

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle :flowerforyou: I take the 'I can't believe it's not butter' spray and spray the bottom of a small saucer. I put that in the microwave and then break an egg and put it in the saucer. I don't like may eggs any other way but fried hard so I break the egg yolk, close the door and nuke it for 1 minute. Because of the spray it just slides out onto my sandwich without any assistance! Yummy. I already have the cheese on the bread so it has more of a chance to melt that cheese then sit and enjoy. Good eating.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JB: Congratulations on the garden and your DH’s new work situation. Good times!:bigsmile:

    Pat (phoo): DH has been diabetic since before we met. We have more or less grown up with it as a presence in our lives. He does a great job managing it, but even great managers have trouble sometimes. :frown: I hope your SO is taking care of himself. I have no problems logging. I do all my logging on my phone, though.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: I’ve never seen a band across the page. Good luck. I didn’t know that cinnamon has an impact on blood sugar. You’ve taught me something new. Thanks.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’d be thrilled if my weight was around 135. It happened once more than 30 years ago.:tongue:

    Sue in TX: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Skuhn48: Your horse experiences are the stuff of my dreams. You are a lucky woman. I hope your luck turns to helping your shoulder heal.:flowerforyou:

    Jen: My son is also in the military. I pray a lot when he is deployed, and avoid the news.:ohwell:

    I washed the boat today and it looks so good! :heart: It was quite a workout and I’m very tired. Picture me mopping the outside of a whale with a big mast sticking out of the top of it.:laugh: :laugh: I used a group of scrub brushes to do 90% of the work, along with lots of water. It was a LOT of work, and I enjoyed every minute. The sun was out, the temperature was perfect, and DH was there with me. The view was great. I’m really ready for rest now, but I enjoyed the day a lot.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Ladies - ever have one of the days when you are just hungry no matter what you eat? It was one of those days but I was able to satisfy my cravings and eventually quench a sweet tooth with some dry cereal. I worked out like a beast tonight so I felt worthy of the sweet cereal snack.

    This coming Saturday Shaun T. (from Hip Hop Abs and Insanity and now T25) will be here and guess you is working out for 2 hrs with him? Yep, me and my fitness group!! I am so excited. It is a fund raiser for our church, he is a good guy and is allowing up to keep the money raised for our Coins for Children (stop child trafficking) cause. I have been waiting since Apr for this day to come, sooo excited. I attribute my exercise enthusiasm to his fun workouts!

    Now time to get to sleep.....goodnight everyone.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Sorry for the late check-in. I was lawn bowling in a tournament all day and when I came home (it was very hot and humid) I just crashed. I was just going to turn off the computer and realised I hadn't been in to say hello.

    I will catch up on the messages and write more tomorrow.

    Oh, and by the way - my team and I didn't win any games, but did win a 'low score' prize!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    loved the 'low score' prize. The first time I bowled I go a 9. Yep, a 9. So I didn't do much bowling after that. I did a few when the family was together because we laugh each other instead of at each other so I did improve some. The first year I was on a bowling league I did it becuae DH was on one. I was so bad he didn't want me on his team. He likes to stay around 200 and kind of expect everyone he bowls with to be the same. I mean he really expects them to. So we came in last place and I got a trophy of a woman bowling between her legs. The first year I bowled for our church league DH had lost all of his members the year before and I didn't have anyone to bowl with so he was stuck with me. He hated to give up the, oh what are they called??? The points a team has to give another that doens't have as good an average. Anyway, back tot he story. With me on the team we actually got points. I started the season with a game night average of 68. I ended up with an average of 129!!!!!! Yippee skippee!!!! WE got first place. DH had never, ever gotten first place. He still won't give me any glory for it though. We did have 2 other terrific bowlers on our team though. But I got most improved trophy and so did DH. So I brought out the best in him.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    well here I am at the crack of dawn, and another lb up.. I dont know what the heck is going on...im under my calories,drinking water, and exercising.. trying to stay away from alot of processed stuff.
    Oh well just another bump in the rd i guess:grumble:
    Iam having my lemon water,then throwing some laundry in and going to the gym...
    then coming home and making blueberry buckle for DH.I go into work at noon today
    Today my DGD starts her first day of kindergarten at Madison Christian School in Ohio.. I am sooo excited for her:bigsmile:
    mom and dad are taking her to and from school today and then she rides the bus..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: When Jake got toward the bottom of the woodpile in the garage while moving the wood to the new racks he built and placed on the deck and in the breezeway, he found clear evidence that mice and a bird had been living in the woodpile so I’m feeling much better about the $150.00 we spent to build the racks. Jake has some plans for reorganizing the garage and I’m working hard at keeping my mouth shut except to ask that the garbage and recycling bins stay where they are so I can get to them easily.

