Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    BMK Challenge still going on:
    50 jumping jacks per day for 5 days - 250 total for the week.

    20 pushups per day for 5 days - 100 total for the week.

    1 minute plank per day for 5 days!

    Pick your own food challenge for the week - it can be a new one, or anything we've done before!

    Mid week check in....so where is everyone at?

    I've hit 3 days total for exercise and as for food, I haven't picked one for me since most of the week has been spent at the hospital.
    I pick next week, I have a good idea of whats in store, but the 3 of us are always up for ideas...message me if you have a food or exercise idea :)
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Wow, it looks like I am not the only one having a stress filled week. Not sure if it is the change in weather or what but the kids have been crazy...babies not napping and then being crabby. My sore throat has become a very plugged up nose. I just have not been getting the workouts in or eating well this week. I did not weigh in this morning because I was not ready to see my bad week on the scale.

    Hoping things settle down for everyone and life gets back to "normal" whatever that is.

    "Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals. "

    Henry Ford


  • Tems
    Tems Posts: 16
    Good Morning all, checking-in (a day late)
    Started @ 217 01/09/2010
    08/09/2010 - 215
    15/09/2010 - 213
    23/09/2010 - 210:smokin:
    Been off with a bad cold as well :sick: , probably to do with change in weather...
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Weigh In:

    Sept 1: 159
    Sept 7: 155.25
    Sept 11: 153.75
    Sept 17: 153.5
    Sept 18: 153
    Sept 23: 151.5

    Woohoo! I'm almost out of the 150's! I would love to finish September at 149. Maybe if I work extra hard...
    Looks like today I'll start the jumping jacks and push ups. Oh how I loathe push ups!

    Thank for the great quote, Terri.
    I'm praying for everyone who mentioned family needs.
    Congrats to everyone who lost weight this week. There's still a few more days to go!
    Watch out for the allergy monster. It's starting to rear its ugly head.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I haven't checked in lately. I had to finally face facts and update my ticker. I am 148. up 4 pounds since 8/14. oh well time to start over. but first I get a weekend trip to Minnesota to visit my daughter. I am so excited.

    Congrats to all of you who have lost and just keep at for those of you with less than stellar results. It will all work out in the end.
  • I'm still here, I'm still in the challenge; but, I am noticing that focusing on the scale is actually discouraging me from keeping up good habits. If I don’t lose in a given week, I start to think that it was all for not – why deprive myself of chips/fries, chocolate and cheese if I don’t get immediate results???

    I’ve decided that I want to instead focus on getting in all my workouts every week – every day that I log 25-30 minutes on the Elliptical is a victory. I’m going to keep up with my food diary, because left to my own devices I am apt to go completely out of control, but I won’t be beating myself up when I go over the daily limit. I’ll still weigh myself twice a month, on the first of the month to log my progress and mid-month to check up on whether I need to start pushing myself harder and/or decrease my daily calorie goal.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I got off track! I've only lost one pound! I'm training for a marathon in december and figured i could eat whatever I wanted to since i've been running so much! That's so not the case.... So, I run my half marathon on October 30th in napa. I'm starting today. I'd like to lose 6 more pounds by then....
  • Hello, All! Happy first day of Fall! I just got back from the doctor's for a 2-month follow up visit. She is very happy with the progress that I have made so far. My blood pressure is under control (though I am still on meds for it). It actually did not spike in the doctor's office like it usually does. I even had a print out of all of my blood pressure readings for the last month ready to prove that I didn't need to increase my dosage. As it turns out, I didn't even need it. My doctor has a great outlook on weight loss. She promotes the "non-American" approach of slow loss. She gave me her holiday speech, which is basically don't try to lose weight on the major holidays....just try to maintain. That way when everyone is trying to lose the typical 10-15 lbs gain, you are ahead of the game and actually losing weight you want to lose--not trying to lose weight that you gained. Sounds good to me. I'm in this for the long haul. I also got my flu shot today, so I guess I'll be doing my 30-day shred later to work the vaccine into that muscle.

    I peeked at the scale this morning and it was 190.8. I hope this keeps going by Sunday. I just might get out of the 190's by the end of the month! Have a great day everyone!
  • Thursday is weigh-in day at my house. Didn't lose this week, but yesterday was a bad day. It started out with a morning meeting for which I made zucchini bread. Didn't get a real breakfast -- 2 pieces of zucchini bread instead -- rushed from meeting to meeting and didn't get lunch until 5 pm! I ate out for dinner, polished off half a bottle of wine, ate lots of things that I didn't or couldn't track and just generally gave up by day's end, rewarding my feeling of failure with 2 more pieces of zucchini bread!

    I find the calorie tracker to be a tremendous help to keep my eating in check. I definitely have problems with metabolism from years of skipping breakfasts and lunches, being just too busy to eat, and then stuffing myself at dinner. Some days I skip dinner as well and just snack when I have a chance.

    I'd love suggestions from people -- how do you stay on track when you can't track your calories?

  • Not sure if it is the change in weather or what but the kids have been crazy...babies not napping and then being crabby.



