Please don't police my thoughts:



  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Sorry if you feel sad about the direction the English language is evolving in. Personally I don't like the way the word "troll" has been changed from meaning a being from Norse mythology, to someone who wastes everyone's time with stupid arguments on the internet... but I can't control the evolution of language, so I just have to get over it.


  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Tsao. Haven't you ever been "excitable" when something crazy is going on? You wouldn't be excited in some way if helicopters were flying around and fire trucks...ever rubber necked someone being pulled over or a car wreck? I use the word gay to decribe overly excited behavior or being overly silly all the time. My usage of it in that context has nothing to do with a homosexual man" When I am referring to a man who likes men I call him a "homsexual" It's like people are overly sensitive. I have noticed those that are secure with who they are are not so easily offended.

  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    And you think those other meanings would apply to the OP's description of his behavior in reporting a fire?

    Yes, He said in his description he was overly excited because of all the activity...which is definition number ONE. Eyeroll

    But why would a fire cause him to be so happy? I suppose maybe people he didn't like got burned or something like that.

    Makes total sense now, thanks.

    Yeah, he's not homophobic, he's a sociopath. Works for me. :smile:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Words have accepted meanings. These accepted meanings change over time. If you didn't just step out of a time machine from 1945, then you shouldn't be surprised that people were offended. That's it. You made a mistake. Own it and move on. Arguing about it to this point speaks volumes and not in a positive manner.
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    Sounds like the Thought Police are alive and well around here.....
    Funny, I thought it was the BS detectors.
  • debbash68
    debbash68 Posts: 981 Member
    Oh god please make this thread stop.......
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    This threads so gay :sad:
  • pkoll
    pkoll Posts: 135 Member
    Sounds like OP got attention for it on FB --and is now bringing it to MFP for more attention-- which we are all providing!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Why do you care what others think about what you say? I saw and write what I want to say or write and don't give two ****s if someone likes it or not.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    :sigh: If something want to feel special by bringing back the meaning of a word that now has a different definition to it, by all means go for it. But at least have the balls to own up to the fact that the word does have different meanings instead of crying fowl that someone was offended you said something that was in fact offensive.