Half marathon - Support and Motivation!



  • pinbotchick
    Chris - congrats all you've achieved!! I'm not sure why but most people don't lose weight while training for distance races. 7 months is more than enough time. I didn't run my first 10k until July 4th. My 1/2 marathon is Oct 17th. I feel that I'll be more than ready. I run slow but at least I'm out doing it. I'd make your focus to finish. I'm afraid you may get burnt out if start intensly trainging now. You may want to look into Fartlek training for ways to increase speed. Welcome to our group and keep us posted on your progress.

    Marcie - 90 degrees - eeeekkkk. Great job getting the run in.

    Go Kristina Go!!! I'm so proud of you for getting that 10 miler in!!!
  • earthymom
    earthymom Posts: 52 Member
    Congratulations Chris! You've done an amazing job. I think 7 months is plenty of time. Good luck to you!
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Chris, I'm with Victoria, you might try some other running goals before focusing on the half marathon if it's not until next summer. Maybe 4 months out start. As long as your able to do 3 or 4 miles at a time that should be plenty of time. Great job so far though, wow! I wish my mother could get motivated to do something. She has been overweight her whole life and not I think she is at her heaviest and doesn't feel like doing anything. It is hard to motivate someone from 9 hours away as well.

    Anyway, I had a busy day, but did get my 4.5 in on the treadmill, ugh! I did put my wii fit on the free run on my television in front of me, so it looked like i was going somewhere, ha! Something different. Anyway, had to take my husband to the airport to be deployed to afghanistan, another reason i just didn't feel like doing anything today. So it is just me and the kids for awhile. Hopefully I will stay motivated.
  • pinbotchick
    2 miles on treadmill at 13:30 pace.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hi everyone! I have internet at home today, so I'm hoping the problems are resolved and i can be back to posting and logging.

    Yesterday, I ran 5.15 at 10:40 pace. today is speedwork, and hopefully, I'll be back to log about it.

    Chris, welcome! Congrats on your successes so far. Most half marathon plans are 12 weeks long, so if you have a race in mind, I'd count back 12 weeks from that and that would be the start of your training. In the meantime, I'd "base build"--run a couple of times a week and just get your body used to running some miles (at different tempos and distances) so that when you start training, you're not starting from scratch.

    Curlytop, sorry to hear that dh was deployed. I thank him for his service and will keep you and your family in my thoughts for his safe return.

    Kristina--nice job on the 10 miler!

    Justine, if you're talking about the pink watch, that's my heart rate monitor. I also use an (older model) Garmin to track my distances and speed. mapmyrun is a good website to use if you don't have a Garmin, but if you check with Amazon, every once in a while, they have GREAT deals on Garmins, especially on the older models when a new model is released.

    See you all later!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Woohoo! Able to post my run today :)

    5.8 mi speedwork tm

    1 mi w/u @ 5.5 mph
    6x400 @ 6.4 mph
    2x400 @ 7mph
    4x400 @ 6.8 mph
    1 mi c/d @ 5.8 mph
    recoveries @ 4mph, 45-75 seconds.
    .4 mi walk @ 4mph

    I am always so happy when speedwork is done!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Keeping on schedule with my runs. Did a 10-miler on Sunday (very slow, but still competed). Hoping to bump up to 11 this weekend.

    Did 5.4 yesterday at just under a 12min/mile pace, which is speedy for me. Plan to hit the stationary bike this week and will do another 5 miler either tomorrow or Friday with my two coworkers who are probably running the half, though they are both much faster runners than me, so I don't know if I'd be able to cut it. It's crazy how quickly the half is approaching. I signed up for a 10K run for next weekend in town.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Keeping on schedule with my runs. Did a 10-miler on Sunday (very slow, but still competed). Hoping to bump up to 11 this weekend.

    Great job!

    Don't forget to post a race report! I love reading how everyone's races go.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Hi Group - I am fairly new to MFP and to these boards. I have been on Biggest Loser Club website since Jan. 1, but am ending that, now that I have found such a great free site here. I just began running this year. I ran my first 5K in May, and am running a 10K at the Twin Cities Marathon in St. Paul, MN next weekend. Ten ladies who met on BLC are all meeting and doing it together!! I can't wait!! It has been such an awesome journey. My next goal after that is to run the Carlsbad Half Marathon here in San Diego, CA in January 2011. Since I have been training for the 10K, I am half way there and will begin to bump up my distance in mid October after the 10K. I am so glad to have found a running group on MFP...can't wait to get to know everyone.
    Speedy Feet to All,
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Well, I did my long run today 8 miles. Felt kinda sluggish at the start but tried to pick up the pace the last half and ended up averaging a 10 min mile for the whole 8 miles! Wow, that is great for me. I guess some of that interval training is paying off. I had my gps app on my phone set, but am having trouble downloading the info to my computer which I would like to do to see how fast i ran when. It sounds dumb, but since I am not a serious "racer" out for first place, I don't like to see my time until the end because if I am feeling like I am running fast and then I check my time and am really going slow, it makes me feel like "WHAT!?, I feel like I am dying here, I can't be going that slow!" Anyway, I am thrilled with the 10 minute miles, for sure. May have to go back to my old route next week, this one was not very interesting. We'll see.

