
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Does anyone have any exercise ideas. I work full time and am also a mommy to a busy toddler and have a hard time finding time to work out.
    any suggestions?

    I suggest Jillians 30 Day Shred DVD..... there are three workouts and each is only 20 minutes long. Quick and INTENSE!!

    Jodie - I just ordered that DVD and am excited but a little bit worried I might disturb my neighbors. I live in a second floor apartment I am sure if I can hear my downstairs neighbor's twins in the morning, they can hear me! Is it easily adaptable? Also, my space is limited but I can manage pilates ok (and if I wasn't worried about the neighbors, Tai Bo). Can it be done in a smallish space? (not cramped but not an American-sized living room).

    It's funny the things that make me miss America!

    I'm on Day 10/Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred and I LOVE IT!!!! You don't need much space and it is a great workout. This morning I even substituted in 5 lb weights for some of the strength moves instead of the 3s I usually use! I'm anxious to see what you think about it! Good luck!
  • vickyajones
    vickyajones Posts: 12 Member
    Does anyone have any exercise ideas. I work full time and am also a mommy to a busy toddler and have a hard time finding time to work out.
    any suggestions?

    I suggest Jillians 30 Day Shred DVD..... there are three workouts and each is only 20 minutes long. Quick and INTENSE!!

    Jodie - I just ordered that DVD and am excited but a little bit worried I might disturb my neighbors. I live in a second floor apartment I am sure if I can hear my downstairs neighbor's twins in the morning, they can hear me! Is it easily adaptable? Also, my space is limited but I can manage pilates ok (and if I wasn't worried about the neighbors, Tai Bo). Can it be done in a smallish space? (not cramped but not an American-sized living room).

    It's funny the things that make me miss America!

    I'm on Day 10/Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred and I LOVE IT!!!! You don't need much space and it is a great workout. This morning I even substituted in 5 lb weights for some of the strength moves instead of the 3s I usually use! I'm anxious to see what you think about it! Good luck!

    Thanks for the advice Ladies! I can't wait to give it a go!
  • I love my 30 day shred dvd! its so fast and easy to do every morning before work. I think I am ready to move up in weight size as well..maybe try 5lbs instead of 3lbs. I would like to know how you enter it into your exercise log....

    I usually do a 25 minutre circut training! Doesnt burn much but its better than nothing.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I haven't checked in lately. I had to finally face facts and update my ticker. I am 148. up 2 pounds since the beginning of the challenge. oh well time to start over. but first I get a weekend trip to Minnesota to visit my daughter. I am so excited.

    I have done the shred before. each section takes about 27 minutes with warm up and cool down. I recorded it as my own exercise in the journal called 30 day shred and I used my HRM for calorie burn. I burn low on everything so it probably wouldn't help you to know my burns.

    Congrats to all of you who have lost and just keep at for those of you with less than stellar results. It will all work out in the end.
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 701 Member
    I haven't checked in lately. I had to finally face facts and update my ticker. I am 148. up 2 pounds since the beginning of the challenge. oh well time to start over. but first I get a weekend trip to Minnesota to visit my daughter. I am so excited.

    I have done the shred before. each section takes about 27 minutes with warm up and cool down. I recorded it as my own exercise in the journal called 30 day shred and I used my HRM for calorie burn. I burn low on everything so it probably wouldn't help you to know my burns.

    Congrats to all of you who have lost and just keep at for those of you with less than stellar results. It will all work out in the end.

    Glad you are still with us!! We still have nine weeks (from today!!) until Thanksgiving..... plenty of time to get some pounds off. We can do this ladies!!! Don't forget all the holiday pictures we want to be in this year.... no more hiding!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    I love my 30 day shred dvd! its so fast and easy to do every morning before work. I think I am ready to move up in weight size as well..maybe try 5lbs instead of 3lbs. I would like to know how you enter it into your exercise log....

    I usually do a 25 minutre circut training! Doesnt burn much but its better than nothing.

    I have just been logging the Shred in as circuit training for 26 minutes. . .I guess I need to get a HRM. I really think I'm burning more than 205 calories when I do it, but maybe not.
  • I agree that I feel we should be burning more than just 200 something calories! I dont have a HRM either... so for now it will work I guess :)
    Thank you for your responses.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Re: 30DS and any exercise ... as you get better, more conditioned, you will burn less calories. 205 calories sounds about right for the first few days ... I am on Day 4 and am under 200 calories burned. I have to up the weight to 5lbs tonight. Keep that in mind with any exercise (even ellipticals and such) without a HRM you don't know what you are really doing. The machines give you avereages and so does this website. I am shocked to see that the same workout on the Elliptical, same machine, same time is now yielding less calories burned. What does this mean? I have to up the resistance to make it more effective.

