Guess What was on my Kid's School Shopping List



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    We are becoming a culture of fun suckers.

    I admittedly killed the fun with some tax law here *LOL*
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    In my experience my kids try harder and often come home excited about the incentives they are received! I do not mind helping out a good teacher - teachers spend a lot of time with our kids and put in long hours teaching our kids why not help them!
    I have never had a teacher get upset because I substituted their request with something else - they ask for candy send all natural fruit roll ups or individual bags of crackers!
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    We do not have to send in candy or anything else for incentives, but I was really shocked to see a box of Band Aids on the school supply list (which I refused to send), along with the cleaning wipes and germ x. We also have to send a ridiculous amount of pencils, glue, and many other regular supplies, when I know that my child does not need that many. Our teachers put everything in "community" boxes where the children just go get whatever they need when they need it... So I am pretty much taking in supplies for parents who do not send supplies in for the children. It irks me. I found out that on the last day of school the teachers just throw away any unused supplies such as pencils, pens, markers, crayons, paper, ect.... and the janitors just go through every trash can and cash in on the leftovers. Why cant the teachers put the leftovers in a tote and use for next year? I was livid when I found this out and so I sent my daughter with the least amount of supplies for the "community" boxes and have the rest of her stuff at home for when she needs it.

    Thanks for making the rest of the parents and teachers make up the difference for you. :flowerforyou:

    Yep, thanks. I'll just add that to the grand I dropped last year.

    I call BS on the teachers throwing away pens, pencils, markers, etc..... (see going to IKEA and golf courses for pencils).

    Agreed. That whole statement makes no sense AT ALL. Why would someone actually gather all the leftover supplies and throw them in the trash. It makes no sense...
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    at my son's school each kid has to bring doughnuts one friday a semester for their homeroom. I hate that because doughnuts are garbage and they are expensive when it comes to 30 kids.

    Which doughnut shops have you tried? I bought one at 7-11 once that was garbage. I like the locally-owned bakery up the road much better.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    We do not have to send in candy or anything else for incentives, but I was really shocked to see a box of Band Aids on the school supply list (which I refused to send), along with the cleaning wipes and germ x. We also have to send a ridiculous amount of pencils, glue, and many other regular supplies, when I know that my child does not need that many. Our teachers put everything in "community" boxes where the children just go get whatever they need when they need it... So I am pretty much taking in supplies for parents who do not send supplies in for the children. It irks me. I found out that on the last day of school the teachers just throw away any unused supplies such as pencils, pens, markers, crayons, paper, ect.... and the janitors just go through every trash can and cash in on the leftovers. Why cant the teachers put the leftovers in a tote and use for next year? I was livid when I found this out and so I sent my daughter with the least amount of supplies for the "community" boxes and have the rest of her stuff at home for when she needs it.

    Thanks for making the rest of the parents and teachers make up the difference for you. :flowerforyou:

    Yep, thanks. I'll just add that to the grand I dropped last year.

    I call BS on the teachers throwing away pens, pencils, markers, etc..... (see going to IKEA and golf courses for pencils).

    Agreed. That whole statement makes no sense AT ALL. Why would someone actually gather all the leftover supplies and throw them in the trash. It makes no sense...

    Def has an "urban legend" flavor to it.
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    That is ridiculous! I'd buy a big pack of sticks & send that instead. HELLO what if one of the children are diabetic!? Teacher fail!
  • verymissk
    verymissk Posts: 262 Member
    Did you know that milk, bread, fruit, mac & cheese, and juice can all cause cavities if children aren't brushing their teeth well enough or often enough? And from what I remember of having small children, teeth-brushing happens at home.

    Maybe you should stop blaming the school and b!tching about it on the internet that your kid has cavities, and go make sure he's brushing his teeth properly.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    If the teacher is unwilling to let you substitute stickers or small toys send in a bag/box of organic fruit snacks. Might as well make I healthy and no crap!!
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    As far as the candy. No not cool.

    But I send my kid with the supplies on the list and we mark our name on all of it. I also include a note to the teacher that says

    "These supplies are for MY kid and my kid alone. My child knows that if they run out, they are to let me know and I'll supply more. If my child is out of a particular supply needed for that day, unfortunately my child will not participate."

    I refuse to pay for someone who is simply too lazy to provide their own child's school supplies, and I understand it's not your fault that the school doesn't provide teachers with the necessary tools to run the classroom, but poor planning on schools and deadbeat parent's part does not constitute a handout from my pocket"

    I do feel bad for those kids that are made to walk to school with no backpack, or school supplies, dirty clothes and no food in thier tummies, I really do, but there are resources out there. We have to stop letting these parents get away with doing this to thier children.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    If I ever have kids, I'm going to be the parent who has to call the teacher and explain why my child will not be bringing in all the extra crap they ask for. If the school won't provide it, well, teachers get a tax write-off for whatever supplies they purchase with their own money. Start using it.

    Yep, I dropped over a grand on the classroom last year, got back $200. Thanks for the help though :drinker:

    Kids don't need pencils anyhow...
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    Unbelievable - I don't have kids, but OMFG!! SMDH

    What if a child has health issues? Or a parent trying to limit sugar intake? This is insane.

    There is much better motivation out there for children!!
  • cynlindsey11
    cynlindsey11 Posts: 4 Member
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Unbelievable - I don't have kids, but OMFG!! SMDH

    What if a child has health issues? Or a parent trying to limit sugar intake? This is insane.

    There is much better motivation out there for children!!

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    That is ridiculous! I'd buy a big pack of sticks & send that instead. HELLO what if one of the children are diabetic!? Teacher fail!

    Sticks? I thought there was zero-tolerance for weapons these days?
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    as a teacher, i would be thrilled with a parent sending in some extra paper towels or pencils! we aren't even allowed to give out candy!

    School supplies and cleaning supplies I'd gladly send throughout the year as I know they are needed and would rather help the teacher out. Candy and other treats, however, should not be a required item on the list to send.

    That being said, making sure your kids build good habits of brushing their teeth morning and night would certainly help in the cavity department. Some things you just can't blame on other people.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    That is ridiculous! I'd buy a big pack of sticks & send that instead. HELLO what if one of the children are diabetic!? Teacher fail!

    Oh ffs, do you really think that they teachers wouldnt know about allergies and medical conditions?! Are there not forms to fill out for this reason?
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    That is ridiculous! I'd buy a big pack of sticks & send that instead. HELLO what if one of the children are diabetic!? Teacher fail!

    Stickers! I meant stickers LOL
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    That is ridiculous! I'd buy a big pack of sticks & send that instead. HELLO what if one of the children are diabetic!? Teacher fail!

    Sticks? I thought there was zero-tolerance for weapons these days?

    LOl yeah my mistake stickers. Never hear of people being Stickered to death.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    That is ridiculous! I'd buy a big pack of sticks & send that instead. HELLO what if one of the children are diabetic!? Teacher fail!

    Oh ffs, do you really think that they teachers wouldnt know about allergies and medical conditions?! Are there not forms to fill out for this reason?

    Exactly - and it's the parents responsiblity to tell the teacher/school about the medical condition - if they don't then that is a MAJOR parental fail!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    That is ridiculous! I'd buy a big pack of sticks & send that instead. HELLO what if one of the children are diabetic!? Teacher fail!

    Sticks? I thought there was zero-tolerance for weapons these days?

    LOl yeah my mistake stickers. Never hear of people being Stickered to death.

    I'm allergic to latex. Stickers could kill me.