Have you ever met a famous person? What were they like



  • Kymberlee80
    Kymberlee80 Posts: 15 Member
    I met Kevin Hart, I said hey what up Kev...Kev said my Name is Kevin you MITCH.....True story
  • Kymberlee80
    Kymberlee80 Posts: 15 Member
    toooo funny!!! lol
  • getyourbeans
    getyourbeans Posts: 80 Member
    I sort of met Hugh Jackman - at a gym in New Zealand, he walked towards me and I was looking at him thinking "is that actually Hugh Jackman?" I must have been staring because he laughed and smiled and said "hey, how are you going?". I went bright red and said 'good'' which came out sounding like a foghorn. I just about wet myself laughing at my uncoolness afterwards :-) one of the personal trainers there told me he was the nicest guy he;d ever met, which makes sense when you see him in interviews (later established he was filming in Dunedin - wolverine I think - no idea what he was doing at my gym, though).
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I met Ryan Phillippee while I was working in a bar while in college. He stayed back after we closed up. Seriously one of the most down to earth, gracious people I've ever met. Actually through me off guard a bit bc we always had big names running though there and he's about the only one I was really impressed with, most others were really full of themselves. He keep coming back while he was in town and always stayed after close just shooting the **** with sports center on. Of course the ladies were all going insane for him whike he was there and he entertained meeting everyone and actually talked, took pictures with and just mingled with everyone who approached him. Completely awesome guy.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I was at primary school with Jason Connery (Sean's son). He and his little brother had white blond hair. He pushed me over in the playground.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I met the Ghost Hunters. They were awesome. Also met with the guys who did American voices for Dragonball Z. They were waaaaaaay cool! Other than that I've met a lot of comic book artist. Kenneth Rocafort was sooooo nice!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I met Dan Patrick last year at a conference in Park City, UT. He was a jack*ss.
    He was smoking a cigar in a non-smoking bar and told us basically that he would do whatever he wanted since he was the celebrity speaker at our conference.

    My group was drinking beer out of a boot (it was Oktoberfest), and we passed it to him sideways and made him spill it all over himself. Perfect.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I met John Glenn, the astronaut, when I was 7 yrs old and he was really nice to me.

    Tori Amos seemed just as flaky yet nice as one would expect, when I met her along with a group of about ten others. I didn't have a chance to speak with her directly, though.

    Met Vanilla Ice long after his biggest stardom, but he was pretty cool. Very fan-friendly and happy to pose for photos (1998).

    I've also met a ton of country stars in the 80's and 90's (George Strait, Roy Clark, Reba, Trisha Yearwood, Travis Tritt, Naomi Judd, Randy Travis, etc). I hated their music so I was not impressed whatsoever. Travis Tritt was very nice and he bought my cousin and I cool sweatshirts. I live somewhat near Branson and I had a relative in the country music industry so that was just something that went along with the territory when I was a kid/preteen.

    ETA: I went to school with a couple of guys who are not really celebrities IMO but some people may know of them. \

    Jamie McMurray, NASCAR driver. Really nice & normal guy, a little bit rebellious - kind of the popular kid who liked to drink and gave the teachers a hard time but they liked him anyway...he was a year ahead of me in high school and we had a few classes together.

    Aaron Buerge who was the second bachelor on the reality TV show "The Bachelor". He was a few years older but he and his younger brothers (closer to my age) all rode my same school bus at one point. I now live one block away from his parents' old house. His mom was very pretty in the 80's, ultrablond & thin, and they had a bunch of Dalmations.
  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    I once ran into Dan Aykroyd (literally) on the street. I had just picked up my course schedule for my first year of high school, and wasn't paying any attention to where I was going. I ran into him at about gut-level (he's very tall), and looked waaaay up to apologize for the mishap.

    "So, when do they chain you back up there?" he asked. I had no idea what he was talking about, as I was still dealing with the shock of slamming into one of my favourite Ghostbusters.

    "School, kid. When do you go back to school?" Ohhhhhhhhhhh. That's what he meant!

    Super cool guy, and a regular fixture around the small town where I grew up near Kingston, Ontario. I've met a bunch of pro athletes, and b-movie stars, too, but the Aykroyd sighting is still my favourite.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    G. Gordon Liddy--Met him when he spoke at my college. I worked for the public relations office and was assigned to pick him up at the airport and take him for lunch and to his hotel. Liddy was the person who changed my opinion that all people are good and some just do bad things. Liddy exudes evil. You can feel it when you get close.