    :bigsmile: This is the day my line dance class goes out to lunch…..today we’re going to a Thai restaurant that serves small and beautiful portions.

    :flowerforyou: about flossing......I didn't start being faithful with it until about ten years ago.....even now I don't do a great job of it but I do it every night along with brushing with an electric toothbrush (my dentist says to do 2 minutes on each quadrant of my mouth, but I don't do nearly that much). brushing with "go betweens" (the tiny brushes), and brushing with a regular brush and toothpaste (for a good taste in my mouth).........even so, every time I go to the dentist they give me more suggestions on how I could do better.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello everybody:smile:
    Have missed logging in here lately . a quick glance through the posts tells me most everyone stuck to their guns.
    :love: Barbie thrilled to see your pic. Looking so cute. Shared it with my daughter too. She lives with us. She is a dance teacher.
    :flowerforyou: Joyce Yay for deciding to write and sharing your talent with us.
    :flowerforyou: Cityjanelondo hope u recover soon, great reading about your DH and DGS. Thanks for the recipes.
    :flowerforyou: jb_2011 what a blessing your garden is. wish u have abundance always

    I was good for two days and pleased as punch. Yesterday was invited to a get together where we meditated followed by dinner and I just didnt say No!:grumble:
    I'm embarrassed to admit, but I should have said No! to the wrong choices and only had the healthy options, but I indulged and enjoyed every bite:blushing: .
    How am I ever going to lose?
    I thought I would pick myself up from there, but my sister is visiting and so no workout.
    Hope I will make and stick to a healthy dinner
    Thanks for listening
    Love to all my dear friends here
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    LizPlus :smile: Thinking good thoughts for you and your sister:flowerforyou: !

    Katla :smile: Sure wish I could share some of the frequent rains we`re having! Heard on the news the other day we are 10 ½ inches above normal right now. I know the rain you`re talking about, I call those monsoon showers:grumble: , the sky opens up and it`s a wall of water, not fun! I would try taking the yoga mat back, they may let you exchange it or give you a store credit! Sounds like you got a lot of exercise in washing the boat!

    Heather :smile: Hope the antibiotics are working and you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: !!! I`ve not tried roasted cauliflower, it sounds really good!

    Jb :smile: Woo hoo!!!! Congrats to you and Red:flowerforyou: , so glad he got hired full time!!! Sure wish you could send me a few of those tomatoes, I`ve only had one home grown tomato this year, it was so good!!! Good luck getting the car repaired! You have to put your weight on your drivers license:noway: ???? Thank goodness we don`t have to do that here!!!

    Sandy in ON :smile: I was sickened at that letter too. It`s hard to believe someone could be so cruel!!! Hope your migraine is gone today:flowerforyou: !!!

    Pat (Phoo) :smile: Congrats on getting rid of one pound, what a wonderful gift that was!!! Hope you had a good meeting! I had a hard time logging food the last several weeks, it finally seems to be working now for me!

    Vicki :smile: I don`t have a band that shows up across the page, hope you can figure out what it is! Oh my they wouldn`t exchange your mattress, last time I bought one I had a 90 day return warranty, the only thing they asked was for you to sleep it on it for 30 days before making a decision. It`s miserable trying to sleep on something that`s not comfortable for you! Congrats on losing over 7 pounds, that is fantastic news!!!!! Take care of those toes!!!

    Michele :smile: Your cake sounds like it`s going to be so cute!!! Post some pics of it please!!!!

    Joyce :smile: Kitty wanted to try her hand (or paws) at typing:laugh: . I`ve never heard of peanut butter with pickles, my hubby used to like peanut butter and tomatoes:noway: .