    More likely it's the full moon. I taught for 28 years and the kids would definitely get buggy at the full moon -- you could tell the difference by the noise level in the lunch room! I thought I was imagining it until a friend who was a city emergency room nurse told me about the increase in stabbings on Friday and Saturday nights when there was a full moon. It's especially significant because the Harvest Moon occured at the same time as the Autumnal Equinox last night.

    Happy first day of Fall!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    It's been a crazy past 2 weeks... but I finally have a few minutes to actually post and say "HI". Not sure that I will make it to the 5lb goal for the month but am very happy to say that I just bought a size 14 Levi's!!! I haven't worn a size 14 since before my daughter (who turned 7 in August) was born... I was on my way into a size 24 when I started my weight loss journey on April 15th 2008!!! Holy whaa!!! What a happy day!

    Hoping to be more active with posting and logging. I've been eating good and working out but not tracking, which I know could lead to over indulging...gotta keep myself in check!!

    Have a great evening everyone!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Been busy with my husband working so much...can't wait til they get their offices and storeroom all moved....hopefully will be done by mid October...he is taking tomorrow completely off though so we can spend the day together while the kids are in school (and preshool) ...he is taking me out for a much late birthday lunch date...so I will make sure I wear something cute and sexy to let him see what he has been missing, HA!!!!...sounds like some of us are struggling while others are full steam ahead..whichever...hang in there everyone....tomorrow is TGIF....:bigsmile:

    Oh, got my jj, plank, pushups (can do about 7 good ones at a time instead of 5), and my added squats and calve lifts....day 4 of them ....and I think I am going to keep going with this little routine on a daily basis....
  • As always, thanks for the support ladies! I aced my accounting test today (woohoo!) and it is safe to say that I studied far too hard for it. Now I know better for next time. I feel a lot less stressed but still have a lot of crap to do for school this weekend. I think I will try to knock it all out tomorrow.

    Bru—Keep us updated on Grandpa. Sending well wishes for a fast recovery!

    Kelly—I am sorry about your uncle. A family friend recently passed away from a stroke, so I know how shocking of a loss it can be.

    Alioth—I put on 40 lbs in a year and a half after graduating high school. There will DEFINITELY be people who have put on more than 20 lbs in 10 years! And congrats on being SO CLOSE to getting out of the 150’s. That’s so great! I am heading that way myself and will be thrilled to see “14#” on the scale…. even if it is 149.9!

    Robin—Have fun visiting your daughter! Keep up the hard work. You will drop those 4 lbs soon!

    TheRealErin—I get the same way with the scale. It took me about 8 months of actively trying to lose weight (and NOT losing anything for several of those months!) to finally let go of that stress. You are making a good move!

    Michele—That’s awesome! It’s great to hear results like that.

    Tina—Woohoo, sounds like you have a HOT DATE tomorrow! Have a good time!

    I weigh in tomorrow morning! I have done well this week but am not expecting much (if anything) since I lost 3 lbs last week.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello, my challenge is to stay at 119 pounds for all of September ( I reached goal weight of 119 pounds the middle of August) and i am struggling to stay there!!!!! This week I made it back to 119 pounds and it feels GREAT !!!!!!!!!

    9/10/10........119.5 pounds
    9/17/10........120.5 pounds

    Good Luck to you all .
  • Hi Everyone! I'm not sure if I'm weighing in a day late or not, but my regular day is Friday, so here goes....

    SW: 98.8 kgs (217lbs)

    CW:97.1 kgs (213lbs)

    Thats a loss of 4 pounds so far in September, so i'm on my may to goal, hoping to drop at least 2 lbs next week!!:bigsmile:

    good luck everyone and have a great week!!:flowerforyou:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Barty...your weight is always going to fluctuate just a little so don't be so hard on yourself....look how much you have lost...now that is something to be proud of (and I know maintenance is the hardest) so hang in there...you are doing AWESOME!!

    Amanda great job on aceing the test..

    Bella--awesome job so far and still a few days in Sept to go....don't think I will be as good as you..my food choices have not been so great lately...am going to have to try harder (but after today...lunch with hubby)

    Heading out to drop the kids at school (and preschool) then spending the day with my husband so probably won't check in til later...probably won't get to much exercise in today but willl get my BMK challange routine in when I get back, Have a GREAT day everyone!!........:flowerforyou:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Sorry duplicate entry...
  • judswi
    judswi Posts: 73 Member
    I did not do good with this chanange:explode:
    sept. 1= 139.4
    sept. 8= 136.7
    sept 15= 138.6
    sept 22= 137.8:cry:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I did not do good with this chanange:explode:
    sept. 1= 139.4
    sept. 8= 136.7
    sept 15= 138.6
    sept 22= 137.8:cry:

    Do not get discouraged. You lost! Maybe not as much as you would have wanted but pat yourself on the back for some weight loss!
  • sjoy711
    sjoy711 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm totally in!! That is right on target with what I want to lose - one pound a week. It's going to be hard to get through the weekends without totally blowing it, but I'm all in. I'll give it all I've got!
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