Is 5 2 just a fad?



  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    Can I just add that I'm NOT doing this to specifically lose weight. If that's a by product of it then I'll take it but I'm more interested in the alleged health benefits. I'm not prepared to knock it until I've given it a fair go.
    Just saying....
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Not just a fad, although trending... To me it's basically another way of counting calories. Is calorie counting a fad? Is fasting a fad? No & no. Personally I came to 5:2 because CCing every single day for months on end to lose a few pounds was making me CRAZY. Fasting twice a week is much more sustainable. It's either this or that, or perpetually getting more fat.

    I've only fasted a handful of times but I know that it makes me feel good. Different strokes. I don't believe humans evolved with a necessity to eat all day every day. You couldn't exactly walk over to a fridge ever few hours. Fasting just isn't starving. I think some people are just terrified of being a little hungry. Get over that and you'll be fine.

    FR sent lol
  • LibertyChamp
    LibertyChamp Posts: 71 Member
    5:2 works and I'm over 60! BP now normal after being high for years, joint pains gone, shortness of breath gone, IBS gone. Sustainable because after restricting your calories to 500, you know tomorrow you will be eating "normally". 5lb off my goal weight after 22 weeks.

    Congratulations on your weight loss. Counting calories works, I'm 66 lbs down after six and a half months. I'm also over 60. Sustainable because I have changed my lifestyle and am eating much healthier, I have no wish to eat 'normally' if it is the way I was eating before I started this journey. I like fasting occasionally, I'm not sure if it does have any good or bad effect, but it does reduce the number of calories I would otherwise have eaten that day, so for me it's positive.

    No point in looking up 'scientific evidence to support 5:2'. 5:2 is just a name for this style of eating - otherwise known as intermittent fasting. There is oodles of scientific evidence that support both the health benefits of IF & also use as a fat loss tool.

    In any case, IF is actually JUST another mechanism for calorie restriction - which as you say, has been scientifically proven. People like IF because it gives them more flexibility. Not everybody likes eating the exact same number of calories per day.

    Actually fasting has been around for Thousands of years in many spiritual traditions. If you check my first blog there is a link for a great article that talks about some of these traditions and the health benefits that people get from them, backed by statistical data.

    I think what many Nay Sayers miss is that the 5:2 is a refinement of Fasting, and of IF. What the refinement in effect does is make it bearable for many of us who don't want to feel like we are starving. It is relatively easy and for this reason it has morphed into a way of life for many people. Lifestyle choices are abundant moment by moment and everywhere you turn. What the 5:2 delivers is a less intrusive framework that supports our transformation into more conscious living.

    My lil blog:

    Here is the article link:
  • LibertyChamp
    LibertyChamp Posts: 71 Member
    Hmm, I love the fact that nobody has the right to say anything without being judged by another person who thinks they know better. I will admit, I'm neither the smartest or wisest person on here but I still do think that all these "diets" do mess with SOME people's mind alot. We're human so get your head out of the scientific bucket of what the benefits are and think about how obsessing over diets and eating and calories and research and new ways to lose fat fast and all that crap everybody (including the ignorant me) falls for might affect the way we see food generally.

    Whatever happened to fueling your body with what it deserves, loving every day of the week equally and moving our butt whenever we can?

    What I said might be bullcrap to alot of you, but so are these diets.

    Chill. Just sharing here. Now you can go ahead and insult the crap out of me.


    When you insult someones lifestyle by calling it bullcrap aren't you in effect Judging other people?

    my lil blog:
  • LibertyChamp
    LibertyChamp Posts: 71 Member
    When you insult someones lifestyle by calling it bullcrap aren't you in effect Judging other people?
  • Hi! I am on the 5.2 it seems to be working for me I have lost 9 lbs so far. My Dad is on it to and has lost 3 st so far so it does work. :) Go for it what do you have to loose? Apart from weight. :)
  • fatmum1
    fatmum1 Posts: 8
    hi it is a way of life like any eating plan, it does work, the difficulty i have was restricting 2 days a week after a while but if you can stick with it then it is great, i know lots of people that swear by it, they dont tend to exercise on the restricted days though
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    It is not a fad, Dr Michael Mosely has been doing it for over 10 years, and it was he who made the TV programme that triggered the recent interest

    Ir is not a diet plan, it is aimed at health, weight loss is a by product

    There are 5.2 groups on here, have a search & take your pick

    its a fad diet that is not sustainable for the average person
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    When you insult someones lifestyle by calling it bullcrap aren't you in effect Judging other people?
    I just wanted to say in my opinion people should keep opinions to themselves
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    It is not a fad, Dr Michael Mosely has been doing it for over 10 years, and it was he who made the TV programme that triggered the recent interest

    Ir is not a diet plan, it is aimed at health, weight loss is a by product

    There are 5.2 groups on here, have a search & take your pick

    its a fad diet that is not sustainable for the average person

    Why is that?

    If you follow the instructions to the dot, you find that your weekly deficit is exactly the same as the one marked by MFP. The only difference is that instead of choosing to create a deficit 7 days a week, you choose to do it on 2 days.

    Those 2 days? I call them "salad days" to my RL friends who I'm too lazy to explain this. I basically eat salads with LF dressing and egg white omelette by dinner. I'm not starving. But this way, if I go out to lunch with my friends (as today), I won't have to worry too much about eating out and the secret oil and eating salads every single day. When you travel so much, and you have so much time to explore different countries and cultures.. well.. this way of deficit works much better!

    Probably it'd be differnet if I stayed at home all day (as for me, being busy helps a lot).

    Overall, I've lost around 5 - 6 kilos in one month and a half (I exercise though) and I still enjoy eating out.