    Sue in TX :smile: Happy one year MFP anniversary:flowerforyou: !!!! I think about Phyllis too, I have an Egyptian friend and he refused to go over there this summer.

    Sue in SD :smile: Glad you had a good Dr. report and can at least do some water therapy now!

    Meg :smile: Spiders and ticks drop out of the trees:noway: ….ick!!!! I hate coming home annoyed, I tend to have those days every so often! Litter of kittens:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Jen :smile: So nice to see you again!!!

    Rhonda :smile: It seems you have us beat on the rainfall this year! I am ready to see the sunshine again, we had cloudy skies yesterday, but no rain, this morning is another story though:sad: .

    Barbie :smile: Good for you having a small apple instead of lots of peanut butter and crackers!!!

    Melanie :smile: Yes, I`ve had those hungry days before, felt like I had a hole in my stomach:angry: . Thank goodness I don`t have those very often!!!! Sounds like you`re going to have a great time on Saturday! Please report back on all the fun you`ll be having!

    Genealace :smile: At least you got a “low score” prize!!!!

    Grandmallie :smile: The first day of kindergarten, I cried when my daughter went to kindergarten and again when my granddaughters went. They grow up so fast!!!! Have you had a lot of sodium lately? I did last week and this week it`s coming off but only a few ounces a day:grumble: !

    Barbie :smile: You are up early today! Have a good time at lunch with your line dance class, I like the small beautiful portions!

    Anamika :smile: Good to see you again! I think most of us have days when we could have made better choices but didn`t, just put it behind you and start fresh!!! Maybe you and your sister could take a nice walk, that`s a bit of exercise!

    Time for me to get off this computer. Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in rainy again NC:frown:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!
    Bad weather alert-quality of air is poor.High 90`s too.
    Have a great day!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Another very rainy day and more to come. It looks like it will clear up just as we head home. I guess not all vacations can be stellar. It is just a bit disappointing. Have a wonderful day ladies.

    Robin, missing Bodi and Ritter
    visiting the soggy state of Alaska.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Hi all,
    DH and DSIL are out for a walk. They are going to measure the 'jalk' I was doing my pbs on so I know exactly how far it is. She has a Garmin watch. I managed to do my gymming this am for the first time since Saturday, but haven't felt up to a long walk as well. I did a grocery trip and felt a bit 'other worldly' so have limited myself to a short stagger down to the nearby pub garden for lunch. I had a small beer and half a ham sandwich, no butter and no dressing on the side salad. Left the coleslaw. How good am I?:bigsmile: So this afternoon while they are out I have been sleeping on the sofa. Lovely!

    Great news is that I have lost another 1 lb! Obviously mastitis is good for weight loss.:laugh: I have now lost a nice round British three and a half stones.!!!:love: One more lb will take me to 50 lbs where I might announce goal! Or maybe not. I can't decide. I will reassess when that lb is gone. DSIL commented on the colourful clothes I was wearing - bright blue running socks (thank you drkatiebug), purple skinny jeans and a bright pink t shirt! To think once upon a time you couldn't get me out of black!

    I will leave the strength training for another couple of days to let the mastitis subside. When it is all better I think I will ask for an X ray to check there is no regrowth of a tumour blocking anything.

    The rovers have returned so bye bye for now.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Got up at the crack of dawn today.......9:30!!!!! The old nurses bunch are having their monthly lunch today, we don't have any other monthlys, so I had to do all my computer stuff, today is weigh and measurement day, etc. I still need to get that .2 pounds off to be at my pre-fudge weight. My measurements weren't very good either, some up and some down but the up out did the down so I have a net increase of 1 1/8 inches. I don't understand how my blood sugar can still be 92 when I am only taking 1 Metformin a day.

    Did you all see Funniest home videos the other night. Mom and Dad were giving their daughter a hamster for Christmas, the had the hamster habitat alkready set up and managed to wrap it. They didn't realize that when they bought the hamster that she was pregnant. So even though the little girl was surprised to get a hamster Mom and Dad were the most surprised to see 8 babies!

