Big Brother fans?



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    do you guys think that judd will come back to the house ??

    i hope not as a contestant. if you are out you should be out.

    like i said earlier Aaryn is rolling now. if she plays well this week ill definitely be rooting for her.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    do you guys think that judd will come back to the house ??

    hadnt watched the last segment when i answered. i guess he has a chance. :D

    but did julie say they will come back as contestants or just "come back" maybe a temporary thing like they've done in the past?
  • A_Healthier_Me2013
    A_Healthier_Me2013 Posts: 227 Member
    do you guys think that judd will come back to the house ??

    hadnt watched the last segment when i answered. i guess he has a chance. :D

    but did julie say they will come back as contestants or just "come back" maybe a temporary thing like they've done in the past?

    you know what? i didn't think of it that way as in just back temporarily ... i feel like cbs wasn't happy to see judd go and they're just finding a way to bring him back lol
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'll have to go back and check, but I'm pretty sure Julie had mentioned that one of the jury members may have a chance to come back prior to Candice being evicted.

    I do hope Judd comes back just because I find both Candice and Jessie to be nearly unbearable to watch.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    do you guys think that judd will come back to the house ??

    i hope not as a contestant. if you are out you should be out.

    like i said earlier Aaryn is rolling now. if she plays well this week ill definitely be rooting for her.

    This is what really sucks about this season. She is one of the few winning comps, but she's a horrible person and player other than that. I would like to like someone in the house, but it could never be her.
  • cwilliams080676
    cwilliams080676 Posts: 118 Member
    Did any one catch Amanda crying behind the trash can because Mrcrae asked her why she didn't win? She is nuts. I think she is actually trying to plan Rachel's game minus the winning. She's not really playing Dr Wills game, because he was charming never a bully.
  • IamDIVAlicious
    This season SUCKS!!! Everyone is scared of Amanda and Helen. The whole house votes together despite what they WANT to do because they'er scared of Amanda and no one wants to make a big move. They stink. I have no one I'm rooting for because everyone I would have possibly rooted for is out. I can't wait for GM and Aaryn to find out they were fired from their jobs and for Spencer to find out about the police investigation into his crude comments. Maybe Elyssa should win since she's the only seemingly sane one at this point (though she does have Rachel's annoying voice). Andy annoys as well. Another possibility would be McCrae without Amanda...
  • cwilliams080676
    cwilliams080676 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm actually rooting for Aaryn right now. I hate her.. lol
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    they are all terrible...even the power players suck.. the power players like amanda dont win competitions..all they do is manipulate the HOH into nominating the person they want. Its annoying to hear Helen call Arin- Janelle. No- janelle would actually nominate who she wanted to nominate and was a beast. Nobody this season is a beast. Amanda is just a bully. Helen is a passive aggressive bully. The rest are just sheep. When Julie read the tweet the other night that asked Helen why there hasnt been any power moves...that shoud have raised a red flag in Helen's mind-- but no, she insisted that the game was ful of big moves. lol
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I've been kinda browsing this thread for a while now, and I have to say...out of all the seasons I have watched? This one has been my least favorite.

    It's a house full of sheeple. Where are the individual thinkers?

    I was sorry to see Judd go. Jesse I could take or leave.

    Aaryn? Can't stand her. Some of the crap that comes out of her mouth? WOW...But at this point in the game, I find listening to her more tolerable than Amana and Helen...

    My take on the returning house guest is that they are going to be returned to game play.

