My Boyfriend thinks I'm Fat



  • tmptina
    tmptina Posts: 72 Member
    :drinker: :smokin:
    Lol get rid of his sorry butt before he feeds you more BS that you will get stuck in your mind and think about constantly.

    Seems like a real loser if you ask me. Guys really say these things to their girlfriends?!

    So glad I'm dating a real man.
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    I think my husband is old. I mean, he's 45.

    lol... 45 is old? wow.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    I had the same exact situation when I was in my early 20s. Same heights, same weights, same boyfriend preception. Here's the thing: I looked great at all of those weights. At 135, I was starting to look a little angular. At 145, more on the luscious side ;) My favorite photo of myself ever was at 145. It was actually from the night I met that boyfriend. Somehow, I was thin enough the night we met, but 6 months in, he thought I should lose weight. It was kind of bizarre.

    We went to couples therapy briefly after he cheated on me. In a one-on-one session, I shared with the counselor that my boyfriend thought I was fat. She walked over, took me by the shoulders, looked me in the eyes, and said "You are NOT fat." I needed that so much - I had started to believe him, which was ridiculous. it was doing terrible things to my self esteem. (Well, that and the infidelity, you know ;)

    I am not saying that your bf is the same as my ex (if he is, DTMFA). I AM saying that he should eff off about your weight. You are FINE.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    Yes, lose weight! Lose the 175 lbs he weighs!

    I have been heavier than I am now, and I've weighed less. And NEVER has my husband EVER said a word about my weight.

    I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and guess that he's criticized other things about you also? Yeah, no, that's not what you need in life, especially in a partner. A partner supports you no matter what.

    ETA: I've been married for over 26 years.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I think my husband is old. I mean, he's 45.

    lol... 45 is old? wow.

    I'm 41. I married him when he was a hot 31 year old.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    It kind of depends if he is bringing it up a lot, or if he is being honest with you when you ask him about your weight. If he is making a big deal about it, that is a problem. My husband thinks I'm sexy at whatever weight (up to a point, I'm sure), but I know he likes me a lot better at my current weight, and he would be honest if I asked him if I needed to lose weight.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Try harder. Troll posts are supposed to be believable enough to get people hooked. I am not hooked ergo this troll attempt sucks.
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    That fact that you're even questioning it speaks volumes. What would you say to one of your girlfriends or sister or daughter if they came to you with that question? 145 vs 135? That's not obese and it's not overweight at your height. Sounds like you need to work on your self-esteem and find a partner that supports you, not one that brings you down and makes you question yourself.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I think my husband is old. I mean, he's 45.

    lol... 45 is old? wow.

    I'm 41. I married him when he was a hot 31 year old.

    LOL....hate to tell ya, then you're old too.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just break up.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I think my husband is old. I mean, he's 45.

    lol... 45 is old? wow.

    I'm 41. I married him when he was a hot 31 year old.

    LOL....hate to tell ya, then you're old too.

    Are you kidding? I'm four years YOUNGER than him.

    Also, my kids are three and one, so they're not old enough yet to tell me how out-of-it I am. I have at least three more years of grace.
  • You can instantly drop about 160 pounds (I’m guessing) by breaking up with him.
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    hes a bad guy.......this isnt going to end well even if you do lose the weight for him
    something else must be wrong with him too
  • PMDiva
    PMDiva Posts: 41 Member
    I have been struggling all my life with weight issue. This year, I decided that it's about how I feel and what I want. At church yesterday, my pastor made a statement that will always stick in my head: Self Esteem is not about what others think of your BUT what you think of yourself! With this said, "It's about what you think." If the boyfriend doesn't like what you decide regarding your body, then you may reconsider calling him "boyfriend".
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    So does mine! I am about 147 and 5 ft 4. I have to admit I am a bit wobbly. Wish I was two or at least one stone lighter so I joined this.
  • Sorry he feels like that...I have dealt with a couple of men like that. I have had men belittle me too. it is not worth it. Those kind of remarks will give you low self esteem. For your height you are at the weight you suppose to be. If you feel good, don't feel tired, don't worry about it. If you don't have time for exercise, walking does wonders. there are simple exercises that can be done that don't take up much of your time. You need someone who will be supportive not negative. If all he cares is what you look like on the outside...he doesn't care how he feels about you on the inside. There is more to a person then looks. It is what is in their hearts that counts. Please find someone who can support you for who you are...not your looks
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I think my husband is old. I mean, he's 45.

    lol... 45 is old? wow.

    I'm 41. I married him when he was a hot 31 year old.

    LOL....hate to tell ya, then you're old too.

    Are you kidding? I'm four years YOUNGER than him.

    Also, my kids are three and one, so they're not old enough yet to tell me how out-of-it I am. I have at least three more years of grace.

    So you honestly think that because you are a measly 4 years younger then him, that he is old yet you are not?
    My husband is 46. I am 39. My husband is far from old. If you feel your husband is old at 45, I hate to say it, you need to add yourself to that bracket as well.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    There is only one person for whom you should try to lose weight, and that is for yourself. Without his input, do you feel fat and unfit? If so, see about getting fit first, because numerically your weight is completely appropriate.