    Tammy, congratulations on your weight loss and running progress. I was on biggest loser the beginning of this year as well, but this site is just as good and not fees. Of course I did enjoy being able to talk to a nutritionist or what have you sometimes.

    Keep up the good work everyone. Seems like everyone is doing so well.
  • pinbotchick
    Great job on the runs everyone.

    It was chilly and rainy this morning so I ran my 8 miles on the treadmill at slow 15 min pace. I had to start soooo early at 6:30 that I was still so asleep.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    11.05 miles at 10:42/mi pace.

    welcome Tammy, glad you joined us here.

    Great job everyone.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    keep up the great work everyone!!! :)
    i finished my first ever half marathon this morning in 2 hours and 11 minutes!!!!!!!! :) i am not the worlds fastest runner but i did it and i am feeling soooo accomplished :) if i can do it you all are golden!!! :) i am already itching to sign up for another one :)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Congrats a1schwei!!

    Did a 5.16 miler yesterday with a friend, who's a much faster runner than me, and was able to push me more than I normally would run (I'm usually around 12 min/mile for that distance, and I was closer to 11 min/mile yesterday). A little bit sore today, so taking the day off and have a long run planned for tomorrow. The weather should be good for it.
  • pinbotchick
    Welcome to all the new people!!!

    I actually ran 20 miles this week. 2 on Tues, 8 on Thurs and 10 yesterday. The 1/2 marathon is now 3 weeks away - eeeekkkk... I really am excited. Time for yesterday's run 2 hrs 24 min for pace of 14:25. I bump up to 11 miles next weekend.

    Congrats on completing your race a1schwei!!! That's a fantastic time.

    Kristina - good luck on the long run today. Nice time on the the short 5 miler (he-he who would've dreamed a year ago we'd say 5 miles was a short run - I feel like we just completed C25K!!!)

    Lisa - wonderful job on the 11 miles and at such a good pace.
  • xlizzislegend
    Hey Folks!

    I need some advice! Is it crazy to register for a half marathon in early Nov (13th) if I am only at 6-7 mile long runs right now?
  • pinbotchick
    Hey Folks!

    I need some advice! Is it crazy to register for a half marathon in early Nov (13th) if I am only at 6-7 mile long runs right now?

    This is my first 1/2 so I'm not sure. If you've been running at that level several times a week for a month or more, you would probably be okay. If you've only run that long once or twice, I'd get concerned about injury. You have about 7 weeks to train and the recommended is 12. Look up the novice training by Hal Higdon http://www.halhigdon.com/halfmarathon/index.htm or the runners world training free schedule and see if it looks realistic. Good luck and let us know what you do.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    Hey Folks!

    I need some advice! Is it crazy to register for a half marathon in early Nov (13th) if I am only at 6-7 mile long runs right now?

    I am definitely not an expert but I trained for mine in 9 weeks and the longest I had ran prior to starting training was 6...i loosely used this training plan: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-244--6851-2-2X5X8-4,00.html
    a runner friend of mine suggested increasing long runs by a mile a week (so 7 miles the first week, 8 the next and so on) and i ran 12 miles 2 weeks before the half...best of luck :)
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Hey! I have been training for a bit now and am now up to six miles this weekend. My half marathon is on Nov. 13th so I think you will be good to go. I am following Hal Higdon's plan. You can google his name and half marathon for the plan. It's a great plan and I'm enjoying it so far.

    I want to join this group to post my runs as well!! Finished six miles today and ran at a 9:30 pace so I'm pretty happy with that. Does anyone else wish that their neighborhood wasn't so hilly??? :)
  • pinbotchick
    Hey! I have been training for a bit now and am now up to six miles this weekend. My half marathon is on Nov. 13th so I think you will be good to go. I am following Hal Higdon's plan. You can google his name and half marathon for the plan. It's a great plan and I'm enjoying it so far.

    I want to join this group to post my runs as well!! Finished six miles today and ran at a 9:30 pace so I'm pretty happy with that. Does anyone else wish that their neighborhood wasn't so hilly??? :)

    I curse the hills all the time but they are real life and many courses have you going up/down them - so secretly bless them as you will be better than other runners that train only on flat courses... My friend that lives near me and ran the Detroit 1/2 last year said he really pulled ahead on runners going up the bridge...