    Each month one woman decides on where to go to our lunch. So we are going to longhorn Steakhouse. For lunch! Oh my, oh my. Luckily they have all the nutritional content on line and I was able to find some things to eat that are fairly low in sodium, calories and carbs. So I'm having to flip flop my meals today and instead of my fairly low calorie meal being at lunch time, now it will be at supper. I just hop I can get enough protein in tonight to keep me going all night so I won't get the munchies.

    I had to get up real early today because I never know what condition my CPap straps are going to leave my hair and might have to take a shower. But I'm OK, a little curling iron and hair spray and i'm good to go. I have had my hair cut the same style for many a year. In fact I never pay my beautician to fix it, takes quite a bit of money off the charge, just cut it. But as my face was changing I wanted a new haircut. So i took a picture in to her. She doubted I had enough hair to do it but she tried. It's a longer cut and it didn't work and since the lady in the picture was probably younger than my daughters I just could never make myself look like her. Now it's not my usual time to get a hair cut and my hair is to long for me to work with. OH, such is life. Sometimes I just wish I could put a bowl over my head and do the same kind of cut my Mom did with my brothers. Why does our hair have to change through the years.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Happy Wednesday and good afternoon ladies. Well the temps are on the way up again today. Glad I am inside until after 10pm. as when I am done working switchborad I will go work in the gift shop till close. I do that acouple times a month as a voluteer. I enjoy it. Sometimes I will only make a dollar or two, depending on patient count. It is run by all voluteers so they are not losing money. I do have to go see the employee nurse as they are trying to make sure everyone has all the shots they are to have. So have to go meet with her and see what I need. Sure not thrilled about that. DH got the trike home and back together so he will pick me up on that tonight and we can do alittle ride. I do like the trike alot more then the motorcycle. That extra wheel makes me feel so much safer.

    jb--Fantastic news about DH job. God does such good work. I admit sometimes I wish he would do it faster. Patience is not one of my better traits. Congrates on the NSV of getting a new picture on drivers license. I have lied about my weight on mine for so long I am looking forward to getting my new one with the right weight. I want to get a new picture on my hospital ID as it was taken over 100 pounds ago.

    Sandy- It always shocks me that people can be so heartless and mean. Bless the neighbors for doing the right thing and giving the family support. I do hope the law does something. We had a 12 year old kill himself last month in alittle town about 30 miles from here. Some kids were bullying him and put him in a trash dumpster. So he told his parents who are teachers at the school. They called the parents and then the next day at the public pool these same boys depanted him and took pictures. It was out by the pool in front of eveyone. The young boy went home and shot himself. His younger sister found him. Then at the visitation before the funeral the parents and these kids showed up. The mom refuses to go back to the house and they are moving as they will not teach at the school this year. It makes me so sad that this can happen.

    Pat-have they checked your blood pressure? Hope they figure it out as being dizzy is no fun.

    Sue-Happy first Anniversary.

    grandmallie- Thanks for the tip. DH works just down the street from our dentist so he said he would stop and see what they can do and when I can get in.

    Joyce- I enjoied your car story. When I was 11 we had been out picking apples and had several baskets in the car. We had on old stationwagon that the back door opened like a regular door. My mom went around a corner and the door came open and my sister fell out(she was 6) then the door went shut. There were 5 of us kids and the rest of us were laughing so hard we could not make mom understand what happened. When we went back to get her she sitting beside the road waiting. Back then no one wore seat belts. DH and I bowled on teams for acouple years and I am not very good. So we told them we wanted to be on a team that wanted to have fun. Well we got such a high handicap that we won alot. Made the one team so mad as they were out to win. I understand about your hair. I am getting so thin on top that if I let it get to long it really shows. I wish they could just cut it so it would look good and not need alot of work. Blood surger of 92 is to high?? What do they want it to be? I feel good when mine is under 110.

    Melanie- Saturday sounds like it will be alot of fun. Hope it is everything you expect.

    Heather- glad you are taking care of yourself. Congrates on the loss. Love the new colors. I am trying to pick colors as I buy new things as I have so much black and dark colors.

    I hope everyone has a great afternoon.
    Blessed! Vicki in HOT GI NE
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning, My Friends!