    George RR Martin was my college English professor, and I attended parties at his home at that time--I've smoked pot with the author of Game of Thrones! He's not what you'd expect. I loved his work back then (late 1970s--Song for Lya, With Morning Comes Mistfall, Sandkings,...) but feel like he's sold out now. He always told us he'd never write a series because only hacks write series. Well, Song of Ice and Fire isn't his only series. 'Nuf said.

    Cory Doctorow--Have met him several times at SF cons and events, and I correspond with him quite often. Awesome guy. Genuine and lives his beliefs. Awesome author too!

    Harry Chapin--Like Liddy, I was assigned to pick Chapin up at the airport and get him some lunch and settled in at his hotel. He's another great guy who lived his beliefs. Genuine.
  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member
    Carl Hiaasen, one of my favourite writers. It was a signing at a Barnes & Nobles where the store manager recited all these rules of no photos, he will only sign his new book provided you have the receipt from buying it at THAT store. He will only be signing his name, nothing else.Then he came out and said, "Ignore all that, I'm glad you're all here."

    He signed as many books as you had and personalized them however you chose and was so generous. I'm normally a loud mouth chatter box but I just froze, my husband still laughs at me. My signed copies and the ones he did for my boys are cherished possessions.

    That manager was beet red the rest of the night.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I met actor Martin Mull at Johnny Rockets in Chicago during the mid 1990's and he was really nice, and posed for a photo and gave me his autograph even though he was just popping in to pick up takeout. I wasn't too familiar with his work, honestly, but I was an Art student and my dad and I had just looked at a book of his ART in Borders bookstore about an hour earlier! Weird coincidence :-)

    My mom met Diane Sawyer during tornado coverage and engaged her in a brief conversation about baking! She said she was so elegant and beautiful for her age, way more so in person than on TV. Actually she said, "It's like seeing her would make you see why a woman might want plastic surgery and stuff" haha
  • TheLung
    TheLung Posts: 58
    The wife and I were eating at the same resturant as Whitney Houstin, I will leave it at that. No need to talk ill of the dead.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I met Kyle Chandler from Friday Night Lights in a bar in Santa Monica about 3 years ago. My friend and I had an 'in' with him because we live in Austin and that's where they film FNL, so we talked to him and his friend for over an hour. He was really nice and super funny. Great guy.
  • Jcsmith5210
    Jcsmith5210 Posts: 150 Member
    I gave the late Princess Diana a cup of coffee.
    Rod Stewart at his after show party.
    Both were lovely
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Brandon Sanderson at one of his book signing things. He's a fantasy writer, for people who don't know (he finished the Wheel of Time, among others). Super cool guy.

    And a couple French singers (I'm French). Nothing very exciting.

    I'm jealous of a lot of you, lol!
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Brandon Sanderson at one of his book signing things. He's a fantasy writer, for people who don't know (he finished the Wheel of Time, among others). Super cool guy.

    OMG I am on the last book in the series. I've been drawing it out because I don't want it to end. :blushing:

    Have you read anything else from him?
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    I met several of the Bucs football players and Hulk Hogan on several occasions. All really nice guys.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    A long time ago when the Chicago Bulls were in town I was behind Dennis Rodman (and a couple of guys who I assume were his "entourage") at an espresso stand. He got his drink and walked away without paying for it.

    This is not one I witnessed, but a friend of mine was walking her dog (a Greyhound) and Gerard Butler was walking his dog...they passed in the street and her dog went over for a friendly sniff of his dog as they like to do, and he SLAPPED her dog HARD right across the face, said some choice cuss words and just walked away. I've never been able to look at him the same.


    You've ruined him for me. What an *kitten*. I'd hit him in his face if he touched my doggy...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Brandon Sanderson at one of his book signing things. He's a fantasy writer, for people who don't know (he finished the Wheel of Time, among others). Super cool guy.

    OMG I am on the last book in the series. I've been drawing it out because I don't want it to end. :blushing:

    Have you read anything else from him?

    Everything except the Legion ebooks and the Alcatraz series (I'm on book 2). I loved the Mistborn series, Steelheart (just came out), the Rithmatist, and love love love The way of Kings (second one is coming in April I think). His stuff is awesome.