
  • Got my new scale a day early so I am all set for Wednesday. I also told all MFP friends that I was changing my weigh in date lest they think I have become scale obsessed ...

    Jodie ... we should also make a "day after Turkey day" weigh IN LOL

    I think thats a great idea to weigh in the day after thanksgiving! I had my aunt and uncle over to dinner last friday and they brought a Chocolate-Peanutbutter pie for dessert! How dare they! Yes i couldnt help myself, i have a lil piece of it! weighed the next morning...after my workout of course...and it didnt hurt me much. Was so yummy though.... i will post my weigh in the day after turkey day.....
  • Wednesday Weigh-In....ok, so i am a day Early.....but I was so excited, i had to post it! Here Goes!

    9/07 - 193.50
    9/14 - 193.00 - uggggg....stupid picnic!
    9/21 - 191.00 - i think i made up for that picnic! wahoo, very happy about this!
  • Happy Monday Challengers!!!

    Yep, only 9 1/2 weeks til Thanksgiving! I just love this time of year. So many beautiful colors everywhere!

    @glasielady..... I absoluteley love Zumba!! When I go 'home' to western NY (two or three times a year) I go to the class at the Y there, but I dont like the class here where I live. I've tried the dvd's, but its so much more fun in person!

    Idea:tongue: .... since this is a Thanksgiving Challenge.... if anyone has any healthy recipes/ideas for Thanksgiving please share!!


    this really is for turkey day, but it has Cranberries in it......i shared this with my weigh down class that i lead at my church......

    Cranberry Chicken Tenders

    1 – 16 oz can Cranberry Sauce
    1 - 8 oz bottle French Salad Dressing
    1 - envelope Onion Soup Mix
    12 Chicken Breast Tenders (no skin, no breading)

    1. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees
    2. Combine Cranberry sauce, dressing and soup mix in bowl, Mix well.
    3. Arrange chicken in 13x9 baking dish. Pour cranberry mix over chicken.
    4. Bake until chicken is cooked thru – about 25 minutes.

    Serves 6
    Calories 310
    Total Fat 14g
    Total Carbs 45g
    Dietary Fiber 2g
    Protein 31g
    Sodium 587mg
    Cholesterol 74 mg

    *perfect partner: Rice Pilaf
  • Hi I know I really late on this challenge, but is it to late to join?
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I weighed today ... but will weigh again tomorrow and post the "official" result ... I am DOWN though ;) and I am on target to hit my goal I believe (haven't done the math yet ... I hate math)
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 702 Member
    Hi I know I really late on this challenge, but is it to late to join?

    Of course you can still join!!! Welcome!!!!

    @Brat..... that recipe sounds yummy.... I am definitely going to try it!! Thanks for sharing!!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I can't wait to "officially" post weight tomorrow!
  • nursmem
    nursmem Posts: 10 Member
    SW 204 (back in June '10)
    CW 177
    GW 157 (Turkey Day!)

    Wt Check on 9/21/10 175 lbs (-2 lbs)
  • vickyajones
    vickyajones Posts: 12 Member
    Hi All!

    I have had a challenging week socializing with customers nearly everyday and trying like mad not to go too overboard. I did manage to lose1lb despite eating and drinking out nightly. Thankfully, I am at home this week and able to control my meals. Now, I just have to get to the gym!

  • Man!!! I completely forgot to post last Wednesday. Long day at work probably. So I am making sure I did first thing in the morning. My starting weight was 235 but I didn't take it quite seriously. So my weight for last week was 243. Something about being in the 40's again didn't set right with me so I am taking this challenge very seriously now. My current weight for this week is 238.2. I have got to reach my goal!! Have a wonderful day all.

    SW 235
    Wk 1 243
    Wk 2 238.2
  • Good Morning.
    My weigh in this morning was 198.5
    Loss of 1.5 for this week.

    I cant tell you how proud I am of myself. I have been over 200lbs for SEVERAL years now and this is the first time I have really done anything about it. I am very, very short so me making the decision to lose the weight is a wise one. I am just happy to see the 100's again on the scale.
    I think everyone is doing such a good job chanllenging themselves. I know we can all keep up the good work.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    SW: 192
    CW: 191.5
    GW: 175
  • jsc74
    jsc74 Posts: 6 Member
    Height 5'3"
    Starting weight - 197
    Current weight- 114
    Goal weight - 110
  • carfam07
    carfam07 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi! I lost 2 pounds since last Wednesday!! Woo hoo!!
    SW 203.5
    9/8- 196.5
    9/15 195.5
    9/22 193.5
  • ginacab3
    ginacab3 Posts: 18 Member
    OK, so I didn't post my weigh in last week which was 158, which I normally do Mon mornings. This week the scale says I'm at 155, Wed morning! I'd like to believe that, but I don't think that's correct, so I will use 157 and see what happens on the scales next week! :wink:
  • bariachic
    bariachic Posts: 76 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My starting weigh 256
    Last weeks' weight 254

    I weighed in this morning at 251.4 for a loss of 2.6 lbs! Yay!

    My goal weight is 240 so I only have 11.4 pounds to go!!!


    Wherever you are I hope you're having a great day :)
  • good morning!!! I lost 2lbs this week... sw 216

    cw 214
    goal 201
  • good morning!!! I lost 2lbs this week... sw 216

    cw 214
    goal 201
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Good morning :) 3lbs down since Scale Fiasco of 2010 ...

    Challenge SW: 175
    CW: 172
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Starting weight 190 6/12/10
    Current weight 174 9/8/10
    174 9/15/10
    172 9/22/10

    Goal weight 163 - 9 lbs to go
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