    So yeah.. truly it is a fad.. Just like MFP method I guess.
  • Kazmerelda
    Kazmerelda Posts: 13 Member
    I have asked this before, but didn't get a response on another thread :).

    I have to say I am not sure it is a fad, I mean as an ex cathoic we used to fast at certain times of the day/during certain festivals so this is no different.

    However did anyone get quite nasty stomach symptoms from it? The first time I fasted, I did have calorie rich foods the next day so I blamed my stomach upset on that. Every time after that I always had an incredibly bad upset stomach the next day and for sometimes up to 2 days after.

    I have stopped doing it because of this, although I felt less bloated etc. I worried I was losing the weight as I would be left with food poisoning style symptoms for a while and didn;t think this was particularly healthy.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I have heard of some people feeling queasy the next day, but it's never happened to me, thankfully, but I tend to eat healthily anyway. I'm not sure what you mean specifically by calorie-rich...
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Those 2 days? I call them "salad days" to my RL friends who I'm too lazy to explain this.

    LOL I do the same... :laugh:
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I have heard of some people feeling queasy the next day, but it's never happened to me, thankfully, but I tend to eat healthily anyway. I'm not sure what you mean specifically by calorie-rich...

    My entirely non-scientific theory is I feel like my stomach shrinks after a fast day due to the light foods / low volume etc. My fast days are pretty clean... salads, home made soups, prawns... nothing "calorie rich".

    If on the next day I would try to pile in some huge volume deep-fat-fried meal, my stomach rebels!! It just doesn't want it. This has in a very easy way encouraged me to reduce my portion sizes and eat pretty clean on my other days too, because the fast days allow me to re-discover my "I'm full" button, my stomach saying "that was very nice and we've had enough now thanks very much!!" :smile:
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I have asked this before, but didn't get a response on another thread :).

    I have to say I am not sure it is a fad, I mean as an ex cathoic we used to fast at certain times of the day/during certain festivals so this is no different.

    However did anyone get quite nasty stomach symptoms from it? The first time I fasted, I did have calorie rich foods the next day so I blamed my stomach upset on that. Every time after that I always had an incredibly bad upset stomach the next day and for sometimes up to 2 days after.

    I have stopped doing it because of this, although I felt less bloated etc. I worried I was losing the weight as I would be left with food poisoning style symptoms for a while and didn;t think this was particularly healthy.

    My old roommate tried every fad diet that comes out (mostly our of curiousity) and occasionally I will go "meh" and try it with her. 500 calorie days left us both with a headache and low energy and the day(s) afterward we would have stomach issue's as well.

    If it works for someone else, more power to them. Most definately not for everyone though
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    It is not a fad, Dr Michael Mosely has been doing it for over 10 years, and it was he who made the TV programme that triggered the recent interest

    Ir is not a diet plan, it is aimed at health, weight loss is a by product

    There are 5.2 groups on here, have a search & take your pick

    its a fad diet that is not sustainable for the average person

    Why is that?

    If you follow the instructions to the dot, you find that your weekly deficit is exactly the same as the one marked by MFP. The only difference is that instead of choosing to create a deficit 7 days a week, you choose to do it on 2 days.

    Those 2 days? I call them "salad days" to my RL friends who I'm too lazy to explain this. I basically eat salads with LF dressing and egg white omelette by dinner. I'm not starving. But this way, if I go out to lunch with my friends (as today), I won't have to worry too much about eating out and the secret oil and eating salads every single day. When you travel so much, and you have so much time to explore different countries and cultures.. well.. this way of deficit works much better!

    Probably it'd be differnet if I stayed at home all day (as for me, being busy helps a lot).

    Overall, I've lost around 5 - 6 kilos in one month and a half (I exercise though) and I still enjoy eating out.

    So yeah.. truly it is a fad.. Just like MFP method I guess.
    yea because MFP restricts 2 days out of the week for you.

    The average person's lifestyle does not function like that. Most people cant sustain a diet such as that. You just started the diet and you only been on it for a month.

    My point exactly. You have no room to talk about why its sustainable.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    When you insult someones lifestyle by calling it bullcrap aren't you in effect Judging other people?
    I just wanted to say in my opinion people should keep opinions to themselves

    In that case why don't you practice what you preach? :smile:
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    never heard of it till now. just looked it up. 5 days of your normal eating habits, then 2 days of low cal but healthy foods. like a bag of salad which is very healthy but only 20 cals a serving. or a bag of steam able veggies. sounds like a nice thing to try. does it have to be 5 straight days and two straight days, or can you mix it up. the fasting bit, I had to fast all the time when I was pregnant, only water for 2 days, and no one was concerned then. back to the original question. Sounds like a fad, but sounds better than the other fads going around. mainly cause you still get to eat.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    When you insult someones lifestyle by calling it bullcrap aren't you in effect Judging other people?
    I just wanted to say in my opinion people should keep opinions to themselves

    In that case why don't you practice what you preach? :smile:

    because it was a joke
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    If it works for someone else, more power to them. Most definately not for everyone though

    Thank you! I wish more could at least have that "live and let live" attitude rather than constantly trying to talk people out of something that evidently works for them and makes them feel good.

    I do 5:2 and have never struggled for energy. My weight loss has been steady, not yoyod. I still exercise, even on fast days. I sleep like a baby since I started 5:2 and my eating on non-fast days has become much more intuitive, no more boredom munching etc.

    It works for me. I like it. I'm an adult.

    It's a bit insulting when someone who you have never had a conversation with in all your life just toddles along dismissing your experience, saying it's all a load of unsustainable tosh.