    Personally, though, ask your boyfriend a question. "Would you still love me if I gained 30 lbs?" If he says no, ditch him. Love isn't about the body, it's about the person. Now, being physically attracted to is a whole other ball of wax.
  • yogacat13
    yogacat13 Posts: 124 Member
    What, does he weigh you each morning? Most guys have no idea what their girlfriend/wife/OH weighs and are smart enough not to ask. Any guy that comments on you about 5 pounds is clearly a controlling jerk best left at the kerb. Losing weight within healthy boundaries for yourself or for your health is one thing, losing five pounds for a guy is pointless as he will then find something else to change about you.
  • cynfy16
    cynfy16 Posts: 35
    Not to judge off of just this one post but tell him to SUCK IT. I am 5'5 and previously was 156lbs my boyfriend NEVER called me fat or hinted that I should lose weight. Granted I was athletic so I was never really "fat". Now I am at 143lbs and feel great! My goal weight is 135lbs but right now he tells me how awesome I look everyday. Soooo your byoyfriend needs a reality check or you just need to dump him lol.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    You deserve to have someone that supports and respects you and your choices.
  • escape31
    escape31 Posts: 28
    I wouldn't listen to him, your weight and body belong to you. If he doesn't like your weight thats part of you. So he basically saying I don't like you. That is really rude and hurtful, their are a lot of guys in this world.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Here's your litmus test. If you want to test this to we are correct, just tell him -- confidently, like the amazing chick you are -- that you don't appreciate being called fat and that you find it disrespectful being compared to other women and you would appreciate being spoken to with respect for your body.

    If he:
    -Laughs at you/makes fun of you "Are you serious?"
    -Tries to minimize the situation or invalidate you "You're too sensitive" "It's not a big deal"
    -Gets angry or defensive "Where is this coming from?" "You just want to make excuses for yourself" "Am I not allowed to look at other women?"
    -Turns it around on you/tries to shame you "YOU say this and it makes me feel bad" "YOU just want to blame me" "I'm sorry YOU have no self-esteem and have to compare yourself to other girls" "Right, like YOU don't look at other men"

    then he's abusive, or at the very least not mature, kind and stable enough for a big boy relationship and will only hurt you. The ONLY -- and I mean ONLY -- acceptable response to that kind of confrontation is, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be so hurtful. Your health is important to me but your happiness moreso." Those comments need to stop and I don't believe they will -- he'll sneak in his disapproval other ways.

    Trust me girl -- been there, done that. Do not drag this out. "You're fat" and "I'm attracted to this type of girl more than I am you" is abusive. Even if he pads it with "I'm just concerned for your health." Do you ever look at the kind of girl he tells you he is attracted to and feel jealous? Sad? Hurt? less-than? Comparing yourself? Congratulations, his abuse is working. It's a power play. Get out, get out, get out!
  • All, thank you for the support. I am starting to realize after reading these comments that I need to stand up for myself way more when it comes to him commenting on my weight.

    He does not literally look at me and call me "fat", but he does say things like, "you are out of shape" or "you have the potential to look amazing." He has a complex about his father, who is terribly obese and he is terrified I will somehow end up the same way if I don't always look skinny. I know that he shouldn't be taking this insecurity out on me, but at least there is a reason for it.

    Also, this is literally the first time I have posted anything anywhere other than facebook, so can someone please tell me what a "troll post" is...and possibly avoid using crazy acronyms becuase I don't know what they mean.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    troll post

    Smells like it.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    You post this on FB? Is he on there? Does he see the replies you must get? :huh:
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I'm the same height as you, and weigh about 153 - at my heaviest earlier this year I was closer to 165.

    My boyfriend not ONCE called me fat - actually, anytime I started going off about how fat I was, he would just end up squeezing me and telling me how beautiful I am, and I love him a lot for that.

    I was probably close to your current weight when we started dating, and even though I did gain weight through the first year and a half of our relationship, he never told me I'm out of shape. Maybe it's because he didn't want to hurt my feelings, and because he knew that I knew I am out of shape and need to do something to be happier about my appearance. Maybe it's because he loves my curves and doesn't want me to be a stick in any way :laugh:

    Anyway, I think that's a little rude or perhaps picky about your boyfriend calling you fat because of a 5 pound difference :huh: Maybe he was not meaning it to be said in such a way, but is concerned that you will keep gaining more weight until you are at an unhealthy weight. Either way, I wouldn't be afraid to tell him how it honestly makes you feel, and if he can't take it, then he doesn't really seem to be worth your time, in my humble opinion. Wanting your significant other to be in good shape for health reasons is one thing, but wanting your significant other to alter their appearance because you're a shallow is another.
  • dj59lane
    dj59lane Posts: 52 Member
    First off how heavy is he? Finally get rid of him if he can't appreciate you for what and who you are he's a jerk
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    5'6" 140 pounds is not fat at all. That is ridiculous. He is a jerk. Find a new boyfriend who loves you for you and won't lust after a bunch of skinny girls. Trust me, this one is no good.
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    troll post