Is 5 2 just a fad?



  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member

    and you still arent near your target weight.

    I dont think 90%+ of people would enjoy this lifestyle.

    You have to start this lifestyle in order to lose weight and is not sustainable for yourself. You are proof yourself

    That comment was just plain mean. Don't be a jerk.

    Do you tell the same to those people who are following a MFP and are far from the target weight? No. So don't do that to state your answers. If that person would lose tons of weight AND then gain them back, then you can say that it's a fad. But not what you're saying here.

    People lose weight in different way and at different rhythm.

    You said: 90% would not ENJOY this lifetsyle. That doesn't mean that is not doable. But some cases, the kind of life that some of us lead make it much more difficult to lead a daily deficit lifestyle. I didn't enjoy having to count 1200 cals every single day. I hated it in fact. This way Ican enjoy my new experiences and I can lose weight.

    I keep repeating this: I know this is not for everyone, but just because you don't think you'd do it, that doesn't mean it's wrong.

    I'd not be able to eat more than 2500 cals a day. I get an insane stomachache. Does that mean that all people who eat more than 2000 calories are wrong? No. It just means that I don't feel right following that program. I get sick if I drink milk. Does that mean that everyone who drinks milk is doing something wrong? No. It just doesn't work for me.

  • LibertyChamp
    LibertyChamp Posts: 71 Member

    ditto. Sounds like someone came up with some bogus crap to sound good, but anyone with a bit of logic can spot the bull****

    You guys ought to try to relax the ol' brain muscle once in a while. You got that baby shut down so hard you might make an industrial diamond out of the thing. Open your minds up a little and you just might just get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat. :wink:
    Fasted training is very effective for many professionals:

    The 5:2 works really well allowing me to get two decent fasted workouts a week. I gotta get some BCAA's to supplement the workouts, though.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Yeah.. just another fad... Anything to sound 'different' or 'just so crazy it might work' these days pisses me off, just eat in a deficit and lose, simple as that.

    That's the thing. I'm eating at deficit and I'm losing. But I chose to create a weekly deficit and keep it that way, instead of a daily deficit.

    You're confusing your metabolism...
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member

    ditto. Sounds like someone came up with some bogus crap to sound good, but anyone with a bit of logic can spot the bull****

    You guys ought to try to relax the ol' brain muscle once in a while. You got that baby shut down so hard you might make an industrial diamond out of the thing. Open your minds up a little and you just might just get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat. :wink:
    Fasted training is very effective for many professionals:

    The 5:2 works really well allowing me to get two decent fasted workouts a week. I gotta get some BCAA's to supplement the workouts, though.

    Hey, sure it works, you can lose a *** ton of weight using fasting methods... But as soon as you stop, you'll gain like never before.. Not to mention when performing fasting, you will lose muscle.
  • kalieah
    kalieah Posts: 143 Member
    If you're doing 1300 the 5 days why not just do 1300 every day? That level of constant deficit seems to work for most people who have been successful. Not being a 5:2 disciple myself, my understanding of the plan is that you eat at 500 on the low days and at maintenance the other 5 days (not binging past maintenance on these days). I guess the point is to get the same weekly deficit but only "suffering" two days of the week instead of every day. By eating at 1300 the other five days you are averaging just over 1000 every day which pretty much everyone will agree is too low. If you at least bump it up to 1500 on the other five days you'll have an average of 1200.

    she needs to raise her calories, but its so that your metabolism doesn't get "used" to the amount of calories you take in every day:p
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Not to mention when performing fasting, you will lose muscle.

    You look like the type who likes his bro-science, so why don't you have a look what Leangains makes of intermittent fasting? You'll find they're big advocates actually. And they certainly wouldn't be if it resulted in muscle loss.
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    Yeah.. just another fad... Anything to sound 'different' or 'just so crazy it might work' these days pisses me off, just eat in a deficit and lose, simple as that.