    GOOD JOB everyone ... and I mean everyone! Even if you don't think you are doing well, posting here shows that you are committed to this challenge!
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    Does anyone have any exercise ideas. I work full time and am also a mommy to a busy toddler and have a hard time finding time to work out.
    any suggestions?

    I also work full-time with 2 little boys ages 4 & 21 months. Trust me, you can find time! I didn't think I could either. Honestly, you're gonna have to choose between getting up early before he does or staying up later to fit in some work-out time. I'm not an early riser, PLUS my kids are up by 6:30-7am! lol so I do my working out at night after putting them to bed. Good luck!
  • I had a rough week emotionally, and unfortunately (but not surprisingly - it's my tendency) I tried to make myself feel better by eating. I really need to get out of the habit of eating when I'm depressed or upset; that's what's kept me from losing weight all these years, and that's partly why I gained it in the first place. Anyway, I gained 1.8 lbs this week, so I'm pretty much back to where I started two weeks ago.

    Height: 5'7"
    MFP SW: 181
    SW (9/8): 176
    CW: 175.4
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    I'm joining in this challenge a little late! hope that's okay :) I need some motivation because I have been slackin the past 1-2 weeks and my scale isn't moving...I guess at least it's not going UP, lol!!

    (Starting MFP weight: 140)

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 132
    Goal weight by Thanksgiving: 122
  • Stayed the same this week. I started and feel bloated, so I'm just happy I didn't gain!

    SW- 177
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Does anyone have any exercise ideas. I work full time and am also a mommy to a busy toddler and have a hard time finding time to work out.
    any suggestions?
    The elliptical is my friend. I work part time and have four kids. I usually jump on my elliptical after I get my littlest one in bed around 8:30. How do I workout that late? I have to or I wouldn't get it done. I'm not an early bird and already get up at 5:45 as it is. I also crank up my IPOD to my favorite Christian tunes and the time flies by. Hope that you find something that works for you.
  • Hi all...joining late but better late then never I say.

    I weighed my self Monday and so I will look really good this week because I won't weigh in again until next wed. but then I will be on the challenge schedule. Here are my goals

    Start :170
    Goal : 159
    Fitness goal: work out 4 times per week at least 30 minutes each

    Thanks for posting this challenge. Can't wait to get and give support....oh and be in the 150's again!!!!

  • :happy: Hi there I joined this challenge a couple of weeks ago and I only weigh in every two weeks or so. I was having issues with my scale but am back on track and to my surprise I lost another 8 pounds since my last weigh in. I am definately on board!

    Start weight: 235
    September 23rd : 222
    Goal: 211
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    I've had a bad few days and with the weekend coming I'm going to have to really focus to stay on track! At this point I just would like to maintain and not gain this week. . .unfortunately for me, my weigh-in days are Mondays so I'm down to just a few days to try and undo what I've done!

    I am admitting right now though that I'm going to my cousin's homecoming football game tonight, so I will be eating a frito chili pie and I'm going to do so without any guilt! So probably a double workout tomorrow!!!

    Have a good weekend everyone!! :glasses:
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 701 Member
    LOL.... enjoy the chili frito pie!! Sounds yummy!! Drink LOTS of water cause it sounds like its loaded with sodium! Also, enjoy the double workout!!!!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    I Would also like to join in on challenge as well if it's not too late

    Start :178
    Goal : 170 (i'm guessing the goal weight is for the end of THIS challenge?)
    Fitness goal: walk for at least 30 mins a day and exercise vids
  • I agree that sometimes you have to be able to splurge without giving the food the power to make you feel guilty. The key is to do that double workout and not look back. If we are all really trying to make this perm. there will be homecoming games, weddings, birthday cakes, etc. in life and we just have to do EVERYTHING in moderation.


    I am going to the movies tonight but I WON'T be buying popcorn. Gonna sneak in some almonds or a bar (honestly never done it before so it is fun to be breaking the rules)!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 701 Member
    I had a rough week emotionally, and unfortunately (but not surprisingly - it's my tendency) I tried to make myself feel better by eating. I really need to get out of the habit of eating when I'm depressed or upset; that's what's kept me from losing weight all these years, and that's partly why I gained it in the first place. Anyway, I gained 1.8 lbs this week, so I'm pretty much back to where I started two weeks ago.

    Height: 5'7"
    MFP SW: 181
    SW (9/8): 176
    CW: 175.4

    Sorry you had such a difficult week. As an emotional eater myself, I can certainly relate. We just have to trust ourselves that we will be okay if we allow ourselves to feel those depressed or upset feelings. Eating just seems to be a quicker and easier solution. But we can re-learn how to handle those difficult times. I slip up every now and then, but I'm getting better. There are lots of great self-help books out there with ideas to get us through those times. You can do this.... stay strong.
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