    The morning is fairly good, but the night was awful! I made a beautiful pork loin chop last night w/ sweet potatoes on the side. It sure was pretty. I should have left it on the plate and taken its picture, but I ate it. It got stuck. I was uncomfortable all night until it worked its way out about 5:30 this morning. Now I feel hung over, and my chest aches from the effort of expulsion. I just hate this! Oh, well.... this to shall pass. Today will be a quiet day because my meds are now out of whack. When food gets stuck, there is no sense taking my night time meds because they will not stay in. I will just have a quiet day until things level out again. Enough whining!

    It is another gorgeous day in Az. Early morning clouds, light rain during the night, and highs in the 90's today. Lovely. I just talked to my SO up in MN, and he is going out to pick some wild raspberries in his yard before the bears come in and get them. I drool just thinking about the taste of wild berries. Oh, yum!

    --Suebdew- Happy MFP Birthday! -:flowerforyou: even if you have been gone for a while, it is very positive that you came back!

    --Sue in SD- I think the slower pace of the horses sounds like a great vacation, but I think I would have to go with a nice "Dude" ranch where they care for the animals and spoil the people with the credit cards! I am truly a spoiled weenie! :bigsmile:

    --Meg - It sounds like you spent the day dealing w/ administration, paperwork, and BS...:indifferent;. I would always be cranky after those days! As far as the cat hair goes, well, everyone who knows me knows it is just part of my 'look'. I carry a lint brush from the 99 cent store with me at all times! It was good for you and DH to sit down and talk about the issue of time management and your exercise. That shows dedication on your part and support on his.

    --Jen from NY- Welcome back! It sounds like you had one busy summer. Glad to hear that your mother has stopped smoking after 65 years, that is awesome. I am sorry to hear that your husband is being deployed. I wish they would bring all of our loved ones back, I support those soldiers and pray for them daily, but really hate that our country had to be there at all. Take care and be well; I look forward to getting to know you through this wonderful group of friends.

    --BarbieCat- Hope you had sweet dreams! Good catch on the "lots of crackers and lots of peanut butter", however, I probably would have wanted the p b on the apple, too!

    --Michelle- Did you take a moving van to get all of the furniture? Wow! I really want to move in next door to you so I can be invited to your parties! Please, tell me you have a large Kitchen Aid stand mixer with all of the attachement that you use for all of this cooking! I have always dreamed of owning one, but then I would use and end up weighing 400 lbs! Maybe my little hand mixer is safer for me.

    --Katla- How many calories do you burn washing a whale? I can't seem to find that one in the database!

    --Genealace- I am not sure what lawnbowling is. Is like bocce ball? Congrats on your 'low score' prize.

    --Joyce- The first year my son bowled with his team from work, he earned the 'pink bowling ball' for the lowest overall
    average. Needless to say, the competitiveness kicked in, and he did not earn it the second year! Enjoy yourself!
    Looking up the menus before going out to eat is a really good idea, but it would require me to be organized before I
    leave the house! That is not one of my strong suits.

    Ok- I had better go and be effecient, somehow. I started cleaning my craftroom yesterday, I should go and work on it a little more. Someone mentioned they were envious of my craftroom, I smile everytime I go into it. I bought this particular house because of that room! I know, it sounds silly, but women who play with scissors, paper, pictures or fabric will all understand needing their own space. I make cards and do some scrapbooking. I love doing it, but it does take space. Bill needs room for his beads, feathers and leather, and I need room for my things, too. I don't think we will ever actually live together because we simply have too much stuff! Have a great day, Everyone!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Hump Day –

    Hope all you ladies are doing well. Well summer is back and had to turn the air conditioning back on. It’s been nice having the windows open and definitely appreciate the lower gas & electric bills.

    So far this week I give myself an A on meeting my goals, have done 60 minutes of cardio each day and have achieved a minimum of 14,000 steps each day. My one moment of weakness was yesterday when someone brought muffins into work. Had a blueberry muffin (one of my weaknesses), so almost tipped me over in calories. Scale is stuck again, but at least it isn’t going up.