    Like DIVA up there, all my favorites are gone, soooo it's kinda like the lesser of all evils, and I haven't picked one.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    they are all terrible...even the power players suck.. the power players like amanda dont win competitions..all they do is manipulate the HOH into nominating the person they want. Its annoying to hear Helen call Arin- Janelle. No- janelle would actually nominate who she wanted to nominate and was a beast. Nobody this season is a beast. Amanda is just a bully. Helen is a passive aggressive bully. The rest are just sheep. When Julie read the tweet the other night that asked Helen why there hasnt been any power moves...that shoud have raised a red flag in Helen's mind-- but no, she insisted that the game was ful of big moves. lol

    I must have missed Helen calling Aaryn Janelle. I probably would have broke my tv. Seriously, Janelle is probably my all time favorite player even though she was a touch on the crazy side.
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    they are all terrible...even the power players suck.. the power players like amanda dont win competitions..all they do is manipulate the HOH into nominating the person they want. Its annoying to hear Helen call Arin- Janelle. No- janelle would actually nominate who she wanted to nominate and was a beast. Nobody this season is a beast. Amanda is just a bully. Helen is a passive aggressive bully. The rest are just sheep. When Julie read the tweet the other night that asked Helen why there hasnt been any power moves...that shoud have raised a red flag in Helen's mind-- but no, she insisted that the game was ful of big moves. lol

    I must have missed Helen calling Aaryn Janelle. I probably would have broke my tv. Seriously, Janelle is probably my all time favorite player even though she was a touch on the crazy side.

    Yeah, during the Double Eviction when she won the first HOH and got Judd out. Helen does a lot of positive reinforcement based on delusions of grandeur, but these hammies seem to eat it up. Its a good game strategy and has been working for her so far but not sure how much longer thats going to last.

    I'm just still really confused on their whole thought process on who "deserves" to be there and who doesn't. Its a game, and the point is to win so you're either going to do the dirty work or get someone else to do it. Making alliances and lying about them, breaking alliances and power moves used to be the staples of the game - Dr. Will just flat out told everyone he was going to lie to them - but now they get so upset if someone lies all the while telling their own. Evicting the strong players when you can is the point isn't it? GM's fit about Nick being evicted because he was such a strong player (and her own delusions) is so bassakwards. Yes, if he were a strong player the others should be trying to get him out, not helping him win.

    Jessie made a good point last night that this whole thing has turned into honoring the wishes of the HOH and the unanimous votes, instead of playing the best game for themselves. She had potential, but waited too long to act.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I must have missed Helen calling Aaryn Janelle. I probably would have broke my tv. Seriously, Janelle is probably my all time favorite player even though she was a touch on the crazy side.

    she's my 2nd favorite after Will. id love to see her get one more shot at an all star or fan vs favorite season.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    Helen and Elissa are the noms!!!!! as long as Helen doesnt win POV she is gone!!!! ding dong the psycho is done!

  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    It would be funny if they blindsided helen then she came back and won hoh and maybe got a clue and put up Mccranda
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    they rigged it so elissa won pov. they didnt want her to self evict. spencer will go up as a legitimate pawn and helen will be leaving!!! she better not win her way back in.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    Well they can certainly try and lead it towards someone to win but you can't make the person win as we have clearly seen with Amanda even when people try to hand it to her she still looses LOL

    Anyways I think what is going to happen is Helen will be evicted and my guess is they will try to gear the get back in the game competition towards her winning it so that Helen is back in the game and what would be super fabulous is if they would then gear the HOH towards Helen/Elissa winning so that MCCRANDA can finally be backdoored and if one of them get off put Alyssa or Andy right up in their place
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    Yay Judd is back in! and Elissa is HOH. should be a fun week. im just so glad Helen is done for good.

    so annoying!

  • A_Healthier_Me2013
    A_Healthier_Me2013 Posts: 227 Member

    Yay Judd is back in! and Elissa is HOH. should be a fun week. im just so glad Helen is done for good.

    so annoying!


    :: SPOILER ::

    i just saw that !! woo hoo, i love judd !!

    and i'm glad to see elissa win hoh ... they need a power shift in that house !! i hope she puts up amanda ... she's becoming a real menace ...
  • dmvarner
    dmvarner Posts: 150 Member
    First season I have first I loved it, but now I just don't understand why they all vote the same and don't get rid of the players who keep winning or making decisions!

    I loved Howard and Judd. Of the remaining I would like to see Amanda, Andy, Spencer, Mcrea, Aaryn, GM, And then Judd leave with Elissa being the winner. And yes in that order.

    I don't think it will happen though!