30 Day Shred motivation!



  • nminden
    nminden Posts: 55 Member
    kllanes I watched it on YouTube. Good luck every one. Day 1 done, just 29 to go!
    Is it the same routine for the 30 days? And then you switch levels after that?
    I'm in for starting tomorrow (13 August). I hve no free weights at home but I can use two 500ml bottles filled with water instead.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Is it the same routine for the 30 days? And then you switch levels after that?
    I'm in for starting tomorrow (13 August). I hve no free weights at home but I can use two 500ml bottles filled with water instead.

    - - -

    There are 3 levels, once you feel comfortable with level 1, you push to level 2, and so on and so forth.

    I started yesterday, felt great all day, and now my legs are KILLING me. I was going to do day 2 this morning, before work, but I might have to wait until after. Still have to chase after the kids all day today, lol.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    I planned to start something today! I just didnt know what! It might as well be 30DS, Problem is, I get very bored by day 3, day 4 is the quitter, day 5 is hell no.
    How do you keep focused! I know its only like 29 minutes of the same thing and you just push past it, I just fins it so hard to know what she is going to say by day 2, then theres the predicted groan coming up and the i hate star jumps at the start......meh, I will get past it, i have never done week 2 or 3, never watched the workouts either haha, just need to push past!

    That's what this thread is for, because I'm the exact same way, lol. Maybe try taking a break in between days? Do the 4 days, then on the 5th day hit the treadmill or elliptical, or something. That's what I'm planning to do.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    I meant to ask, are you also doing any additional cardio or weights? I'm trying to decide what will be best.

    I finished day 6 of level 1 today. After the first day I was pretty sore so I didn't do anything besides 30ds for a couple days. Today, however, I also began the 30 day Brazil Butt Lift and started back up on my Pilate's. Instead of feeling completely whooped after working out with Jillian today I felt energized and able to do more. Its a good feeling after only 6 days!

    Good luck, ladies...we can do it!!

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who's sore. My legs are throbbing. I took my dog out (I live in a 3rd floor walk-up) this morning for a quick run and coming back up almost killed me.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    I meant to ask, are you also doing any additional cardio or weights? I'm trying to decide what will be best.

    I might, just because I get really bored easily, so I'll probably do a few days of 30DS, the do the elliptical one day, then go back. I think I'm just going to take it day by day. So it will probably take me longer than the 30 days, but hey at least I'll have done the whole thing.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Okay, last post, I swear, lol.

    I made a group for those of you who want to join, to make it a little easier.

  • nurse_shell74
    nurse_shell74 Posts: 41 Member
    I really loved 30DS! It really helped my flexibility and endurance. Don't stop the video until you've done the post workout stretching. You will be surpised how limber you become. Also, don't be discouraged if you don't lose a ton of weight. I didn't lose much but everyone at work is noticing my figure changing.
  • viviantongsy
    I have been doing the 30 day shred on and off. But my calf really really sore. Tomorrow will restart my 30 day shred! Yay!
  • nurse_shell74
    nurse_shell74 Posts: 41 Member
    I forgot to add that 30DS helped my endurance so much that now I'm doing insanity and I'm actually surving lol
  • HollyRobertz
    HollyRobertz Posts: 11 Member
    I am starting it today too! I have been looking at before and after's both on MFP and on Tumblr and I haven't seen anyone who hasn't had SOME results. I am really trying to lose my last 15 lbs and I am hoping that 30DayShred will be instrumental in doing that! :)
  • Antoine112
    Antoine112 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm on day 11 of level1.
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    Today will be Day 2 of Level 1. Yesterday kicked my butt.
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Today was my first day and I felt good about be able to do this daily. My plan is to head to the park today after work to do some walking/light jogging. I feel great now, but I wonder what the morning will bring....I am SO out of shape:)

    Looking foward to hearing about everyone else progress!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • jesskreg
    jesskreg Posts: 75 Member
    Today will be day 2 for me. I'm in!
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    Today will be Day 2 of Level 1. Yesterday kicked my butt.

    I started Friday and it kicked my butt too. Saturday night my ribs hurt just to breath or touch them. But feeling pretty good today :)
  • knityoupants
    knityoupants Posts: 76 Member
    I'm on day 9, and already seeing changes in my body. Just keep pushing yourself to do the harder modifications and do it every day, and it seems to work! I'm pretty lazy when it comes to progress pictures in general, but I'm loving 30 day shred... 20 minutes a day every day just works so much better for me than a couple hours at the gym a few days a week.
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    Today will be Day 2 of Level 1. Yesterday kicked my butt.

    I started Friday and it kicked my butt too. Saturday night my ribs hurt just to breath or touch them. But feeling pretty good today :)

    My ribs aren't bad, it's my legs and butt that are pretty sore today, however, I missed one of the ab portions.........I was on the verge of throwing up. :embarassed: LOL.....I'm curious to see how I'll do tonight.
  • CAG1983
    CAG1983 Posts: 11 Member
    Day 1 is done. I know it's going to hurt me tomorrow, the last time I did this I was sore. Already not looking forward to day 2. :(
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Okay, so I'm skipping Day 2, only because I spent about 2 hours moving furniture up 3 flights of stairs in 100 degree weather. Pretty sure I'd pass out if I tried to exercise, I'm dead on my feet. Hope everyone is doing well!!