    :smile: Joyce – what a nice tribute to your parents. What a nice remembrance.
    :smile: Heather – hope you are 100% recovered now.
    :smile: Barbie – love the picture!
    :smile: Michele – I’m not sure if Lisa wrote “Skinny B****”.
    :smile: JB – congratulations on hubby getting a job, how exciting.
    :smile: Sandy – so sorry to hear about the grandmother of an autistic child. I’m always amazed how cruel people can be.
    :smile: Vicki – congratulations on the wonderful weight loss.

    Hope the rest of the week goes well for everyone.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Vicki what I mean is that I thought that be dropping my Metformin from 2 to 1 would allow me to have a little higher blood sugar. :sad: s a diabetic 2 I should consider 100 - 110 normal. So several weeks ago when I was dropping down to the 80's he dropped one pill. Last week it was 93 and this week 92. So I may be calling him to ask about me relying on diet only. I think I have shown him that I can do it.

    Last night I worked out what I was going to eat at Longhorn, I even checked MFP diary today to make sure what it was. So when I got there I thought what I was getting was on the lunch menu but when I saw the menu it was n the regualr salad menu, and on regular price:sad: So that's what I got. The girls laughed at me when I asked for a low fat dressing, no feta cheese, pecans on the side. They asked me if I wanted to go back and fix it myself. I hate the texture of feta cheese, it came with a vinegarette dressing. I just can't get over eating a dressing with vinegar in it. I know it had the word rasberry associated with it but I don't like rasberries. I use very little dressing anyway so low fat was OK with me. And I love to leave the pecans and eat them like a desert. We had a good time checking up with each others lives over the last month. We previously had managed to get together a couple times a year so there was more to talk about and catch up on. I quickly chose next month and chose Panera bread. I know I can easily get something there. One of the other girls took October and says she wants us all out to her house. I told her that she has to arrange with all the wild deer and other animal life that roam her acreage to show up around all her beautiful trees and gardens. She will fix something scrumpous! When we first started our old nurses club this one lady always had us out to her house, never would accept us bring any food. She just wanted to give back everything we had given her. She could put any cooking show expert to shame.

    Gotta watch last nights Americas got talent so I can watch the results show tonight. I hate it when AGT and So you think you can dance are one the same night:sad: :laugh: But one comes on at 7 and the other at 8. So I watch the 7 PM show and use my DVR for the other.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just plugging along today. Took a trip to the grocery (first time by myself) since I hurt my back (actually butt). I'm being very conscience about what I'm eating the last few days. One day at a time. Hopefully a few days in a row and I'll get back on track.
    jb - so happy for you and your family. Your garden produce sounds wonderful. Last year I had lots of figs and this year none at all.
    Katia - I can just see you washing that "whale". Bet is was fun. I always like to play with the hose.
    Barbie - love your picture especially the red cowboy hat!
    Meg - that was smart of you to have a discussion about what you need to keep up with your exercise routine.
    Michelle - when is the party? Sounds like it's going to be a doozy!
    Have to get something cooked for dinner. Have a great evening.
    Sue in TX
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good Humpday afternoon

    Lawn bowled this morning but we cut the game short as it was too hot. Humidex reading of over 35c. If you don't know about Lawn bowling there are lots of u-tubes. I found this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gdfb40rks4 What you have to remember is that the bowl isn't round so it doesn't roll in a straight line. If anyone has played or seen curling, it is the same principle except that the 'target' can move and it is whoever is closest is the scorer.

    Went to the mall this afternoon and walked round.

    Yesterday, when I had my bath when I got home from bowling, I somehow managed to shut the towel in the bath door (I have a walk-in bath) which meant that the seal wasn't sealed and water leaked out and went down into the basement. Yuck - it took me ages to clean it all up, and I'd just got clean, but there I was scrabbling around on the floor mopping up the water.

    Almost finished my piece of lace, just joining the end to the beginning, so I'm hoping I won't find any mistakes when I take all the pins out.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    When I go out to eat, I often take my own salad dressing with me because I can't eat pepper or mayo. I make it with basil, lemon juice, brown sugar, balsamic vinegar and light olive oil. One thing I read about salad dressing (or sauce or any kind), is always have it on the side and then when you are eating, dip the fork in the dressing then into the piece of food. It also helps so that the food isn't overpowered by the flavour of the dressing and if you don't eat everything and want to take it home, then even salad is good the next day - but not if it is smothered in dressing.