Things you hate at the gym!!!



  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member

    what happened to all that potential? did it just go poof? please continue to regale us with tales of how awesome you are
    You don't hef to be med, we are all fries here

    Just remember all french fries were once potatoes
  • Popsing
    Popsing Posts: 23 Member
    #1 Rant: People who sit for three or four minutes at their machines or benches listening to their iPods -- Get up and circulate your blood, you big moron!
    #2 Out of shape "trainers" who have no idea what they're doing, but paid the $500 - $1000 to get certified and think that makes them experts.
    #3 Young men (mostly) who have no idea how to lift weights trying to lift weights that are too heavy and using bad form.
    #4 Young men (again mostly) using bad language at high volume (probably because of the iPods)
    #5 Visible @ss crack.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I'll repost this from the other thread:

    Major pet peeves:
    -People with dre beats (this literally ruins my workout because I just want to go smash the person with the beats on I don't even know why)
    -People quarter squatting (this also gets me unrealistically mad, once again I don't know why but seriously if you quarter squat just stop doing squats you won't be losing much)
    -Invisible lat syndrome
    -Dudes weighing 220+ thinking they are strong af because they can bench 245 for reps, squat 365-400, and deadlift 405-500 (those are strong lifts for 160-180lbs)
    -Watching personal trainers who don't even look like they lift and are weak af give advice to people and know that they are getting paid for it too.
    -Dudes on steroids who look like sht and think they look amazing.
    -Girls or dudes that continue to try to talk to you when you put earphones back in and go to lift. (one girl I work with does this specifically, I'll talk to her for a bit and be like ok I'm gonna finish my workout bye *puts earphones in and turns music up loud af and goes to get under bar to squat or bench*, brb she will walk in front of me so I can see her and continue speaking when I clearly can't hear her and just told her to leave)

    Minor pet peeves:
    -Males who powerclean 95lbs for reps every single day for months
    -People who drop dumbells that are under 100lbs
    -Small kids that wear tanks and think they're big and walk around with invisible lat syndrome and check themselves out in every mirror.
    -People who wear the same cloths to the gym every single day.
    -People that don't do legs.
    -People that just walk around and socialize and do random machines as they walk around.

    I hate people like this that think they have it all figured out and want to complain about others. The gym is different for every person, since you're obviously insecure to the point that you have to watch and judge everyone else I would say you have more of an issue than just some "pet peeves".
  • peterplsss
    peterplsss Posts: 169
    #2 Out of shape "trainers" who have no idea what they're doing, but paid the $500 - $1000 to get certified and think that makes them experts.
    #3 Young men (mostly) who have no idea how to lift weights trying to lift weights that are too heavy and using bad form.
  • WisiPls
    WisiPls Posts: 359
    People who try to spot me when im squatting and press their erections against my glutes, No thanks jeff.
  • about a person?

    theres this guy who runs on the treadmill and while is sweat is dripping everywhere he feels the need to wipe his sweat with his hands and then shake his hands so his sweat will smack you while your on your treadmill...ugh
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Trying to do a Superset, when someone comes along, and steals one of the pieces of equipment im trying to use, by just sitting there on their phone in between sets, rather than allowing me to work in with them, so I can finish -.-
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    LOL, out of shape trainers. Yeah, that's irony. Like overweight nurses and doctors who wheeze because they smoke a pack a day. It's hard to take advice from someone who doesn't take his own advice.
  • daytolive
    daytolive Posts: 106 Member
    I hate when every bike, treadmill, elliptical, etc in the gym is empty and someone comes to the one right next to the one I'm on

    ^^^^^^ THIS! annoying.
  • daytolive
    daytolive Posts: 106 Member
    Oh,and when weird older men try to give me "pointers". I have my headphones in,which means ' Leave.Me.Alone.
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    I hate when every bike, treadmill, elliptical, etc in the gym is empty and someone comes to the one right next to the one I'm on

    ^^^^^^ THIS! annoying.

    I second what these two have said.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    "get up and circulate your blood"

    That's all one needs to know to understand how stupid this thread is
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Plates and dumbbells scattered everywhere.

    Having to hunt down a missing dumbbell and finding it clear across the gym in the circuit training area, or on a different floor even.

    Circuit training people monopolising all sorts of equipment at once--multiple sets of dumbbells, one of the only two squat racks, etc.

    People attempting to take weights from the rack I'm using in the middle of one of my squat sets--ducking under the barbell that is on my back.

    Heavily applied perfume/cologne.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Well at my crossfit box there is no ac so it's pretty brutal in there I always look forward to outside wods
  • My only complaint is when you got someone with really pungent body odor nearby when your trying to breathe.
  • DaNuKea
    DaNuKea Posts: 3
    People having conversations while on the equipment or sitting there five minutes between sets when I or someone else is waiting on the machine...oh and models the ones that come in with a full face makeup, poon poon shorts and prance around the gym trying to get attention...GTFOHWTBS!! I am trying to get in and out...Aint nobody got time for that!!
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    When people create their own little 'circuit' and take up like 4 effing machines at once, drives me crazy!
  • When guys don't squat or deadlift more than me. Additionally when guys want to meet girls at the gym. That is why I not longer frequent a conventional gym. I am there to get swole!
  • Ohh and when people stare.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    When guys don't squat or deadlift more than me. Additionally when guys want to meet girls at the gym. That is why I not longer frequent a conventional gym. I am there to get swole!

    Well then I'm glad I work on my all my squat lifts and deadlifts
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