworkers to where he works 6 weeks of graves and 2 weeks of weekends. I like it best when he is on days with me but getting a babysitter sucks so my next favorite is when he is on graves and im on days. then i don't worry about him getting home as im getting to sleep like i do when he is on swings lol. After the first week of sleeping without him im used to it because its been that way for the past 6 years then when he is home on weekends its natural lol i love weekends the best.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I didn't weigh today because I had a bad day yesterday so this is yesterdays weigh in

    Sept.1 - 147.5
    Sept. 6 - 145.5
    Sept. 13 - 144.8
    Sept. 18 - 142.4

    I met the 5lbs but would like to get to 140lbs before the end of the month!
    I have one planned "bad" day and the rest has to be 110% so please wish me luck.

    SW: 147.5
    GW: 140 for now
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    kickrz--good luck, I bet you can meet your goal.

    Good morning one and all....going down to work with Jillian this morning....have been avoiding her lately....got P90X for my birthday and am waiting til Oct. 1st to start it (want to take before pics and my husband has been busy at work working 14 and 16hr days moving his dept. to a new building).....and he is the camera guy.....anyway....have a great day everyone!!
  • shellybug
    I'll join your challenge. 20 pounds by Christmas would be wonderful and a great motivator for the new year.