    That's the thing. I'm eating at deficit and I'm losing. But I chose to create a weekly deficit and keep it that way, instead of a daily deficit.

    You're confusing your metabolism...

    Oh really?

  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I eat nothing for 3 days a week & then get to eat over 2000 the other 4. I still lose weight, and size.

    I get to eat a whole loaf of bread (raisin bread) and dinner, and my chobani & my lunch and the STILL lose weight & size.

    Yeah does not work at all. :noway:

    Haters gonna hate.
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    Bump for later
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    It may well be a fad, I guess we will find out in a few years.

    I know a few people who are doing 5:2 and love it. I guess if it works for you, then keep doing it!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Not to mention when performing fasting, you will lose muscle.

    You look like the type who likes his bro-science, so why don't you have a look what Leangains makes of intermittent fasting? You'll find they're big advocates actually. And they certainly wouldn't be if it resulted in muscle loss.

    Lol, negative. I don't follow bro science at all, hence why I don't fall for the fad-dieting crap. Go to any professional dietitian or nutritionist and ask about the muscle loss :) please.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I don't think so :smile:


  • mytabouly
    mytabouly Posts: 66 Member
    Fad or not, its something that has worked wonders for my health and I intend on doing for the rest of my life. Does that, by definition, mean its not a fad?
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Tyrone knows it all already, people. He can't possibly fit a new idea into his head, so stop trying. You WILL not educate him because he does NOT want to learn. It's his way or the highway.

    I just love the "90% of people" remarks. Who needs evidence when you can just make up the numbers?
  • missems1
    missems1 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't think so :smile:



    You look amazing! Well done. I totally love 5:2!!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    ditto. Sounds like someone came up with some bogus crap to sound good, but anyone with a bit of logic can spot the bull****

    You guys ought to try to relax the ol' brain muscle once in a while. You got that baby shut down so hard you might make an industrial diamond out of the thing. Open your minds up a little and you just might just get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat. :wink:
    Fasted training is very effective for many professionals:

    The 5:2 works really well allowing me to get two decent fasted workouts a week. I gotta get some BCAA's to supplement the workouts, though.

    Ah yes. I can see that's rock solid science right there...

    I honestly don't care about IF (or whatever we're calling it this week). I took issue with the use of the term 'science' in the post I specifically quoted from. I don't give a continental whether people decide to fast a couple of days a week, to get their deficit, or get their deficit in a more consistent way. When that basic point about getting a deficit is dressed up in mumbo jumbo and called 'science', well that's when I take issue.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    There is evidence if you'd care to look for it. I'm sick of posting the links to studies (the "science" you're looking for) on the subject. I've done it time and again only to have them ignored in favour of belligerent ignorance. I don't personally care if you choose to educate yourself but I do take issue with people calling "mumbo jumbo" when, in fact, they mean "too lazy to learn something new before shooting my mouth off".

    There is a post in the 5:2 group called "links to clinical trials" if you actually care (I suspect you've already made up your mind, however).
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Tyrone knows it all already, people. He can't possibly fit a new idea into his head, so stop trying. You WILL not educate him because he does NOT want to learn. It's his way or the highway.

    I just love the "90% of people" remarks. Who needs evidence when you can just make up the numbers?

    I choose something rather that is known to work 100% of the time, with no negatives, thanks. What i've learnt through successful bodybuilders and qualified nutritionists, will stay with me. You do what makes you happy, I'll do what makes me happy.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Anyway, I'm done here. I gave my opinion just like the OP asked. It is pointless sad to see people throwing insults or trying to bring someone down on here, not to mention how childish it is. Would think people would be mature at their ages... and to those of you saying "__ knows everything" or "can't force __ to learn" ... Maybe they have learnt from past experiences, it's not them that needs to learn, it's you.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Anyway, I'm done here. I gave my opinion just like the OP asked. It is pointless sad to see people throwing insults or trying to bring someone down on here, not to mention how childish it is.

    Glad you eventually saw the error of your ways. :flowerforyou: